Python | 225 lines | 111 code | 87 blank | 27 comment | 17 complexity | 286621769144194755adedf5873e3910 MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import sys
- import glob
- import torch
- import torch.utils.data as data
- import numpy as np
- # Reading video files
- import imageio
- import skimage.io as io
- from PIL import Image
- from ..utils.endovis_instrument import clean_up_annotation, merge_left_and_right_annotations
- class Endovis_Instrument_2015(data.Dataset):
- CLASS_NAMES = ['background', 'manipulator', 'shaft', 'ambigious']
- # Urls of original pascal and additional segmentations masks
- URL = 'https://endovissub-instrument.grand-challenge.org/'
- relative_image_save_path_train = 'Processed/train/images'
- relative_annotation_save_path_train = 'Processed/train/annotations'
- relative_image_save_path_validation = 'Processed/val/images'
- relative_annotation_save_path_validation = 'Processed/val/annotations'
- def __init__(self,
- root,
- train=True,
- joint_transform=None,
- prepare_dataset=False,
- dataset_type=0,
- split_mode=2,
- validation_datasets_numbers=[2]):
- # Dataset types:
- # 0 -- binary
- # 1 -- multiclass
- self.root = root
- self.joint_transform = joint_transform
- self.dataset_type = dataset_type
- self.validation_datasets_numbers = validation_datasets_numbers
- if prepare_dataset:
- self._prepare_dataset(train=True)
- self._prepare_dataset(train=False)
- if train:
- saved_images_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_image_save_path_train)
- saved_annotations_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_annotation_save_path_train)
- else:
- saved_images_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_image_save_path_validation)
- saved_annotations_path = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_annotation_save_path_validation)
- # We need this for __getitem__
- self.saved_images_template = os.path.join(saved_images_path, "{0:08d}.jpg")
- self.saved_annotations_template = os.path.join(saved_annotations_path, "{0:08d}.png")
- # Get the number of all annotations
- # we apply a regex here to filter annotations out from
- # anything else
- saved_annotations = glob.glob( os.path.join(saved_annotations_path, ('[0-9]' * 8) + '.png') )
- self.dataset_size = len(saved_annotations)
- # TODO: Create train/val split later
- def __len__(self):
- return self.dataset_size
- def merge_parts_annotation_numpy_into_binary_tool_annotation(self, parts_annotation_numpy, label_to_assign=1):
- parts_annotation_numpy_copy = parts_annotation_numpy.copy()
- parts_annotation_numpy_copy[parts_annotation_numpy_copy > 0] = label_to_assign
- return parts_annotation_numpy_copy
- def __getitem__(self, index):
- img_path = self.saved_images_template.format(index)
- annotation_path = self.saved_annotations_template.format(index)
- _img = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB')
- # TODO: maybe can be done in a better way
- _target = Image.open(annotation_path)
- if self.dataset_type == 0:
- target_numpy = np.asarray(_target)
- target_numpy = self.merge_parts_annotation_numpy_into_binary_tool_annotation(target_numpy)
- _target = Image.fromarray(target_numpy)
- if self.joint_transform is not None:
- _img, _target = self.joint_transform([_img, _target])
- return _img, _target
- def _prepare_dataset(self, train=True):
- """
- Creates a new folder with the name Processed in the root of the dataset
- where all the images and annotations are stored as plain jpg and png images.
- """
- datasets_numbers = set(list(range(1, 5)))
- if train:
- annotation_folder_to_save = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_annotation_save_path_train )
- images_folder_to_save = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_image_save_path_train)
- datasets_numbers = datasets_numbers - set(self.validation_datasets_numbers)
- else:
- annotation_folder_to_save = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_annotation_save_path_validation )
- images_folder_to_save = os.path.join(self.root, self.relative_image_save_path_validation)
- datasets_numbers = self.validation_datasets_numbers
- annotation_save_template = os.path.join( annotation_folder_to_save, "{0:08d}.png" )
- images_save_template = os.path.join( images_folder_to_save, "{0:08d}.jpg" )
- # Creating folders to save all the images and annotations
- if not os.path.exists(annotation_folder_to_save):
- os.makedirs(annotation_folder_to_save)
- if not os.path.exists(images_folder_to_save):
- os.makedirs(images_folder_to_save)
- # Creating template to go through the datasets folders
- dataset_folder_template = "Training/Dataset{}"
- dataset_template = os.path.join(self.root, dataset_folder_template)
- image_number_offset = 0
- # We have overall 4 datasets
- for current_dataset_number in datasets_numbers:
- current_dataset_path = dataset_template.format(current_dataset_number)
- if current_dataset_number == 1:
- # First dataset has two vides with separate annotations for each tool
- left_annotation_video_filename = os.path.join(current_dataset_path, 'Left_Instrument_Segmentation.avi')
- right_annotation_video_filename = os.path.join(current_dataset_path, 'Right_Instrument_Segmentation.avi')
- else:
- # Other datasets have just one video with annotation
- annotation_video_filename = os.path.join(current_dataset_path, 'Segmentation.avi')
- # Each dataset has just one video and it has the same name
- images_video_filename = os.path.join(current_dataset_path, 'Video.avi')
- # Creating readers for each of our videos
- images_reader = imageio.get_reader(images_video_filename, 'ffmpeg')
- # Once again -- first dataset is an exception
- if current_dataset_number == 1:
- left_annotations_reader = imageio.get_reader(left_annotation_video_filename, 'ffmpeg')
- right_annotations_reader = imageio.get_reader(right_annotation_video_filename, 'ffmpeg')
- else:
- annotations_reader = imageio.get_reader(annotation_video_filename, 'ffmpeg')
- current_dataset_number_of_images = images_reader.get_length()
- for current_image_number in range(current_dataset_number_of_images):
- # We need to merge two separate annotation files in the first dataset
- if current_dataset_number == 1:
- current_annotatio_left = left_annotations_reader.get_data(current_image_number)
- processed_current_annotation_left = clean_up_annotation(current_annotatio_left)
- current_annotation_right = right_annotations_reader.get_data(current_image_number)
- processed_current_annotation_right = clean_up_annotation(current_annotation_right)
- processed_current_annotation_final = merge_left_and_right_annotations(processed_current_annotation_left,
- processed_current_annotation_right)
- else:
- current_annotation = annotations_reader.get_data(current_image_number)
- processed_current_annotation_final = clean_up_annotation(current_annotation)
- current_image = images_reader.get_data(current_image_number)
- # add offset so that we respect the global count and not of the current dataset
- current_annotation_name_to_save = annotation_save_template.format(current_image_number + image_number_offset)
- current_image_name_to_save = images_save_template.format(current_image_number + image_number_offset)
- # add the offset from previous dataset image files -- so that we get all images saved
- io.imsave(current_annotation_name_to_save, processed_current_annotation_final)
- io.imsave(current_image_name_to_save, current_image)
- # Update the global count of images
- image_number_offset += current_dataset_number_of_images