Python | 147 lines | 70 code | 16 blank | 61 comment | 13 complexity | 474eb68034119eda9ccd7889a399564e MD5 | raw file
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- """Class and functions to store reduced density matrices."""
- import copy
- import numpy
- from openfermion.ops.operators import FermionOperator, QubitOperator
- from openfermion.ops.representations import (InteractionOperator,
- PolynomialTensor)
- class InteractionRDMError(Exception):
- pass
- class InteractionRDM(PolynomialTensor):
- r"""Class for storing 1- and 2-body reduced density matrices.
- Attributes:
- one_body_tensor: The expectation values <a^\dagger_p a_q>.
- two_body_tensor: The expectation values
- <a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s>.
- """
- def __init__(self, one_body_tensor, two_body_tensor):
- r"""Initialize the InteractionRDM class.
- Args:
- one_body_tensor: Expectation values <a^\dagger_p a_q>.
- two_body_tensor: Expectation values
- <a^\dagger_p a^\dagger_q a_r a_s>.
- """
- super(InteractionRDM, self).__init__({
- (1, 0): one_body_tensor,
- (1, 1, 0, 0): two_body_tensor
- })
- @property
- def one_body_tensor(self):
- """The value of the one-body tensor."""
- return self.n_body_tensors[1, 0]
- @one_body_tensor.setter
- def one_body_tensor(self, value):
- """Set the value of the one-body tensor."""
- self.n_body_tensors[1, 0] = value
- @property
- def two_body_tensor(self):
- """The value of the two-body tensor."""
- return self.n_body_tensors[1, 1, 0, 0]
- @two_body_tensor.setter
- def two_body_tensor(self, value):
- """Set the value of the two-body tensor."""
- self.n_body_tensors[1, 1, 0, 0] = value
- def expectation(self, operator):
- """Return expectation value of an InteractionRDM with an operator.
- Args:
- operator: A QubitOperator or InteractionOperator.
- Returns:
- float: Expectation value
- Raises:
- InteractionRDMError: Invalid operator provided.
- """
- if isinstance(operator, QubitOperator):
- expectation_op = self.get_qubit_expectations(operator)
- expectation = 0.0
- for qubit_term in operator.terms:
- expectation += (operator.terms[qubit_term] *
- expectation_op.terms[qubit_term])
- elif isinstance(operator, InteractionOperator):
- expectation = operator.constant
- expectation += numpy.sum(self.one_body_tensor *
- operator.one_body_tensor)
- expectation += numpy.sum(self.two_body_tensor *
- operator.two_body_tensor)
- else:
- raise InteractionRDMError('Invalid operator type provided.')
- return expectation
- def get_qubit_expectations(self, qubit_operator):
- """Return expectations of QubitOperator in new QubitOperator.
- Args:
- qubit_operator: QubitOperator instance to be evaluated on
- this InteractionRDM.
- Returns:
- QubitOperator: QubitOperator with coefficients
- corresponding to expectation values of those operators.
- Raises:
- InteractionRDMError: Observable not contained in 1-RDM or 2-RDM.
- """
- # Importing here instead of head of file to prevent circulars
- from openfermion.transforms.opconversions import (reverse_jordan_wigner,
- normal_ordered)
- qubit_operator_expectations = copy.deepcopy(qubit_operator)
- for qubit_term in qubit_operator_expectations.terms:
- expectation = 0.
- # Map qubits back to fermions.
- reversed_fermion_operators = reverse_jordan_wigner(
- QubitOperator(qubit_term))
- reversed_fermion_operators = normal_ordered(
- reversed_fermion_operators)
- # Loop through fermion terms.
- for fermion_term in reversed_fermion_operators.terms:
- coefficient = reversed_fermion_operators.terms[fermion_term]
- # Handle molecular term.
- if FermionOperator(
- fermion_term).is_two_body_number_conserving():
- if not fermion_term:
- expectation += coefficient
- else:
- indices = [operator[0] for operator in fermion_term]
- if len(indices) == 2:
- # One-body term
- indices = tuple(zip(indices, (1, 0)))
- else:
- # Two-body term
- indices = tuple(zip(indices, (1, 1, 0, 0)))
- rdm_element = self[indices]
- expectation += rdm_element * coefficient
- # Handle non-molecular terms.
- elif len(fermion_term) > 4:
- raise InteractionRDMError('Observable not contained '
- 'in 1-RDM or 2-RDM.')
- qubit_operator_expectations.terms[qubit_term] = expectation
- return qubit_operator_expectations