https://github.com/popcorn-official/popcorn-api · JavaScript · 326 lines · 215 code · 36 blank · 75 comment · 0 complexity · 61c6101bf8f65f0906eb733dc70239c1 MD5 · raw file
- // Import the necessary modules.
- // @flow
- /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
- import 'dotenv/config'
- import { expect } from 'chai'
- import express, { type $Application } from 'express'
- import request from 'supertest'
- import sinon from 'sinon'
- import {
- ContentService,
- Database,
- PopApi
- } from 'pop-api'
- import type { MongooseModel } from 'mongoose'
- import ContentController from '../../src/controllers/ContentController'
- import testAnime from '../data/animeshow'
- import testMovie from '../data/movie'
- import testShow from '../data/show'
- import {
- AnimeShow as Anime,
- Movie,
- Show
- } from '../../src/models'
- import { name } from '../../package.json'
- /**
- * Test suite for fetching content from the database.
- * @param {!string} content - The content to test.
- * @param {!Model} Model - The model object of the content to fetch.
- * @param {!Object} testContent - The test content to test with.
- * @returns {undefined}
- */
- function testContentController(
- content: string,
- Model: MongooseModel,
- testContent: Object
- ): void {
- /** @test {ContentController} */
- describe('ContentController', () => {
- /**
- * The express instance to test with.
- * @type {Express}
- */
- let app: $Application
- /**
- * The base content controller object to test.
- * @type {ContentController}
- */
- let contentController: ContentController
- /**
- * The id of the content to get.
- * @type {string}
- */
- let id: string
- /**
- * The database middleware from `pop-api`.
- * @type {Database}
- */
- let database: Database
- /**
- * The content service for the controller.
- * @type {ContentService}
- */
- let service: ContentService
- /**
- * Hook for setting up the Controller tests.
- * @type {Function}
- */
- before(done => {
- app = express()
- service = new ContentService({
- Model,
- projection: {
- imdb_id: 1
- }
- })
- contentController = new ContentController({
- basePath: content,
- service
- })
- contentController.registerRoutes(app)
- database = new Database(PopApi, {
- database: name
- })
- database.connect()
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#constructor} */
- it('should check the attributes of the ContentController', () => {
- expect(contentController.basePath).to.be.a('string')
- expect(contentController.basePath).to.equal(content)
- expect(contentController.service).to.be.an('object')
- expect(contentController.service).to.equal(service)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#registerRoutes} */
- it('should not throw an error when calling the implemented registerRoutes method', () => {
- expect(contentController.registerRoutes)
- .to.not.throw('Using default method: \'registerRoutes\'')
- })
- /** @test {ContentController} */
- describe('with an empty database', () => {
- /**
- * Hook for setting up the AudioController tests.
- * @type {Function}
- */
- before(done => {
- Model.remove({})
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getContents} */
- it(`should get a 204 status from the GET [/${content}s] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}s`)
- .expect(204)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getPage} */
- it(`should get a 204 status from the GET [/${content}s/:page] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}s/1`)
- .expect(204)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getContent} */
- it(`should get a 204 status from the GET [/${content}/:id] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}/${id}`)
- .expect(204)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getRandomContent} */
- it(`should get a 204 status from the GET [/random/${content}] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/random/${content}`)
- .expect(204)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- })
- /** @test {ContentController} */
- describe('with a filled database', () => {
- /**
- * The query object passed along to the 'getAudios' tests.
- * @type {[type]}
- */
- let query: Object
- /**
- * Hook for setting up the AudioController tests.
- * @type {Function}
- */
- before(done => {
- query = {
- keywords: 'String',
- genre: 'all',
- order: -1
- }
- new Model(testContent).save()
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getContents} */
- it(`should get a 200 status from the GET [/${content}] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}s`)
- .expect(200)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getPage} */
- it(`should get a 200 status from the GET [/${content}s/:page] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}s/1`).query({
- genre: 'sci-fi'
- }).expect(200)
- .then(res => {
- const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * res.body.length)
- id = res.body[random].imdb_id
- done()
- }).catch(done)
- })
- /**
- * Helper function to test the `/contents/:page` route.
- * @param {!string} sort - The sorting method to use.
- * @returns {undefined}
- */
- function testGetPage(sort: string): void {
- /** @test {ContentController#getPage} */
- it(`should get a 200 status from the GET [/${content}s/:page] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}s/1`).query({
- ...query,
- genre: 'string',
- sort
- }).expect(200)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- }
- // Execute the tests.
- [
- 'faulty',
- 'name',
- 'rating',
- 'released',
- 'trending',
- 'year'
- ].map(testGetPage)
- /** @test {ContentController#getContent} */
- it(`should get a 200 status from the GET [/${content}/:id] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/${content}/${id}`)
- .expect(200)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getRandomContent} */
- it(`should get a 200 status from the GET [/random/${content}] route`, done => {
- request(app).get(`/random/${content}`)
- .expect(200)
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- })
- /** @test {ContentController} */
- describe('will throw errors', () => {
- /** @test {ContentController#getContents} */
- it(`should get a 500 status from the GET [/${content}s] route`, done => {
- const stub = sinon.stub(Model, 'count')
- stub.rejects()
- request(app).get(`/${content}s`)
- .expect(500)
- .then(() => {
- stub.restore()
- done()
- })
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getPage} */
- it(`should get a 500 status from the GET [/${content}s/:page] route`, done => {
- const stub = sinon.stub(Model, 'aggregate')
- stub.rejects()
- request(app).get(`/${content}s/1`)
- .expect(500)
- .then(() => {
- stub.restore()
- done()
- })
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getContent} */
- it(`should get a 500 status from the GET [/${content}/:id] route`, done => {
- const stub = sinon.stub(Model, 'findOne')
- stub.rejects()
- request(app).get(`/${content}/${id}`)
- .expect(500)
- .then(() => {
- stub.restore()
- done()
- })
- .catch(done)
- })
- /** @test {ContentController#getRandomContent} */
- it(`should get a 500 status from the GET [/random/${content}] route`, done => {
- const stub = sinon.stub(Model, 'aggregate')
- stub.rejects()
- request(app).get(`/random/${content}`)
- .expect(500)
- .then(() => {
- stub.restore()
- done()
- })
- .catch(done)
- })
- })
- /**
- * Hook for tearing down the AudioController tests.
- * @type {Function}
- */
- after(done => {
- Model.findOneAndRemove({
- _id: testContent.id
- }).exec()
- .then(() => database.disconnect())
- .then(() => done())
- .catch(done)
- })
- })
- }
- const itemTypes = [
- ['anime', Anime, testAnime],
- ['movie', Movie, testMovie],
- ['show', Show, testShow]
- ]
- itemTypes.map(i => testContentController(...i))