Python | 177 lines | 119 code | 43 blank | 15 comment | 34 complexity | 444fe3fa2d8bd38d779361eb9abe4118 MD5 | raw file
- #!/bin/python
- #coding:utf-8
- import roomai.games.common
- class TexasHoldemStatePublic(roomai.games.common.AbstractStatePublic):
- '''
- The public state of TexasHoldem
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- super(TexasHoldemStatePublic, self).__init__()
- self.__stage__ = None
- self.__public_cards__ = None
- #state of players
- self.__is_fold__ = None
- self.__num_fold__ = None
- self.__is_allin__ = None
- self.__num_allin__ = None
- self.__is_needed_to_action__ = None
- self.__num_needed_to_action__ = None
- self.__param_dealer_id__ = -1
- self.__param_big_blind_bet__ = -1
- self.__param_init_chips__ = None
- #chips is array which contains the chips of all players
- self.__chips__ = None
- #bets is array which contains the bets from all players
- self.__bets__ = None
- #max_bet = max(self.bets)
- self.__max_bet_sofar__ = None
- #the raise acount
- self.__raise_account__ = None
- def __get_max_bet_sofar__(self): return self.__max_bet_sofar__
- max_bet_sofar = property(__get_max_bet_sofar__, doc="The max bet used by one player so far")
- def __get_raise_account__(self): return self.__raise_account__
- raise_account = property(__get_raise_account__, doc="The raise account. If a player want to raise, the price must be max_bet_sofar + raise_account * N. The raise account will increases as the game goes forward")
- def __get_chips__(self):
- if self.__chips__ is None:
- return None
- else:
- return tuple(self.__chips__)
- chips = property(__get_chips__, doc = "chips is an array of the chips of all players. For example, chips=[50,50,50]")
- def __get_bets__(self):
- if self.__bets__ is None:
- return None
- else:
- return tuple(self.__bets__)
- bets = property(__get_bets__, doc = "bets is an array which contains the bets from all players. For example, bets=[50,25,25]")
- def __get_is_fold__(self):
- if self.__is_fold__ is None: return None
- else: return tuple(self.__is_fold__)
- is_fold = property(__get_is_fold__, doc="is_fold is an array of which player has take the fold action. For example, is_fold = [true,true,false] denotes the player0 and player1 have taken the fold action")
- def __get_num_fold__(self):
- return self.__num_fold__
- num_fold = property(__get_num_fold__, doc = "The number of players who has taken the fold action")
- def __get_is_allin__(self):
- if self.__is_allin__ is None: return None
- else: return tuple(self.__is_allin__)
- is_allin = property(__get_is_allin__, doc="is_allin is an array of which player has take the allin action. For example, is_allin = [true,true,false] denotes the player0 and player1 have taken the allin action")
- def __get_num_allin__(self):
- return self.__num_allin__
- num_allin = property(__get_num_allin__, doc = "The number of players who has taken the allin action")
- def __get_is_needed_to_action__(self):
- if self.__is_needed_to_action__ is None: return None
- else: return tuple(self.__is_needed_to_action__)
- is_needed_to_action = property(__get_is_needed_to_action__, doc="is_needed_to_action is an array of which player has take the needed_to_action action. For example, is_needed_to_action = [true,true,false] denotes the player0 and player1 are need to take action")
- def __get_num_needed_to_action__(self):
- return self.__num_needed_to_action__
- num_needed_to_action = property(__get_num_needed_to_action__, doc = "The number of players who has taken the needed_to_action action")
- def __get_public_cards__(self):
- if self.__public_cards__ is None:
- return None
- else:
- return tuple(self.__public_cards__)
- public_cards = property(__get_public_cards__, doc="The public cards of this game. For example, public_cards = [roomai.common.PokerCards.lookup(\"A_Spade\"), roomai.common.PokerCards.lookup(\"A_Heart\")]")
- def __get_stage__(self):
- return self.__stage__
- stage = property(__get_stage__, doc="The stage of the TexasHoldem game. The stage must be one of 1,2,3 or 4.")
- ######################### initialization param ##################
- __param_dealer_id__ = 0
- def __get_param_dealer_id__(self): return self.__param_dealer_id__
- param_dealer_id = property(__get_param_dealer_id__, doc="The player id of the dealer. The next player after the dealer is the small blind. The next player after the small blind is the big blind.For example, param_dealer_id = 2")
- __param_init_chips__ = None
- def __get_param_init_chips__(self): return self.__param_init_chips__
- param_init_chips = property(__get_param_init_chips__, doc="The initialization chips of this game. For example, param_initialization_chips = [10,5,6]")
- __param_big_blind_bet__ = 10
- def __get_param_big_blind_bet__(self): return self.__param_big_blind_bet__
- param_big_blind_bet = property(__get_param_big_blind_bet__, doc="The big blind bet")
- def __deepcopy__(self, memodict={}, newinstance = None):
- if newinstance is None:
- newinstance = TexasHoldemStatePublic()
- newinstance = super(TexasHoldemStatePublic, self).__deepcopy__(newinstance=newinstance)
- newinstance.__param_dealer_id__ = self.param_dealer_id
- newinstance.__param_big_blind_bet__ = self.param_big_blind_bet
- newinstance.__param_init_chips__ = self.__param_init_chips__
- newinstance.__stage__ = self.stage
- if self.public_cards is None:
- newinstance.__public_cards__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__public_cards__ = [self.public_cards[i].__deepcopy__() for i in range(len(self.public_cards))]
- ######## quit, allin , needed_to_action
- newinstance.__num_fold__ = self.__num_fold__
- if self.is_fold is None:
- newinstance.__is_fold__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__is_fold__ = [self.is_fold[i] for i in range(len(self.is_fold))]
- newinstance.__num_allin__ = self.__num_allin__
- if self.is_allin is None:
- newinstance.__is_allin__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__is_allin__ = [self.is_allin[i] for i in range(len(self.is_allin))]
- newinstance.__num_needed_to_action__ = self.__num_needed_to_action__
- if self.is_needed_to_action is None:
- newinstance.__is_needed_to_action__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__is_needed_to_action__ = [self.is_needed_to_action[i] for i in
- range(len(self.is_needed_to_action))]
- # chips is array which contains the chips of all players
- if self.chips is None:
- newinstance.__chips__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__chips__ = [self.chips[i] for i in range(len(self.chips))]
- # bets is array which contains the bets from all players
- if self.bets is None:
- newinstance.__bets__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__bets__ = [self.bets[i] for i in range(len(self.bets))]
- newinstance.__max_bet_sofar__ = self.max_bet_sofar
- newinstance.__raise_account__ = self.raise_account
- newinstance.__turn__ = self.turn
- ### isterminal, scores
- newinstance.__is_terminal__ = self.is_terminal
- if self.scores is None:
- newinstance.__scores__ = None
- else:
- newinstance.__scores__ = [self.scores[i] for i in range(len(self.scores))]
- return newinstance