https://bitbucket.org/vionika/spin.android · Python · 144 lines · 104 code · 22 blank · 18 comment · 14 complexity · f4cf244226054b9a53e0fcca715770a9 MD5 · raw file
- import pytest
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- ('input', 'expected', 'prereleases'),
- ((tup + (False,))[:3] for tup in [
- (['Django'], ['django==1.8']),
- (['Flask'],
- ['flask==0.10.1', 'itsdangerous==0.24', 'markupsafe==0.23',
- 'jinja2==2.7.3', 'werkzeug==0.10.4']),
- (['Jinja2', 'markupsafe'],
- ['jinja2==2.7.3', 'markupsafe==0.23']),
- # We should return a normal release version if prereleases is False
- (['SQLAlchemy'],
- ['sqlalchemy==0.9.9']),
- # We should return the prerelease version if prereleases is True
- (['SQLAlchemy'],
- ['sqlalchemy==1.0.0b5'],
- True),
- # Ipython has extras available, but we don't require them in this test
- (['ipython'],
- ['ipython==2.1.0', 'gnureadline==6.3.3']),
- # We should get dependencies for extras
- (['ipython[notebook]'],
- [
- 'ipython[notebook]==2.1.0',
- 'pyzmq==2.1.12',
- 'jinja2==2.7.3',
- 'tornado==3.2.2',
- 'markupsafe==0.23',
- 'gnureadline==6.3.3']
- ),
- # We should get dependencies for multiple extras
- (['ipython[notebook,nbconvert]'],
- [
- # Note that the extras should be sorted
- 'ipython[nbconvert,notebook]==2.1.0',
- 'pyzmq==2.1.12',
- 'jinja2==2.7.3',
- 'tornado==3.2.2',
- 'markupsafe==0.23',
- 'gnureadline==6.3.3',
- 'pygments==1.5',
- 'sphinx==0.3']
- ),
- # We must take the union of all extras
- (['ipython[notebook]', 'ipython[nbconvert]'],
- [
- # Note that the extras should be sorted
- 'ipython[nbconvert,notebook]==2.1.0',
- 'pyzmq==2.1.12',
- 'jinja2==2.7.3',
- 'tornado==3.2.2',
- 'markupsafe==0.23',
- 'gnureadline==6.3.3',
- 'pygments==1.5',
- 'sphinx==0.3']
- ),
- # We must remove child dependencies from result if parent is removed (e.g. vine from amqp>=2.0)
- # See: GH-370
- # because of upated dependencies in the test index, we need to pin celery
- # in order to reproduce vine removal (because it was readded in later releases)
- (['celery<=3.1.23', 'librabbitmq'],
- [
- 'amqp==1.4.9',
- 'anyjson==0.3.3',
- 'billiard==',
- 'celery==3.1.23',
- 'kombu==3.0.35',
- 'librabbitmq==1.6.1',
- 'pytz==2016.4']
- ),
- # Support specifying loose top-level requirements that could also appear as
- # pinned subdependencies.
- (['billiard', 'celery',
- 'fake-piptools-test-with-pinned-deps'],
- [
- 'amqp==1.4.9',
- 'anyjson==0.3.3',
- 'billiard==',
- 'celery==3.1.18', # this is pinned from test subdependency
- 'fake-piptools-test-with-pinned-deps==0.1',
- 'kombu==3.0.35',
- 'pytz==2016.4']
- ),
- # Exclude package dependcy of setuptools as it is unsafe.
- (['html5lib'], ['html5lib==0.999999999']),
- # We shouldn't include irrelevant pip constraints
- # See: GH-471
- (['Flask', ('click', True), ('itsdangerous', True)],
- ['flask==0.10.1', 'itsdangerous==0.24', 'markupsafe==0.23',
- 'jinja2==2.7.3', 'werkzeug==0.10.4']
- ),
- # Unsafe dependencies should be filtered
- (['setuptools==35.0.0', 'anyjson==0.3.3'], ['anyjson==0.3.3']),
- (['fake-piptools-test-with-unsafe-deps==0.1'],
- ['fake-piptools-test-with-unsafe-deps==0.1']
- ),
- ])
- )
- def test_resolver(resolver, from_line, input, expected, prereleases):
- input = [line if isinstance(line, tuple) else (line, False) for line in input]
- input = [from_line(req[0], constraint=req[1]) for req in input]
- output = resolver(input, prereleases=prereleases).resolve()
- output = {str(line) for line in output}
- assert output == {str(line) for line in expected}
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- ('input', 'expected', 'prereleases'),
- ((tup + (False,))[:3] for tup in [
- (['setuptools==34.0.0'], ['appdirs==1.4.9', 'setuptools==34.0.0', 'packaging==16.8']),
- (['fake-piptools-test-with-unsafe-deps==0.1'],
- ['appdirs==1.4.9',
- 'setuptools==34.0.0',
- 'packaging==16.8',
- 'fake-piptools-test-with-unsafe-deps==0.1'
- ]),
- ])
- )
- def test_resolver__allows_unsafe_deps(resolver, from_line, input, expected, prereleases):
- input = [line if isinstance(line, tuple) else (line, False) for line in input]
- input = [from_line(req[0], constraint=req[1]) for req in input]
- output = resolver(input, prereleases=prereleases, allow_unsafe=True).resolve()
- output = {str(line) for line in output}
- assert output == {str(line) for line in expected}