Python | 222 lines | 152 code | 32 blank | 38 comment | 57 complexity | 669272978869cc461f5cc07c608132cd MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import sys
- import asyncio
- # my modules
- import config
- import helpers
- import embeds
- async def Reboot(Bot, Player, Message):
- # checks if the one executing the command is the owner of the bot
- # which can be set on the config.py module
- if Message.author.id == config.OwnerID:
- # if the bot is currently connected to a voice channel, disconnect it first
- if Player.voice != None:
- await Player.DisconnectVoiceChannel()
- await Message.channel.send('Rebooting...')
- await Bot.logout()
- # reruns the python script
- python = sys.executable
- os.execl(python, python, 'main.py')
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, you do not have the will to reboot me.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def JoinVoiceChannel(Bot, Player, Message):
- # if the bot is not connected to any voice channel
- if Player.voice == None:
- Player.SetVoice(await Bot.get_channel(config.MusicVoiceChannelID).connect())
- await Message.channel.send('Joined into the music voice channel by {}.'.format(Message.author.display_name))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, I am already connected to a voice channel.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def DisconnectVoiceChannel(Player, Message):
- # if the bot is connected to any voice channel
- if Player.voice != None:
- await Player.DisconnectVoiceChannel()
- await Message.channel.send('{} disconnected me from the music voice channel.'.format(Message.author.display_name))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, I am not connected to the music voice channel.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def PlayMusic(Bot, Player, Message):
- # if the bot isn't joined to a voice channel yet, join it first
- if len(Bot.voice_clients) == 0:
- await JoinVoiceChannel(Bot, Player, Message)
- # gets the search query or the song title from the command
- query = Message.content[Message.content.find(' ')+1:]
- print('Search Query: {}'.format(query))
- # if the query is a youtube playlist
- if 'youtube.com/playlist?list=' in query:
- return
- # get song by title or video url
- else:
- # a helper function from another module (helpers.py)
- # which uses the Youtube Data API to search for Youtube videos and gather content details
- Song = helpers.GetSongs(Message, 1)
- # if a song was found, add the song to the queue
- if Song:
- Player.Queue.AddSong(Song)
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('Search failed.')
- return
- # sends an embedded message (for aesthetics) of the details of the song that's added to the queue
- await embeds.SendAddedToQueue(Bot, Player.Queue)
- # if the queue size is equal to one after adding a song, play it immediately
- if Player.Queue.size() == 1:
- await Player.PlaySong(Song, Bot)
- async def SearchMusic(Bot, Player, Message):
- searcher = Message.author
- # if the bot isn't joined to a voice channel yet
- if len(Bot.voice_clients) == 0:
- await JoinVoiceChannel(Bot, Player, Message)
- # a helper function from another module (helpers.py)
- # which uses the Youtube Data API to search for Youtube videos and gather content details
- searchSongs = helpers.GetSongs(Message, 2)
- if searchSongs == None:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, search failed.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- return
- # sends an embedded message containing the songs that matched the search
- await embeds.SendSearchResults(Bot, Message, Player, searchSongs)
- # a custom checker to check the response of the searcher or if the responder is the searcher
- # this returns true if a valid response is receive which is either a cancel or a search number
- # returns
- def CheckResponse(Message):
- if Message.author == searcher:
- # cancels the search
- if Message.content.lower() == 'cancel' or Message.content.lower() == 'exit':
- return True
- try:
- number = int(Message.content)
- if number >= 1 and number <= config.MaxSearchResults:
- print('Valid number caught!')
- return True
- else:
- print('Invalid number caught!')
- asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(Message.channel.send('Number {} is not in search results.'.format(number)), Bot.loop)
- return False
- except ValueError:
- print('Value Error Exception!')
- asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(Message.channel.send('Invalid input. Make sure to enter a number.'), Bot.loop)
- return False
- # executes the checker function above to filter the responses
- # will keep checking until a True is received or it times out which returns a None
- response = await Bot.wait_for('message', check=CheckResponse, timeout=config.SearchTimeOut)
- # if a valid (True) response is received and did not timeout
- if response != None:
- # if the response is a cancel
- if (response.content.lower() == 'cancel' or response.content.lower() == 'exit'):
- await Message.channel.send('Search cancelled.')
- else:
- # gets the position number from the response
- position = int(response.content)
- Song = searchSongs[position-1]
- Player.Queue.AddSong(Song)
- await embeds.SendAddedToQueue(Bot, Player.Queue)
- print('Queue Size: {}'.format(Player.Queue.size()))
- if Player.Queue.size() == 1:
- await Player.PlaySong(Song, Bot)
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('Search timed out.')
- async def SkipSong(Player, Message):
- # if the queue is not empty
- if (Player.Queue.size() > 0):
- await Message.channel.send('{} skipped {}.'.format(Message.author.display_name, Player.Queue.songs[0].title))
- Player.SkipSong()
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, there is no song playing.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def RemoveSong(Player, Message):
- # only executes if the queue size is greater than 1
- # to prevent removal of the first song
- if (Player.Queue.size() > 1):
- try:
- pos = int(Message.content[Message.content.find(' '):])
- await Message.channel.send('{} removed {}'.format(Message.author.display_name, Player.Queue.songs[pos-1].title))
- # a position is valid if it's greater than one and is within the queue size
- if pos > 1 or pos < Player.Queue.size():
- Player.Queue.RemoveSong(pos)
- # if no number is parsed from the command
- except ValueError:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, invalid input. Please enter a number.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, no song available to be removed.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def PauseSong(Player, Message):
- # checks if the queue size is not empty
- if (Player.Queue.size() > 0):
- # only executes if the player is playing a song
- if (Player.voice.is_playing):
- await Message.channel.send('{} paused {}.'.format(Message.author.display_name, Player.Queue.songs[0].title))
- Player.PauseSong()
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, I am already paused.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, there is no song in the queue.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def ResumeSong(Player, Message):
- # checks if the queue is not empty
- if (Player.Queue.size() > 0):
- # only executes if the player is paused
- if (Player.voice.is_paused):
- await Message.channel.send('{} resumed {}.'.format(Message.author.display_name, Player.Queue.songs[0].title))
- Player.PauseSong()
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, I am already playing.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, there is no song in the queue.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def SetLoopSong(Player, Message):
- Player.Queue.SetLoopSong()
- if Player.Queue.isLoopingSong: loopsong = 'enabled'
- else: loopsong = 'disabled'
- await Message.channel.send('{} {} song loop.'.format(Message.author.display_name, loopsong))
- async def SetLoopQueue(Player, Message):
- Player.Queue.SetLoopQueue()
- if Player.Queue.isLoopingQueue: loopqueue = 'enabled'
- else: loopqueue = 'disabled'
- await Message.channel.send('{} {} queue loop.'.format(Message.author.display_name, loopqueue))
- async def SetVolume(Player, Message):
- if Player.source != None:
- try:
- volume = float(Message.content[Message.content.find(' ')+1:])
- Player.SetVolume(volume)
- await Message.channel.send('{} set my volume to {}.'.format(Message.author.mention, Player.source.volume))
- except ValueError:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, invalid volume. Number must be between 0 to 2.0.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, no song is playing.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def Mute(Player, Message):
- if Player.source.volume > 0:
- Player.SetVolume(0)
- await Message.channel.send('{} muted me.'.format(Message.author.display_name))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, I am already muted.'.format(Message.author.mention))
- async def Unmute(Player, Message):
- if Player.source.volume <= 0:
- Player.SetVolume(.5)
- await Message.channel.send('{} unmuted me. Thank you! :heartpulse:'.format(Message.author.display_name))
- else:
- await Message.channel.send('{}, I\'m not muted.'.format(Message.author.mention))