https://github.com/eyebluecn/tank · Go · 158 lines · 111 code · 30 blank · 17 comment · 12 complexity · 8b5ba9abb024b8335743672e401a8b34 MD5 · raw file
- package rest
- import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/core"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/i18n"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/result"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/util"
- jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
- "net/http"
- "regexp"
- "strings"
- "time"
- )
- const (
- //root matter's uuid
- MATTER_ROOT = "root"
- //cache directory name.
- MATTER_CACHE = "cache"
- //zip file temp directory.
- MATTER_ZIP = "zip"
- //matter name pattern
- MATTER_NAME_PATTERN = `[\\/:*?"<>|]`
- )
- /**
- * file is too common. so we use matter as file.
- */
- type Matter struct {
- Base
- Puuid string `json:"puuid" gorm:"type:char(36);index:idx_puuid"`
- UserUuid string `json:"userUuid" gorm:"type:char(36);index:idx_uu"`
- Username string `json:"username" gorm:"type:varchar(45) not null"`
- Dir bool `json:"dir" gorm:"type:tinyint(1) not null;default:0"`
- Name string `json:"name" gorm:"type:varchar(255) not null"`
- Md5 string `json:"md5" gorm:"type:varchar(45)"`
- Size int64 `json:"size" gorm:"type:bigint(20) not null;default:0"`
- Privacy bool `json:"privacy" gorm:"type:tinyint(1) not null;default:0"`
- Path string `json:"path" gorm:"type:varchar(1024)"`
- Times int64 `json:"times" gorm:"type:bigint(20) not null;default:0"`
- Parent *Matter `json:"parent" gorm:"-"`
- Children []*Matter `json:"-" gorm:"-"`
- Prop string `json:"prop" gorm:"type:varchar(1024) not null;default:'{}'"`
- VisitTime time.Time `json:"visitTime" gorm:"type:timestamp not null;default:'2018-01-01 00:00:00'"`
- Deleted bool `json:"deleted" gorm:"type:tinyint(1) not null;index:idx_del;default:0"`
- DeleteTime time.Time `json:"deleteTime" gorm:"type:timestamp not null;index:idx_delt;default:'2018-01-01 00:00:00'"`
- }
- // set File's table name to be `profiles`
- func (Matter) TableName() string {
- return core.TABLE_PREFIX + "matter"
- }
- // get matter's absolute path. the Path property is relative path in db.
- func (this *Matter) AbsolutePath() string {
- return GetUserMatterRootDir(this.Username) + this.Path
- }
- func (this *Matter) MimeType() string {
- return util.GetMimeType(util.GetExtension(this.Name))
- }
- //Create a root matter. It's convenient for copy and move
- func NewRootMatter(user *User) *Matter {
- matter := &Matter{}
- matter.Uuid = MATTER_ROOT
- matter.UserUuid = user.Uuid
- matter.Username = user.Username
- matter.Dir = true
- matter.Path = ""
- matter.CreateTime = user.CreateTime
- matter.UpdateTime = user.UpdateTime
- matter.VisitTime = user.UpdateTime
- return matter
- }
- //get user's space absolute path
- func GetUserSpaceRootDir(username string) (rootDirPath string) {
- rootDirPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", core.CONFIG.MatterPath(), username)
- return rootDirPath
- }
- //get user's root absolute path
- func GetUserMatterRootDir(username string) (rootDirPath string) {
- rootDirPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", core.CONFIG.MatterPath(), username, MATTER_ROOT)
- return rootDirPath
- }
- //get user's cache absolute path
- func GetUserCacheRootDir(username string) (rootDirPath string) {
- rootDirPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", core.CONFIG.MatterPath(), username, MATTER_CACHE)
- return rootDirPath
- }
- //get user's zip absolute path
- func GetUserZipRootDir(username string) (rootDirPath string) {
- rootDirPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", core.CONFIG.MatterPath(), username, MATTER_ZIP)
- return rootDirPath
- }
- //check matter's name. If error, panic.
- func CheckMatterName(request *http.Request, name string) string {
- if name == "" {
- panic(result.BadRequest("name cannot be null"))
- }
- if strings.HasPrefix(name, " ") || strings.HasSuffix(name, " ") {
- panic(result.BadRequest("name cannot start with or end with space"))
- }
- if m, _ := regexp.MatchString(MATTER_NAME_PATTERN, name); m {
- panic(result.BadRequestI18n(request, i18n.MatterNameContainSpecialChars))
- }
- if len(name) > MATTER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH {
- panic(result.BadRequestI18n(request, i18n.MatterNameLengthExceedLimit, len(name), MATTER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH))
- }
- return name
- }
- //fetch the props
- func (this *Matter) FetchPropMap() map[string]string {
- m := make(map[string]string)
- json := this.Prop
- if json == "" {
- }
- err := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.Unmarshal([]byte(json), &m)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return m
- }
- //fetch the props
- func (this *Matter) SetPropMap(propMap map[string]string) {
- b, err := jsoniter.ConfigCompatibleWithStandardLibrary.Marshal(propMap)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- this.Prop = string(b)
- }