ActionScript | 406 lines | 294 code | 64 blank | 48 comment | 37 complexity | 7f5d335ead57ebd605d164bfc05c923d MD5 | raw file
- package com.mintdigital.hemlock.controls{
- import com.mintdigital.hemlock.HemlockEnvironment;
- import com.mintdigital.hemlock.Logger;
- import com.mintdigital.hemlock.utils.HashUtils;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- public class HemlockScrollBar extends HemlockControl{
- public static const HORIZONTAL:String = 'h';
- public static const VERTICAL:String = 'v';
- public static const NAME_SUFFIX:String = '_scrollbar';
- public var views:Object = {};
- private var _content:DisplayObject;
- private var _contentSize:Number;
- private var positionProperty:String; // 'y' if vertical, 'x' if horizontal
- private var sizeProperty:String; // 'height' if vertical, 'width' if horizontal
- private var contentIsTextField:Boolean;
- private var _percentage:Number = 0.0;
- private var isVertical:Boolean;
- protected static var _defaultOptions:Object = {
- direction: VERTICAL,
- thickness: skin.SCROLL_BAR_THICKNESS || 20,
- // Width if vertical, height if horizontal
- minThumbSize: skin.SCROLL_BAR_LENGTH || 15,
- // Height if vertical, width if horizontal
- colors: {
- bg: 0xCCCCCC, // Set null to be transparent
- thumb: 0xEEEEEE
- }
- };
- public function HemlockScrollBar(content:DisplayObject, options:Object = null){
- _content = content;
- contentIsTextField = (_content is TextField);
- options = HashUtils.merge(_defaultOptions, options);
- switch(options.direction){
- case VERTICAL:
- options.width = options.thickness;
- options.height = _content.height;
- isVertical = true;
- positionProperty= 'y';
- sizeProperty = 'height';
- break;
- options.width = _content.width;
- options.height = options.thickness;
- isVertical = false;
- positionProperty= 'x';
- sizeProperty = 'width';
- break;
- default:
- Logger.fatal('HemlockScrollBar::HemlockScrollBar() : Invalid direction: ' + options.direction);
- break;
- }
- if(!options.name){
- options.name = content.name + NAME_SUFFIX;
- }
- super(options.name, '', options);
- createViews();
- registerListeners();
- startListeners();
- }
- public function createViews():void{
- // http://www.actionscript.org/forums/archive/index.php3/t-88342.html
- if(!contentIsTextField){
- // Crop content
- content.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, content.width, content.height);
- // Assumes that content currently has intended dimensions
- // TODO: Accept options contentWidth and contentHeight
- // - Use these options when setting scrollbar dimensions
- }
- if(isVertical){
- var sizes:Object = {
- bg: { width: options.width, height: options.height },
- thumb: { width: options.width, height: 50 }
- };
- var useCustomColors:Boolean = (options.colors != defaultOptions.colors);
- // Create background
- if(skin.ScrollBarVerticalBG && !useCustomColors){
- views.bg = new skin.ScrollBarVerticalBG();
- sizes.bg.width = skin.SCROLL_BAR_THICKNESS;
- }else{
- // TODO: Create rounded ends
- // - Update setSize() and updateThumbSize() also
- views.bg = new Sprite();
- with(views.bg.graphics){
- if(options.colors && options.colors.bg){
- beginFill(options.colors.bg);
- }else{
- beginFill(0, 0); // Prop open
- }
- drawRect(0, 0, sizes.bg.width, sizes.bg.height);
- endFill();
- }
- }
- views.bg.width = sizes.bg.width;
- views.bg.height = sizes.bg.height;
- // Create scroll thumb
- if(skin.ScrollBarVerticalThumb && !useCustomColors){
- views.thumb = new skin.ScrollBarVerticalThumb();
- sizes.thumb.width = skin.SCROLL_BAR_THICKNESS;
- }else{
- // TODO: Create rounded ends
- // - Update updateThumbSize() also
- views.thumb = new Sprite();
- with(views.thumb.graphics){
- if(options.colors && options.colors.thumb){
- beginFill(options.colors.thumb);
- }else{
- beginFill(0, 0); // Prop open
- }
- drawRect(0, 0, sizes.thumb.width, sizes.thumb.height);
- endFill();
- }
- }
- views.thumb.width = sizes.thumb.width;
- views.thumb.height = sizes.thumb.height;
- // Create scroll thumb grip
- if(skin.ScrollBarVerticalThumbGrip && !useCustomColors){
- // TODO: Use updateThumbGrip() instead?
- views.thumbGrip = new skin.ScrollBarVerticalThumbGrip();
- sizes.thumbGrip = {
- };
- // views.thumb.addChild(views.thumbGrip);
- with(views.thumbGrip){
- x = (sizes.thumb.width - sizes.thumbGrip.width) * 0.5;
- y = (sizes.thumb.height - sizes.thumbGrip.height) * 0.5;
- width = sizes.thumbGrip.width;
- height = sizes.thumbGrip.height;
- }
- }
- }else{
- // Create background
- // FIXME: Implement
- // Create scroll thumb
- // FIXME: Implement
- }
- // Wrap up
- addChild(views.bg);
- addChild(views.thumb);
- if(views.thumbGrip){ addChild(views.thumbGrip); }
- setSize(options.width, options.height);
- }
- override public function registerListeners():void{
- registerListener(this, Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddToStage);
- registerListener(this, Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemoveFromStage);
- registerListener(views.thumb, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onScrollThumbMouseDown);
- registerListener(this, MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheel);
- registerListener(content, MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheel);
- registerListener(views.bg, MouseEvent.CLICK, onBGClick);
- registerListener(content, Event.CHANGE, onContentChange);
- }
- override public function setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void{
- views.bg.width = width;
- views.bg.height = height;
- super.setSize(width, height);
- updateThumbSize();
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Event handlers
- //--------------------------------------
- private function onAddToStage(event:Event):void{
- registerListener(stage, MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onScrollThumbMouseUp);
- startListeners();
- }
- private function onRemoveFromStage(event:Event):void{
- stopListeners();
- }
- private function onScrollThumbMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void{
- stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onScrollThumbMouseMove);
- // This should presumably only run after the scrollbar has
- // added to the stage.
- var bounds:Rectangle = isVertical
- ? new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, height - views.thumb.height)
- : new Rectangle(0, 0, width - views.thumb.width, 0);
- views.thumb.startDrag(false, bounds);
- }
- private function onScrollThumbMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void{
- event.updateAfterEvent();
- scrollContent(
- views.thumb[positionProperty]
- / (this[sizeProperty] - views.thumb[sizeProperty])
- );
- updateThumbGrip();
- }
- private function onScrollThumbMouseUp(event:MouseEvent):void{
- stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onScrollThumbMouseMove);
- views.thumb.stopDrag();
- }
- private function onMouseWheel(event:MouseEvent):void{
- var newPercentage:Number,
- deltaPixels:Number = event.delta * 2;
- // Higher multiplier => more sensitive to scrolling
- if(contentIsTextField){
- newPercentage =
- (views.thumb[positionProperty] - deltaPixels)
- / (this[sizeProperty] - views.thumb[sizeProperty]);
- }else{
- newPercentage =
- ((content.scrollRect[sizeProperty] * percentage) - deltaPixels)
- / content.scrollRect[sizeProperty];
- }
- scrollContent(newPercentage);
- updateThumbPosition();
- }
- private function onBGClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
- // Scrolls content by one page.
- var newPercentage:Number = percentage,
- pagePercentage:Number,
- clickCoord:Number = event[isVertical ? 'localY' : 'localX'];
- if(contentIsTextField){
- var textField:TextField = content as TextField;
- pagePercentage =
- textField[sizeProperty]
- / textField[isVertical ? 'textHeight' : 'textWidth'];
- }else{
- pagePercentage = content.scrollRect[sizeProperty] / contentSize;
- }
- if(clickCoord < views.thumb[positionProperty]){
- newPercentage = percentage - pagePercentage;
- }else if(clickCoord > views.thumb[positionProperty] + views.thumb[sizeProperty]){
- newPercentage = percentage + pagePercentage;
- }
- scrollContent(newPercentage);
- updateThumbPosition();
- }
- private function onContentChange(event:Event):void{
- _contentSize = -1;
- updateThumbSize();
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Internal helpers
- //--------------------------------------
- private function updateThumbSize():void{
- var thumbSize:Number = 0;
- if(contentIsTextField){
- thumbSize =
- this[sizeProperty] * contentSize
- / (content as TextField)[isVertical ? 'textHeight' : 'textWidth'];
- }else{
- thumbSize = this[sizeProperty] * content.scrollRect[sizeProperty] / contentSize;
- }
- visible = (thumbSize < contentSize);
- startListeners();
- // HemlockSprite listeners are stopped if not visible, but the
- // scrollbar's listeners should stay enabled to listen for
- // content events, e.g., Event.CHANGE.
- if(visible){
- if(thumbSize > contentSize) { thumbSize = contentSize; }
- if(thumbSize < options.minThumbSize) { thumbSize = options.minThumbSize; }
- views.thumb[sizeProperty] = thumbSize;
- updateThumbPosition();
- }
- }
- private function updateThumbPosition():void{
- var thumbPosition:Number;
- if(contentIsTextField){
- var textField:TextField = content as TextField;
- if(isVertical){
- if(textField.scrollV + 1 == textField.maxScrollV){
- percentage = 1;
- }else{
- percentage = (textField.scrollV - 1) / (textField.maxScrollV - 1);
- }
- }else{
- percentage = (textField.scrollH - 1) / (textField.maxScrollH - 1);
- }
- }
- thumbPosition = (content[sizeProperty] - views.thumb[sizeProperty]) * percentage;
- if(thumbPosition + views.thumb[sizeProperty] > content[sizeProperty]){
- views.thumb[sizeProperty] = content[sizeProperty] - thumbPosition;
- }
- views.thumb[positionProperty] = thumbPosition;
- updateThumbGrip();
- }
- private function updateThumbGrip():void{
- // Updates the thumb grip's size and position.
- if(!views.thumbGrip){ return; }
- views.thumbGrip.x = views.thumb.x + ((views.thumb.width - views.thumbGrip.width) * 0.5);
- views.thumbGrip.y = views.thumb.y + ((views.thumb.height - views.thumbGrip.height) * 0.5);
- views.thumbGrip[isVertical ? 'width' : 'height'] = skin.SCROLL_BAR_THUMB_GRIP_THICKNESS;
- views.thumbGrip[isVertical ? 'height' : 'width'] = skin.SCROLL_BAR_THUMB_GRIP_LENGTH;
- }
- private function scrollContent(newPercentage:Number):void{
- // `newPercentage` is the target percentage distance of the scroll
- // thumb from the top/left of the scrollbar. This should be
- // between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
- percentage = newPercentage;
- if(contentIsTextField){
- var textField:TextField = content as TextField;
- if(isVertical){
- textField.scrollV = Math.round(textField.maxScrollV * percentage);
- }else{
- textField.scrollH = Math.round(textField.maxScrollH * percentage);
- }
- }else{
- var rect:Rectangle = content.scrollRect;
- rect[positionProperty] = (contentSize - content.scrollRect[sizeProperty]) * percentage;
- content.scrollRect = rect;
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Properties
- //--------------------------------------
- public function get content():DisplayObject { return _content; }
- public function set content(value:DisplayObject):void { _content = value; }
- public function get contentSize():Number{
- // Returns the current height (if vertical) or width (if
- // horizontal) of `content`, depending on what type of
- // DisplayObject it is.
- if(!_contentSize || _contentSize < 0){
- if(content is DisplayObjectContainer){
- // Get distance to end of farthest child
- var doc:DisplayObjectContainer = (content as DisplayObjectContainer);
- for(var i:uint = 0, max:uint = doc.numChildren; i < max; i++){
- var child:DisplayObject = doc.getChildAt(i);
- _contentSize = Math.max(_contentSize, child[positionProperty] + child[sizeProperty]);
- }
- }else{
- // Get natural width/height
- _contentSize = content[sizeProperty];
- }
- }
- return Number(_contentSize);
- }
- public function get percentage():Number{
- // Current percentage distance of scroll thumb from top/left.
- // 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive.
- return _percentage;
- }
- public function set percentage(value:Number):void{
- _percentage = Number(isNaN(value) ? 0 : value < 0 ? 0 : value > 1 ? 1 : value);
- }
- public static function get defaultOptions():Object { return _defaultOptions; }
- public static function set defaultOptions(value:Object):void { _defaultOptions = value; }
- }
- }