Python | 381 lines | 290 code | 42 blank | 49 comment | 16 complexity | f636259cca87c371911341ac10a7b5e3 MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- """
- Defines the PullRequest resource and registers the type with the Client.
- Classes:
- - PullRequestState: enumerates the possible states of a pull request
- - PullRequestPayload: encapsulates payload for creating
- and modifying pull requests
- - PullRequest: represents a pull request for code review
- """
- from functools import partial
- from uritemplate import expand
- from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Optional
- from pybitbucket.bitbucket import (
- Bitbucket, BitbucketBase, Client, PayloadBuilder, Enum)
- class PullRequestState(Enum):
- class PullRequestPayload(PayloadBuilder):
- """
- A builder object to help create payloads
- for creating and updating pull requests.
- """
- schema = Schema({
- Required('title'): str,
- Optional('description'): str,
- Optional('close_source_branch'): bool,
- Optional('reviewers'): [{Required('username'): str}],
- Required('destination'): {
- Required('branch'): {
- Required('name'): str
- },
- Optional('commit'): {
- Required('hash'): str
- }
- },
- Required('source'): {
- Required('branch'): {
- Required('name'): str
- },
- Required('repository'): {
- Required('full_name'): str
- },
- Optional('commit'): {
- Required('hash'): str
- }
- }
- })
- def __init__(
- self,
- payload=None,
- destination_repository_owner=None,
- destination_repository_name=None):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(payload=payload)
- self._destination_repository_owner = destination_repository_owner
- self._destination_repository_name = destination_repository_name
- @property
- def destination_repository_owner(self):
- return self._destination_repository_owner
- @property
- def destination_repository_name(self):
- return self._destination_repository_name
- def add_title(self, title):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- new['title'] = title
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_description(self, description):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- new['description'] = description
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_close_source_branch(self, close):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- new['close_source_branch'] = close
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_reviewer_by_username(self, username):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- reviewers = self._payload.get('reviewers', [])
- if {'username': username} not in reviewers:
- reviewers.append({'username': username})
- new['reviewers'] = reviewers
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_reviewer(self, user):
- return self.add_reviewer_by_username(user.username)
- def add_reviewers_from_usernames(self, usernames):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- reviewers = self._payload.get('reviewers', [])
- for username in usernames:
- if {'username': username} not in reviewers:
- reviewers.append({'username': username})
- new['reviewers'] = reviewers
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_destination_repository_owner(self, owner):
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=self._payload.copy(),
- destination_repository_owner=owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_destination_repository_name(self, name):
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=self._payload.copy(),
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=name)
- def add_destination_repository_full_name(self, full_name):
- owner, name = full_name.split('/', 1)
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=self._payload.copy(),
- destination_repository_owner=owner,
- destination_repository_name=name)
- def add_destination_repository(self, repository):
- owner, name = repository.full_name.split('/', 1)
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=self._payload.copy(),
- destination_repository_owner=owner,
- destination_repository_name=name)
- def add_destination_branch_name(self, name):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- destination = self._payload.get('destination', {})
- destination['branch'] = destination.get('branch', {})
- destination['branch']['name'] = name
- new['destination'] = destination
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_destination_branch(self, branch):
- owner, name = branch.repository.full_name.split('/', 1)
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=self._payload.copy(),
- destination_repository_owner=owner,
- destination_repository_name=name) \
- .add_destination_branch_name(branch.name)
- def add_destination_commit_by_hash(self, hash):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- destination = self._payload.get('destination', {})
- destination['commit'] = destination.get('commit', {})
- destination['commit']['hash'] = hash
- new['destination'] = destination
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_destination_commit(self, commit):
- owner, name = commit.repository.full_name.split('/', 1)
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=self._payload.copy(),
- destination_repository_owner=owner,
- destination_repository_name=name) \
- .add_destination_commit_by_hash(commit.hash)
- def add_source_branch_name(self, name):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- source = self._payload.get('source', {})
- source['branch'] = source.get('branch', {})
- source['branch']['name'] = name
- new['source'] = source
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_source_repository_full_name(self, full_name):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- source = self._payload.get('source', {})
- source['repository'] = source.get('repository', {})
- source['repository']['full_name'] = full_name
- new['source'] = source
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_source_branch(self, branch):
- return self.add_source_branch_name(branch.name) \
- .add_source_repository_full_name(branch.repository.full_name)
- def add_source_commit_by_hash(self, hash):
- new = self._payload.copy()
- source = self._payload.get('source', {})
- source['commit'] = source.get('commit', {})
- source['commit']['hash'] = hash
- new['source'] = source
- return PullRequestPayload(
- payload=new,
- destination_repository_owner=self._destination_repository_owner,
- destination_repository_name=self._destination_repository_name)
- def add_source_commit(self, commit):
- return self.add_source_commit_by_hash(commit.hash) \
- .add_source_repository_full_name(commit.repository.full_name)
- class PullRequest(BitbucketBase):
- id_attribute = 'id'
- resource_type = 'pullrequests'
- templates = {
- 'create': (
- '{+bitbucket_url}' +
- '/2.0/repositories' +
- '{/owner,repository_name}' +
- '/pullrequests')
- }
- @staticmethod
- def is_type(data):
- return (PullRequest.has_v2_self_url(data))
- def attr_from_subchild(self, target_attribute, child, child_object):
- if self.data.get(child, {}).get(child_object, {}):
- setattr(
- self,
- target_attribute,
- self.client.convert_to_object(
- self.data[child][child_object]))
- def __init__(self, data, client=Client()):
- super(PullRequest, self).__init__(data, client=client)
- self.attr_from_subchild(
- 'source_commit', 'source', 'commit')
- self.attr_from_subchild(
- 'source_repository', 'source', 'repository')
- self.attr_from_subchild(
- 'destination_commit', 'destination', 'commit')
- self.attr_from_subchild(
- 'destination_repository', 'destination', 'repository')
- # Special treatment for approve, decline, merge, and diff
- if data.get('links', {}).get('approve', {}).get('href', {}):
- url = data['links']['approve']['href']
- # Approve is a POST on the approve link
- setattr(self, 'approve', partial(
- self.post_approval, template=url))
- # Unapprove is a DELETE on the approve link
- setattr(self, 'unapprove', partial(
- self.delete_approval, template=url))
- if data.get('links', {}).get('decline', {}).get('href', {}):
- url = data['links']['decline']['href']
- # Decline is a POST
- setattr(self, 'decline', partial(
- self.post, client=client, url=url, json=None))
- if data.get('links', {}).get('merge', {}).get('href', {}):
- url = data['links']['merge']['href']
- # Merge is a POST
- setattr(self, 'merge', partial(
- self.post, client=client, url=url, json=None))
- if data.get('links', {}).get('diff', {}).get('href', {}):
- url = data['links']['diff']['href']
- # Diff returns plain text
- setattr(self, 'diff', partial(
- self.content, url=url))
- def content(self, url):
- response = self.client.session.get(url)
- Client.expect_ok(response)
- return response.content
- @classmethod
- def create(
- cls,
- payload,
- repository_name=None,
- owner=None,
- client=None):
- """Create a new Pull Request.
- :param payload: the options for creating the new Pull Request
- :type payload: PullRequestPayload
- :param repository_name: name of the destination repository,
- also known as repo_slug. Optional, if provided in the payload.
- :type repository_name: str
- :param owner: the owner of the destination repository.
- Optional, if provided in the payload.
- :type owner: str
- :param client: the configured connection to Bitbucket.
- If not provided, assumes an Anonymous connection.
- :type client: bitbucket.Client
- :returns: the new repository object.
- :rtype: PullRequest
- :raises: ValueError
- """
- client = client or Client()
- owner = (
- owner or
- payload.destination_repository_owner)
- repository_name = (
- repository_name or
- payload.destination_repository_name)
- if not (owner and repository_name):
- raise ValueError('owner and repository_name are required')
- json = payload.validate().build()
- api_url = expand(
- cls.templates['create'], {
- 'bitbucket_url': client.get_bitbucket_url(),
- 'owner': owner,
- 'repository_name': repository_name,
- })
- return cls.post(api_url, json=json, client=client)
- @staticmethod
- def find_pullrequest_by_id_in_repository(
- pullrequest_id,
- repository_name,
- owner=None,
- client=None):
- """
- A convenience method for finding a specific pull request.
- In contrast to the pure hypermedia driven method on the Bitbucket
- class, this method returns a PullRequest object, instead of the
- generator.
- """
- client = client or Client()
- owner = owner or client.get_username()
- return next(
- Bitbucket(client=client).repositoryPullRequestByPullRequestId(
- owner=owner,
- repository_name=repository_name,
- pullrequest_id=pullrequest_id))
- @staticmethod
- def find_pullrequests_for_repository_by_state(
- repository_name,
- owner=None,
- state=None,
- client=None):
- """
- A convenience method for finding pull requests for a repository.
- The method is a generator PullRequest objects.
- If no owner is provided, this method assumes client can provide one.
- If no state is provided, the server will assume open pull requests.
- """
- client = client or Client()
- owner = owner or client.get_username()
- if (state is not None):
- PullRequestState(state)
- return Bitbucket(client=client).repositoryPullRequestsInState(
- owner=owner,
- repository_name=repository_name,
- state=state)
- Client.bitbucket_types.add(PullRequest)