Perl | 451 lines | 428 code | 3 blank | 20 comment | 32 complexity | 922604cf7d371f68376f26a0ea737d99 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # first argument is the .pane file, which is used to generate a matlab script
- # second (optional) argument is the corresponding help-file
- @lines = `cat $ARGV[0]`;
- @fname = split /[\/\.]/,$ARGV[0];
- $fname = @fname[-2];
- $rname = $fname;
- @paramtype = (); @paramtags = (); @paramname = (); @paramdesc = (); @defaults = (); @optional = (); @minval = (); @maxval = ();
- @inputtags = (); @inputname = (); @inputdesc = (); @inputdef = ();
- @outputtags = (); @outputname = (); @outputdesc = (); @outputdef = ();
- $inMultiToggle=0;
- $NumReqOutputs=0;
- foreach (@lines) {
- # print "separating: $_\n";
- @fields = split;
- @jfields = ();
- $instring=0;
- $astring="";
- # rejoin fields that were protected by '
- foreach (@fields) {
- if ($instring == 0)
- {
- # Expression starts with whitespace and a ', but not a protected whitespace
- if (/^\s*'/ && !/^\s*\\'/)
- {
- $instring=1;
- $astring=$_;
- # same expression also ends with a non-protected ' and trailing whitespace
- if (/^\s*'.+'\s*$/ && !/^\s*'.+\\'\s*$/)
- {
- $instring=0;
- push @jfields,$astring;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- push @jfields,$_;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $astring= "$astring $_";
- # This is a non-protected ending ' with maybe whitespace
- if (/'\s*/ && !/\\'\s*/)
- {
- $instring=0;
- push @jfields,$astring;
- }
- }
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-M')
- {
- $progdescr = @jfields[5];
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-T')
- {
- push @paramtype, 'MultiChoice';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- # paramdesc will follow at end
- $choices = "@jfields[-2]\n% Choices are:";
- push @minval, 0;
- push @maxval, 0;
- push @defaults, @jfields[-4];
- $inMultiToggle=1;
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-E')
- {
- if ($inMultiToggle != 0)
- {
- $inMultiToggle=0;
- push @paramdesc, $choices;
- }
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-t')
- {
- if ($inMultiToggle == 0)
- {
- push @paramtype, 'Toggle';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- push @paramdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @minval, 0;
- push @maxval, 0;
- push @defaults, @jfields[-5];
- }
- else
- {
- $choices = "$choices\n% $inMultiToggle: @jfields[-3]";
- $inMultiToggle += 1;
- }
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-s')
- {
- push @paramtype, 'String';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- push @paramdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @minval, 0;
- push @maxval, 0;
- push @defaults, @jfields[-4];
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-i')
- {
- push @paramtype, 'Integer';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- push @paramdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @minval, @jfields[-8];
- push @maxval, @jfields[-7];
- push @defaults, @jfields[-6];
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-f')
- {
- push @paramtype, 'Double';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- push @paramdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @minval, @jfields[-9];
- push @maxval, @jfields[-8];
- push @defaults, @jfields[-7];
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-I')
- {
- push @inputtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @inputname, @jfields[-3];
- push @inputdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @inputdef, @jfields[-4];
- push @paramtype, 'InputFile';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- push @paramdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @minval, @jfields[3];
- push @maxval, @jfields[3];
- push @defaults, '\'__input\'';
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-O')
- {
- push @outputtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @outputname, @jfields[-3];
- push @outputdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @outputdef, @jfields[-4];
- push @paramtype, 'OutputFile';
- push @paramtags, @jfields[-1];
- push @paramname, @jfields[-3];
- push @paramdesc, @jfields[-2];
- push @minval, @jfields[3];
- push @maxval, @jfields[3];
- push @defaults, '\'__output\'';
- if (@jfields[3] == 0) # required output
- {$NumReqOutputs += 1;}
- }
- if (@jfields[0] eq '-R')
- {
- $requiredParams = "$requiredParams @jfields[8]";
- @myfields = split /\//,@jfields[7];
- $rname = @myfields[-1];
- }
- # $j=0; foreach (@jfields) { print "item $j: $_\n"; $j += 1; }
- }
- # now it's time to generate the MatLab program
- print "%k$fname $progdescr\n";
- print "% This MatLab function was automatically generated by a converter (KhorosToMatLab) from the Khoros $fname.pane file\n";
- print "%\n% Parameters: \n";
- $i=0;
- foreach (@paramtags) {
- $mydefault=@defaults[$i];
- if ($mydefault eq '\'__input\'' || $mydefault eq '\'__output\'')
- {
- if (@minval[$i] > 0) {$mydefault= "optional";}
- else {$mydefault="required";}
- }
- else {$mydefault="default: $mydefault";}
- print "% @paramtype[$i]: $_ @paramname[$i], $mydefault: @paramdesc[$i]\n";
- $i += 1;
- }
- # $i=0;
- # print "% Ordered Inputs (can be omitted from the trailing end)\n";
- # foreach (@inputtags) {
- # print "% @inputname[$i] $_, default: @inputdef[$i]: @inputdesc[$i]\n";
- # $i += 1;
- # }
- # $i=0;
- # print "% Ordered Outputs (can be omitted from the trailing end)\n";
- # foreach (@outputtags) {
- # print "% @outputname[$i] $_, default: @outputdef[$i]: @outputdesc[$i]\n";
- # $i += 1;
- # }
- print "%\n% Example: ";
- if ($#outputtags >= 1) {print "[";}
- $i=0;
- foreach (@outputtags)
- {
- if ($#outputtags >= 0) {print "$_";}
- if ($i < $#outputtags)
- {print ", ";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- if ($#outputtags >= 1) {print "]";}
- if ($#outputtags >= 0) {print " = ";}
- print "k$fname(";
- $i=0;
- if ($#inputtags >= 1) {print "{";}
- foreach (@inputtags)
- {
- print "$_";
- if ($i < $#inputtags)
- {print ", ";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- if ($#inputtags >= 1) {print "}";}
- if ($i > 0) {print ",";}
- print " {";
- $i=0;
- foreach (@paramtags) {
- $mydefault=@defaults[$i];
- if ($mydefault eq '\'__input\'' || $mydefault eq '\'__output\'') { print "\'$_\',\'\'"; }
- else {print "\'$_\',$mydefault";}
- if ($i < $#paramtags)
- {print ";";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- print "})\n%\n";
- # Parse the helpfile and append it to the description
- $helpfile=$ARGV[1];
- if ($helpfile)
- {
- print "% Khoros helpfile follows below:\n";
- @lines = `cat $helpfile`;
- $indent = "";
- foreach (@lines) {
- # Expression starts with whitespace and a ', but not a protected whitespace
- s/\\-/-/; # correct protected "-"
- if (s/\\\(bu/* /) { $_=""; $bullet="true";}
- if (s/\.br//) { $_="";}
- if (s/\.sp//) { $_="";}
- if (s/\.LP//) { $_="\n";}
- if (s/\.IP//) { $_="\n% $_";}
- if (s/\.RS//) { $indent="$indent\t";}
- if (s/\.RE//) { $indent=substr($indent,0,-1);}
- s/\\fH/\"/;
- s/\\fP/\"/;
- s/\\fI/\"/;
- s/\.nf//;
- s/\.fi//;
- s/\.paragraph//;
- if (s/.section 1//)
- {
- print "%\n";
- }
- if (/^\s*.onlineHelp/)
- {$_=""} # ignore
- if (/^\s*.syntax/)
- {$_=""} # ignore
- if ($_ ne "")
- {
- if ($bullet eq "true")
- {print "% $indent- $_";$bullet=""}
- else
- {print "% $indent$_";}
- }
- }
- }
- print "\n\n";
- print "function varargout = k$fname(varargin)\n";
- if ($#inputtags >= 0)
- {
- print "if nargin ==0\n Inputs={};arglist={'',''};\n";
- print "elseif nargin ==1\n Inputs=varargin{1};arglist={'',''};\n";
- print "elseif nargin ==2\n Inputs=varargin{1}; arglist=varargin{2};\n";
- print "else error('Usage: [out1,..] = k$fname(Inputs,arglist).');\nend\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "Inputs={};\n";
- print "if nargin ==0\n arglist={'',''};\n";
- print "elseif nargin ==1\n arglist=varargin{1};\n";
- print "else error('Usage: [out1,..] = k$fname(arglist).');\nend\n";
- }
- print "if size(arglist,2)~=2\n error('arglist must be of form {''ParameterTag1'',value1;''ParameterTag2'',value2}')\n end\n";
- print "narglist={";
- $i=0;
- foreach (@paramtags) {
- print "\'$_\', @defaults[$i]";
- if ($i < $#paramtags)
- {print ";";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- print "};\n";
- print "maxval={";
- $i=0;
- foreach (@maxval) {
- print "$_";
- if ($i < $#maxval)
- {print ",";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- print "};\n";
- print "minval={";
- $i=0;
- foreach (@minval) {
- print "$_";
- if ($i < $#minval)
- {print ",";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- print "};\n";
- print "paramtype={";
- $i=0;
- foreach (@paramtype) {
- print "\'$_\'";
- if ($i < $#paramtype)
- {print ",";}
- $i += 1;
- }
- print "};\n";
- print "% identify the input arrays and assign them to the arguments as stated by the user\n";
- print "if ~iscell(Inputs)
- Inputs = {Inputs};
- end\n";
- print "NumReqOutputs=$NumReqOutputs; nextinput=1; nextoutput=1;
- for ii=1:size(arglist,1)
- wasmatched=0;
- for jj=1:size(narglist,1)
- if strcmp(arglist{ii,1},narglist{jj,1}) % a given argument was matched to the possible arguments
- wasmatched = 1;
- if strcmp(narglist{jj,2}, '__input')
- if (nextinput > length(Inputs))
- error(['Input ' narglist{jj,1} ' has no corresponding input!']);
- end
- narglist{jj,2} = 'OK_in';
- nextinput = nextinput + 1;
- elseif strcmp(narglist{jj,2}, '__output')
- if (nextoutput > nargout)
- error(['Output nr. ' narglist{jj,1} ' is not present in the assignment list of outputs !']);
- end
- narglist{jj,2} = 'OK_out';
- nextoutput = nextoutput + 1;
- if (minval{jj} == 0)
- NumReqOutputs = NumReqOutputs - 1;
- end
- elseif isstr(arglist{ii,2})
- narglist{jj,2} = arglist{ii,2};
- else
- if strcmp(paramtype{jj}, 'Integer') & (round(arglist{ii,2}) ~= arglist{ii,2})
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' is of integer type but non-integer number ' arglist{ii,2} ' was supplied']);
- end
- if (minval{jj} ~= 0 | maxval{jj} ~= 0)
- if (minval{jj} == 1 & maxval{jj} == 1 & arglist{ii,2} < 0)
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' must be bigger or equal to zero!']);
- elseif (minval{jj} == -1 & maxval{jj} == -1 & arglist{ii,2} > 0)
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' must be smaller or equal to zero!']);
- elseif (minval{jj} == 2 & maxval{jj} == 2 & arglist{ii,2} <= 0)
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' must be bigger than zero!']);
- elseif (minval{jj} == -2 & maxval{jj} == -2 & arglist{ii,2} >= 0)
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' must be smaller than zero!']);
- elseif (minval{jj} ~= maxval{jj} & arglist{ii,2} < minval{jj})
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' must be bigger than ' num2str(minval{jj})]);
- elseif (minval{jj} ~= maxval{jj} & arglist{ii,2} > maxval{jj})
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' must be smaller than ' num2str(maxval{jj})]);
- end
- end
- end
- if ~strcmp(narglist{jj,2},'OK_out') & ~strcmp(narglist{jj,2},'OK_in')
- narglist{jj,2} = arglist{ii,2};
- end
- end
- end
- if (wasmatched == 0 & ~strcmp(arglist{ii,1},''))
- error(['Argument ' arglist{ii,1} ' is not a valid argument for this function']);
- end
- end\n";
- # print "if (nextoutput > 1 & (nextoutput-1) ~= nargout)
- # error('Number of outputs does not correspond to number of output tags in argument list!');
- #end\n";
- #print "narglist\nInputs";
- print "% match the remaining inputs/outputs to the unused arguments and test for missing required inputs
- for jj=1:size(narglist,1)
- if strcmp(paramtype{jj}, 'Toggle')
- if (narglist{jj,2} ==0)
- narglist{jj,1} = '';
- end;
- narglist{jj,2} = '';
- end;
- if strcmp(narglist{jj,2}, '__input')
- if (minval{jj} == 0) % meaning this input is required
- if (nextinput > size(Inputs))
- error(['Required input ' narglist{jj,1} ' has no corresponding input in the list!']);
- else
- narglist{jj,2} = 'OK_in';
- nextinput = nextinput + 1;
- end
- else % this is an optional input
- if (nextinput <= length(Inputs))
- narglist{jj,2} = 'OK_in';
- nextinput = nextinput + 1;
- else
- narglist{jj,1} = '';
- narglist{jj,2} = '';
- end;
- end;
- else
- if strcmp(narglist{jj,2}, '__output')
- if (minval{jj} == 0) % this is a required output
- if (nextoutput > nargout & nargout > 1)
- error(['Required output ' narglist{jj,1} ' is not stated in the assignment list!']);
- else
- narglist{jj,2} = 'OK_out';
- nextoutput = nextoutput + 1;
- NumReqOutputs = NumReqOutputs-1;
- end
- else % this is an optional output
- if (nargout - nextoutput >= NumReqOutputs)
- narglist{jj,2} = 'OK_out';
- nextoutput = nextoutput + 1;
- else
- narglist{jj,1} = '';
- narglist{jj,2} = '';
- end;
- end
- end
- end
- end\n";
- # print "Inputs\nnarglist\narglist\nminval\nmaxval\nparamtype\n";
- # print "narglist\n";
- print "if nargout
- varargout = cell(1,nargout);
- else\n";
- if ($#outputtags >= 0) {print " varargout = cell(1,1);\n"}
- else {print " varargout = cell(0);\n"}
- print "end\n";
- print "[s,w] = system('which cantata');\nw=w(1:end-8);";
- # print "\[w \'$rname $requiredParams\'\]\n";
- if ($#outputtags >= 0) { print "[varargout{:}]=callKhoros(\[w '$rname $requiredParams\'],Inputs,narglist);\n";}
- else { print "callKhoros(\[w \'$rname $requiredParams\'\],Inputs,narglist);\n";}