https://github.com/siteserver/cms · C# · 537 lines · 479 code · 47 blank · 11 comment · 125 complexity · 273b59b5eea9bf9fa3ab530248c45500 MD5 · raw file
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Collections.Specialized;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using Datory;
- using SqlKata;
- using SSCMS.Enums;
- using SSCMS.Models;
- using SSCMS.Services;
- using SSCMS.Utils;
- namespace SSCMS.Core.Repositories
- {
- public partial class ContentRepository
- {
- private async Task<List<ContentSummary>> GetStlDataSourceCheckedAsync(IDatabaseManager databaseManager, List<int> channelIdList, string tableName, int startNum, int totalNum, string orderByString, string whereString, NameValueCollection others)
- {
- if (channelIdList == null || channelIdList.Count == 0)
- {
- return null;
- }
- var sqlWhereString = channelIdList.Count == 1 ? $"WHERE (ChannelId = {channelIdList[0]} AND Checked = true {whereString})" : $"WHERE (ChannelId IN ({TranslateUtils.ToSqlInStringWithoutQuote(channelIdList)}) AND Checked = true {whereString})";
- if (others != null && others.Count > 0)
- {
- var columnNameList = await databaseManager.GetTableColumnNameListAsync(tableName);
- foreach (var attributeName in others.AllKeys)
- {
- if (ListUtils.ContainsIgnoreCase(columnNameList, attributeName))
- {
- var value = others.Get(attributeName);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
- {
- value = value.Trim();
- if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "not:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("not:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- sqlWhereString += $" AND ({attributeName} <> '{value}')";
- }
- else
- {
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- sqlWhereString += $" AND ({attributeName} <> '{val}')";
- }
- }
- }
- else if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "contains:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("contains:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- sqlWhereString += $" AND ({attributeName} LIKE '%{value}%')";
- }
- else
- {
- var builder = new StringBuilder(" AND (");
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- builder.Append($" {attributeName} LIKE '%{val}%' OR ");
- }
- builder.Length -= 3;
- builder.Append(")");
- sqlWhereString += builder.ToString();
- }
- }
- else if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "start:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("start:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- sqlWhereString += $" AND ({attributeName} LIKE '{value}%')";
- }
- else
- {
- var builder = new StringBuilder(" AND (");
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- builder.Append($" {attributeName} LIKE '{val}%' OR ");
- }
- builder.Length -= 3;
- builder.Append(")");
- sqlWhereString += builder.ToString();
- }
- }
- else if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "end:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("end:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- sqlWhereString += $" AND ({attributeName} LIKE '%{value}')";
- }
- else
- {
- var builder = new StringBuilder(" AND (");
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- builder.Append($" {attributeName} LIKE '%{val}' OR ");
- }
- builder.Length -= 3;
- builder.Append(")");
- sqlWhereString += builder.ToString();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- sqlWhereString += $" AND ({attributeName} = '{value}')";
- }
- else
- {
- var builder = new StringBuilder(" AND (");
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- builder.Append($" {attributeName} = '{val}' OR ");
- }
- builder.Length -= 3;
- builder.Append(")");
- sqlWhereString += builder.ToString();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return startNum <= 1 ? GetStlDataSourceByContentNumAndWhereString(tableName, totalNum, sqlWhereString, orderByString) : GetStlDataSourceByStartNum(tableName, startNum, totalNum, sqlWhereString, orderByString);
- }
- private async Task<List<ContentSummary>> GetContentsDataSourceAsync(IDatabaseManager databaseManager, Site site, int channelId, int contentId, string groupContent, string groupContentNot, string tags, bool isImageExists, bool isImage, bool isVideoExists, bool isVideo, bool isFileExists, bool isFile, bool isRelatedContents, int startNum, int totalNum, string orderByString, bool isTopExists, bool isTop, bool isRecommendExists, bool isRecommend, bool isHotExists, bool isHot, bool isColorExists, bool isColor, ScopeType scopeType, string groupChannel, string groupChannelNot, NameValueCollection others)
- {
- if (!await _channelRepository.IsExistsAsync(channelId)) return null;
- var channel = await _channelRepository.GetAsync(channelId);
- var tableName = _channelRepository.GetTableName(site, channel);
- var where = string.Empty;
- if (isRelatedContents && contentId > 0)
- {
- where = $"ID <> {contentId}";
- }
- var sqlWhereString = GetStlWhereString(site.Id, groupContent,
- groupContentNot, tags, isImageExists, isImage, isVideoExists, isVideo, isFileExists, isFile,
- isTopExists, isTop, isRecommendExists, isRecommend, isHotExists, isHot, isColorExists, isColor,
- where);
- var channelIdList = await _channelRepository.GetChannelIdsAsync(channel, scopeType, groupChannel, groupChannelNot, string.Empty);
- return await GetStlDataSourceCheckedAsync(databaseManager, channelIdList, tableName, startNum, totalNum, orderByString, sqlWhereString, others);
- }
- public async Task<List<ContentSummary>> GetSummariesAsync(IDatabaseManager databaseManager, Site site, int channelId, int contentId, string groupContent, string groupContentNot, string tags, bool isImageExists, bool isImage, bool isVideoExists, bool isVideo, bool isFileExists, bool isFile, bool isRelatedContents, int startNum, int totalNum, string orderByString, bool isTopExists, bool isTop, bool isRecommendExists, bool isRecommend, bool isHotExists, bool isHot, bool isColorExists, bool isColor, ScopeType scopeType, string groupChannel, string groupChannelNot, NameValueCollection others)
- {
- var dataSource = await GetContentsDataSourceAsync(databaseManager, site, channelId, contentId, groupContent, groupContentNot, tags,
- isImageExists, isImage, isVideoExists, isVideo, isFileExists, isFile, isRelatedContents, startNum,
- totalNum, orderByString, isTopExists, isTop, isRecommendExists, isRecommend, isHotExists, isHot,
- isColorExists, isColor, scopeType, groupChannel, groupChannelNot, others);
- return dataSource;
- //var list = new List<ContentSummary>();
- //foreach (DataRow dataItem in dataSource.Tables[0].Rows)
- //{
- // var minContentInfo = new ContentSummary
- // {
- // Id = (int)dataItem[ContentAttribute.Id],
- // ChannelId = (int)dataItem[ContentAttribute.ChannelId]
- // };
- // list.Add(minContentInfo);
- //}
- //return list;
- }
- public async Task<List<KeyValuePair<int, Content>>> ParserGetContentsDataSourceAsync(Site site, int channelId, int contentId, string groupContent, string groupContentNot, string tags, bool isImageExists, bool isImage, bool isVideoExists, bool isVideo, bool isFileExists, bool isFile, bool isRelatedContents, int startNum, int totalNum, TaxisType taxisType, string where, bool isTopExists, bool isTop, bool isRecommendExists, bool isRecommend, bool isHotExists, bool isHot, bool isColorExists, bool isColor, ScopeType scopeType, string groupChannel, string groupChannelNot, NameValueCollection others)
- {
- if (!await _channelRepository.IsExistsAsync(channelId)) return null;
- var channel = await _channelRepository.GetAsync(channelId);
- var repository = GetRepository(site, channel);
- var query = GetQuery(site.Id)
- .Select(nameof(ContentSummary.Id), nameof(ContentSummary.ChannelId), nameof(ContentSummary.Checked))
- .WhereTrue(nameof(Content.Checked));
- if (isRelatedContents && contentId > 0)
- {
- query.WhereNot(nameof(Content.Id), contentId);
- }
- if (isTopExists)
- {
- query = isTop ? query.WhereTrue(nameof(Content.Top)) : query.WhereNullOrFalse(nameof(Content.Top));
- }
- if (isRecommendExists)
- {
- query = isRecommend
- ? query.WhereTrue(nameof(Content.Recommend))
- : query.WhereNullOrFalse(nameof(Content.Recommend));
- }
- if (isHotExists)
- {
- query = isHot ? query.WhereTrue(nameof(Content.Hot)) : query.WhereNullOrFalse(nameof(Content.Hot));
- }
- if (isColorExists)
- {
- query = isColor ? query.WhereTrue(nameof(Content.Color)) : query.WhereNullOrFalse(nameof(Content.Color));
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupContent))
- {
- query.Where(q => q
- .Where(nameof(Content.GroupNames), groupContent)
- .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $",{groupContent}")
- .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $",{groupContent},")
- .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $"{groupContent},"));
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupContentNot))
- {
- query
- .WhereNot(nameof(Content.GroupNames), groupContent)
- .WhereNotInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $",{groupContent}")
- .WhereNotInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $",{groupContent},")
- .WhereNotInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.GroupNames), $"{groupContent},");
- }
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tags))
- {
- var tagNames = ListUtils.GetStringList(tags);
- foreach (var tagName in tagNames)
- {
- query.Where(q => q
- .Where(nameof(Content.TagNames), tagName)
- .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $",{tagName}")
- .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $",{tagName},")
- .OrWhereInStr(repository.Database.DatabaseType, nameof(Content.TagNames), $"{tagName},"));
- }
- }
- if (isImageExists)
- {
- if (isImage)
- {
- query
- .WhereNot(nameof(Content.ImageUrl), string.Empty)
- .WhereNotNull(nameof(Content.ImageUrl));
- }
- else
- {
- query.WhereNullOrEmpty(nameof(Content.ImageUrl));
- }
- }
- if (isVideoExists)
- {
- if (isVideo)
- {
- query
- .WhereNot(nameof(Content.VideoUrl), string.Empty)
- .WhereNotNull(nameof(Content.VideoUrl));
- }
- else
- {
- query.WhereNullOrEmpty(nameof(Content.VideoUrl));
- }
- }
- if (isFileExists)
- {
- if (isFile)
- {
- query
- .WhereNot(nameof(Content.FileUrl), string.Empty)
- .WhereNotNull(nameof(Content.FileUrl));
- }
- else
- {
- query.WhereNullOrEmpty(nameof(Content.FileUrl));
- }
- }
- var channelIdList = await _channelRepository.GetChannelIdsAsync(channel, scopeType, groupChannel, groupChannelNot, string.Empty);
- if (channelIdList == null || channelIdList.Count == 0)
- {
- return null;
- }
- if (channelIdList.Count == 1)
- {
- query.Where(nameof(Content.ChannelId), channelIdList[0]);
- }
- else
- {
- query.WhereIn(nameof(Content.ChannelId), channelIdList);
- }
- if (others != null && others.Count > 0)
- {
- foreach (var attributeName in others.AllKeys)
- {
- if (repository.TableColumns.Exists(x =>
- StringUtils.EqualsIgnoreCase(x.AttributeName, attributeName)))
- {
- var value = others.Get(attributeName);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
- {
- if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "not:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("not:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- query.WhereNot(attributeName, value);
- }
- else
- {
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- query.WhereNot(attributeName, val);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "contains:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("contains:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- query.WhereLike(attributeName, $"%{value}%");
- }
- else
- {
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- query.Where(q =>
- {
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- q.OrWhereLike(attributeName, $"%{val}%");
- }
- return q;
- });
- }
- }
- else if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "start:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("start:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- query.WhereStarts(attributeName, value);
- }
- else
- {
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- query.Where(q =>
- {
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- q.OrWhereStarts(attributeName, val);
- }
- return q;
- });
- }
- }
- else if (StringUtils.StartsWithIgnoreCase(value, "end:"))
- {
- value = value.Substring("end:".Length);
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- query.WhereEnds(attributeName, value);
- }
- else
- {
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- query.Where(q =>
- {
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- q.OrWhereEnds(attributeName, val);
- }
- return q;
- });
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (value.IndexOf(',') == -1)
- {
- query.Where(attributeName, value);
- }
- else
- {
- var collection = ListUtils.GetStringList(value);
- query.Where(q =>
- {
- foreach (var val in collection)
- {
- q.OrWhere(attributeName, val);
- }
- return q;
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ParserOrderQuery(query, taxisType);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
- {
- query.WhereRaw(where);
- }
- var summaries = await repository.GetAllAsync<ContentSummary>(query);
- if (startNum > 1 && totalNum > 0)
- {
- summaries = summaries.Skip(startNum - 1).Take(totalNum).ToList();
- }
- else if (startNum > 1)
- {
- summaries = summaries.Skip(startNum - 1).ToList();
- }
- else if (totalNum > 0)
- {
- summaries = summaries.Take(totalNum).ToList();
- }
- var list = new List<KeyValuePair<int, Content>>();
- var i = 0;
- foreach (var summary in summaries)
- {
- var content = await GetAsync(site, summary.ChannelId, summary.Id);
- list.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, Content>(i++, content));
- }
- return list;
- }
- private void ParserOrderQuery(Query query, TaxisType taxisType)
- {
- if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderById)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top)).OrderBy(nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByIdDesc)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByChannelId)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top))
- .OrderBy(nameof(Content.ChannelId))
- .OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByChannelIdDesc)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top), nameof(Content.ChannelId), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByAddDate)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top))
- .OrderBy(nameof(Content.AddDate))
- .OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByAddDateDesc)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top), nameof(Content.AddDate), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByLastModifiedDate)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top))
- .OrderBy(nameof(Content.LastModifiedDate))
- .OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByLastModifiedDateDesc)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top), nameof(Content.LastModifiedDate), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByTaxis)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top))
- .OrderBy(nameof(Content.Taxis))
- .OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByTaxisDesc)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Top), nameof(Content.Taxis), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByHits)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.Hits), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByHitsByDay)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.HitsByDay), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByHitsByWeek)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.HitsByWeek), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByHitsByMonth)
- {
- query.OrderByDesc(nameof(Content.HitsByMonth), nameof(Content.Id));
- }
- else if (taxisType == TaxisType.OrderByRandom)
- {
- query.OrderByRandom(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- }