https://github.com/engineer-man/youtube · Python · 323 lines · 272 code · 46 blank · 5 comment · 79 complexity · d01d4c7fc5923afaba269403d889708d MD5 · raw file
- """
- This module contains functions that display text to the screen, such as error
- messages and the game board.
- """
- import os
- import platform
- import random
- import board
- import globVar
- import sys
- import utils
- def drawBoard():
- clear()
- nowPlaying()
- numLabel = 8
- letterLabel = 'A'
- print("\n ", end = "")
- for i in range(8):
- print(letterLabel + " ", end = "")
- letterLabel = chr(ord(letterLabel) + 1)
- print("\n ",end="")
- for i in range(18):
- print("_",end="")
- print("\n", end = "")
- for i in range(8):
- print(' {} |'.format(numLabel), end = "")
- for j in range(8):
- print(board.Grid(i, j), end = "")
- print("|",end="")
- numLabel -= 1
- print("\n", end = "")
- print(" ",end="")
- for i in range(18):
- print("¯",end="")
- print("\n",end="")
- remaining()
- def nowPlaying():
- print(" ",end="")
- for i in range(23):
- print("-",end="")
- if( (globVar.w_check and globVar.player == "W") or
- (globVar.b_check and globVar.player == "b")):
- print("\n | CHECK! ", globVar.player, " |")
- elif globVar.checkmate:
- print("\n | CHECKMATE! |")
- else:
- print("\n | NOW PLAYING: ", globVar.player, " |")
- print(" ",end="")
- for i in range(23):
- print("-",end="")
- def pawn_to_new():
- drawBoard()
- while True:
- try:
- print(" 1. Rook 2. Knight")
- print(" 3. Bishop 4. Queen")
- choice = input("\n Choose a new piece: ")
- choices(choice)
- except ValueError:
- pawnError()
- continue
- if (choice == "" or len(choice) > 1 or not choice.isdigit()
- or int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > 4):
- pawnError()
- continue
- else:
- break
- return int(choice)
- def remaining():
- w_pawn_count = utils.typeCounter("pawn", "W")
- w_rook_count = utils.typeCounter("rook", "W")
- w_knight_count = utils.typeCounter("knight", "W")
- w_bishop_count = utils.typeCounter("bishop", "W")
- w_queen_count = utils.typeCounter("queen", "W")
- w_king_count = utils.typeCounter("king", "W")
- b_pawn_count = utils.typeCounter("pawn", "b")
- b_rook_count = utils.typeCounter("rook", "b")
- b_knight_count = utils.typeCounter("knight", "b")
- b_bishop_count = utils.typeCounter("bishop", "b")
- b_queen_count = utils.typeCounter("queen", "b")
- b_king_count = utils.typeCounter("king", "b")
- print(" ",end="")
- print(" REMAINING:\n ", end="")
- for i in range(23):
- print("_",end="")
- print("\n White: | Black:")
- print(" {}P' {}R' | {}p. {}r.".format(w_pawn_count, w_rook_count, b_pawn_count, b_rook_count))
- print(" {}N' {}B' | {}n. {}b.".format(w_knight_count, w_bishop_count, b_knight_count, b_bishop_count))
- print(" {}Q' {}K' | {}q. {}k.".format(w_queen_count, w_king_count, b_queen_count, b_king_count))
- print(" ",end="")
- for i in range(23):
- print("¯",end="")
- print("\n")
- def startScreen():
- while True:
- try:
- clear()
- print("\n Welcome to Chess: Python Edition!\n\n")
- n = input(" How many players for this game?\n (0, 1, or 2): ")
- except ValueError:
- print("\n Please choose an option.")
- print("\n Press Enter to continue.")
- input("")
- continue
- if (not n.isdigit()) or (int(n) < 0) or (int(n) > 2):
- print("\n Please choose an option.")
- print("\n Press Enter to continue.")
- input("")
- continue
- else:
- break
- globVar.numPlayers = int(n)
- if globVar.numPlayers < 2:
- random.seed(a=None)
- if globVar.numPlayers == 0:
- globVar.noPlayers = True
- speedMenu()
- board.populate()
- return True
- def speedMenu():
- while True:
- try:
- clear()
- print("\n At what speed would you like the AI to play?")
- print("\n 1. Slow enough to watch the game")
- print(" 2. Full speed ahead")
- n = input("\n Option: ")
- choices(n)
- except ValueError:
- print("\n Please choose an option.")
- print("\n Press Enter to continue.")
- input("")
- continue
- if (not n.isdigit()) or (int(n) < 1) or (int(n) > 2):
- print("\n Please choose an option.")
- print("\n Press Enter to continue.")
- input("")
- continue
- else:
- break
- if int(n) == 1:
- globVar.slow_speed = True
- else:
- globVar.slow_speed = False
- def chooseAvailableMessage():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Please choose a piece with available moves.")
- pressEnter()
- def getouttacheckMessage():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Choose a move to get out of check.")
- pressEnter()
- def pickValidMoveMessage():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Please pick a valid move.")
- pressEnter()
- def pawnError():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Please pick a valid piece.")
- pressEnter()
- def pressEnter():
- print(" Press Enter to continue.")
- input("")
- drawBoard()
- def selectError():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Please choose a square with one of your pieces.")
- pressEnter()
- def colError():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Please choose a valid column.")
- pressEnter()
- def rowError():
- errorSeparator()
- print("\n Please choose a valid row.")
- pressEnter()
- def errorSeparator():
- print("\n ",end="")
- for i in range(43):
- print("-",end="")
- def clear():
- if platform.system() == "Linux":
- os.system("clear")
- if platform.system() == "Darwin":
- os.system("clear")
- elif platform.system() == "Windows":
- os.system("CLS")
- else:
- print("\033c")
- def chooseCol():
- while True:
- try:
- choice = input("\n Choose a column (letter): ")
- choices(choice)
- except ValueError:
- colError()
- continue
- if (choice == "" or len(choice) > 1 or
- ord(choice.upper()) < ord('A') or ord(choice.upper()) > ord('H')):
- colError()
- continue
- else:
- break
- return choice
- def chooseRow():
- while True:
- try:
- choice = input("\n Choose a row (number): ")
- choices(choice)
- except ValueError:
- rowError()
- continue
- if not choice.isdigit() or choice == "":
- rowError()
- continue
- elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > 8:
- rowError()
- continue
- else:
- break
- return int(choice)
- def chooseMove(availMovesL):
- while True:
- try:
- choice = input("\n Choose a move (number): ")
- choices(choice)
- except ValueError:
- pickValidMoveMessage()
- continue
- if not choice.isdigit() or choice == "":
- pickValidMoveMessage()
- continue
- elif (int(choice) < 1) or (int(choice) > availMovesL):
- pickValidMoveMessage()
- continue
- else:
- break
- return int(choice)
- def choices(choice):
- if choice.upper() == "Q":
- quit()
- elif choice.upper() == "R":
- board.populate()
- clear()
- print("\n The board has been reset.")
- pressEnter()
- elif choice.upper() == "L":
- utils.readSave()
- clear()
- print("\n The last save has been loaded.")
- pressEnter()
- def quit():
- clear()
- print("\n Would you like to save your game? ", end="")
- y = yesNo()
- clear()
- if y:
- utils.writeSave()
- else:
- utils.delete_save()
- sys.exit(0)
- def yesNo():
- y = input("(y/n): ")
- if (y.upper() == "Y" or y.upper() == "YES"):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def loadSave():
- clear()
- print("\n Save detected. Load previous game? ", end="")
- y = yesNo()
- if y:
- board.populate()
- utils.readSave()
- else:
- # board.populate()
- startScreen()