Python | 73 lines | 42 code | 11 blank | 20 comment | 3 complexity | b959d2705dfd66bfff504ff2cfabb9fe MD5 | raw file
- """Base config factories.
- Authors:
- * Min RK
- """
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team
- #
- # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in
- # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from jupyter_client.localinterfaces import localhost
- from traitlets import Integer, Unicode
- from ipyparallel.util import select_random_ports
- from jupyter_client.session import SessionFactory
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Classes
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class RegistrationFactory(SessionFactory):
- """The Base Configurable for objects that involve registration."""
- url = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="""The 0MQ url used for registration. This sets transport, ip, and port
- in one variable. For example: url='tcp://' or
- url='epgm://*:90210'"""
- ) # url takes precedence over ip,regport,transport
- transport = Unicode('tcp', config=True,
- help="""The 0MQ transport for communications. This will likely be
- the default of 'tcp', but other values include 'ipc', 'epgm', 'inproc'.""")
- ip = Unicode(config=True,
- help="""The IP address for registration. This is generally either
- '' for loopback only or '*' for all interfaces.
- """)
- def _ip_default(self):
- return localhost()
- regport = Integer(config=True,
- help="""The port on which the Hub listens for registration.""")
- def _regport_default(self):
- return select_random_ports(1)[0]
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(RegistrationFactory, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self._propagate_url()
- self._rebuild_url()
- self.on_trait_change(self._propagate_url, 'url')
- self.on_trait_change(self._rebuild_url, 'ip')
- self.on_trait_change(self._rebuild_url, 'transport')
- self.on_trait_change(self._rebuild_url, 'regport')
- def _rebuild_url(self):
- self.url = "%s://%s:%i"%(self.transport, self.ip, self.regport)
- def _propagate_url(self):
- """Ensure self.url contains full transport://interface:port"""
- if self.url:
- iface = self.url.split('://',1)
- if len(iface) == 2:
- self.transport,iface = iface
- iface = iface.split(':')
- self.ip = iface[0]
- if iface[1]:
- self.regport = int(iface[1])