Python | 177 lines | 111 code | 47 blank | 19 comment | 5 complexity | d4851c2c18bc6c676a435a3f90b78e49 MD5 | raw file
- import numpy as np
- import os
- import glob
- import utils
- import scipy.io as sio
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.image as mpimg
- class DataReader(object):
- def __init__(self, input_dir, output_dir, norm_dir, w=19, u=9, name=None):
- # print(name.title() + " data reader initialization...")
- self._input_dir = input_dir
- self._output_dir = output_dir
- self._norm_dir = norm_dir
- self._input_file_list = sorted(glob.glob(input_dir+'/*.bin'))
- self._input_spec_list = sorted(glob.glob(input_dir+'/*.txt'))
- self._output_file_list = sorted(glob.glob(output_dir+'/*.bin'))
- self._file_len = len(self._input_file_list)
- self._name = name
- assert self._file_len == len(self._output_file_list), "# input files and output file is not matched"
- self._w = w
- self._u = u
- self.eof = False
- self.file_change = False
- self.num_samples = 0
- self._inputs = 0
- self._outputs = 0
- self._epoch = 1
- self._num_file = 0
- self._start_idx = self._w
- norm_param = sio.loadmat(self._norm_dir+'/global_normalize_factor.mat')
- self.train_mean = norm_param['global_mean']
- self.train_std = norm_param['global_std']
- self.raw_inputs = 0 # adding part
- # print("Done")
- # print("BOF : " + self._name + " file_" + str(self._num_file).zfill(2))
- def _binary_read_with_shape(self):
- pass
- @staticmethod
- def _read_input(input_file_dir, input_spec_dir):
- data = np.fromfile(input_file_dir, dtype=np.float32) # (# total frame, feature_size)
- with open(input_spec_dir,'r') as f:
- spec = f.readline()
- size = spec.split(',')
- data = data.reshape((int(size[0]), int(size[1])), order='F')
- return data
- @staticmethod
- def _read_output(output_file_dir):
- data = np.fromfile(output_file_dir, dtype=np.float32) # data shape : (# total frame,)
- data = data.reshape(-1, 1) # data shape : (# total frame, 1)
- return data
- @staticmethod
- def _padding(inputs, batch_size, w_val):
- pad_size = batch_size - inputs.shape[0] % batch_size
- inputs = np.concatenate((inputs, np.zeros((pad_size, inputs.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)))
- window_pad = np.zeros((w_val, inputs.shape[1]))
- inputs = np.concatenate((window_pad, inputs, window_pad), axis=0)
- return inputs
- def next_batch(self, batch_size):
- if self._start_idx == self._w:
- self._inputs = self._padding(
- self._read_input(self._input_file_list[self._num_file],
- self._input_spec_list[self._num_file]), batch_size, self._w)
- self._outputs = self._padding(self._read_output(self._output_file_list[self._num_file]), batch_size, self._w)
- assert np.shape(self._inputs)[0] == np.shape(self._outputs)[0], \
- ("# samples is not matched between input: %d and output: %d files"
- % (np.shape(self._inputs)[0], np.shape(self._outputs)[0]))
- self.num_samples = np.shape(self._outputs)[0]
- if self._start_idx + batch_size > self.num_samples:
- self._start_idx = self._w
- self.file_change = True
- self._num_file += 1
- # print("EOF : " + self._name + " file_" + str(self._num_file-1).zfill(2) +
- # " -> BOF : " + self._name + " file_" + str(self._num_file).zfill(2))
- if self._num_file > self._file_len - 1:
- self.eof = True
- self._num_file = 0
- # print("EOF : last " + self._name + " file. " + "-> BOF : " + self._name + " file_" +
- # str(self._num_file).zfill(2))
- self._inputs = self._padding(
- self._read_input(self._input_file_list[self._num_file],
- self._input_spec_list[self._num_file]), batch_size, self._w)
- self._outputs = self._padding(self._read_output(self._output_file_list[self._num_file]), batch_size, self._w)
- data_len = np.shape(self._inputs)[0]
- self._outputs = self._outputs[0:data_len, :]
- assert np.shape(self._inputs)[0] == np.shape(self._outputs)[0], \
- ("# samples is not matched between input: %d and output: %d files"
- % (np.shape(self._inputs)[0], np.shape(self._outputs)[0]))
- self.num_samples = np.shape(self._outputs)[0]
- else:
- self.file_change = False
- self.eof = False
- inputs = self._inputs[self._start_idx - self._w:self._start_idx + batch_size + self._w, :]
- self.raw_inputs = inputs # adding part
- inputs = self.normalize(inputs)
- inputs = utils.bdnn_transform(inputs, self._w, self._u)
- inputs = inputs[self._w: -self._w, :]
- outputs = self._outputs[self._start_idx:self._start_idx + batch_size, :]
- self._start_idx += batch_size
- return inputs, outputs
- #num_batches = (np.shape(self._outputs)[0] - np.shape(self._outputs)[0] % batch_size) / batch_size
- def normalize(self, x):
- x = (x - self.train_mean)/self.train_std
- # a = (np.std(x, axis=0))
- return x
- def reader_initialize(self):
- self._num_file = 0
- self._start_idx = 0
- self.eof = False
- def eof_checker(self):
- return self.eof
- def file_change_checker(self):
- return self.file_change
- def file_change_initialize(self):
- self.file_change = False
- def dense_to_one_hot(labels_dense, num_classes=2):
- """Convert class labels from scalars to one-hot vectors."""
- # copied from TensorFlow tutorial
- num_labels = labels_dense.shape[0]
- index_offset = np.arange(num_labels) * num_classes
- labels_one_hot = np.zeros((num_labels, num_classes))
- labels_one_hot.flat[index_offset + labels_dense.ravel()] = 1
- return labels_one_hot
- # file_dir = "/home/sbie/github/VAD_KJT/Datamake/Database/Aurora2withSE"
- # input_dir1 = file_dir + "/STFT2"
- # output_dir1 = file_dir + "/Labels"
- # dr = DataReader(input_dir1, output_dir1, input_dir1,name='test')
- #
- # for i in range(1000000):
- # tt, pp = dr.next_batch(500)
- # print("asdf")