PHP | 153 lines | 130 code | 12 blank | 11 comment | 23 complexity | 807603896c5522c5156eab62a084a578 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- class WPPG_Gallery_Template_1
- {
- function __construct()
- {
- //NOP
- }
- function render_gallery($gallery_id)
- {
- global $wp_photo_gallery;
- $pagination = false; //Initialize
- $gallery = new WPPGPhotoGallery($gallery_id);
- $display_photo_details_page = $gallery->display_image_on_page;
- $gallery_items = WPPGPhotoGallery::getGalleryItems($gallery_id);
- WP_Photo_Gallery_Utility::start_buffer();
- ?>
- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WP_PHOTO_URL.'/classes/gallery-templates/css/wppg-photo-gallery-template-1.css?ver='.WP_PHOTO_VERSION ?>" />
- <div id="wppg-gallery-display">
- <?php
- //Add Pagination if applicable
- if ($gallery->enable_pagination == 1){
- ?>
- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo WP_PHOTO_URL.'/classes/gallery-templates/css/wppg-pagination.css?ver='.WP_PHOTO_VERSION; ?>" />
- <?php
- $pagination = WPPGPhotoGallery::apply_gallery_pagination($gallery, $gallery_items);
- if ($pagination !== false){
- $gallery_items = $pagination['array'];
- }
- }
- foreach($gallery_items as $p)
- {
- $image_id = $p['id'];
- //Now let's create a PhotoProduct object for this item
- $wppgPhotoObj = new WPPGPhotoGalleryItem();
- $wppgPhotoObj->create_photo_item_by_id($image_id);
- $water_mark_url = '';
- $file_name = $wppgPhotoObj->image_file_name;
- $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
- $path = $wppgPhotoObj->thumb_url;
- if ($display_photo_details_page == 1)
- {
- $details_page_id = $wp_photo_gallery->configs->get_value('wppg_photo_details_page_id');
- if(empty($details_page_id)){
- $photo_details_page = get_page_by_path('wppg_photogallery/wppg_photo_details');
- if($photo_details_page == NULL){
- $wp_photo_gallery->debug_logger->log_debug('Gallery template 1: get_page_by_path returned NULL!',4);
- }
- $preview_page = $photo_details_page->guid;
- }else{
- $preview_page = get_permalink($details_page_id);
- }
- //Check if this gallery is password protected
- if(!empty($gallery->password)){
- //This gallery is password protected - so let's add an encoded string
- $encoded_str = base64_encode(WPPS_PHOTO_VIEW_AUTH_STRING);
- $query_params = array('gallery_id'=>$gallery_id,'image_id'=>$image_id, 'auth_key'=>$encoded_str);
- }else{
- $query_params = array('gallery_id'=>$gallery_id,'image_id'=>$image_id);
- }
- $preview_url = add_query_arg($query_params, $preview_page);
- $button_html = '<span class="wppg_popup_view_details_section"><a href="'.$preview_url.'"><span class="wppg-button">'.__("View Photo", "spgallery").'</span></a></span>';
- }
- else
- {
- $source_dir = $upload_dir['basedir'].'/'.WPPG_UPLOAD_SUB_DIRNAME.'/'.$gallery_id.'/';
- if($gallery->watermark != NULL)
- {
- //Get the gallery settings values for watermark placement, width and font size
- $watermark_placement = $gallery->watermark_placement;
- if ($watermark_placement === NULL)
- {
- $watermark_placement = '0';
- }
- $desired_width = $gallery->watermark_width;
- if ($desired_width == 0 || empty($desired_width))
- {
- $desired_width = '600';
- }
- $wm_font_size = $gallery->watermark_font_size;
- if ($wm_font_size == 0 || empty($wm_font_size))
- {
- $wm_font_size = '14';
- }
- $args = array('watermark_width' => $desired_width, 'watermark_font_size' => $wm_font_size, 'watermark_placement' => $watermark_placement);
- WPPGPhotoGallery::createWatermarkImage($source_dir,$source_dir,$file_name,false,$gallery->watermark, $args);
- $water_mark_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'].'/'.WPPG_UPLOAD_SUB_DIRNAME.'/'.$gallery_id.'/watermark_'.$file_name;
- $preview_url = $water_mark_url;
- }
- else
- {
- //Don't create a watermark URL if the watermark field was empty in the gallery settings. Display original image instead
- $preview_url = $wppgPhotoObj->image_file_url;
- }
- //$button_html = '<input type="button" value="'.__("View Image", "spgallery").'" class="gallerybutton wppg-template1-view-button" id="viewPhotoDetails_'.$wppgPhotoObj->id.'" />';
- $button_html = '<a href="'.$preview_url.'" class="wppg_popup wppg-template1-lb-view" id="viewPhotoDetails_'.$wppgPhotoObj->id.'">'.__("View Image", "spgallery").'</a>';
- }
- ?>
- <div class="item">
- <div class="wppg-gallery-template1-top">
- <div class="wppg-gallery-template1-thumb">
- <a class="wppg_popup" title="<?php echo $wppgPhotoObj->name ?>" href="<?php echo $preview_url ?>">
- <img alt="<?php echo $wppgPhotoObj->alt_text ?>" src="<?php echo $path ?>">
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="wppg-gallery-template1-bottom">
- <div class="wppg-gallery-template1-view-button">
- <?php echo $button_html; ?>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div><!-- end of .item -->
- <?php
- }//End foreach loop
- ?>
- <div class="clear"></div>
- <?php
- //Insert pagination nav bar at bottom
- if ($gallery->enable_pagination == 1 && $pagination !== false){
- ?>
- <div class="wppg_photo_gallery_pagination"><?php echo $pagination['panel']; ?></div>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- </div> <!--end wppg-gallery-display div -->
- <?php
- if($display_photo_details_page == 0){
- //Load lightbox css file
- wp_enqueue_style('jquery-lightbox-css', WP_PHOTO_URL . '/js/jquery-lightbox/css/jquery.lightbox-0.5.css');
- //Load lightbox js files
- wp_enqueue_script('wppg-lb-script-js', WP_PHOTO_URL.'/js/simple_photo_gallery_js.js', array('jquery'));
- wp_localize_script('wppg-lb-script-js', 'WPPG_LIGHTBOX_JS',
- array('imgLoading'=>WP_PHOTO_URL.'/js/jquery-lightbox/images/lightbox-ico-loading.gif',
- 'imgbtnPrev'=>WP_PHOTO_URL.'/js/jquery-lightbox/images/lightbox-btn-prev.gif',
- 'imgbtnNext'=>WP_PHOTO_URL.'/js/jquery-lightbox/images/lightbox-btn-next.gif',
- 'imgBlank'=>WP_PHOTO_URL.'/js/jquery-lightbox/images/lightbox-blank.gif',
- 'imgbtnClose'=>WP_PHOTO_URL.'/js/jquery-lightbox/images/lightbox-btn-close.gif'));
- }
- $output = WP_Photo_Gallery_Utility::end_buffer_and_collect();
- return $output;
- }
- }