ActionScript | 1114 lines | 600 code | 124 blank | 390 comment | 60 complexity | 4ec8dba111e171bc1c45a270a7a5f997 MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * <p>Original Author: toddanderson</p>
- * <p>Class File: ScrollList.as</p>
- * <p>Version: 0.4</p>
- *
- * <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>
- *
- * <p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>
- *
- *
- * <p>Licensed under The MIT License</p>
- * <p>Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.</p>
- */
- package com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.list
- {
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.core.AS3FlobileComponent;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.list.layout.IScrollListLayout;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.list.layout.ScrollListVerticalLayout;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.list.renderer.DefaultScrollListItemRenderer;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.list.renderer.IScrollListItemRenderer;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.viewport.IScrollViewport;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.viewport.ScrollViewport;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.viewport.context.BaseScrollViewportStrategy;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.viewport.context.IScrollViewportContext;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.controls.viewport.context.ScrollViewportMouseContext;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.helper.ITapMediator;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.helper.MouseTapMediator;
- import com.custardbelly.as3flobile.skin.ScrollListSkin;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Graphics;
- import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
- import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
- import org.osflash.signals.DeluxeSignal;
- import org.osflash.signals.events.GenericEvent;
- /**
- * ScrollList is a display component that allows you to scroll through a list of items using a mouse or touch gesture.
- * @author toddanderson
- */
- public class ScrollList extends AS3FlobileComponent implements IScrollListContainer, IScrollListLayoutTarget
- {
- protected var _listHolder:ScrollListHolder;
- protected var _bounds:Rectangle;
- protected var _viewport:IScrollViewport;
- protected var _itemRenderer:String;
- protected var _tapMediator:ITapMediator;
- protected var _layout:IScrollListLayout;
- protected var _scrollContext:IScrollViewportContext;
- protected var _cells:Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>;
- protected var _cellAmount:int;
- protected var _seperatorLength:int;
- protected var _currentScrollPosition:Point;
- protected var _isScrolling:Boolean;
- protected var _selectionEnabled:Boolean;
- protected var _selectedRenderer:IScrollListItemRenderer;
- protected var _selectedIndex:int = -1;
- protected var _labelField:String = "label";
- protected var _dataProvider:Array;
- /* Signals */
- protected var _scrollStart:DeluxeSignal;
- protected var _scrollEnd:DeluxeSignal;
- protected var _scrollChange:DeluxeSignal;
- protected var _selectionChange:DeluxeSignal;
- protected var _signalEvent:GenericEvent;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function ScrollList()
- {
- // Get default scroll context.
- _scrollContext = getDefaultScrollContext();
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Static factory method to create a new instance of ScrollList with default properties.
- * @param bounds Rectangle The rectangular area to be shown by the list.
- * @return ScrollList
- */
- public static function initWithScrollRect( bounds:Rectangle ):ScrollList
- {
- var list:ScrollList = new ScrollList();
- list.width = bounds.width;
- list.height = bounds.height;
- return list;
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override protected function initialize():void
- {
- super.initialize();
- _width = 100;
- _height = 100;
- updatePadding( 2, 2, 2, 2 );
- _seperatorLength = 2;
- _selectionEnabled = true;
- _bounds = new Rectangle( 0, 0, _width, _height );
- _currentScrollPosition = new Point( 0, 0 );
- _cells = new Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>()
- _itemRenderer = getQualifiedClassName( DefaultScrollListItemRenderer );
- _layout = getDefaultLayout();
- _skin = new ScrollListSkin();
- _skin.target = this;
- _scrollStart = new DeluxeSignal( this );
- _scrollEnd = new DeluxeSignal( this );
- _scrollChange = new DeluxeSignal( this );
- _selectionChange = new DeluxeSignal( this );
- _signalEvent = new GenericEvent();
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override protected function createChildren():void
- {
- // List holder will be managed by this ScrollList instance, but actually be on the display list of the viewport.
- createListHolderIfNotExist();
- _listHolder.mouseChildren = false;
- _listHolder.cacheAsBitmap = true;
- // Create the viewport and point to the list holder target.
- var horizPadding:int = ( _padding.left + _padding.right );
- var vertPadding:int = ( _padding.top + _padding.bottom );
- _viewport = new ScrollViewport();
- _viewport.scrollStart.add( scrollViewDidStart );
- _viewport.scrollChange.add( scrollViewDidAnimate );
- _viewport.scrollEnd.add( scrollViewDidEnd );
- _viewport.context = _scrollContext;
- _viewport.content = _listHolder;
- _viewport.width = _width - horizPadding;
- _viewport.height = _height - vertPadding;
- _viewport.x = _padding.left;
- _viewport.y = _padding.top;
- addChild( _viewport as DisplayObject );
- _tapMediator = getDefaultTapMediator( _listHolder, handleListTap );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * If not instantiated, creates an instance of a ScrollListHolder and returns the reference.
- * @return ScrollListHolder
- */
- protected function createListHolderIfNotExist():ScrollListHolder
- {
- // Create if not exists.
- if( _listHolder == null )
- _listHolder = new ScrollListHolder();
- // Return instance.
- return _listHolder;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Factory method to return default IScrollViewportContext implementation used.
- * @return IScrollViewportContext
- */
- protected function getDefaultScrollContext():IScrollViewportContext
- {
- return new ScrollViewportMouseContext( new BaseScrollViewportStrategy() );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Factory method to return default ITapMediator implementation used for tap gesture for list selection.
- * @param display InteractiveObject The interactive display to listen for events on that represent a tap.
- * @param tapHandler Function The handler method to invoke upon notification of a tap gesture.
- * @return ITapMediator
- */
- protected function getDefaultTapMediator( display:InteractiveObject, tapHandler:Function ):ITapMediator
- {
- return new MouseTapMediator();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Factory method to return default IScrollListLayout used to display item renderers.
- * @return IScrollListLayout
- */
- protected function getDefaultLayout():IScrollListLayout
- {
- var layout:IScrollListLayout = new ScrollListVerticalLayout();
- layout.target = this;
- return layout;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Runs a refresh on the display.
- */
- protected function resetToOriginalState():void
- {
- // Reset content holder display.
- _currentScrollPosition = new Point( 0, 0 );
- _listHolder.x = _currentScrollPosition.x;
- _listHolder.y = _currentScrollPosition.y;
- // Unselect any selected item renderer instances.
- var selectedItemRenderer:IScrollListItemRenderer = ( _selectedIndex >= 0 ) ? _cells[_selectedIndex] : null;
- if( selectedItemRenderer )
- selectedItemRenderer.selected = false;
- // Run refresh on display.
- invalidateDisplay();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the new size applied to this instance.
- */
- override protected function invalidateSize():void
- {
- super.invalidateSize();
- var horizPadding:int = ( _padding.left + _padding.right );
- var vertPadding:int = ( _padding.top + _padding.bottom );
- // Set new scroll rect area.
- _bounds.width = _width - horizPadding;
- _bounds.height = _height - vertPadding;
- // Apply new values to the viewport instance.
- _viewport.width = _width - horizPadding;
- _viewport.height = _height - vertPadding;
- _viewport.x = _padding.left;
- _viewport.y = _padding.top;
- // Update visible dimensions on scroll list holder
- _listHolder.visibleWidth = _width - horizPadding;
- _listHolder.visibleHeight = _height - vertPadding;
- // Run refresh on display.
- invalidateDisplay();
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override protected function invalidateEnablement( oldValue:Boolean, newValue:Boolean ):void
- {
- super.invalidateEnablement( oldValue, newValue );
- _viewport.enabled = _enabled;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validate the new data provider applied to this instance.
- * @param oldValue Array An Array of Object. The previously applied data provider (if available).
- * @param newValue Array An Array of Object. The newly applied data provider.
- */
- protected function invalidateDataProvider( oldValue:Array, newValue:Array ):void
- {
- // null out previous selection.
- _selectedIndex = -1;
- invalidateSelection();
- // Hold easy reference to the amount of new data.
- _cellAmount = ( _dataProvider ) ? _dataProvider.length : 0;
- // Remove all renderers.
- while( _listHolder.numChildren > 0 )
- {
- _listHolder.removeChildAt( 0 );
- }
- // If we had no old value, fill as normal.
- if( oldValue == null )
- {
- // Fills the cell list with factory created item renderers based on data provider.
- fillRendererQueue( _cells, _dataProvider.length );
- }
- // Else if dataProvider has come in as null, clear all.
- else if( newValue == null )
- {
- removeFromRendererQueue( _cells, oldValue.length );
- }
- // Else if we had an old value, determine if we need to shrink or grow our pool of cells.
- else if( oldValue.length != newValue.length )
- {
- // If there are more data representations of cells than previously, grow our pool.
- if( oldValue.length < newValue.length )
- {
- addToRendererQueue( _cells, newValue.length - oldValue.length );
- }
- // Else if there are less data representation of cells than previously, shrink our pool.
- else
- {
- removeFromRendererQueue( _cells, oldValue.length - newValue.length );
- }
- }
- // Run a refresh.
- resetToOriginalState();
- _viewport.reset();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the new item renderer applied to this instance.
- */
- protected function invalidateItemRenderer():void
- {
- // Clean and refill with new item renderers.
- cleanRefill();
- // Refresh.
- invalidateDisplay();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the update to labelField for each item renderer.
- */
- protected function invalidateLabelField():void
- {
- var i:int = _cells.length;
- var renderer:IScrollListItemRenderer;
- while( --i > -1 )
- {
- renderer = _cells[i] as IScrollListItemRenderer;
- renderer.labelField = _labelField;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the IScrollViewportContext implementation applied to this instance.
- */
- protected function invalidateScrollContext():void
- {
- // If we have a viewport set, apply the new context.
- if( _viewport != null )
- {
- _viewport.context = _scrollContext;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the IScrollListLayout applied to this instance.
- */
- protected function invalidateLayout():void
- {
- // Set the target to this instance.
- _layout.target = this;
- // Run refresh.
- resetToOriginalState();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the current display.
- */
- protected function invalidateDisplay():void
- {
- // Notify the layout of update to display.
- _layout.updateDisplay();
- // Set bounds of content holder.
- _listHolder.height = getContentHeight();
- _listHolder.width = getContentWidth();
- // Update the visual display.
- updateDisplay();
- // Run refresh on viewport.
- _viewport.refresh();
- // Show the cells based on display properties.
- showCells();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the selected item of this instance based on selected index.
- */
- protected function invalidateSelection():void
- {
- // Unselect any previously selected item renderer(s).
- if( _selectedRenderer )
- {
- _selectedRenderer.selected = false;
- _selectedRenderer = null;
- }
- // Set selection on item renderer based on selected index.
- if( _selectedIndex >= 0 && _selectedIndex < _cells.length )
- {
- _selectedRenderer = _cells[_selectedIndex];
- _selectedRenderer.selected = true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Validates the ability to make a selction within the list.
- */
- protected function invalidateSelectionEnablement():void
- {
- if( _tapMediator.isMediating( _listHolder ) )
- {
- if( _selectionEnabled )
- {
- _tapMediator.mediateTapGesture( _listHolder, handleListTap );
- }
- else
- {
- _tapMediator.unmediateTapGesture( _listHolder );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Cleans display and queues of item renderers and performs a refill of those items based on dataProvider.
- * @see #refresh()
- * @see #invalidateItemRenderer()
- */
- protected function cleanRefill():void
- {
- // null out previous selection.
- _selectedIndex = -1;
- invalidateSelection();
- // Remove all renderers.
- while( _listHolder.numChildren > 0 )
- _listHolder.removeChildAt( 0 );
- // Remove cells from list.
- while( _cells.length > 0 )
- _cells.pop();
- // Fill cells in list.
- fillRendererQueue( _cells, ( _dataProvider ) ? _dataProvider.length : 0 );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Factory method to create the IScrollListItemRenderer instance based on the item renderer class.
- * @return IScrollListItemRenderer
- */
- protected function createItemRenderer():IScrollListItemRenderer
- {
- var rendererClass:Class = getDefinitionByName( _itemRenderer ) as Class;
- var renderer:IScrollListItemRenderer = new rendererClass() as IScrollListItemRenderer;
- return renderer;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Fills a list with IScrollListItemRenderer instances created from factory method on item renderer class.
- * @param queue Vector.<IScrolListRenderer> The list to fill with newly created instances of IScrollListItemRenderer.
- * @param amount int The amount to add to the list.
- * @see #createItemRenderer
- */
- protected function fillRendererQueue( queue:Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>, amount:int ):void
- {
- var i:int = amount;
- var renderer:IScrollListItemRenderer;
- while( --i > -1 )
- {
- renderer = createItemRenderer();
- renderer.labelField = _labelField;
- queue[queue.length] = renderer;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Appends item renderers to the list of IScrollListItemRenderer.
- * @param queue Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer> The list to add a new instance to.
- * @param amount int The amount of item renderer instances to add to the list.
- */
- protected function addToRendererQueue( queue:Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>, amount:int ):void
- {
- var length:int = queue.length + amount;
- var renderer:IScrollListItemRenderer;
- while( queue.length < length )
- {
- renderer = createItemRenderer();
- renderer.labelField = _labelField;
- queue[queue.length] = renderer
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Removes item renderes from the list of IScrollListItemRenderer.
- * @param queue Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer> The list to remove instances from.
- * @param amount int The amount of item renderer instances to remove.
- */
- protected function removeFromRendererQueue( queue:Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>, amount:int ):void
- {
- var length:int = queue.length - amount;
- length = ( length < 0 ) ? 0 : length;
- while( queue.length > length )
- queue.pop();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Returns the height of the actual content within the list. This does not represent the height of content on the display list.
- * This value represents the dimension vertically that can be scrolled to.
- * @return Number
- */
- protected function getContentHeight():Number
- {
- return ( _layout ) ? _layout.getContentHeight() : _width;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Returns the width of the actual content within the list. This does not represent the width of content on the display list.
- * This value respresents the dimension horizontally that can be scrolled to.
- * @return Number
- */
- protected function getContentWidth():Number
- {
- return ( _layout ) ? _layout.getContentWidth() : _height;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Shows the item renderer instances based on scroll position.
- */
- protected function showCells():void
- {
- // Invoke layout to find cells within area based on scroll position.
- _layout.updateScrollPosition();
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override protected function addDisplayHandlers():void
- {
- super.addDisplayHandlers();
- if( _enabled && _selectionEnabled )
- _tapMediator.mediateTapGesture( _listHolder, handleListTap );
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override protected function removeDisplayHandlers():void
- {
- super.removeDisplayHandlers();
- if( _tapMediator.isMediating( _listHolder ) )
- _tapMediator.unmediateTapGesture( _listHolder );
- }
- /**
- * Signal handler for start of scroll in viewport.
- * @param Position
- */
- protected function scrollViewDidStart( position:Point ):void
- {
- _currentScrollPosition = position;
- scrollStart.dispatch( _signalEvent );
- }
- /**
- * Signal handler for change in scroll from viewport.
- * @param Point
- */
- protected function scrollViewDidAnimate( position:Point ):void
- {
- _isScrolling = true;
- _currentScrollPosition = position;
- scrollChange.dispatch( _signalEvent );
- showCells();
- }
- /**
- * Signal handler for end of scroll from viewport.
- * @param Point
- */
- protected function scrollViewDidEnd( position:Point ):void
- {
- _isScrolling = false;
- _currentScrollPosition = position;
- scrollEnd.dispatch( _signalEvent );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for tap gesture on content. Determines the selected index within the list.
- * @param evt Event
- */
- protected function handleListTap( evt:Event ):void
- {
- var tapEvent:MouseEvent = evt as MouseEvent;
- var index:int = _layout.getChildIndexAtPosition( tapEvent.localX, tapEvent.localY );
- selectedIndex = index;
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#getRendererAt()
- */
- public function getRendererAt( index:uint ):IScrollListItemRenderer
- {
- return _cells[index];
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#scrollPositionToIndex()
- */
- public function scrollPositionToIndex( index:uint, select:Boolean = false ):void
- {
- var position:Point = _layout.getPositionFromIndex( index );
- _viewport.scrollToPosition( position );
- // Update selection based on flag.
- if( select ) selectedIndex = index;
- }
- /**
- * Adds an item renderer to the display. The IScrollListLayout instance uses this method to add an instance to the list display.
- * Typically you will not call this method directly on a list unless from a IScrollListLayout instance managing the children of the display list.
- * @param renderer IScrollListItemRenderer
- */
- public function addRendererToDisplay( renderer:IScrollListItemRenderer ):void
- {
- // Create the list holder if it doesn't exist. the layout can start populating its display list prior to being add to the stage.
- createListHolderIfNotExist();
- if( _listHolder.contains( renderer as DisplayObject ) )
- ( renderer as DisplayObject ).visible = true;
- else
- _listHolder.addChild( renderer as DisplayObject );
- }
- /**
- * Removes an item renderer from the display. The IScrollListLayout instance uses this method to remove an instance from the list display.
- * Typically you will not call this method directly on a list unless from a IScrollListLayout instance managing the children of the display list.
- * @param renderer IScrollListItemRenderer
- */
- public function removeRendererFromDisplay( renderer:IScrollListItemRenderer ):void
- {
- // Create the list holder if it doesn't exist. the layout can start populating its display list prior to being add to the stage.
- createListHolderIfNotExist();
- if( _listHolder.contains( renderer as DisplayObject ) )
- ( renderer as DisplayObject ).visible = false;
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListLayoutTarget#commitContentChange()
- */
- public function commitContentChange():void
- {
- // Set bounds of content holder.
- if( _listHolder )
- {
- _listHolder.height = getContentHeight();
- _listHolder.width = getContentWidth();
- }
- // Update the visual display.
- updateDisplay();
- // Run refresh on viewport.
- if( _viewport ) _viewport.refresh();
- // Show the cells based on display properties.
- if( _layout ) showCells();
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#refresh()
- */
- public function refresh():void
- {
- // Clean and refill with new item renderer data.
- cleanRefill();
- // Reset list to original properties (ie. scroll position).
- resetToOriginalState();
- // Reset viewport to origin.
- _viewport.reset();
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#startScroll
- */
- public function get scrollStart():DeluxeSignal
- {
- return _scrollStart;
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#endScroll
- */
- public function get scrollEnd():DeluxeSignal
- {
- return _scrollEnd;
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#scroll
- */
- public function get scrollChange():DeluxeSignal
- {
- return _scrollChange;
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#select
- */
- public function get selectionChange():DeluxeSignal
- {
- return _selectionChange;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the list of IScrollListItemRenderer instances.
- * @return Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>
- */
- public function get renderers():Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>
- {
- return _cells;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the length of the list of IScrollListItemRenderer instances.
- * @return int
- */
- public function get rendererAmount():int
- {
- return _cells.length;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the current scroll position of the display list.
- * @return Point
- */
- public function get scrollPosition():Point
- {
- return _currentScrollPosition;
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override public function dispose():void
- {
- super.dispose();
- // Empty list.
- _cells = new Vector.<IScrollListItemRenderer>();
- // Empty display list.
- while( _listHolder.numChildren > 0 )
- _listHolder.removeChildAt( 0 );
- // Unmediate on tap gesture.
- if( _tapMediator && _tapMediator.isMediating( _listHolder ) )
- _tapMediator.unmediateTapGesture( _listHolder );
- _tapMediator = null;
- // Dispose of layout manager.
- _layout.dispose();
- _layout = null;
- // Dispose of viewport display.
- _viewport.dispose();
- _viewport = null;
- // Null reference to any selected item.
- _selectedRenderer = null;
- // Null reference to signals.
- _scrollStart.removeAll();
- _scrollStart = null;
- _scrollEnd.removeAll();
- _scrollEnd = null;
- _scrollChange.removeAll();
- _scrollChange = null;
- _selectionChange.removeAll();
- _selectionChange = null;
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- *
- * Override to set the display area for the list.
- * @param value Rectangle
- */
- public function get scrollBounds():Rectangle
- {
- return _bounds;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor for the background display that can be used in the skinning process.
- * @return Shape
- */
- public function get backgroundDisplay():Graphics
- {
- return graphics;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the seperator size between list items.
- * @return int
- */
- public function get seperatorLength():int
- {
- return _seperatorLength;
- }
- public function set seperatorLength(value:int):void
- {
- if( _seperatorLength == value ) return;
- _seperatorLength = ( value < 0 ) ? 0 : value;
- invalidate( invalidateDisplay );
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the layout manager for the item renderers in the list.
- * @return IScrollListLayout
- */
- public function get layout():IScrollListLayout
- {
- return _layout;
- }
- public function set layout( value:IScrollListLayout ):void
- {
- if( _layout == value ) return;
- // Clear old layout.
- if( _layout != null ) _layout.dispose();
- _layout = value;
- invalidateAt( invalidateLayout, 0, null );
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the viewport context that manages user gestures and animation of display.
- * @return IScrollViewportContext
- */
- public function get scrollContext():IScrollViewportContext
- {
- return _scrollContext;
- }
- public function set scrollContext( value:IScrollViewportContext ):void
- {
- if( _scrollContext == value ) return;
- _scrollContext = value;
- invalidate( invalidateScrollContext );
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the item renderer instance to represent the data.
- * @return String The fully qualified class name of the item renderer.
- */
- public function get itemRenderer():String
- {
- return _itemRenderer;
- }
- public function set itemRenderer( value:String ):void
- {
- if( _itemRenderer == value ) return;
- _itemRenderer = value;
- invalidate( invalidateItemRenderer );
- }
- /**
- * @copy IScrollListContainer#selectionEnabled
- */
- public function get selectionEnabled():Boolean
- {
- return _selectionEnabled;
- }
- public function set selectionEnabled( value:Boolean ):void
- {
- if( _selectionEnabled == value ) return;
- _selectionEnabled = value;
- invalidate( invalidateSelectionEnablement );
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier of the selected item within the list from the data provided. This is not the selected item renderer instance.
- * @return Object
- */
- public function get selectedItem():Object
- {
- // Based on the selected index.
- return ( _selectedIndex >= 0 && _selectedIndex < _dataProvider.length ) ? _dataProvider[_selectedIndex] : null;
- }
- public function set selectedItem( value:Object ):void
- {
- // Set selected index based on the value.
- var index:int = _dataProvider.indexOf( value );
- if( _selectedIndex == index ) return;
- if( index > -1 ) selectedIndex = index;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the selected index within the list.
- * @return int
- */
- public function get selectedIndex():int
- {
- return _selectedIndex;
- }
- public function set selectedIndex( value:int ):void
- {
- if( _selectedIndex == value ) return;
- _selectedIndex = value;
- invalidate( invalidateSelection );
- selectionChange.dispatch( _signalEvent );
- }
- /**
- * @copu IScrollListContainer#labelField
- */
- public function get labelField():String
- {
- return _labelField;
- }
- public function set labelField( value:String ):void
- {
- if( _labelField == value ) return;
- _labelField = value;
- invalidate( invalidateLabelField );
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the array of data represented.
- * @return Array An Array of Object-based objects.
- */
- public function get dataProvider():Array
- {
- return _dataProvider;
- }
- public function set dataProvider( value:Array ):void
- {
- if( _dataProvider == value ) return;
- var oldValue:Array = _dataProvider;
- _dataProvider = value;
- invalidate( invalidateDataProvider, [oldValue, _dataProvider] );
- }
- }
- }
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * ScrollListHolder is an extension of Sprite that holds dimension values representing width and height. This is so not to scale the Sprite,
- * and is used as the basis for scroling in the viewport based on content dimensions.
- * @author toddanderson
- */
- class ScrollListHolder extends Sprite
- {
- protected var _width:Number = 0;
- protected var _height:Number = 0;
- protected var _visibleWidth:Number = 0;
- protected var _visibleHeight:Number = 0;
- protected var _rectCache:Rectangle;
- private static const ORIGIN:Point = new Point( 0, 0 );
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function ScrollListHolder()
- {
- _rectCache = new Rectangle();
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- *
- * Override to prvide proper bounds based on visible height rather than child display height.
- * @param targetCoordinateSpace DisplayObject
- * @return Rectangle
- */
- override public function getBounds( targetCoordinateSpace:DisplayObject ):Rectangle
- {
- // Use parent positioning, as this content is scrolled within, and the point should reside at the origina of parenting container.
- var pt:Point = ( parent ) ? parent.localToGlobal( ScrollListHolder.ORIGIN ) : localToGlobal( ScrollListHolder.ORIGIN );
- var w:int = _visibleWidth * targetCoordinateSpace.scaleX;
- var h:int = _visibleHeight * targetCoordinateSpace.scaleY;
- _rectCache.x = pt.x;
- _rectCache.y = pt.y;
- _rectCache.width = w;
- _rectCache.height = h;
- return _rectCache;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the visible width dimension of this display within the list.
- * @return Number
- */
- public function get visibleWidth():Number
- {
- return _visibleWidth;
- }
- public function set visibleWidth( value:Number ):void
- {
- if( _visibleWidth == value ) return;
- _visibleWidth = value;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the visible height dimension of this display within the list.
- * @return Number
- */
- public function get visibleHeight():Number
- {
- return _visibleHeight;
- }
- public function set visibleHeight( value:Number ):void
- {
- if( _visibleHeight == value ) return;
- _visibleHeight = value;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the preferred width of the display.
- * @return Number
- */
- override public function get width():Number
- {
- return _width;
- }
- override public function set width( value:Number ):void
- {
- if( _width == value ) return;
- _width = value;
- }
- /**
- * Accessor/Modifier for the preferred height of the display.
- * @return Number
- */
- override public function get height():Number
- {
- return _height;
- }
- override public function set height( value:Number ):void
- {
- if( _height == value ) return;
- _height = value;
- }
- }