https://github.com/XiaoMi/naftis · Go · 425 lines · 296 code · 81 blank · 48 comment · 51 complexity · bcddac1c83f752fe61454cb4a50c2023 MD5 · raw file
- // Code generated by protoc-gen-validate. DO NOT EDIT.
- // source: envoy/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint_components.proto
- package envoy_config_endpoint_v3
- import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "net"
- "net/mail"
- "net/url"
- "regexp"
- "strings"
- "time"
- "unicode/utf8"
- "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes"
- v3 "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy/config/core/v3"
- )
- // ensure the imports are used
- var (
- _ = bytes.MinRead
- _ = errors.New("")
- _ = fmt.Print
- _ = utf8.UTFMax
- _ = (*regexp.Regexp)(nil)
- _ = (*strings.Reader)(nil)
- _ = net.IPv4len
- _ = time.Duration(0)
- _ = (*url.URL)(nil)
- _ = (*mail.Address)(nil)
- _ = ptypes.DynamicAny{}
- _ = v3.HealthStatus(0)
- )
- // define the regex for a UUID once up-front
- var _endpoint_components_uuidPattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$")
- // Validate checks the field values on Endpoint with the rules defined in the
- // proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, an error is returned.
- func (m *Endpoint) Validate() error {
- if m == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetAddress()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return EndpointValidationError{
- field: "Address",
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetHealthCheckConfig()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return EndpointValidationError{
- field: "HealthCheckConfig",
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // EndpointValidationError is the validation error returned by
- // Endpoint.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
- type EndpointValidationError struct {
- field string
- reason string
- cause error
- key bool
- }
- // Field function returns field value.
- func (e EndpointValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
- // Reason function returns reason value.
- func (e EndpointValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
- // Cause function returns cause value.
- func (e EndpointValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
- // Key function returns key value.
- func (e EndpointValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
- // ErrorName returns error name.
- func (e EndpointValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "EndpointValidationError" }
- // Error satisfies the builtin error interface
- func (e EndpointValidationError) Error() string {
- cause := ""
- if e.cause != nil {
- cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
- }
- key := ""
- if e.key {
- key = "key for "
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- "invalid %sEndpoint.%s: %s%s",
- key,
- e.field,
- e.reason,
- cause)
- }
- var _ error = EndpointValidationError{}
- var _ interface {
- Field() string
- Reason() string
- Key() bool
- Cause() error
- ErrorName() string
- } = EndpointValidationError{}
- // Validate checks the field values on LbEndpoint with the rules defined in the
- // proto definition for this message. If any rules are violated, an error is returned.
- func (m *LbEndpoint) Validate() error {
- if m == nil {
- return nil
- }
- // no validation rules for HealthStatus
- if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetMetadata()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return LbEndpointValidationError{
- field: "Metadata",
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- if wrapper := m.GetLoadBalancingWeight(); wrapper != nil {
- if wrapper.GetValue() < 1 {
- return LbEndpointValidationError{
- field: "LoadBalancingWeight",
- reason: "value must be greater than or equal to 1",
- }
- }
- }
- switch m.HostIdentifier.(type) {
- case *LbEndpoint_Endpoint:
- if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetEndpoint()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return LbEndpointValidationError{
- field: "Endpoint",
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- case *LbEndpoint_EndpointName:
- // no validation rules for EndpointName
- }
- return nil
- }
- // LbEndpointValidationError is the validation error returned by
- // LbEndpoint.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
- type LbEndpointValidationError struct {
- field string
- reason string
- cause error
- key bool
- }
- // Field function returns field value.
- func (e LbEndpointValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
- // Reason function returns reason value.
- func (e LbEndpointValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
- // Cause function returns cause value.
- func (e LbEndpointValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
- // Key function returns key value.
- func (e LbEndpointValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
- // ErrorName returns error name.
- func (e LbEndpointValidationError) ErrorName() string { return "LbEndpointValidationError" }
- // Error satisfies the builtin error interface
- func (e LbEndpointValidationError) Error() string {
- cause := ""
- if e.cause != nil {
- cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
- }
- key := ""
- if e.key {
- key = "key for "
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- "invalid %sLbEndpoint.%s: %s%s",
- key,
- e.field,
- e.reason,
- cause)
- }
- var _ error = LbEndpointValidationError{}
- var _ interface {
- Field() string
- Reason() string
- Key() bool
- Cause() error
- ErrorName() string
- } = LbEndpointValidationError{}
- // Validate checks the field values on LocalityLbEndpoints with the rules
- // defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are
- // violated, an error is returned.
- func (m *LocalityLbEndpoints) Validate() error {
- if m == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetLocality()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{
- field: "Locality",
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- for idx, item := range m.GetLbEndpoints() {
- _, _ = idx, item
- if v, ok := interface{}(item).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{
- field: fmt.Sprintf("LbEndpoints[%v]", idx),
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if wrapper := m.GetLoadBalancingWeight(); wrapper != nil {
- if wrapper.GetValue() < 1 {
- return LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{
- field: "LoadBalancingWeight",
- reason: "value must be greater than or equal to 1",
- }
- }
- }
- if m.GetPriority() > 128 {
- return LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{
- field: "Priority",
- reason: "value must be less than or equal to 128",
- }
- }
- if v, ok := interface{}(m.GetProximity()).(interface{ Validate() error }); ok {
- if err := v.Validate(); err != nil {
- return LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{
- field: "Proximity",
- reason: "embedded message failed validation",
- cause: err,
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError is the validation error returned by
- // LocalityLbEndpoints.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
- type LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError struct {
- field string
- reason string
- cause error
- key bool
- }
- // Field function returns field value.
- func (e LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
- // Reason function returns reason value.
- func (e LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
- // Cause function returns cause value.
- func (e LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
- // Key function returns key value.
- func (e LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
- // ErrorName returns error name.
- func (e LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError) ErrorName() string {
- return "LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError"
- }
- // Error satisfies the builtin error interface
- func (e LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError) Error() string {
- cause := ""
- if e.cause != nil {
- cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
- }
- key := ""
- if e.key {
- key = "key for "
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- "invalid %sLocalityLbEndpoints.%s: %s%s",
- key,
- e.field,
- e.reason,
- cause)
- }
- var _ error = LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{}
- var _ interface {
- Field() string
- Reason() string
- Key() bool
- Cause() error
- ErrorName() string
- } = LocalityLbEndpointsValidationError{}
- // Validate checks the field values on Endpoint_HealthCheckConfig with the
- // rules defined in the proto definition for this message. If any rules are
- // violated, an error is returned.
- func (m *Endpoint_HealthCheckConfig) Validate() error {
- if m == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if m.GetPortValue() > 65535 {
- return Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError{
- field: "PortValue",
- reason: "value must be less than or equal to 65535",
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError is the validation error returned
- // by Endpoint_HealthCheckConfig.Validate if the designated constraints aren't met.
- type Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError struct {
- field string
- reason string
- cause error
- key bool
- }
- // Field function returns field value.
- func (e Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError) Field() string { return e.field }
- // Reason function returns reason value.
- func (e Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError) Reason() string { return e.reason }
- // Cause function returns cause value.
- func (e Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError) Cause() error { return e.cause }
- // Key function returns key value.
- func (e Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError) Key() bool { return e.key }
- // ErrorName returns error name.
- func (e Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError) ErrorName() string {
- return "Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError"
- }
- // Error satisfies the builtin error interface
- func (e Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError) Error() string {
- cause := ""
- if e.cause != nil {
- cause = fmt.Sprintf(" | caused by: %v", e.cause)
- }
- key := ""
- if e.key {
- key = "key for "
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- "invalid %sEndpoint_HealthCheckConfig.%s: %s%s",
- key,
- e.field,
- e.reason,
- cause)
- }
- var _ error = Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError{}
- var _ interface {
- Field() string
- Reason() string
- Key() bool
- Cause() error
- ErrorName() string
- } = Endpoint_HealthCheckConfigValidationError{}