Scala | 1208 lines | 284 code | 131 blank | 793 comment | 2 complexity | 996497af0d46472aec207baa8f024322 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2010 MongoDB, Inc. <http://mongodb.com>
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc. <http://novus.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
- *
- * http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
- *
- */
- // scalastyle:off file.size.limit number.of.methods
- package com.mongodb.casbah
- import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- import scala.collection.mutable
- import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Duration, MILLISECONDS }
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import com.mongodb.casbah.TypeImports.{ DBEncoder, WriteResult }
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Logging
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.TypeImports.DBObject
- import com.mongodb.casbah.map_reduce.{ MapReduceCommand, MapReduceResult }
- import com.mongodb.{ ParallelScanOptions => JavaParallelScanOptions, _ }
- /**
- * Scala wrapper for Mongo DBCollections,
- * including ones which return custom DBObject subclasses
- * via setObjectClass and the like.
- * Provides any non-parameterized methods and the basic structure.
- * Requires an underlying object of a DBCollection.
- *
- * This is a rewrite of the Casbah 1.0 approach which was rather
- * naive and unecessarily complex.... formerly was MongoCollectionWrapper
- *
- * @version 2.0, 12/23/10
- * @since 1.0
- */
- trait MongoCollectionBase extends Logging {
- self =>
- type T <: DBObject
- type CursorType
- /**
- * The underlying Java Mongo Driver Collection object we proxy.
- */
- def underlying: DBCollection
- /**
- * If defined, load the customDecoderFactory.
- */
- customDecoderFactory.foreach {
- decoder =>
- log.debug("Loading Custom DBDecoderFactory '%s' into collection (%s)", decoder, this)
- underlying.setDBDecoderFactory(decoder)
- }
- def customDecoderFactory: Option[DBDecoderFactory] = None
- def customEncoderFactory: Option[DBEncoderFactory] = Option(underlying.getDBEncoderFactory)
- def iterator: CursorType = find()
- /**
- * Returns the database this collection is a member of.
- * @return this collection's database
- */
- implicit val db: MongoDB = underlying.getDB.asScala
- /**
- * Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
- * @param keys an object with a key set of the fields desired for the index
- */
- def createIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A): Unit = underlying.createIndex(keys)
- /**
- * Creates an index on the field specified, if that index does not already exist.
- *
- * @param keys a document that contains pairs with the name of the field or fields to index and order of the index
- * @param options a document that controls the creation of the index.
- */
- def createIndex[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](keys: A, options: B): Unit =
- underlying.createIndex(keys, options)
- /**
- * Forces creation of an ascending index on a field with the default options.
- *
- * @param name name of field to index on
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed
- */
- def createIndex(name: String): Unit = underlying.createIndex(name)
- /**
- * Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
- *
- * @param keys a document that contains pairs with the name of the field or fields to index and order of the index
- * @param name an identifier for the index. If null or empty, the default name will be used.
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed
- */
- def createIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A, name: String): Unit = underlying.createIndex(keys, name)
- /**
- * Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.
- *
- * @param keys a document that contains pairs with the name of the field or fields to index and order of the index
- * @param name an identifier for the index. If null or empty, the default name will be used.
- * @param unique if the index should be unique
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed
- */
- def createIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A, name: String, unique: Boolean): Unit =
- underlying.createIndex(keys, name, unique)
- /**
- * Find distinct values for a key
- *
- * @param key the key to find the distinct values for
- * @param query the query (optional)
- * @param readPrefs the [[com.mongodb.ReadPreference]] for the operation.
- * @tparam A The DBObject type
- * @return
- */
- def distinct[A <% DBObject](key: String, query: A = MongoDBObject.empty, readPrefs: ReadPreference = getReadPreference): mutable.Buffer[_] =
- underlying.distinct(key, query, readPrefs).asScala
- /**
- * Drops (deletes) this collection
- */
- def drop(): Unit = underlying.drop()
- /**
- * Drops (deletes) this collection
- */
- def dropCollection(): Unit = underlying.drop()
- def dropIndex[A <% DBObject](keys: A): Unit = underlying.dropIndex(keys)
- def dropIndex(name: String): Unit = underlying.dropIndex(name)
- /**
- * Drops all indices from this collection
- */
- def dropIndexes(): Unit = underlying.dropIndexes()
- def dropIndexes(name: String): Unit = underlying.dropIndexes()
- /**
- * Queries for all objects in this collection.
- * @return a cursor which will iterate over every object
- */
- def find(): CursorType = _newCursor(underlying.find)
- /**
- * Queries for an object in this collection.
- * @param ref object for which to search
- * @return an iterator over the results
- */
- def find[A <% DBObject](ref: A): CursorType = _newCursor(underlying.find(ref))
- /**
- * Queries for an object in this collection.
- *
- * <p>
- * An empty DBObject will match every document in the collection.
- * Regardless of fields specified, the _id fields are always returned.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * An example that returns the "x" and "_id" fields for every document
- * in the collection that has an "x" field:
- * </p>
- * <blockquote><pre>
- * BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();
- * keys.put("x", 1);
- *
- * DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(), keys);
- * </pre></blockquote>
- *
- * @param ref object for which to search
- * @param keys fields to return
- * @return a cursor to iterate over results
- */
- def find[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](ref: A, keys: B): CursorType = _newCursor(underlying.find(ref, keys))
- /**
- * Finds an object.
- * @param ref query used to search
- * @param fields the fields of matching objects to return
- * @param numToSkip will not return the first <tt>numToSkip</tt> matches
- * @param batchSize if positive, is the # of objects per batch sent back from the db. All objects that match will
- * be returned. if batchSize < 0, its a hard limit, and only 1 batch will either batchSize or
- * the # that fit in a batch
- * @return the objects, if found
- */
- @deprecated("Use `find().skip().batchSize()`.", "2.7")
- def find[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](ref: A, fields: B, numToSkip: Int, batchSize: Int): CursorType =
- _newCursor(underlying.find(ref, fields).skip(numToSkip).batchSize(batchSize))
- /**
- * Returns a single object from this collection.
- * @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or <code>None</code> if this collection is empty
- */
- def findOne(): Option[T] = _typedValue(underlying.findOne())
- /**
- * Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
- *
- * @param o the query object
- * @param fields (optional) fields to return
- * @param orderBy (optional) a document whose fields specify the attributes on which to sort the result set.
- * @param readPrefs (optional)
- * @param maxTime (optional) the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- *
- * @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or <code>None</code> if no such object exists
- */
- def findOne[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](
- o: A = MongoDBObject.empty,
- fields: B = MongoDBObject.empty,
- orderBy: C = MongoDBObject.empty,
- readPrefs: ReadPreference = getReadPreference,
- maxTime: Duration = Duration(0, MILLISECONDS)
- ): Option[T] = {
- val document = underlying.find(o, fields)
- .sort(orderBy)
- .setReadPreference(readPrefs)
- .maxTime(maxTime.length, maxTime.unit)
- .one()
- _typedValue(document)
- }
- /**
- * Find an object by its ID.
- * Finds an object by its id. This compares the passed in
- * value to the _id field of the document.
- *
- * Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
- * @param id the id to match
- * @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or <code>None</code> if no such object exists
- */
- def findOneByID(id: AnyRef): Option[T] = _typedValue(underlying.findOne(id))
- /**
- * Find an object by its ID.
- * Finds an object by its id. This compares the passed in
- * value to the _id field of the document.
- *
- * Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.
- *
- * @param id the id to match
- * @param fields fields to return
- * @return (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or <code>None</code> if no such object exists
- */
- def findOneByID[B <% DBObject](id: AnyRef, fields: B): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findOne(id, fields))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.
- * If remove is specified it will be removed. If new is specified then the updated
- * document will be returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever).
- * You can also specify the fields to return in the document, optionally.
- *
- * @param query query to match
- * @param update update to apply
- *
- * @return (Option[T]) of the the found document (before, or after the update)
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A, update: B): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, update))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.
- *
- * @param query query to match
- * @param sort sort to apply before picking first document
- * @param update update to apply
- *
- * @return the old document
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](query: A, sort: B, update: C): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, sort, update))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query and updates it.
- *
- * @param query query to match
- * @param fields fields to be returned
- * @param sort sort to apply before picking first document
- * @param remove if true, document found will be removed
- * @param update update to apply
- * @param returnNew if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever)
- * @param upsert do upsert (insert if document not present)
- *
- * @return the document as it was before the modifications, unless `returnNew` is true, in which case it returns the document
- * after the changes were made
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
- remove: Boolean, update: D,
- returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert))
- /**
- * Atomically modify and return a single document. By default, the returned document does not include the modifications made on the
- * update.
- *
- * @param query specifies the selection criteria for the modification
- * @param fields a subset of fields to return
- * @param sort determines which document the operation will modify if the query selects multiple documents
- * @param remove when true, removes the selected document
- * @param returnNew when true, returns the modified document rather than the original
- * @param update the modifications to apply
- * @param upsert when true, operation creates a new document if the query returns no documents
- * @param writeConcern the write concern to apply to this operation
- * @return the document as it was before the modifications, unless `returnNew` is true, in which case it returns the document
- * after the changes were made
- * @throws WriteConcernException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed for some other reason
- * @since 3.1.0
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
- remove: Boolean, update: D,
- returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean,
- writeConcern: WriteConcern): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert, writeConcern))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query and updates it.
- *
- * @param query query to match
- * @param fields fields to be returned
- * @param sort sort to apply before picking first document
- * @param remove if true, document found will be removed
- * @param update update to apply
- * @param returnNew if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever)
- * @param upsert do upsert (insert if document not present)
- * @param maxTime the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- *
- * @return the document as it was before the modifications, unless `returnNew` is true, in which case it returns the document
- * after the changes were made
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
- remove: Boolean, update: D,
- returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean,
- maxTime: Duration): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert,
- maxTime.length, maxTime.unit))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query and updates it.
- *
- * @param query query to match
- * @param fields fields to be returned
- * @param sort sort to apply before picking first document
- * @param remove if true, document found will be removed
- * @param update update to apply
- * @param returnNew if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever)
- * @param upsert do upsert (insert if document not present)
- * @param maxTime the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- * @param writeConcern the write concern to apply to this operation
- * @throws WriteConcernException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed for some other reason
- * @since 3.1.0
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
- remove: Boolean, update: D,
- returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean,
- maxTime: Duration,
- writeConcern: WriteConcern): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert,
- maxTime.length, maxTime.unit, writeConcern))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query and updates it.
- *
- * @note bypassDocumentValidation requires MongoDB 3.2 or greater
- * @param query query to match
- * @param fields fields to be returned
- * @param sort sort to apply before picking first document
- * @param remove if true, document found will be removed
- * @param update update to apply
- * @param returnNew if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever)
- * @param upsert do upsert (insert if document not present)
- * @param bypassDocumentValidation whether to bypass document validation.
- * @param maxTime the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- * @throws WriteConcernException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed for some other reason
- * @since 3.1.0
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
- remove: Boolean, update: D,
- returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean,
- bypassDocumentValidation: Boolean,
- maxTime: Duration): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert, bypassDocumentValidation,
- maxTime.length, maxTime.unit))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query and updates it.
- *
- * @param query query to match
- * @param fields fields to be returned
- * @param sort sort to apply before picking first document
- * @param remove if true, document found will be removed
- * @param update update to apply
- * @param returnNew if true, the updated document is returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever)
- * @param upsert do upsert (insert if document not present)
- * @param bypassDocumentValidation whether to bypass document validation.
- * @param maxTime the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- * @param writeConcern the write concern to apply to this operation
- * @throws WriteConcernException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command
- * @throws MongoException if the operation failed for some other reason
- * @since 3.1.0
- */
- def findAndModify[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject, D <% DBObject](query: A, fields: B, sort: C,
- remove: Boolean, update: D,
- returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean,
- bypassDocumentValidation: Boolean,
- maxTime: Duration,
- writeConcern: WriteConcern): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndModify(query, fields, sort, remove, update, returnNew, upsert, bypassDocumentValidation,
- maxTime.length, maxTime.unit, writeConcern))
- /**
- * Finds the first document in the query and removes it.
- * @return the removed document
- */
- def findAndRemove[A <% DBObject](query: A): Option[T] =
- _typedValue(underlying.findAndRemove(query))
- /**
- * Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.
- * A typical use of this might be
- * <blockquote><pre>
- * DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki" ).getCollection( "users" );
- * </pre></blockquote>
- * Which is equilalent to
- * <pre><blockquote>
- * DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki.users" );
- * </pre></blockquote>
- * @param n the name of the collection to find
- * @return the matching collection
- *
- * TODO - Make this support type construction
- */
- def getCollection(n: String): MongoCollection = underlying.getCollection(n).asScala
- /**
- * Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.
- * A typical use of this might be
- * <blockquote><pre>
- * DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki" ).getCollection( "users" );
- * </pre></blockquote>
- * Which is equilalent to
- * <pre><blockquote>
- * DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki.users" );
- * </pre></blockquote>
- * @param n the name of the collection to find
- * @return the matching collection
- *
- * TODO - Make this support type construction
- */
- def collection(n: String): MongoCollection = underlying.getCollection(n).asScala
- /**
- * Returns the number of documents in the collection
- * that match the specified query
- *
- * @param query specifies the selection criteria
- * @param fields this is ignored
- * @param limit limit the count to this value
- * @param skip number of documents to skip
- * @param readPrefs The [ReadPreference] to be used for this operation
- * @param maxTime the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- *
- * @return the number of documents that matches selection criteria
- */
- def getCount[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A = MongoDBObject.empty, fields: B = MongoDBObject.empty,
- limit: Long = 0, skip: Long = 0,
- readPrefs: ReadPreference = getReadPreference,
- maxTime: Duration = Duration(0, MILLISECONDS)): Int = {
- underlying.find(query, fields)
- .skip(skip.toInt)
- .limit(limit.toInt)
- .setReadPreference(readPrefs)
- .maxTime(maxTime.length, maxTime.unit)
- .count()
- }
- /**
- * Returns the database this collection is a member of.
- * @return this collection's database
- */
- def getDB: MongoDB = underlying.getDB.asScala
- /**
- * Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.
- * @return the name of this collection
- */
- def getFullName: String = underlying.getFullName
- /**
- * Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.
- * @return the name of this collection
- */
- def fullName: String = getFullName
- /**
- * Return a list of the indexes for this collection. Each object
- * in the list is the "info document" from MongoDB
- *
- * @return list of index documents
- */
- def getIndexInfo: mutable.Buffer[DBObject] = underlying.getIndexInfo.asScala
- /**
- * Return a list of the indexes for this collection. Each object
- * in the list is the "info document" from MongoDB
- *
- * @return list of index documents
- */
- def indexInfo: mutable.Buffer[DBObject] = getIndexInfo
- def getName: String = underlying.getName
- def name: String = getName
- /**
- * Gets the default class for objects in the collection
- * @return the class
- */
- def getObjectClass: Class[_] = underlying.getObjectClass
- /**
- * Gets the default class for objects in the collection
- * @return the class
- */
- def objectClass: Class[_] = getObjectClass
- /**
- * setObjectClass
- *
- * Set a subtype of DBObject which will be used
- * to deserialize documents returned from MongoDB.
- *
- * This method will return a new <code>MongoTypedCollection[A]</code>
- * which you should capture if you want explicit casting.
- * Else, this collection will instantiate instances of A but cast them to
- * the current <code>T</code> (DBObject if you have a generic collection)
- *
- * @param c (Class[A])
- * @tparam A A Subtype of DBObject
- *
- * TODO - Ensure proper subtype return
- */
- def setObjectClass[A <: DBObject: Manifest](c: Class[A]): MongoGenericTypedCollection[A] = {
- underlying.setObjectClass(c)
- new MongoGenericTypedCollection[A](underlying = self.underlying)
- }
- /**
- * setObjectClass
- *
- * Set a subtype of DBObject which will be used
- * to deserialize documents returned from MongoDB.
- *
- * This method will return a new <code>MongoTypedCollection[A]</code>
- * which you should capture if you want explicit casting.
- * Else, this collection will instantiate instances of A but cast them to
- * the current <code>T</code> (DBObject if you have a generic collection)
- *
- * @param c (Class[A])
- * @tparam A A Subtype of DBObject
- *
- */
- def objectClass_=[A <: DBObject: Manifest](c: Class[A]): MongoGenericTypedCollection[A] = setObjectClass(c)
- def stats: CommandResult = getStats
- def getStats: CommandResult = underlying.getStats
- // scalastyle:off null
- /**
- * Applies a group operation
- *
- * @param key the key to group <code>{ a : true }</code>
- * @param cond optional condition on query
- * @param reduce javascript reduce function
- * @param initial initial value for first match on a key
- * @param finalize An optional function that can operate on the result(s) of the reduce function.
- * @param readPrefs ReadPreferences for this command
- * @return The results of the group
- */
- def group[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](key: A, cond: B, initial: C,
- reduce: String, finalize: String = null,
- readPrefs: ReadPreference = getReadPreference): Iterable[T] = {
- underlying.group(key, cond, initial, reduce, finalize, readPrefs).map(_._2.asInstanceOf[T])
- }
- // scalastyle:on null
- /**
- * Saves document(s) to the database.
- * if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
- * you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
- *
- * @param doc array of documents (<% DBObject) to save
- * @param concern the WriteConcern for the insert
- */
- def insert[A](doc: A, concern: com.mongodb.WriteConcern)(implicit dbObjView: A => DBObject): WriteResult =
- insert(doc)(dbObjView, concern = concern)
- /**
- * Saves document(s) to the database.
- * if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
- * you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
- *
- * @param docs array of documents (<% DBObject) to save
- * TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
- */
- def insert[A](docs: A*)(implicit dbObjView: A => DBObject, concern: com.mongodb.WriteConcern = writeConcern,
- encoder: DBEncoder = customEncoderFactory.map(_.create).orNull): WriteResult =
- insert(new InsertOptions().writeConcern(writeConcern).dbEncoder(encoder), docs: _*)
- /**
- * Saves document(s) to the database.
- * if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added
- * you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert
- *
- * @param docs array of documents (<% DBObject) to save
- * @param insertOptions the insertOptions
- */
- def insert[A](insertOptions: InsertOptions, docs: A*)(implicit dbObjView: A => DBObject): WriteResult = {
- val b = new scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder.ofRef[DBObject]
- b.sizeHint(docs.size)
- for { x <- docs } b += dbObjView(x)
- underlying.insert(b.result().toList.asJava, insertOptions)
- }
- def isCapped: Boolean = underlying.isCapped
- /**
- * performs an aggregation operation
- *
- * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline
- *
- * @return The aggregation operation's result set
- * @deprecated @see aggregate(List[DBObject]) instead
- */
- @deprecated("Use aggregate(List(DBObject) instead", "2.7")
- def aggregate(pipeline: DBObject*): AggregationOutput =
- underlying.aggregate(pipeline.toList.asJava).asScala
- /**
- * performs an aggregation operation
- *
- * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline
- *
- * @return The aggregation operation's result set
- *
- */
- def aggregate[A <% DBObject](pipeline: Iterable[A]): AggregationOutput =
- underlying.aggregate(pipeline.map(_.asInstanceOf[DBObject]).toList.asJava).asScala
- /**
- * performs an aggregation operation
- *
- * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline
- * @param options the aggregation options
- *
- * @return The aggregation operation's result set
- *
- */
- def aggregate[A <% DBObject](pipeline: Iterable[A], options: AggregationOptions): Cursor =
- aggregate(pipeline, options, getReadPreference)
- /**
- * performs an aggregation operation
- *
- * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline
- * @param readPreference The readPreference for the aggregation
- *
- * @return The aggregation operation's result set
- *
- */
- def aggregate[A <% DBObject](pipeline: Iterable[A], readPreference: ReadPreference): AggregationOutput =
- underlying.aggregate(pipeline.map(_.asInstanceOf[DBObject]).toList.asJava, readPreference).asScala
- /**
- * performs an aggregation operation
- *
- * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline
- * @param options the aggregation options
- * @param readPreference The readPreference for the aggregation
- *
- * @return The aggregation operation's result set
- *
- */
- def aggregate[A <% DBObject](pipeline: Iterable[A], options: AggregationOptions, readPreference: ReadPreference): Cursor =
- underlying.aggregate(pipeline.map(_.asInstanceOf[DBObject]).toList.asJava, options, readPreference).asScala
- /**
- * Return the explain plan for the aggregation pipeline.
- *
- * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to explain
- * @param options the options to apply to the aggregation
- * @return the command result. The explain output may change from release to
- * release, so best to simply log this.
- */
- def explainAggregate[A <% DBObject](pipeline: Iterable[A], options: AggregationOptions): mutable.Map[String, AnyRef] =
- underlying.explainAggregate(pipeline.map(_.asInstanceOf[DBObject]).toList.asJava, options).asScala
- /**
- * Return a list of cursors over the collection that can be used to scan it in parallel.
- *
- * '''Note:''' As of MongoDB 2.6, this method will work against a mongod, but not a mongos.
- *
- * @param options the parallel scan options
- * @return a list of cursors, whose size may be less than the number requested
- * @since 2.7
- */
- def parallelScan(options: ParallelScanOptions): mutable.Buffer[Cursor] = {
- val builder = JavaParallelScanOptions.builder()
- builder.numCursors(options.numCursors)
- builder.batchSize(options.batchSize)
- builder.readPreference(options.readPreference.getOrElse(getReadPreference))
- underlying.parallelScan(builder.build()).asScala.map(_.asScala)
- }
- /**
- * Creates a builder for an ordered bulk operation. Write requests included in the bulk operations will be executed in order,
- * and will halt on the first failure.
- *
- * @return the builder
- *
- * @since 2.7
- */
- def initializeOrderedBulkOperation: BulkWriteOperation = BulkWriteOperation(underlying.initializeOrderedBulkOperation())
- /**
- * Creates a builder for an unordered bulk operation. Write requests included in the bulk operation will be executed in an undefined
- * order, and all requests will be executed even if some fail.
- *
- * @return the builder
- *
- * @since 2.7
- */
- def initializeUnorderedBulkOperation: BulkWriteOperation = BulkWriteOperation(underlying.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation())
- // scalastyle:off parameter.number
- /**
- * mapReduce execute a mapReduce against this collection.
- *
- * @param mapFunction the map function (JSFunction is just a type alias for String)
- * @param reduceFunction the reduce function (JSFunction is just a type alias for String)
- * @param output the location of the result of the map-reduce operation, defaults to inline.
- * You can output to a collection, output to a collection with an action, or output inline.
- * @param query (optional) the selection criteria for the documents input to the map function.
- * @param sort (optional) the input documents, useful for optimization.
- * @param limit (optional) the maximum number of documents to return from the collection before map reduce
- * @param finalizeFunction (optional) the finalize function (JSFunction is just a type alias for String)
- * @param jsScope (optional) global variables that are accessible in the map, reduce and finalize functions
- * @param verbose (optional) include the timing information in the result information
- * @param maxTime (optional) the maximum duration that the server will allow this operation to execute before killing it
- */
- def mapReduce(
- mapFunction: JSFunction,
- reduceFunction: JSFunction,
- output: MapReduceOutputTarget,
- query: Option[DBObject] = None,
- sort: Option[DBObject] = None,
- limit: Option[Int] = None,
- finalizeFunction: Option[JSFunction] = None,
- jsScope: Option[DBObject] = None,
- verbose: Boolean = false,
- maxTime: Option[Duration] = None
- ): MapReduceResult = {
- val cmd = MapReduceCommand(name, mapFunction, reduceFunction, output, query, sort, limit,
- finalizeFunction, jsScope, verbose, maxTime)
- mapReduce(cmd)
- }
- // scalastyle:on parameter.number
- /**
- * mapReduce execute a mapReduce against this collection.
- *
- * Throws a MongoExecutionTimeoutException if exceeds max duration limit otherwise returns a MapReduceResult
- *
- * @param cmd the MapReduceCommand
- */
- def mapReduce(cmd: MapReduceCommand): MapReduceResult = {
- val result = getDB.command(cmd.toDBObject)
- // Normally we catch MapReduce Errors and return them into a MapReduceResult
- // However, we we now preserve a MongoExecutionTimeoutException to keep in line with other methods
- try {
- result.throwOnError()
- } catch {
- case e: MongoExecutionTimeoutException => throw e
- case t: Throwable => true
- }
- MapReduceResult(result)
- }
- /**
- * Removes objects from the database collection.
- * @param o the object that documents to be removed must match
- * @param concern WriteConcern for this operation
- * TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
- */
- def remove[A](o: A, concern: com.mongodb.WriteConcern = getWriteConcern)(implicit
- dbObjView: A => DBObject,
- encoder: DBEncoder = customEncoderFactory.map(_.create).orNull): WriteResult =
- underlying.remove(dbObjView(o), concern, encoder)
- /**
- * Saves an object to this collection.
- * @param o the <code>DBObject</code> to save
- * will add <code>_id</code> field to o if needed
- * TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?
- */
- def save[A](o: A, concern: com.mongodb.WriteConcern = getWriteConcern)(implicit dbObjView: A => DBObject): WriteResult =
- underlying.save(dbObjView(o), concern)
- /**
- * Set hint fields for this collection.
- * @param docs a list of <code>DBObject</code>s to be used as hints
- */
- def setHintFields[A <% DBObject](docs: List[A]) {
- val b = List.newBuilder[DBObject]
- for { x <- docs } b += x
- underlying.setHintFields(b.result().asJava)
- }
- /**
- * Set hint fields for this collection.
- * @param docs a list of <code>DBObject</code>s to be used as hints
- */
- def hintFields_=[A <% DBObject](docs: List[A]): Unit = setHintFields(docs)
- def setInternalClass[A <: DBObject](path: String, c: Class[A]): Unit = underlying.setInternalClass(path, c)
- def internalClass_=[A <: DBObject](path: String, c: Class[A]): Unit = setInternalClass(path, c)
- override def toString: String = underlying.toString
- /**
- * Performs an update operation.
- * @param q search query for old object to update
- * @param o object with which to update `q`
- */
- def update[A, B](q: A, o: B, upsert: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false,
- concern: com.mongodb.WriteConcern = this.writeConcern,
- bypassDocumentValidation: Option[Boolean] = None)(implicit queryView: A => DBObject, objView: B => DBObject,
- encoder: DBEncoder = customEncoderFactory.map(_.create).orNull): WriteResult = {
- bypassDocumentValidation match {
- case None => underlying.update(queryView(q), objView(o), upsert, multi, concern, encoder)
- case Some(bypassValidation) => underlying.update(queryView(q), objView(o), upsert, multi, concern, bypassValidation, encoder)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Perform a multi update
- * @param q search query for old object to update
- * @param o object with which to update <tt>q</tt>
- */
- @deprecated("In the face of default arguments this is a bit silly. Please use `update(multi=True)`.", "2.3.0")
- def updateMulti[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](q: A, o: B): WriteResult = underlying.updateMulti(q, o)
- override def hashCode(): Int = underlying.hashCode
- /**
- * Checks if this collection is equal to another object.
- * @param obj object with which to compare this collection
- * @return if the two collections are the same object
- */
- override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
- case other: MongoCollectionBase => underlying.equals(other.underlying)
- case _ => false
- }
- def count[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject](query: A = MongoDBObject.empty, fields: B = MongoDBObject.empty,
- limit: Long = 0, skip: Long = 0, readPrefs: ReadPreference = getReadPreference,
- maxTime: Duration = Duration(0, MILLISECONDS)): Int =
- getCount(query, fields, limit, skip, readPrefs, maxTime)
- // scalastyle:off method.name
- /**
- * Save an object to the Collection
- *
- * @param x object to save to the collection
- */
- def +=[A <% DBObject](x: A): WriteResult = save(x)
- /**
- * Remove a matching object from the collection
- *
- * @param x object to remove from the collection
- */
- def -=[A <% DBObject](x: A): WriteResult = remove(x)
- // scalastyle:on method.name
- /**
- *
- * Set the write concern for this database.
- * Will be used for writes to any collection in this database.
- * See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
- *
- * @param concern (WriteConcern) The write concern to use
- * @see WriteConcern
- * @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
- */
- def setWriteConcern(concern: WriteConcern): Unit = underlying.setWriteConcern(concern)
- /**
- *
- * Set the write concern for this database.
- * Will be used for writes to any collection in this database.
- * See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
- *
- * @param concern (WriteConcern) The write concern to use
- * @see WriteConcern
- * @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
- */
- def writeConcern_=(concern: WriteConcern): Unit = setWriteConcern(concern)
- /**
- *
- * get the write concern for this database,
- * which is used for writes to any collection in this database.
- * See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
- *
- * @see WriteConcern
- * @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
- */
- def getWriteConcern: WriteConcern = underlying.getWriteConcern
- /**
- *
- * get the write concern for this database,
- * which is used for writes to any collection in this database.
- * See the documentation for [[com.mongodb.WriteConcern]] for more info.
- *
- * @see WriteConcern
- * @see http://www.thebuzzmedia.com/mongodb-single-server-data-durability-guide/
- */
- def writeConcern: WriteConcern = getWriteConcern
- /**
- * Sets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for
- * reads from any collection in this collection. See the
- * documentation for [[com.mongodb.casbah.ReadPreference]] for more information.
- *
- * @param pref Read Preference to use
- */
- def readPreference_=(pref: ReadPreference): Unit = setReadPreference(pref)
- /**
- * Sets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for
- * reads from any collection in this collection. See the
- * documentation for [[com.mongodb.casbah.ReadPreference]] for more information.
- *
- * @param pref Read Preference to use
- */
- def setReadPreference(pref: ReadPreference): Unit = underlying.setReadPreference(pref)
- /**
- * Gets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for
- * reads from any collection in this collection. See the
- * documentation for [[com.mongodb.casbah.ReadPreference]] for more information.
- */
- def readPreference: ReadPreference = getReadPreference
- /**
- * Gets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for
- * reads from any collection in this collection. See the
- * documentation for [[com.mongodb.casbah.ReadPreference]] for more information.
- */
- def getReadPreference: ReadPreference = underlying.getReadPreference
- /**
- * Manipulate Network Options
- *
- * @see com.mongodb.Mongo
- * @see com.mongodb.Bytes
- */
- def addOption(option: Int): Unit = underlying.addOption(option)
- /**
- * Manipulate Network Options
- *
- * @see com.mongodb.Mongo
- * @see com.mongodb.Bytes
- */
- def resetOptions(): Unit = underlying.resetOptions() // use parens because this side-effects
- /**
- * Manipulate Network Options
- *
- * @see com.mongodb.Mongo
- * @see com.mongodb.Bytes
- */
- def getOptions: Int = underlying.getOptions
- /**
- * Manipulate Network Options
- *
- * @see com.mongodb.Mongo
- * @see com.mongodb.Bytes
- */
- def options: Int = getOptions
- /**
- * Sets queries to be OK to run on slave nodes.
- */
- @deprecated("Replaced with `ReadPreference.SECONDARY`", "2.3.0")
- @SuppressWarnings(Array("deprecation"))
- def slaveOk(): Unit = underlying.slaveOk() // use parens because this side-effects
- /**
- * does a rename of this collection to newName
- * As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection,
- * and the old collection is probably no good anymore.
- *
- * This collection *WILL NOT* mutate --- the instance will
- * still point at a now nonexistant collection with the old name
- * ... You must capture the return value for the new instance.
- *
- * @param newName new collection name (not a full namespace)
- * @return the new collection
- */
- def rename(newName: String): MongoCollection =
- new MongoCollection(self.underlying.rename(newName))
- /**
- *
- * does a rename of this collection to newName
- * As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection,
- * and the old collection is probably no good anymore.
- *
- * This collection *WILL NOT* mutate --- the instance will
- * still point at a now nonexistant collection with the old name
- * ... You must capture the return value for the new instance.
- *
- * @param newName new collection name (not a full namespace)
- * @param dropTarget if a collection with the new name exists, whether or not to drop it
- * @return the new collection
- */
- def rename(newName: String, dropTarget: Boolean): MongoCollection =
- new MongoCollection(self.underlying.rename(newName, dropTarget))
- // scalastyle:off method.name
- /**
- * _newCursor
- *
- * Utility method which concrete subclasses
- * are expected to implement for creating a new
- * instance of the correct cursor implementation from a
- * Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
- * Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.
- *
- * @param cursor (DBCursor)
- * @return (MongoCursorBase)
- */
- def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor): CursorType
- /**
- * _newInstance
- *
- * Utility method which concrete subclasses
- * are expected to implement for creating a new
- * instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
- * Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.
- *
- * @param collection (DBCollection)
- * @return (this.type)
- */
- def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection): MongoCollectionBase
- protected def _typedValue(dbObj: DBObject): Option[T] = Option(dbObj.asInstanceOf[T])
- // scalastyle:on method.name
- }
- /**
- * Concrete collection implementation expecting standard DBObject operation
- * This is the version of MongoCollectionBase you should expect to use in most cases.
- *
- * @version 2.0, 12/23/10
- * @since 1.0
- *
- */
- class MongoCollection(val underlying: DBCollection) extends MongoCollectionBase with Iterable[DBObject] {
- type T = DBObject
- type CursorType = MongoCursor
- // scalastyle:off method.name
- /**
- * _newCursor
- *
- * Utility method which concrete subclasses
- * are expected to implement for creating a new
- * instance of the correct cursor implementation from a
- * Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
- * Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.
- *
- * @param cursor (DBCursor)
- * @return (MongoCursorBase)
- */
- def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor): MongoCursor = new MongoCursor(cursor)
- /**
- * _newInstance
- *
- * Utility method which concrete subclasses
- * are expected to implement for creating a new
- * instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
- * Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.
- *
- * @param collection (DBCollection)
- * @return (this.type)
- */
- def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection): MongoCollection = new MongoCollection(collection)
- override protected def _typedValue(dbObj: DBObject): Option[DBObject] = Option(dbObj)
- // scalastyle:on method.name
- override def head: T = headOption.get
- override def headOption: Option[T] = findOne()
- override def tail: Iterable[DBObject] = find().skip(1).toIterable
- override def iterator: CursorType = find()
- override def size: Int = count()
- override def toString(): String = name
- }
- /**
- * Concrete collection implementation for typed Cursor operations via Collection.setObjectClass et al
- * This is a special case collection for typed operations
- *
- * @version 2.0, 12/23/10
- * @since 1.0
- *
- */
- trait MongoTypedCollection extends MongoCollectionBase {}
- class MongoGenericTypedCollection[A <: DBObject](val underlying: DBCollection) extends MongoTypedCollection {
- type T = A
- type CursorType = MongoGenericTypedCursor[A]
- // scalastyle:off method.name
- /**
- * _newCursor
- *
- * Utility method which concrete subclasses
- * are expected to implement for creating a new
- * instance of the correct cursor implementation from a
- * Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor.
- * Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.
- *
- * @param cursor (DBCursor)
- * @return (MongoCollectionBase)
- */
- def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor): MongoGenericTypedCursor[T] = new MongoGenericTypedCursor[T](cursor)
- /**
- * _newInstance
- *
- * Utility method which concrete subclasses
- * are expected to implement for creating a new
- * instance of THIS concrete implementation from a
- * Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.
- *
- * @param collection (DBCollection)
- * @return (this.type)
- */
- def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection): MongoGenericTypedCollection[T] =
- new MongoGenericTypedCollection[T](collection)
- // scalastyle:on method.name
- }
- /**
- * Helper object for some static methods
- */
- object MongoCollection extends Logging {
- }