Python | 150 lines | 65 code | 15 blank | 70 comment | 4 complexity | f34345465b316c511e4f6c7a7833b184 MD5 | raw file
- # <Copyright 2019, Argo AI, LLC. Released under the MIT license.>
- import glob
- import sys
- from pathlib import Path
- from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence
- import numpy as np
- from argoverse.data_loading.synchronization_database import SynchronizationDB
- from argoverse.utils.json_utils import read_json_file
- from argoverse.utils.se3 import SE3
- from argoverse.utils.transform import quat2rotmat
- class SimpleArgoverseTrackingDataLoader:
- """
- Simple abstraction for retrieving log data, given a path to the dataset.
- """
- def __init__(self, data_dir: str, labels_dir: str) -> None:
- """
- Args:
- data_dir: str, representing path to raw Argoverse data
- labels_dir: strrepresenting path to Argoverse data labels
- """
- self.data_dir = data_dir
- self.labels_dir = labels_dir
- self.sdb = SynchronizationDB(data_dir)
- def get_city_name(self, log_id: str) -> str:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str
- Returns:
- city_name: str
- """
- city_info_fpath = f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/city_info.json"
- city_info = read_json_file(city_info_fpath)
- city_name = city_info["city_name"]
- assert isinstance(city_name, str)
- return city_name
- def get_log_calibration_data(self, log_id: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str
- Returns:
- log_calib_data: dictionary
- """
- calib_fpath = f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/vehicle_calibration_info.json"
- log_calib_data = read_json_file(calib_fpath)
- assert isinstance(log_calib_data, dict)
- return log_calib_data
- def get_city_to_egovehicle_se3(self, log_id: str, timestamp: int) -> Optional[SE3]:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str, unique ID of vehicle log
- timestamp: int, timestamp of sensor observation, in nanoseconds
- Returns:
- city_to_egovehicle_se3: SE3 transformation to bring egovehicle frame point into city frame.
- """
- pose_fpath = f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/poses/city_SE3_egovehicle_{timestamp}.json"
- if not Path(pose_fpath).exists():
- return None
- pose_data = read_json_file(pose_fpath)
- rotation = np.array(pose_data["rotation"])
- translation = np.array(pose_data["translation"])
- city_to_egovehicle_se3 = SE3(rotation=quat2rotmat(rotation), translation=translation)
- return city_to_egovehicle_se3
- def get_closest_im_fpath(self, log_id: str, camera_name: str, lidar_timestamp: int) -> Optional[str]:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str, unique ID of vehicle log
- camera_name: str
- lidar_timestamp: int, timestamp of LiDAR sweep capture, in nanoseconds
- Returns:
- im_fpath, string representing path to image, or else None.
- """
- cam_timestamp = self.sdb.get_closest_cam_channel_timestamp(lidar_timestamp, camera_name, log_id)
- if cam_timestamp is None:
- return None
- im_dir = f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/{camera_name}"
- im_fname = f"{camera_name}_{cam_timestamp}.jpg"
- im_fpath = f"{im_dir}/{im_fname}"
- return im_fpath
- def get_closest_lidar_fpath(self, log_id: str, cam_timestamp: int) -> Optional[str]:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str, unique ID of vehicle log
- cam_timestamp: int, timestamp of image capture, in nanoseconds
- Returns:
- ply_fpath: str, string representing path to PLY file, or else None.
- """
- lidar_timestamp = self.sdb.get_closest_lidar_timestamp(cam_timestamp, log_id)
- if lidar_timestamp is None:
- return None
- lidar_dir = f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/lidar"
- ply_fname = f"PC_{lidar_timestamp}.ply"
- ply_fpath = f"{lidar_dir}/{ply_fname}"
- return ply_fpath
- def get_ordered_log_ply_fpaths(self, log_id: str) -> List[str]:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str, unique ID of vehicle log
- Returns:
- ply_fpaths: List of strings, representing paths to ply files in this log
- """
- ply_fpaths = sorted(glob.glob(f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/lidar/PC_*.ply"))
- return ply_fpaths
- def get_ordered_log_cam_fpaths(self, log_id: str, camera_name: str) -> List[str]:
- """
- Args
- log_id: str, unique ID of vehicle log
- Returns
- cam_img_fpaths: List of strings, representing paths to JPEG files in this log,
- for a specific camera
- """
- cam_img_fpaths = sorted(glob.glob(f"{self.data_dir}/{log_id}/{camera_name}/{camera_name}_*.jpg"))
- return cam_img_fpaths
- def get_labels_at_lidar_timestamp(self, log_id: str, lidar_timestamp: int) -> Optional[List[Mapping[str, Any]]]:
- """
- Args:
- log_id: str, unique ID of vehicle log
- lidar_timestamp: int, timestamp of LiDAR sweep capture, in nanoseconds
- Returns:
- labels: dictionary
- """
- timestamp_track_label_fpath = (
- f"{self.labels_dir}/{log_id}/per_sweep_annotations_amodal/tracked_object_labels_{lidar_timestamp}.json"
- )
- if not Path(timestamp_track_label_fpath).exists():
- return None
- labels = read_json_file(timestamp_track_label_fpath)
- assert isinstance(labels, list), labels
- return labels