Scala | 457 lines | 319 code | 102 blank | 36 comment | 8 complexity | 3d1ff64c7c99db5fa7e6f90707b4cfb6 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2010 MongoDB, Inc. <http://mongodb.com>
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc. <http://novus.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
- *
- * http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
- *
- */
- package com.mongodb.casbah.test.core
- import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
- import scala.collection.mutable
- import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
- import scala.util.{ Try, Random }
- import com.mongodb.InsertOptions
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Cursor
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- class CoreWrappersSpec extends CasbahDBTestSpecification {
- "Casbah behavior between Scala and Java versions of Objects" should {
- lazy val javaConn = new com.mongodb.MongoClient() // Java connection
- "provide working .asScala methods on the Java version of the objects" in {
- "Connection objects" in {
- val scalaConn = javaConn.asScala
- scalaConn.underlying must beEqualTo(javaConn)
- }
- val javaDb = javaConn.getDB("test")
- "DB objects" in {
- val scalaDb = javaDb.asScala
- scalaDb.underlying must beEqualTo(javaDb)
- }
- val javaCollection = javaDb.getCollection("test")
- "Collection objects" in {
- val scalaCollection = javaCollection.asScala
- scalaCollection.underlying must beEqualTo(javaCollection)
- }
- }
- "be directly instantiable, with working apply methods" in {
- lazy val conn: MongoClient = MongoClient()
- lazy val db: MongoDB = conn("casbahTest")
- lazy val coll: MongoCollection = database("collection.in")
- "MongoClient" in {
- "direct instantiation" in {
- conn.underlying must haveClass[com.mongodb.MongoClient]
- }
- "the apply method works" in {
- database.underlying must haveClass[com.mongodb.DB]
- }
- }
- "MongoDB" in {
- "has a working apply method" in {
- coll.underlying must beAnInstanceOf[com.mongodb.DBCollection]
- }
- }
- }
- "allow indexes to work as expected" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection.insert(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"))
- collection.indexInfo.length must beEqualTo(1)
- collection.createIndex(MongoDBObject("uid" -> 1), "user_index", unique = true)
- collection.indexInfo.length must beEqualTo(2)
- collection.indexInfo(1)("key") == MongoDBObject("uid" -> 1)
- }
- "check query failure exception" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("loc" -> List(0, 0))
- val near = "loc" $near (0, 0)
- collection.findOne(near) must throwAn[MongoException]
- }
- "Renaming a collection successfully tracks the rename in MongoCollection" in {
- database("collection").drop()
- val coll = database("collectoin")
- coll.drop()
- coll.insert(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"))
- coll must beAnInstanceOf[com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection]
- coll.name must beEqualTo("collectoin")
- val newColl = coll.rename("collection")
- newColl must beAnInstanceOf[com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection]
- newColl.name must beEqualTo("collection")
- // no mutability in the old collection
- coll.name must beEqualTo("collectoin")
- // collection should be gone so rename fails
- newColl.rename("collection") must throwA[MongoException]
- }
- }
- "findOne operations" should {
- "Not fail as reported by Max Afonov in CASBAH-11" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection.insert(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"))
- val basicFind = collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"))
- basicFind.size must beEqualTo(1)
- val findOne = collection.findOne()
- findOne must beSome
- val findOneMatch = collection.findOne(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"))
- findOneMatch must beSome
- }
- }
- "Cursor Operations" should {
- "load some test data first" in {
- collection.drop()
- for (i <- 1 to 100)
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> Random.nextDouble())
- success
- }
- "Behave in chains" in {
- val cur = collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) skip 5
- cur must beAnInstanceOf[MongoCursor]
- val cur2 = collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")) limit 25 skip 12
- cur2 must beAnInstanceOf[MongoCursor]
- }
- }
- "Distinct operations" should {
- "load some test data first" in {
- collection.drop()
- for (i <- 1 to 99)
- collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> i, "x" -> i % 10)
- success
- }
- "except just a key" in {
- val l = collection.distinct("x")
- l.size must beEqualTo(10)
- }
- "except key and query" in {
- val l = collection.distinct("x", "_id" $gt 95)
- l.size must beEqualTo(4)
- }
- "except key and readPref" in {
- val l = collection.distinct("x", readPrefs = ReadPreference.Primary)
- l.size must beEqualTo(10)
- }
- "except key, query and readPref" in {
- val l = collection.distinct("x", "_id" $gt 95, ReadPreference.Primary)
- l.size must beEqualTo(4)
- }
- }
- "Aggregation operations" should {
- "load some test data first" in {
- collection.drop()
- for (i <- 1 to 99)
- collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> i, "score" -> i % 10)
- success
- }
- "except just a single op" in {
- val cursor: AggregationOutput = collection.aggregate(MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)))
- cursor.results.size must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "except multiple ops" in {
- val cursor: AggregationOutput = collection.aggregate(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1))
- )
- cursor.results.size must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "except list of ops" in {
- val cursor: AggregationOutput = collection.aggregate(
- List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1))
- )
- )
- cursor.results.size must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "return a cursor when options are supplied" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.6")
- val aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions(allowDiskUse = true, outputMode = AggregationOptions.CURSOR)
- val cursor: CommandCursor = collection.aggregate(
- List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1))
- ),
- aggregationOptions
- )
- cursor.toList.size must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "test allowDiskUse isn't included by default" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.6")
- val profileCollection = database("system.profile")
- val profileLevel = database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> -1)).as[Int]("was")
- database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> 0))
- profileCollection.drop()
- database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> 2))
- collection.aggregate(
- List(MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7))),
- AggregationOptions(outputMode = AggregationOptions.CURSOR)
- )
- val profile = profileCollection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBObject]("command")
- database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> profileLevel))
- profile.contains("allowDiskUse") must beFalse
- }
- "test allowDiskUse is included if set" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.6")
- val profileCollection = database("system.profile")
- val profileLevel = database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> -1)).as[Int]("was")
- database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> 0))
- profileCollection.drop()
- database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> 2))
- collection.aggregate(
- List(MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7))),
- AggregationOptions(allowDiskUse = true, outputMode = AggregationOptions.CURSOR)
- )
- val profile = profileCollection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBObject]("command")
- database.command(MongoDBObject("profile" -> profileLevel))
- profile.contains("allowDiskUse") must beTrue
- }
- "test explainAggregate" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.6")
- val aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions(AggregationOptions.CURSOR)
- val explaination = collection.explainAggregate(
- List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1))
- ),
- aggregationOptions
- )
- explaination("ok") must beEqualTo(1.0)
- explaination.keys must contain("stages")
- }
- "return a cursor when options are supplied even if inline" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- val aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions(AggregationOptions.INLINE)
- val cursor: CommandCursor = collection.aggregate(
- List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1))
- ),
- aggregationOptions
- )
- cursor.size must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "handle $out in multiple ops" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- val outCollection = database("outCollection")
- outCollection.drop()
- val cursor: AggregationOutput = collection.aggregate(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1)),
- MongoDBObject("$out" -> outCollection.name)
- )
- cursor.results.iterator.hasNext must beFalse
- outCollection.count() must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "handle $out in list of ops" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- val outCollection = database("outCollection")
- outCollection.drop()
- val cursor: AggregationOutput = collection.aggregate(List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1)),
- MongoDBObject("$out" -> outCollection.name)
- ))
- cursor.results.iterator.hasNext must beFalse
- outCollection.count() must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "handle $out with options INLINE" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- val outCollection = database("outCollection")
- outCollection.drop()
- val aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions(AggregationOptions.INLINE)
- val cursor: CommandCursor = collection.aggregate(
- List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1)),
- MongoDBObject("$out" -> outCollection.name)
- ),
- aggregationOptions
- )
- cursor.size must beEqualTo(30)
- outCollection.count() must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- "handle $out with options CURSOR" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- lazy val outCollection = database("outCollection")
- outCollection.drop()
- val aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions(AggregationOptions.CURSOR)
- val cursor: CommandCursor = collection.aggregate(
- List(
- MongoDBObject("$match" -> ("score" $gte 7)),
- MongoDBObject("$project" -> MongoDBObject("score" -> 1)),
- MongoDBObject("$out" -> outCollection.name)
- ),
- aggregationOptions
- )
- cursor.size must beEqualTo(30)
- outCollection.count() must beEqualTo(30)
- }
- }
- "Collection" should {
- "support parallel scan" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- isSharded must beFalse.orSkip("Currently doesn't work with mongos")
- collection.drop()
- val ids = (1 to 2000 by 1).toSet
- for (i <- ids) collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> i)
- val numCursors = 10
- val cursors: mutable.Buffer[Cursor] = collection.parallelScan(ParallelScanOptions(numCursors, 1000))
- cursors.size must beLessThanOrEqualTo(numCursors)
- var cursorIds = Set[Int]()
- for (cursor <- cursors) {
- while (cursor.hasNext) {
- cursorIds += cursor.next().get("_id").asInstanceOf[Int]
- }
- }
- cursorIds must beEqualTo(ids)
- }
- "support bypass document validation" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(3, 2) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 3.2")
- // given
- collection.drop()
- val createCollectionOptions = MongoDBObject("""{
- validator: {x: {$lte: 100}},
- validationLevel: "strict",
- validationAction: "error"}""")
- database.createCollection(collection.name, createCollectionOptions)
- val ids = (1 to 99 by 1).toSet
- for (i <- ids) { collection += MongoDBObject("x" -> i) }
- // when
- val findAndModify = Try(collection.findAndModify(MongoDBObject("{x: 10}"), MongoDBObject("{$inc: {x: 1000}}")))
- // then
- findAndModify should beAFailedTry
- // when
- val findAndModifyWithBypass = Try(collection.findAndModify(MongoDBObject("{x: 10}"), MongoDBObject("{}"),
- MongoDBObject("{}"), false, MongoDBObject("{$inc: {x: 100}}"), true, false, true, Duration(10, "seconds")))
- // then
- findAndModifyWithBypass should beASuccessfulTry
- // when
- val insert = Try(collection.insert(MongoDBObject("{x: 101}")))
- // then
- insert should beAFailedTry
- // when
- val insertWithBypass = Try(collection.insert(new InsertOptions().bypassDocumentValidation(true), MongoDBObject("{x: 101}")))
- // then
- insertWithBypass should beASuccessfulTry
- // when
- val update = Try(collection.update(MongoDBObject("{x: 1}"), MongoDBObject("{$set: {x : 101}}")))
- // then
- update should beAFailedTry
- // when
- val updateWithBypass = Try(collection.update(MongoDBObject("{x: 1}"), MongoDBObject("{$set: {x : 101}}"),
- bypassDocumentValidation = Some(true)))
- // then
- updateWithBypass should beASuccessfulTry
- }
- }
- }