Python | 140 lines | 84 code | 37 blank | 19 comment | 10 complexity | c6f55db72ba462e3be709fba58f2d096 MD5 | raw file
- # Drakkar-Software OctoBot
- # Copyright (c) Drakkar-Software, All rights reserved.
- #
- # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- # version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # Lesser General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- # License along with this library.
- import copy
- import logging
- import time
- import flask
- import numpy
- from config import PriceIndexes, LOG_DATABASE, LOG_NEW_ERRORS_COUNT
- from interfaces.web.api import api
- from tools.logging import logs_database, reset_errors_count
- server_instance = flask.Flask(__name__)
- from interfaces.web.advanced_controllers import advanced
- server_instance.register_blueprint(advanced)
- server_instance.register_blueprint(api)
- # disable Flask logging
- log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')
- log.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- notifications = []
- matrix_history = []
- symbol_data_history = {}
- portfolio_value_history = {
- "real_value": [],
- "simulated_value": [],
- "timestamp": []
- }
- def add_to_matrix_history(matrix):
- matrix_history.append({
- "matrix": copy.deepcopy(matrix.get_matrix()),
- "timestamp": time.time()
- })
- def add_to_portfolio_value_history(real_value, simulated_value):
- portfolio_value_history["real_value"].append(real_value)
- portfolio_value_history["simulated_value"].append(simulated_value)
- portfolio_value_history["timestamp"].append(time.time())
- def add_to_symbol_data_history(symbol, data, time_frame, force_data_reset=False):
- if symbol not in symbol_data_history:
- symbol_data_history[symbol] = {}
- if force_data_reset or time_frame not in symbol_data_history[symbol]:
- symbol_data_history[symbol][time_frame] = data
- else:
- # merge new data into current data
- # find index from where data is new
- new_data_index = 0
- candle_times = data[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_TIME.value]
- current_candle_list = symbol_data_history[symbol][time_frame]
- for i in range(1, len(candle_times)):
- if candle_times[-i] > current_candle_list[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_TIME.value][-1]:
- new_data_index = i
- else:
- # update last candle if necessary, then break loop
- if current_candle_list[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_TIME.value][-1] == candle_times[-i]:
- current_candle_list[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value][-1] = \
- data[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_CLOSE.value][-i]
- current_candle_list[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_HIGH.value][-1] = \
- data[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_HIGH.value][-i]
- current_candle_list[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_LOW.value][-1] = \
- data[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_LOW.value][-i]
- current_candle_list[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_VOL.value][-1] = \
- data[PriceIndexes.IND_PRICE_VOL.value][-i]
- break
- if new_data_index > 0:
- data_list = [None] * len(PriceIndexes)
- for i, _ in enumerate(data):
- data_list[i] = data[i][-new_data_index:]
- new_data = numpy.array(data_list)
- symbol_data_history[symbol][time_frame] = numpy.concatenate((symbol_data_history[symbol][time_frame],
- new_data), axis=1)
- async def add_notification(level, title, message):
- notifications.append({
- "Level": level.value,
- "Title": title,
- "Message": message
- })
- def flush_notifications():
- notifications.clear()
- def get_matrix_history():
- return matrix_history
- def get_portfolio_value_history():
- return portfolio_value_history
- def get_symbol_data_history(symbol, time_frame):
- return symbol_data_history[symbol][time_frame]
- def get_notifications():
- return notifications
- def get_logs():
- return logs_database[LOG_DATABASE]
- def get_errors_count():
- return logs_database[LOG_NEW_ERRORS_COUNT]
- def flush_errors_count():
- reset_errors_count()