Python | 56 lines | 43 code | 2 blank | 11 comment | 8 complexity | 47b8753e1735c3fc4c644c06989335f4 MD5 | raw file
- ## AUTHOR: Aaron Nicolson
- ## AFFILIATION: Signal Processing Laboratory, Griffith University.
- ##
- ## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- ## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- ## file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- import contextlib, glob, os, pickle, platform, random, sys, wave
- import numpy as np
- from deepxi.utils import read_wav
- from scipy.io.wavfile import read
- def Batch(fdir, snr_l=[]):
- '''
- Places all of the test waveforms from the list into a numpy array.
- SPHERE format cannot be used. 'glob' is used to support Unix style pathname
- pattern expansions. Waveforms are padded to the maximum waveform length. The
- waveform lengths are recorded so that the correct lengths can be sliced
- for feature extraction. The SNR levels of each test file are placed into a
- numpy array. Also returns a list of the file names.
- Inputs:
- fdir - directory containing the waveforms.
- fnames - filename/s of the waveforms.
- snr_l - list of the SNR levels used.
- Outputs:
- wav_np - matrix of paded waveforms stored as a numpy array.
- len_np - length of each waveform strored as a numpy array.
- snr_test_np - numpy array of all the SNR levels for the test set.
- fname_l - list of filenames.
- '''
- fname_l = [] # list of file names.
- wav_l = [] # list for waveforms.
- snr_test_l = [] # list of SNR levels for the test set.
- # if isinstance(fnames, str): fnames = [fnames] # if string, put into list.
- fnames = ['*.wav', '*.flac', '*.mp3']
- for fname in fnames:
- for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(fdir, fname)):
- for snr in snr_l:
- if fpath.find('_' + str(snr) + 'dB') != -1:
- snr_test_l.append(snr) # append SNR level.
- (wav, _) = read_wav(fpath) # read waveform from given file path.
- if np.isnan(wav).any() or np.isinf(wav).any():
- raise ValueError('Error: NaN or Inf value. File path: %s.' % (file_path))
- wav_l.append(wav) # append.
- fname_l.append(os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(fpath)[0])) # append name.
- len_l = [] # list of the waveform lengths.
- maxlen = max(len(wav) for wav in wav_l) # maximum length of waveforms.
- wav_np = np.zeros([len(wav_l), maxlen], np.int16) # numpy array for waveform matrix.
- for (i, wav) in zip(range(len(wav_l)), wav_l):
- wav_np[i,:len(wav)] = wav # add waveform to numpy array.
- len_l.append(len(wav)) # append length of waveform to list.
- return wav_np, np.array(len_l, np.int32), np.array(snr_test_l, np.int32), fname_l