JavaScript | 334 lines | 332 code | 0 blank | 2 comment | 6 complexity | d92c6e48af7a530a2f99ab7fa1addfb0 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): MIT, CC-BY-SA-3.0, BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0, JSON, Apache-2.0, 0BSD
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- const nock = require("nock");
- const querystring = require("querystring");
- const http_1 = require("./http");
- nock.disableNetConnect();
- let api;
- beforeEach(() => {
- api = nock('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- api.done();
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- nock.cleanAll();
- });
- describe('HTTP.get()', () => {
- test('makes a GET request', async () => {
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('makes a GET request', async () => {
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' }, {
- 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
- });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('gets headers', async () => {
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' }, { myheader: 'ok' });
- let { body, headers } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- expect(headers).toMatchObject({ myheader: 'ok' });
- });
- test('can build a new HTTP with defaults', async () => {
- const MyHTTP = http_1.HTTP.create({ host: 'api.jdxcode.com' });
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await MyHTTP.get('/');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('makes a request to a port', async () => {
- api = nock('https://api.jdxcode.com:3000');
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com:3000');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('allows specifying the port', async () => {
- api = nock('https://api.jdxcode.com:3000');
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com', { port: 3000 });
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('makes a http GET request', async () => {
- api = nock('http://api.jdxcode.com');
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('http://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('can set default user agent', async () => {
- http_1.HTTP.defaults.headers = { 'user-agent': 'mynewuseragent' };
- api
- .matchHeader('user-agent', `mynewuseragent`)
- .get('/')
- .reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com/');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- delete http_1.HTTP.defaults.headers['user-agent'];
- });
- test('can set user agent as a global', async () => {
- global['http-call'] = { userAgent: 'mynewuseragent' };
- api
- .matchHeader('user-agent', `mynewuseragent`)
- .get('/')
- .reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com/');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- delete global['http-call'];
- });
- test('sets user-agent header', async () => {
- api
- .matchHeader('user-agent', `http-call/${require('../package.json').version} node-${process.version}`)
- .get('/')
- .reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- });
- test('sets custom headers', async () => {
- api
- .matchHeader('foo', 'bar')
- .get('/')
- .reply(200);
- let headers = { foo: 'bar' };
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com', { headers });
- });
- test('does not fail on undefined header', async () => {
- api.get('/').reply(200);
- let headers = { foo: undefined };
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com', { headers });
- });
- describe('wait mocked out', () => {
- let wait = http_1.HTTP.prototype._wait;
- beforeAll(() => {
- http_1.HTTP.prototype._wait = jest.fn();
- });
- afterAll(() => {
- http_1.HTTP.prototype._wait = wait;
- });
- test('retries then succeeds', async () => {
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 1', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 2', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 3', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 4', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'foo' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'foo' });
- });
- test('retries 5 times on ETIMEDOUT', async () => {
- expect.assertions(1);
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 1', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 2', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 3', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 4', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 5', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'timed out 6', code: 'ETIMEDOUT' });
- try {
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- }
- catch (err) {
- expect(err.message).toEqual('timed out 6');
- }
- });
- });
- test('retries on ENOTFOUND', async () => {
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'not found', code: 'ENOTFOUND' });
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'foo' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toMatchObject({ message: 'foo' });
- });
- test('errors on EFOOBAR', async () => {
- expect.assertions(1);
- api.get('/').replyWithError({ message: 'oom', code: 'OUT_OF_MEM' });
- try {
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- }
- catch (err) {
- expect(err.message).toEqual('oom');
- }
- });
- test('displays 404 error', async () => {
- expect.assertions(2);
- api.get('/').reply(404, 'oops! not found');
- try {
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- }
- catch (err) {
- expect(err.statusCode).toEqual(404);
- expect(err.message).toEqual(`HTTP Error 404 for GET https://api.jdxcode.com:443/
- oops! not found`);
- }
- });
- test('displays error message', async () => {
- expect.assertions(3);
- api.get('/').reply(404, { message: 'uh oh', otherinfo: [1, 2, 3] });
- try {
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- }
- catch (err) {
- expect(err.statusCode).toEqual(404);
- expect(err.message).toEqual(`HTTP Error 404 for GET https://api.jdxcode.com:443/
- uh oh`);
- expect(err.body).toMatchObject({ otherinfo: [1, 2, 3] });
- }
- });
- test('displays object error', async () => {
- expect.assertions(3);
- api.get('/').reply(404, { otherinfo: [1, 2, 3] });
- try {
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- }
- catch (err) {
- expect(err.statusCode).toEqual(404);
- expect(err.message).toEqual(`HTTP Error 404 for GET https://api.jdxcode.com:443/
- { otherinfo: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }`);
- expect(err.body).toMatchObject({ otherinfo: [1, 2, 3] });
- }
- });
- test('follows redirect', async () => {
- api.get('/foo1').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo2' });
- api.get('/foo2').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo3' });
- api.get('/foo3').reply(200, { success: true });
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com/foo1');
- });
- test('follows redirect only 10 times', async () => {
- api.get('/foo1').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo2' });
- api.get('/foo2').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo3' });
- api.get('/foo3').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo4' });
- api.get('/foo4').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo5' });
- api.get('/foo5').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo6' });
- api.get('/foo6').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo7' });
- api.get('/foo7').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo8' });
- api.get('/foo8').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo9' });
- api.get('/foo9').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo10' });
- api.get('/foo10').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo11' });
- api.get('/foo11').reply(302, null, { Location: 'https://api.jdxcode.com/foo12' });
- expect.assertions(1);
- try {
- await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com/foo1');
- }
- catch (err) {
- expect(err.message).toEqual('Redirect loop at https://api.jdxcode.com:443/foo11');
- }
- });
- });
- describe('HTTP.post()', () => {
- test('makes a POST request', async () => {
- api.post('/', { foo: 'bar' }).reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.post('https://api.jdxcode.com', { body: { foo: 'bar' } });
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('does not include a body if no body is passed in', async () => {
- api.post('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.post('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- test('faithfully passes custom-encoded content-types', async () => {
- let apiEncoded = nock('https://api.jdxcode.com', {
- reqheaders: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- },
- });
- let body = {
- karate: 'chop',
- judo: 'throw',
- taewkondo: 'kick',
- jujitsu: 'strangle',
- };
- let options = {
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- },
- body: querystring.stringify(body),
- };
- apiEncoded.post('/', querystring.stringify(body)).reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let rsp = await http_1.HTTP.post('https://api.jdxcode.com/', options);
- expect(rsp.body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- });
- describe('HTTP.parseBody()', () => {
- let body;
- let http;
- beforeEach(() => {
- body = {
- karate: 'chop',
- judo: 'throw',
- taewkondo: 'kick',
- jujitsu: 'strangle',
- };
- http = new http_1.HTTP('www.duckduckgo.com', { body });
- });
- it('sets the Content-Length', () => {
- expect(http.options.headers['Content-Length']).toEqual(Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(body)).toString());
- });
- it('sets the Content-Type to JSON when Content-Type is unspecified', () => {
- expect(http.options.headers['content-type']).toEqual('application/json');
- });
- it('does not set the Content Type if it already exists', () => {
- let options = {
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- },
- body: querystring.stringify(body),
- };
- http = new http_1.HTTP('www.duckduckgo.com', options);
- expect(http.options.headers['content-type']).toEqual('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
- });
- it('resets the value for http.body object', () => {
- expect(http.body).toBe(undefined);
- });
- it('sets the requestBody to the body contents', () => {
- expect(http.options.body).toBe(JSON.stringify(body));
- });
- describe('with next-range header', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- api
- .get('/')
- .reply(206, [1, 2, 3], {
- 'next-range': '4',
- })
- .get('/')
- // .matchHeader('range', '4')
- .reply(206, [4, 5, 6], {
- 'next-range': '7',
- })
- .get('/')
- // .matchHeader('range', '7')
- .reply(206, [7, 8, 9]);
- });
- test('gets next body when next-range is set', async () => {
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.get('https://api.jdxcode.com');
- expect(body).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);
- });
- });
- });
- describe('HTTP.put()', () => {
- test('makes a PUT request', async () => {
- api.put('/', { foo: 'bar' }).reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.put('https://api.jdxcode.com', { body: { foo: 'bar' } });
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- });
- describe('HTTP.patch()', () => {
- test('makes a PATCH request', async () => {
- api.patch('/', { foo: 'bar' }).reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.patch('https://api.jdxcode.com', { body: { foo: 'bar' } });
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- });
- describe('HTTP.delete()', () => {
- test('makes a DELETE request', async () => {
- api.delete('/', { foo: 'bar' }).reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { body } = await http_1.HTTP.delete('https://api.jdxcode.com', { body: { foo: 'bar' } });
- expect(body).toEqual({ message: 'ok' });
- });
- });
- describe('HTTP.stream()', () => {
- test('streams a response', async (done) => {
- api = nock('http://api.jdxcode.com');
- api.get('/').reply(200, { message: 'ok' });
- let { response } = await http_1.HTTP.stream('http://api.jdxcode.com');
- response.setEncoding('utf8');
- response.on('data', data => expect(data).toEqual('{"message":"ok"}'));
- response.on('end', done);
- });
- });