Scala | 247 lines | 108 code | 41 blank | 98 comment | 0 complexity | 1ea7fc5b814db5c4cbfe88919f982586 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2010 MongoDB, Inc. <http://mongodb.com>
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc. <http://novus.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
- *
- * http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
- *
- */
- package com.mongodb.casbah
- package gridfs
- import java.io.{ File, InputStream }
- import scala.beans.BeanInfo
- import com.mongodb.gridfs.{
- GridFS => MongoGridFS,
- GridFSDBFile => MongoGridFSDBFile,
- GridFSFile => MongoGridFSFile,
- GridFSInputFile => MongoGridFSInputFile
- }
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import com.mongodb.casbah.gridfs.Imports._
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Logging
- import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports.{ DateTime, LocalDateTime }
- /**
- * Companion object for GridFS.
- * Entry point for creation of GridFS Instances.
- *
- * @since 1.0
- */
- object GridFS extends Logging {
- def apply(db: MongoDB): GridFS = {
- log.info("Creating a new GridFS Entry against DB '%s', using default bucket ('%s')", db.name, MongoGridFS.DEFAULT_BUCKET)
- new GridFS(new MongoGridFS(db.underlying))
- }
- def apply(db: MongoDB, bucket: String): GridFS = {
- log.info("Creating a new GridFS Entry against DB '%s', using specific bucket ('%s')", db.name, bucket)
- new GridFS(new MongoGridFS(db.underlying, bucket))
- }
- }
- class GridFS protected[gridfs] (override val underlying: MongoGridFS) extends GenericGridFS with Iterable[GridFSDBFile] {
- type FileWriteOp = GridFSInputFile => Unit
- def iterator: Iterator[GridFSDBFile] = new Iterator[GridFSDBFile] {
- val fileSet: MongoCursor = files
- def count(): Int = fileSet.count
- override def length: Int = fileSet.length
- def numSeen(): Int = fileSet.numSeen
- def curr: GridFSDBFile = next()
- def explain(): CursorExplanation = fileSet.explain
- @SuppressWarnings(Array("deprecation"))
- def next(): GridFSDBFile = {
- val gridfsfile = fileSet.next().asInstanceOf[GridFSDBFileSafeJoda]
- gridfsfile.setGridFS(underlying)
- new GridFSDBFile(gridfsfile)
- }
- def hasNext: Boolean = fileSet.hasNext
- }
- /**
- * Create a new GridFS File from a scala.io.Source
- *
- * Uses a loan pattern, so you need to pass a curried function which expects a GridFSInputFile
- * as a parameter.
- * It AUTOMATICALLY saves the GridFS file at it's end, so throw an exception if you want to fail.
- * If you don't want automatic saving/loaning please see the createFile method instead.
- * @see createFile
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def apply(data: scala.io.Source)(op: FileWriteOp): Nothing = withNewFile(data)(op)
- /**
- * Create a new GridFS File from a Byte Array
- *
- * Uses a loan pattern, so you need to pass a curried function which expects a GridFSInputFile
- * as a parameter.
- * It AUTOMATICALLY saves the GridFS file at it's end, so throw an exception if you want to fail.
- * If you don't want automatic saving/loaning please see the createFile method instead.
- * @see createFile
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def apply(data: Array[Byte])(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = withNewFile(data)(op)
- /**
- * Create a new GridFS File from a java.io.File
- *
- * Uses a loan pattern, so you need to pass a curried function which expects a GridFSInputFile
- * as a parameter.
- * It AUTOMATICALLY saves the GridFS file at it's end, so throw an exception if you want to fail.
- * If you don't want automatic saving/loaning please see the createFile method instead.
- * @see createFile
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def apply(f: File)(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = withNewFile(f)(op)
- /**
- * Create a new GridFS File from a java.io.InputStream
- *
- * Uses a loan pattern, so you need to pass a curried function which expects a GridFSInputFile
- * as a parameter.
- * It AUTOMATICALLY saves the GridFS file at it's end, so throw an exception if you want to fail.
- * If you don't want automatic saving/loaning please see the createFile method instead.
- * @see createFile
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def apply(in: InputStream)(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = withNewFile(in)(op)
- /**
- * Create a new GridFS File from a java.io.InputStream and a specific filename
- *
- * Uses a loan pattern, so you need to pass a curried function which expects a GridFSInputFile
- * as a parameter.
- * It AUTOMATICALLY saves the GridFS file at it's end, so throw an exception if you want to fail.
- * If you don't want automatic saving/loaning please see the createFile method instead.
- * @see createFile
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def apply(in: InputStream, filename: String)(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = withNewFile(in, filename)(op)
- /**
- * createFile
- *
- * Creates a new file in GridFS
- */
- def createFile(data: scala.io.Source): GridFSInputFile = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Currently no support for scala.io.Source")
- def createFile(data: Array[Byte]): GridFSInputFile = underlying.createFile(data)
- def createFile(f: File): GridFSInputFile = underlying.createFile(f)
- def createFile(in: InputStream): GridFSInputFile = underlying.createFile(in)
- def createFile(in: InputStream, filename: String): GridFSInputFile = underlying.createFile(in, filename)
- def withNewFile(data: scala.io.Source)(op: FileWriteOp): Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Currently no support for scala.io.Source")
- /**
- * Loan pattern style file creation.
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def withNewFile(data: Array[Byte])(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = loan(createFile(data)) {
- fh =>
- op(fh)
- fh.save()
- fh.validate()
- Option(fh.id)
- }
- /**
- * Loan pattern style file creation.
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def withNewFile(f: File)(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = loan(createFile(f)) {
- fh =>
- op(fh)
- fh.save()
- fh.validate()
- Option(fh.id)
- }
- /**
- * Loan pattern style file creation.
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def withNewFile(in: InputStream)(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] = loan(createFile(in)) {
- fh =>
- op(fh)
- fh.save()
- fh.validate()
- Option(fh.id)
- }
- /**
- * Loan pattern style file creation.
- * @return The ID of the created File (Option[AnyRef])
- */
- def withNewFile(in: InputStream, filename: String)(op: FileWriteOp): Option[AnyRef] =
- loan(createFile(in, filename)) {
- fh =>
- op(fh)
- fh.save()
- fh.validate()
- Option(fh.id)
- }
- def findOne[A <% DBObject](query: A): Option[GridFSDBFile] = {
- filesCollection.findOne(query) match {
- case None => None
- case x => {
- val gridfsFile = x.get
- gridfsFile.setGridFS(underlying)
- Some(new GridFSDBFile(gridfsFile))
- }
- }
- }
- def findOne(id: ObjectId): Option[GridFSDBFile] = findOne(MongoDBObject("_id" -> id))
- def findOne(filename: String): Option[GridFSDBFile] = findOne(MongoDBObject("filename" -> filename))
- }
- @BeanInfo
- class GridFSFile(_underlying: MongoGridFSFile) extends GenericGridFSFile(_underlying) with ConvertToDate
- @BeanInfo
- class GridFSDBFile(_underlying: MongoGridFSDBFile) extends GenericGridFSDBFile(_underlying) with ConvertToDate
- @BeanInfo
- class GridFSInputFile(_underlying: MongoGridFSInputFile) extends GenericGridFSInputFile(_underlying) with ConvertToDate
- trait ConvertToDate {
- type DateType = java.util.Date
- def convertDate(in: AnyRef): DateType = in match {
- case d: java.util.Date => d
- case j: DateTime => j.toDate
- case l: LocalDateTime => l.toDateTime.toDate
- }
- }