https://bitbucket.org/xkovacikm2/diplomka · Python · 289 lines · 266 code · 6 blank · 17 comment · 8 complexity · da821da546b4be0afde1c31418b9a15b MD5 · raw file
- import sys
- import base64
- import dis
- import inspect
- import numpy as np
- if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
- base64decode = base64.decodebytes
- ordornot = lambda x: x
- else:
- base64decode = base64.decodestring
- ordornot = ord
- from . import _marching_cubes_lewiner_luts as mcluts
- from . import _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy
- from .._shared.utils import skimage_deprecation, warn
- def _expected_output_args():
- """ Get number of expected output args.
- Please don't use this to influence the algorithmic bahaviour of a function.
- For ``a, b, rest*, c = ...`` syntax, returns n + 0.1 (3.1 in this example).
- """
- offset = 2 if sys.version_info >= (3, 6) else 3
- f = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
- i = f.f_lasti + offset
- bytecode = f.f_code.co_code
- instruction = ordornot(bytecode[i])
- while True:
- if instruction == dis.opmap['DUP_TOP']:
- if ordornot(bytecode[i + 1]) == dis.opmap['UNPACK_SEQUENCE']:
- return ordornot(bytecode[i + 2])
- i += 4
- instruction = ordornot(bytecode[i])
- continue
- if instruction == dis.opmap['STORE_NAME']:
- return 1
- if instruction == dis.opmap['UNPACK_SEQUENCE']:
- return ordornot(bytecode[i + 1])
- if instruction == dis.opmap.get('UNPACK_EX', -1): # py3k
- if ordornot(bytecode[i + 2]) < 10:
- return ordornot(bytecode[i + 1]) + ordornot(bytecode[i + 2]) + 0.1
- else: # 3.6
- return ordornot(bytecode[i + 1]) + 0.1
- if instruction == dis.opmap.get('EXTENDED_ARG', -1): # py 3.6
- if ordornot(bytecode[i + 2]) == dis.opmap.get('UNPACK_EX', -1):
- return ordornot(bytecode[i + 1]) + ordornot(bytecode[i + 3]) + 0.1
- i += 4
- instruction = ordornot(bytecode[i])
- continue
- return 0
- def marching_cubes(volume, level=None, spacing=(1., 1., 1.),
- gradient_direction='descent', step_size=1,
- allow_degenerate=True, use_classic=False):
- """
- Lewiner marching cubes algorithm to find surfaces in 3d volumetric data.
- In contrast to ``marching_cubes_classic()``, this algorithm is faster,
- resolves ambiguities, and guarantees topologically correct results.
- Therefore, this algorithm generally a better choice, unless there
- is a specific need for the classic algorithm.
- Parameters
- ----------
- volume : (M, N, P) array
- Input data volume to find isosurfaces. Will internally be
- converted to float32 if necessary.
- level : float
- Contour value to search for isosurfaces in `volume`. If not
- given or None, the average of the min and max of vol is used.
- spacing : length-3 tuple of floats
- Voxel spacing in spatial dimensions corresponding to numpy array
- indexing dimensions (M, N, P) as in `volume`.
- gradient_direction : string
- Controls if the mesh was generated from an isosurface with gradient
- descent toward objects of interest (the default), or the opposite,
- considering the *left-hand* rule.
- The two options are:
- * descent : Object was greater than exterior
- * ascent : Exterior was greater than object
- step_size : int
- Step size in voxels. Default 1. Larger steps yield faster but
- coarser results. The result will always be topologically correct
- though.
- allow_degenerate : bool
- Whether to allow degenerate (i.e. zero-area) triangles in the
- end-result. Default True. If False, degenerate triangles are
- removed, at the cost of making the algorithm slower.
- use_classic : bool
- If given and True, the classic marching cubes by Lorensen (1987)
- is used. This option is included for reference purposes. Note
- that this algorithm has ambiguities and is not guaranteed to
- produce a topologically correct result. The results with using
- this option are *not* generally the same as the
- ``marching_cubes_classic()`` function.
- Returns
- -------
- verts : (V, 3) array
- Spatial coordinates for V unique mesh vertices. Coordinate order
- matches input `volume` (M, N, P).
- faces : (F, 3) array
- Define triangular faces via referencing vertex indices from ``verts``.
- This algorithm specifically outputs triangles, so each face has
- exactly three indices.
- normals : (V, 3) array
- The normal direction at each vertex, as calculated from the
- data.
- values : (V, ) array
- Gives a measure for the maximum value of the data in the local region
- near each vertex. This can be used by visualization tools to apply
- a colormap to the mesh.
- Notes
- -----
- The algorithm [1] is an improved version of Chernyaev's Marching
- Cubes 33 algorithm. It is an efficient algorithm that relies on
- heavy use of lookup tables to handle the many different cases,
- keeping the algorithm relatively easy. This implementation is
- written in Cython, ported from Lewiner's C++ implementation.
- To quantify the area of an isosurface generated by this algorithm, pass
- verts and faces to `skimage.measure.mesh_surface_area`.
- Regarding visualization of algorithm output, to contour a volume
- named `myvolume` about the level 0.0, using the ``mayavi`` package::
- >>> from mayavi import mlab # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes(myvolume, 0.0) # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> mlab.triangular_mesh([vert[0] for vert in verts],
- ... [vert[1] for vert in verts],
- ... [vert[2] for vert in verts],
- ... faces) # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> mlab.show() # doctest: +SKIP
- Similarly using the ``visvis`` package::
- >>> import visvis as vv # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> verts, faces, normals, values = marching_cubes_classic(myvolume, 0.0) # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> vv.mesh(np.fliplr(verts), faces, normals, values) # doctest: +SKIP
- >>> vv.use().Run() # doctest: +SKIP
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] Thomas Lewiner, Helio Lopes, Antonio Wilson Vieira and Geovan
- Tavares. Efficient implementation of Marching Cubes' cases with
- topological guarantees. Journal of Graphics Tools 8(2)
- pp. 1-15 (december 2003).
- DOI: 10.1080/10867651.2003.10487582
- See Also
- --------
- skimage.measure.marching_cubes_classic
- skimage.measure.mesh_surface_area
- """
- # This signature (output args) of this func changed after 0.12
- try:
- nout = _expected_output_args()
- except Exception:
- nout = 0 # always warn if, for whaterver reason, the black magic in above call fails
- if nout <= 2:
- warn(skimage_deprecation('`marching_cubes` now uses a better and '
- 'faster algorithm, and returns four instead '
- 'of two outputs (see docstring for details). '
- 'Backwards compatibility with 0.12 and prior '
- 'is available with `marching_cubes_classic`. '
- 'This function will be removed in 0.14, '
- 'consider switching to `marching_cubes_lewiner`.'))
- return marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level, spacing, gradient_direction,
- step_size, allow_degenerate, use_classic)
- def marching_cubes_lewiner(volume, level=None, spacing=(1., 1., 1.),
- gradient_direction='descent', step_size=1,
- allow_degenerate=True, use_classic=False):
- """ Alias for ``marching_cubes()``.
- """
- # Check volume and ensure its in the format that the alg needs
- if not isinstance(volume, np.ndarray) or (volume.ndim != 3):
- raise ValueError('Input volume should be a 3D numpy array.')
- if volume.shape[0] < 2 or volume.shape[1] < 2 or volume.shape[2] < 2:
- raise ValueError("Input array must be at least 2x2x2.")
- volume = np.ascontiguousarray(volume, np.float32) # no copy if not necessary
- # Check/convert other inputs:
- # level
- if level is None:
- level = 0.5 * (volume.min() + volume.max())
- else:
- level = float(level)
- if level < volume.min() or level > volume.max():
- raise ValueError("Surface level must be within volume data range.")
- # spacing
- if len(spacing) != 3:
- raise ValueError("`spacing` must consist of three floats.")
- # step_size
- step_size = int(step_size)
- if step_size < 1:
- raise ValueError('step_size must be at least one.')
- # use_classic
- use_classic = bool(use_classic)
- # Get LutProvider class (reuse if possible)
- L = _get_mc_luts()
- # Apply algorithm
- func = _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.marching_cubes
- vertices, faces , normals, values = func(volume, level, L, step_size, use_classic)
- if not len(vertices):
- raise RuntimeError('No surface found at the given iso value.')
- # Output in z-y-x order, as is common in skimage
- vertices = np.fliplr(vertices)
- normals = np.fliplr(normals)
- # Finishing touches to output
- faces.shape = -1, 3
- if gradient_direction == 'descent':
- # MC implementation is right-handed, but gradient_direction is left-handed
- faces = np.fliplr(faces)
- elif not gradient_direction == 'ascent':
- raise ValueError("Incorrect input %s in `gradient_direction`, see "
- "docstring." % (gradient_direction))
- if spacing != (1, 1, 1):
- vertices = vertices * np.r_[spacing]
- if allow_degenerate:
- return vertices, faces, normals, values
- else:
- fun = _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.remove_degenerate_faces
- return fun(vertices, faces, normals, values)
- def _to_array(args):
- shape, text = args
- byts = base64decode(text.encode('utf-8'))
- ar = np.frombuffer(byts, dtype='int8')
- ar.shape = shape
- return ar
- # Map an edge-index to two relative pixel positions. The ege index
- # represents a point that lies somewhere in between these pixels.
- # Linear interpolation should be used to determine where it is exactly.
- # 0
- # 3 1 -> 0x
- # 2 xx
- EDGETORELATIVEPOSX = np.array([ [0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0], [0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,0], [0,0],[1,1],[1,1],[0,0] ], 'int8')
- EDGETORELATIVEPOSY = np.array([ [0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0], [0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0], [0,0],[0,0],[1,1],[1,1] ], 'int8')
- EDGETORELATIVEPOSZ = np.array([ [0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0], [1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1], [0,1],[0,1],[0,1],[0,1] ], 'int8')
- def _get_mc_luts():
- """ Kind of lazy obtaining of the luts.
- """
- if not hasattr(mcluts, 'THE_LUTS'):
- mcluts.THE_LUTS = _marching_cubes_lewiner_cy.LutProvider(
- _to_array(mcluts.CASESCLASSIC), _to_array(mcluts.CASES),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING3_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING3_2),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING4_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING4_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING5), _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_1_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_1_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING6_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_3), _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_4_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING7_4_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING8), _to_array(mcluts.TILING9),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_1_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_1_2),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING10_2_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING11),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_1_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_1_2),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING12_2_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_1),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_1_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_2_),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_3), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_3_), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_4),
- _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_5_1), _to_array(mcluts.TILING13_5_2), _to_array(mcluts.TILING14),
- _to_array(mcluts.TEST3), _to_array(mcluts.TEST4), _to_array(mcluts.TEST6),
- _to_array(mcluts.TEST7), _to_array(mcluts.TEST10), _to_array(mcluts.TEST12),
- _to_array(mcluts.TEST13), _to_array(mcluts.SUBCONFIG13),
- )
- return mcluts.THE_LUTS