https://github.com/eyebluecn/tank · Go · 280 lines · 201 code · 54 blank · 25 comment · 70 complexity · ab3281aac0eaf6e5a50daa4c229b1443 MD5 · raw file
- package rest
- import (
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/core"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/cache"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/result"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/util"
- "github.com/eyebluecn/tank/code/tool/uuid"
- "net/http"
- "os"
- "time"
- )
- //@Service
- type UserService struct {
- BaseBean
- userDao *UserDao
- sessionDao *SessionDao
- //file lock
- locker *cache.Table
- matterDao *MatterDao
- matterService *MatterService
- imageCacheDao *ImageCacheDao
- shareDao *ShareDao
- shareService *ShareService
- downloadTokenDao *DownloadTokenDao
- uploadTokenDao *UploadTokenDao
- footprintDao *FootprintDao
- }
- func (this *UserService) Init() {
- this.BaseBean.Init()
- b := core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.userDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*UserDao); ok {
- this.userDao = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.sessionDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*SessionDao); ok {
- this.sessionDao = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.matterDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*MatterDao); ok {
- this.matterDao = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.matterService)
- if b, ok := b.(*MatterService); ok {
- this.matterService = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.imageCacheDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*ImageCacheDao); ok {
- this.imageCacheDao = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.shareService)
- if b, ok := b.(*ShareService); ok {
- this.shareService = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.downloadTokenDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*DownloadTokenDao); ok {
- this.downloadTokenDao = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.uploadTokenDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*UploadTokenDao); ok {
- this.uploadTokenDao = b
- }
- b = core.CONTEXT.GetBean(this.footprintDao)
- if b, ok := b.(*FootprintDao); ok {
- this.footprintDao = b
- }
- //create a lock cache.
- this.locker = cache.NewTable()
- }
- //lock a user's operation. If lock, user cannot operate file.
- func (this *UserService) MatterLock(userUuid string) {
- cacheItem, err := this.locker.Value(userUuid)
- if err != nil {
- this.logger.Error("error while get cache" + err.Error())
- }
- if cacheItem != nil && cacheItem.Data() != nil {
- panic(result.BadRequest("file is being operating, retry later"))
- }
- duration := 12 * time.Hour
- this.locker.Add(userUuid, duration, true)
- }
- //unlock
- func (this *UserService) MatterUnlock(userUuid string) {
- exist := this.locker.Exists(userUuid)
- if exist {
- _, err := this.locker.Delete(userUuid)
- this.PanicError(err)
- } else {
- this.logger.Error("unlock error. %s has no matter lock ", userUuid)
- }
- }
- //load session to SessionCache. This method will be invoked in every request.
- //authorize by 1. cookie 2. username and password in request form. 3. Basic Auth
- func (this *UserService) PreHandle(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
- sessionId := util.GetSessionUuidFromRequest(request, core.COOKIE_AUTH_KEY)
- if sessionId != "" {
- cacheItem, err := core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Value(sessionId)
- if err != nil {
- this.logger.Error("occur error will get session cache %s", err.Error())
- }
- //if no cache. try to find in db.
- if cacheItem == nil || cacheItem.Data() == nil {
- session := this.sessionDao.FindByUuid(sessionId)
- if session != nil {
- duration := session.ExpireTime.Sub(time.Now())
- if duration <= 0 {
- this.logger.Error("login info has expired.")
- } else {
- user := this.userDao.FindByUuid(session.UserUuid)
- if user != nil {
- core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Add(sessionId, duration, user)
- } else {
- this.logger.Error("no user with sessionId %s", session.UserUuid)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //try to auth by USERNAME_KEY PASSWORD_KEY
- cacheItem, err := core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Value(sessionId)
- if err != nil {
- this.logger.Error("occur error will get session cache %s", err.Error())
- }
- if cacheItem == nil || cacheItem.Data() == nil {
- username := request.FormValue(core.USERNAME_KEY)
- password := request.FormValue(core.PASSWORD_KEY)
- //try to read from BasicAuth
- if username == "" || password == "" {
- username, password, _ = request.BasicAuth()
- }
- if username != "" && password != "" {
- user := this.userDao.FindByUsername(username)
- if user == nil {
- this.logger.Error("%s no such user in db.", username)
- } else {
- if !util.MatchBcrypt(password, user.Password) {
- this.logger.Error("%s password error", username)
- } else {
- this.logger.Info("load a temp session by username and password.")
- timeUUID, _ := uuid.NewV4()
- uuidStr := string(timeUUID.String())
- request.Form[core.COOKIE_AUTH_KEY] = []string{uuidStr}
- core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Add(uuidStr, 10*time.Second, user)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //find a cache user by its userUuid
- func (this *UserService) FindCacheUsersByUuid(userUuid string) []*User {
- var users []*User
- //let session user work.
- core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Foreach(func(key interface{}, cacheItem *cache.Item) {
- if cacheItem == nil || cacheItem.Data() == nil {
- return
- }
- if value, ok := cacheItem.Data().(*User); ok {
- var user = value
- if user.Uuid == userUuid {
- users = append(users, user)
- }
- } else {
- this.logger.Error("cache item not store the *User")
- }
- })
- return users
- }
- //remove cache user by its userUuid
- func (this *UserService) RemoveCacheUserByUuid(userUuid string) {
- var sessionId interface{}
- //let session user work.
- core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Foreach(func(key interface{}, cacheItem *cache.Item) {
- if cacheItem == nil || cacheItem.Data() == nil {
- return
- }
- if value, ok := cacheItem.Data().(*User); ok {
- var user = value
- if user.Uuid == userUuid {
- sessionId = key
- this.logger.Info("sessionId %v", key)
- }
- } else {
- this.logger.Error("cache item not store the *User")
- }
- })
- exists := core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Exists(sessionId)
- if exists {
- _, err := core.CONTEXT.GetSessionCache().Delete(sessionId)
- if err != nil {
- this.logger.Error("occur error when deleting cache user.")
- }
- }
- }
- //delete user
- func (this *UserService) DeleteUser(request *http.Request, currentUser *User) {
- //delete from cache
- this.logger.Info("delete from cache userUuid = %s", currentUser.Uuid)
- this.RemoveCacheUserByUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete download tokens
- this.logger.Info("delete download tokens")
- this.downloadTokenDao.DeleteByUserUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete upload tokens
- this.logger.Info("delete upload tokens")
- this.uploadTokenDao.DeleteByUserUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete footprints
- this.logger.Info("delete footprints")
- this.footprintDao.DeleteByUserUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete session
- this.logger.Info("delete session")
- this.sessionDao.DeleteByUserUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete shares and bridges
- this.logger.Info("elete shares and bridges")
- this.shareService.DeleteSharesByUser(request, currentUser)
- //delete caches
- this.logger.Info("delete caches")
- this.imageCacheDao.DeleteByUserUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete matters
- this.logger.Info("delete matters")
- this.matterDao.DeleteByUserUuid(currentUser.Uuid)
- //delete this user
- this.logger.Info("delete this user.")
- this.userDao.Delete(currentUser)
- //delete files from disk.
- this.logger.Info("delete files from disk. %s", GetUserSpaceRootDir(currentUser.Username))
- err := os.RemoveAll(GetUserSpaceRootDir(currentUser.Username))
- this.PanicError(err)
- }