ActionScript | 626 lines | 390 code | 165 blank | 71 comment | 15 complexity | 269a9accfded46409f17df8b9c0feae5 MD5 | raw file
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [AS3] FilterPanel
- =======================================================================================
- HiSlope toolkit copyright (c) 2008-2011 Tomek 'Og2t' Augustyn
- http://play.blog2t.net/HiSlope
- You are free to use this source code in any non-commercial project.
- You are free to modify this source code in anyway you see fit.
- You are free to distribute this source code.
- You may NOT charge anything for this source code.
- This notice and the copyright information must be left intact in any distribution of this source code.
- You are encouraged to release any improvements back to the ActionScript community.
- v0.1 Born on 09/07/2009
- TODOs:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- package hislope.gui
- {
- // IMPORTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- import hislope.filters.FilterBase;
- import hislope.gui.HistogramView;
- import hislope.events.HiSlopeEvent;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Shape;
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.BlendMode;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import hislope.core.FilterChain;
- import hislope.core.FilterParser;
- import hislope.core.Utils;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- //import net.blog2t.minimalcomps.*; /*Use Minimal Components+ in the first place*/
- import com.bit101.components.*; /*Then default to original Minimal Components*/
- // CLASS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public class FilterPanel extends Sprite
- {
- // CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public static const CHANGE_SIZE:String = "changeSize";
- // MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private var filter:FilterBase;
- private var window:Window;
- private var isEnabledCB:CheckBox;
- private var showResultCB:CheckBox;
- private var showHistogramCB:CheckBox;
- private var showDebugVarsCB:CheckBox;
- private var previewBmp:Bitmap;
- private var previewHolder:Sprite = new Sprite();
- private var previewLabel:Label = new Label();
- private var histogramView:HistogramView;
- private var ui:*;
- private var resetButton:PushButton;
- private var rndButton:PushButton;
- private var copyParamsButton:PushButton;
- /*private var undoParamsButton:PushButton;*/
- private var line:Shape = new Shape();
- private var totalHeight:int;
- private var vbox:VBox;
- private var debugVarsBox:Sprite;
- private var hasDebugVars:Boolean;
- private var offsetY:int;
- private var decimalPoints:int;
- private var tick:Number;
- // CONSTRUCTOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function FilterPanel(filter:FilterBase, previewScale:Number = 1.0)
- {
- this.filter = filter;
- filter.panel = this;
- filter.previewScale = previewScale;
- previewBmp = new Bitmap(filter.previewBmpData);
- previewHolder.addChild(previewBmp);
- previewLabel = new Label(previewHolder, 10, 0, "100%");
- previewLabel.blendMode = BlendMode.DIFFERENCE;
- histogramView = new HistogramView(filter);
- histogramView.addEventListener(HistogramView.CHANGE_CHANNELS, histogramChannelsChange, false, 0, true);
- vbox = new VBox(this, 0, 0);
- vbox.spacing = 1;
- window = new Window(vbox);
- window.hasMinimizeButton = true;
- window.title = filter.name.toUpperCase();
- window.draggable = false;
- window.shadow = false;
- window.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, updateParamsVisible, false, 0, true);
- isEnabledCB = new CheckBox(window, 320 - 105, 5, "On", updateFilterEnabled);
- showResultCB = new CheckBox(window, 320 - 70, 5, "Prv", updatePreviewVisible);
- showHistogramCB = new CheckBox(window, 320 - 35, 5, "Hst", updateHistogramVisible);
- offsetY = 0;
- window.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, panelClicked, false, 0, true);
- //FIXME try to do it before onResetParams is called, as it does virtually the same
- FilterParser.parseParams(filter, this);
- resetButton = new PushButton(window.content, 10, offsetY + 5, "RESET", onResetParams);
- resetButton.setSize(50, 15);
- rndButton = new PushButton(window.content, 10 + 60, offsetY + 5, "RANDOMISE", onRandomise);
- rndButton.setSize(70, 15);
- copyParamsButton = new PushButton(window.content, 140 + 10, offsetY + 5, "COPY PARAMS", onCopyParams);
- copyParamsButton.setSize(80, 15);
- /*undoParamsButton = new PushButton(window.content, 230 + 10, offsetY + 5, "UNDO", onUndoParams);
- undoParamsButton.setSize(70, 15);*/
- window.setSize(320, offsetY + 25 + 20);
- if (filter.debugVars && filter.debugVars.length > 0)
- {
- hasDebugVars = true;
- showDebugVarsCB = new CheckBox(window, 320 - 150, 5, "Vars", updateDebugVarsVisible);
- showDebugVarsCB.value = true;
- debugVarsBox = new Sprite();
- offsetY = 0;
- for each (var debugVar:String in filter.debugVars)
- {
- ui = new Label(debugVarsBox, 10, offsetY, Utils.propToLabel(debugVar) + ": --");
- ui.name = debugVar;
- offsetY += ui.height - 3;
- }
- vbox.addChild(debugVarsBox);
- }
- vbox.addChild(previewHolder);
- vbox.addChild(histogramView);
- drawPanel(0xFFFFFF, 0x000000);
- window.addChild(line);
- updateParamsVisible();
- updatePreviewVisible();
- //updateFilterEnabled();
- updateTotalHeight();
- }
- // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function destroy():void
- {
- filter.removeEventListener(HiSlopeEvent.FILTER_PROCESSED, render);
- }
- // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function updateUI(name:String, value:*):void
- {
- var ui:* = window.content.getChildByName(name);
- ui.value = value;
- }
- public function updateParams(event:Event):void
- {
- var targetUI:Object = event.currentTarget;
- var paramName:String = targetUI.name;
- filter.setParam(paramName, targetUI.value);
- }
- /*private function buttonCallback(event:Event):void
- {
- var targetUI:Object = event.currentTarget;
- var functionName:String = targetUI.name;
- filter[functionName]();
- }*/
- private function updateTotalHeight():void
- {
- vbox.draw();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(FilterPanel.CHANGE_SIZE));
- }
- // EVENT HANDLERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private function panelClicked(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- FilterChain.currentPanel = this;
- }
- private function previewMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- filter.mouseMovePoint(new Point(previewHolder.mouseX / previewBmp.width, previewHolder.mouseY / previewBmp.height));
- }
- private function previewMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- filter.mouseDownPoint(new Point(previewHolder.mouseX / previewBmp.width, previewHolder.mouseY / previewBmp.height));
- }
- private function previewMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- filter.mouseUpPoint(new Point(previewHolder.mouseX / previewBmp.width, previewHolder.mouseY / previewBmp.height));
- }
- public function selectPanel():void
- {
- drawPanel(0xFF0000, 0x400000);
- }
- public function deselectPanel():void
- {
- FilterChain.currentPanel.drawPanel(0xFFFFFF, 0x000000);
- }
- private function onRandomise(event:Event):void
- {
- filter.randomiseParams();
- }
- private function onResetParams(event:Event):void
- {
- filter.resetParams();
- }
- private function onCopyParams(event:Event):void
- {
- FilterParser.copyParams(filter);
- }
- /*private function onUndoParams(event:Event):void
- {
- FilterParser.undoParams(filter);
- }*/
- private function render(event:Event):void
- {
- /*trace(this.filter, "render");*/
- updateTime();
- if (hasDebugVars) traceDebugVars();
- }
- private function traceDebugVars():void
- {
- for (var i:int = 0; i < debugVarsBox.numChildren; i++)
- {
- var label:Label = Label(debugVarsBox.getChildAt(i));
- label.text = Utils.propToLabel(label.name) + ": " + filter.getParamValue(label.name);
- }
- }
- private function updateTime():void
- {
- window.title = filter.name.toUpperCase() + ": " + filter.time + " ms\t(" + filter.minTime + "-" + filter.maxTime + ")";
- }
- private function updateFilterEnabled(event:Event = null):void
- {
- filterEnabled = isEnabledCB.value;
- isEnabledCB.label = isEnabledCB.value ? "On":"Off";
- }
- private function updateParamsVisible(event:Event = null):void
- {
- updateTotalHeight();
- }
- private function updateDebugVarsVisible(event:Event = null):void
- {
- debugVarsBox.visible = showDebugVarsCB.value;
- updateTotalHeight();
- }
- private function updatePreviewVisible(event:Event = null):void
- {
- previewVisible = showResultCB.value;
- updateTotalHeight();
- }
- private function updateHistogramVisible(event:Event = null):void
- {
- histogramVisible = showHistogramCB.value;
- updateTotalHeight();
- }
- public function updatePanelState():void
- {
- isEnabledCB.value = filter.enabled;
- isEnabledCB.label = isEnabledCB.value ? "On":"Off"
- previewLabel.text = int(filter.previewScale * 100) + "%";
- window.alpha = histogramView.alpha = (isEnabledCB.value) ? 1:0.5;
- if (debugVarsBox) debugVarsBox.alpha = window.alpha;
- }
- private function histogramChannelsChange(event:Event):void
- {
- previewBmp.bitmapData = filter.previewBmpData;
- }
- // GETTERS & SETTERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function set previewVisible(state:Boolean):void
- {
- previewHolder.visible = showResultCB.value = state;
- filter.displayPreview = state;
- updateTotalHeight();
- if (state)
- {
- previewHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, previewMouseMove, false, 0, true);
- previewHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, previewMouseDown, false, 0, true);
- previewHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previewMouseUp, false, 0, true);
- } else {
- previewHolder.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, previewMouseMove);
- previewHolder.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, previewMouseDown);
- previewHolder.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, previewMouseUp);
- }
- }
- public function get previewVisible():Boolean
- {
- return previewHolder.visible;
- }
- public function set paramsVisible(state:Boolean):void
- {
- window.minimized = !state;
- }
- public function set histogramVisible(state:Boolean):void
- {
- histogramView.visible = state;
- filter.generateHistogram = state;
- showHistogramCB.value = state;
- updateTotalHeight();
- }
- public function get histogramVisible():Boolean
- {
- return filter.generateHistogram;
- }
- public function set debugVarsVisible(state:Boolean):void
- {
- showDebugVarsCB.value = state;
- updateDebugVarsVisible();
- }
- public function get debugVarsVisible():Boolean
- {
- return showDebugVarsCB.value;
- }
- public function set filterEnabled(value:Boolean):void
- {
- trace(this, "filterEnabled", value);
- filter.enabled = value;
- updatePanelState();
- if (value)
- {
- filter.addEventListener(HiSlopeEvent.FILTER_PROCESSED, render, false, 0, true);
- }
- else
- {
- filter.removeEventListener(HiSlopeEvent.FILTER_PROCESSED, render);
- window.title = filter.name.toUpperCase();
- }
- }
- public function get filterEnabled():Boolean
- {
- return filter.enabled;
- }
- override public function get height():Number
- {
- return vbox.height;
- }
- // HELPERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function drawPanel(lineColor:uint, backgroundColor:uint):void
- {
- line.graphics.clear();
- line.graphics.lineStyle(0, lineColor, 2);
- line.graphics.moveTo(0, 0);
- line.graphics.lineTo(320, 0);
- window.color = backgroundColor;
- }
- public function showParams():void
- {
- window.minimized = false;
- }
- public function hideParams():void
- {
- window.minimized = true;
- }
- private function updateNameAndValue(param:Object):void
- {
- ui.value = param.current;
- ui.name = param.name;
- }
- private function updateOffsetY():void
- {
- offsetY += ui.height - 3;
- }
- private function addLabel(component:Component, labelText:String, offset:int = 0):void
- {
- var label:Label = new Label();
- label.text = labelText;
- label.draw();
- label.x = component.x;
- label.y = component.y + offset;
- component.x += label.width + 5;
- window.content.addChild(label);
- }
- public function addSlider(param:Object, callback:Function, decimalPoints:int, tick:Number):void
- {
- if (param.mode != "readonly")
- {
- ui = new HUIBarSlider(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, callback);
- /*ui = new HUISlider(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, callback);*/
- ui.minimum = param.min;
- ui.maximum = param.max;
- ui.labelPrecision = decimalPoints;
- ui.tick = tick;
- ui.setSize(320, 18);
- } else {
- ui = new ProgressBar(window.content, 10, offsetY + 4);
- addLabel(ui, param.label, -4);
- offsetY += 6;
- }
- if (param.type == "hex") ui.displayHex = true;
- updateNameAndValue(param);
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- /*public function addRange(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- ui = new HRangeSlider(window.content, 10, offsetY, callback);
- ui.minimum = param.min;
- ui.maximum = param.max;
- ui.name = param.name;
- ui.lowValue = param.min;
- ui.highValue = param.max;
- updateOffsetY();
- }*/
- public function addCombo(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 4;
- ui = new ComboBox(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, param.items);
- ui.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, callback);
- offsetY += 4;
- ui.name = param.name;
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- public function addInput(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 4;
- ui = new InputText(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, callback);
- offsetY += 4;
- updateNameAndValue(param);
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- public function addStepper(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 4;
- ui = new NumericStepper(window.content, 10, offsetY, callback);
- addLabel(ui, param.label);
- ui.minimum = param.min;
- ui.maximum = param.max;
- offsetY += 4;
- updateNameAndValue(param);
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- public function addKnob(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 4;
- ui = new SmallKnob(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, callback);
- ui.minimum = param.min;
- ui.maximum = param.max;
- offsetY += 24;
- updateNameAndValue(param);
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- public function addColorChooser(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 2;
- ui = new ColorChooser(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, callback);
- offsetY += 4;
- //ui.usePopup = true;
- updateNameAndValue(param);
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- public function addCheckBox(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 4;
- ui = new CheckBox(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label, callback);
- offsetY += 4;
- updateNameAndValue(param);
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- public function addPushButton(param:Object, callback:Function):void
- {
- offsetY += 4;
- ui = new PushButton(window.content, 10, offsetY, param.label.toUpperCase(), callback);
- /*ui.name = param.callback;*/
- ui.height = 15;
- offsetY += 4;
- updateOffsetY();
- }
- }
- }