/OData Producer for PHP/library/ODataProducer/UriProcessor/ResourcePathProcessor/ResourcePathProcessor.php
PHP | 162 lines | 108 code | 8 blank | 46 comment | 24 complexity | f4d8c7685c519fd539ab598d38937103 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * Processor to process the resource path part of the request uri.
- *
- * PHP version 5.3
- *
- * @category ODataProducer
- * @package ODataProducer_UriProcessor_ResourcePathProcessor
- * @author Anu T Chandy <odataphpproducer_alias@microsoft.com>
- * @copyright 2011 Microsoft Corp. (http://www.microsoft.com)
- * @license New BSD license, (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
- * @version SVN: 1.0
- * @link http://odataphpproducer.codeplex.com
- *
- */
- namespace ODataProducer\UriProcessor\ResourcePathProcessor;
- use ODataProducer\UriProcessor\ResourcePathProcessor\SegmentParser\SegmentParser;
- use ODataProducer\UriProcessor\ResourcePathProcessor\SegmentParser\RequestTargetKind;
- use ODataProducer\UriProcessor\RequestDescription;
- use ODataProducer\UriProcessor\RequestCountOption;
- use ODataProducer\DataService;
- use ODataProducer\Common\Url;
- use ODataProducer\Common\ODataConstants;
- use ODataProducer\Common\Messages;
- use ODataProducer\Common\ODataException;
- /**
- * Processor for resource path part of request uri.
- *
- * @category ODataProducer
- * @package ODataProducer_UriProcessor_ResourcePathProcessor
- * @author Anu T Chandy <odataphpproducer_alias@microsoft.com>
- * @copyright 2011 Microsoft Corp. (http://www.microsoft.com)
- * @license New BSD license, (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
- * @version Release: 1.0
- * @link http://odataphpproducer.codeplex.com
- */
- class ResourcePathProcessor
- {
- /**
- * Process the given request Uri and creates an instance of
- * RequestDescription from the processed uri.
- *
- * @param Url &$absoluteRequestUri The absolute request uri.
- * @param DataService &$dataService Reference to the data service
- * instance.
- *
- * @return RequestDescription
- *
- * @throws ODataException If any exception occurs while processing the segments
- * or incase of any version incompatibility.
- */
- public static function process(Url &$absoluteRequestUri,
- DataService &$dataService
- ) {
- $absoluteRequestUri = $dataService->getHost()->getAbsoluteRequestUri();
- $absoluteServiceUri = $dataService->getHost()->getAbsoluteServiceUri();
- $requestUriSegments = array_slice(
- $absoluteRequestUri->getSegments(),
- $absoluteServiceUri->getSegmentCount()
- );
- $segmentDescriptors = null;
- try {
- $segmentDescriptors = SegmentParser::parseRequestUriSegements(
- $requestUriSegments,
- $dataService->getMetadataQueryProviderWrapper(),
- true
- );
- } catch (ODataException $odataException) {
- throw $odataException;
- }
- $requestDescription = new RequestDescription(
- $segmentDescriptors,
- $absoluteRequestUri
- );
- $requestTargetKind = $requestDescription->getTargetKind();
- if ($requestTargetKind != RequestTargetKind::METADATA
- && $requestTargetKind != RequestTargetKind::BATCH
- && $requestTargetKind != RequestTargetKind::SERVICE_DIRECTORY
- ) {
- if ($requestTargetKind != RequestTargetKind::PRIMITIVE_VALUE
- && $requestTargetKind != RequestTargetKind::MEDIA_RESOURCE
- ) {
- $requestDescription->setContainerName($requestDescription->getIdentifier());
- } else {
- // http://odata/NW.svc/Orders/$count
- // http://odata/NW.svc/Orders(123)/Customer/CustomerID/$value
- // http://odata/NW.svc/Employees(1)/$value
- // http://odata/NW.svc/Employees(1)/ThumbNail_48X48/$value
- $requestDescription->setContainerName(
- $segmentDescriptors[count($segmentDescriptors) - 2]->getIdentifier()
- );
- }
- if ($requestDescription->getIdentifier() === ODataConstants::URI_COUNT_SEGMENT
- ) {
- if (!$dataService->getServiceConfiguration()->getAcceptCountRequests()
- ) {
- ODataException::createBadRequestError(
- Messages::dataServiceConfigurationCountNotAccepted()
- );
- }
- $requestDescription->setRequestCountOption(
- RequestCountOption::VALUE_ONLY
- );
- // use of $count requires request DataServiceVersion
- // and MaxDataServiceVersion
- // greater than or equal to 2.0
- $requestDescription->raiseResponseVersion(
- 2,
- 0,
- $dataService
- );
- $requestDescription->raiseMinimumVersionRequirement(
- 2,
- 0,
- $dataService
- );
- } else if ($requestDescription->isNamedStream()) {
- $requestDescription->raiseMinimumVersionRequirement(
- 3,
- 0,
- $dataService
- );
- } else if ($requestDescription->getTargetKind() == RequestTargetKind::RESOURCE
- ) {
- if (!$requestDescription->isLinkUri()) {
- $resourceSetWrapper = $requestDescription
- ->getTargetResourceSetWrapper();
- //assert($resourceSetWrapper != null)
- $hasNamedStream = $resourceSetWrapper->hasNamedStreams(
- $dataService->getMetadataQueryProviderWrapper()
- );
- $hasBagProperty = $resourceSetWrapper->hasBagProperty(
- $dataService->getMetadataQueryProviderWrapper()
- );
- if ($hasNamedStream || $hasBagProperty) {
- $requestDescription->raiseResponseVersion(
- 3,
- 0,
- $dataService
- );
- }
- }
- } else if ($requestDescription->getTargetKind() == RequestTargetKind::BAG
- ) {
- $requestDescription->raiseResponseVersion(
- 3,
- 0,
- $dataService
- );
- }
- }
- return $requestDescription;
- }
- }