ActionScript | 370 lines | 272 code | 51 blank | 47 comment | 49 complexity | cd8395133f4abfa7c833a50ae533c43f MD5 | raw file
- package {
- import flash.display.Shape;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.ui.Mouse;
- import fl.managers.StyleManager;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import adobe.utils.MMExecute;
- import fl.controls.Button;
- import fl.controls.CheckBox;
- import fl.controls.ComboBox;
- import fl.controls.TextInput;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
- import flash.utils.describeType;
- /**
- * TODO:?????????????.
- * @author tamt
- */
- public class LibraryItemInspector extends Sprite {
- //????
- public var confirm_btn : Button;
- //????
- public var cancel_btn:Button;
- //????
- public var apply_btn:Button;
- //??
- public var name_tf : TextInput;
- //??combobox
- public var type_cb : ComboBox;
- //9???
- public var scale9grid_cb : CheckBox;
- //??AS
- public var exportAS_cb : CheckBox;
- //???????.
- public var exportAt1Frame_cb : CheckBox;
- //??
- public var className_tf:TextInput;
- //???
- public var baseClassName_tf:TextInput;
- //??
- public var findit_btn:Button;
- //???????LibraryItem
- private var item:LibraryItem;
- //
- public var debug_tf:TextField;
- public function LibraryItemInspector() {
- super();
- addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);
- //?jsfl?????
- ExternalInterface.addCallback('showLibrayItemInfo', showLibrayItemInfo);
- ExternalInterface.addCallback('disablePanel', disablePanel);
- }
- private function onChangeType(evt:Event):void {
- item.symbolType = ['movie clip', 'button', 'graphic'][type_cb.selectedIndex];
- this.updateView();
- }
- private function onChangeExportAS(evt:Event):void {
- item.linkageExportForAS = exportAS_cb.selected;
- if (item.linkageExportForAS) {
- if (item.linkageClassName == 'undefined') {
- item.linkageClassName = item.name;
- }
- if (item.linkageBaseClass == 'undefined') {
- item.linkageBaseClass = LibraryItem.getBaseClassNameByType(item.symbolType);;
- }
- item.linkageExportInFirstFrame = true;
- }
- this.updateView();
- }
- private function initJSFL():String {
- var xml:XML = <jsfl>
- <![CDATA[
- var panelName = 'Library Item Inspector';
- function showLibrayItemInfo(arg)
- {
- if(fl.swfPanels.length > 0){
- for(x = 0; x < fl.swfPanels.length; x++){
- // look for a SWF panel of the specified name, then call the specified AS3 function
- // in this example, the panel is named "test" and the AS3 callback is "callMySWF"
- if(fl.swfPanels[x].name == panelName) // name busted?
- {
- fl.swfPanels[x].call("showLibrayItemInfo",arg);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * ?Inspector panel????????
- */
- function disablePanel() {
- if(fl.swfPanels.length > 0){
- for(x = 0; x < fl.swfPanels.length; x++){
- if(fl.swfPanels[x].name == panelName) // name busted?
- {
- fl.swfPanels[x].call("disablePanel");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var item;
- if(fl.getDocumentDOM().selection.length>0){
- var ele = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection[0];
- if (ele.libraryItem) {
- inspectSelection(ele.libraryItem);
- }else {
- disablePanel();
- }
- }else {
- disablePanel();
- }
- function inspectSelection(libraryItem){
- item = libraryItem;
- var name = item.name.substring(item.name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, item.name.length);
- var arg = '';
- for(var prop in item){
- arg += prop + ':' + item[prop] + '|';
- }
- showLibrayItemInfo(arg);
- }
- fl.addEventListener("mouseMove", onMouseMove);
- function onMouseMove(){
- var ele = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection[0];
- if(ele.libraryItem){
- if(ele.libraryItem.name != item.name)inspectSelection(ele.libraryItem);
- }else {
- disablePanel();
- }
- }
- //?????????????.
- //??selectItem(item)?flash cs4 10.0.2???
- function findIt(){
- var lbItem = item;
- if(lbItem){
- if(lbItem.name.lastIndexOf('/')>0){
- var pathNames = lbItem.name.split('/');
- var path = '';
- for(var j=0; j<pathNames.length; j++){
- path += (j==0?'':'/') + pathNames[j];
- fl.getDocumentDOM().library.expandFolder(true, false, path);
- }
- }
- fl.getDocumentDOM().library.selectItem(lbItem.name);
- }
- }
- //??SWFPanel????
- function apply(arg) {
- alert(arg);
- var args = arg.split('|');
- for(var i = 0; i<args.length; i++){
- var t = args[i].indexOf(':');
- var prop = args[i].substring(0, t);
- var value = args[i].substring(t + 1);
- for (var str in item) {
- if (str == prop) {
- if(prop == 'scalingGrid' || prop == 'linkageExportForAS' || prop == 'linkageExportForRS' || prop == 'linkageExportInFirstFrame') {
- item[prop] = (value == 'true');
- }else{
- item[prop] = value;
- }
- fl.trace('?????' + prop + '-' + value);
- fl.getDocumentDOM().library.updateItem(item.name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ]]>
- </jsfl>;
- return xml.toString();
- }
- private function onAdded(evt:Event):void{
- //this.findit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickFindIt);
- //this.confirm_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickCfm);
- this.apply_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickApply);
- //??????
- var tfm : TextFormat = new TextFormat('Trebuchet MS', 12);
- tfm.color = 0xffffff;
- StyleManager.setStyle('textFormat', tfm);
- exportAS_cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onChangeExportAS);
- type_cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onChangeType);
- //??JSFL??
- MMExecute(initJSFL());
- }
- //?????
- private function onClickApply(evt:MouseEvent):void {
- item.name = name_tf.text;
- item.symbolType = ['movie clip', 'button', 'graphic'][type_cb.selectedIndex];
- item.linkageClassName = className_tf.text;
- item.linkageBaseClass = baseClassName_tf.text
- item.linkageExportForAS = exportAS_cb.selected;
- item.linkageExportInFirstFrame = exportAt1Frame_cb.selected;
- item.scalingGrid = scale9grid_cb.selected;
- var pro:String = itemToString(item);
- MMExecute('apply("' + pro + '")');
- }
- private function onClickFindIt(evt:MouseEvent):void {
- MMExecute('findIt();');
- }
- private var freezeShape:Sprite;
- private function disablePanel():void {
- this.visible = false;
- if (freezeShape == null) {
- freezeShape = new Sprite();
- freezeShape.graphics.beginFill(0, .2);
- freezeShape.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, this.stage.stageWidth, this.stage.stageHeight);
- }
- //addChild(freezeShape);
- }
- private function enablePanel():void {
- this.visible = true;
- if (freezeShape) {
- if (freezeShape.parent) freezeShape.parent.removeChild(freezeShape);
- }
- }
- private function showLibrayItemInfo(arg:String):void {
- enablePanel();
- //name:?? 2|type:movie clip|className:??2
- var args:Array = arg.split('|');
- var obj:Object = {};
- for(var i:int = 0; i<args.length; i++){
- var t:int = args[i].indexOf(':');
- var prop:String = args[i].substring(0, t);
- var value:String = args[i].substring(t + 1);
- obj[prop] = value;
- }
- item = new LibraryItem(obj);
- updateView();
- }
- private function itemToString(item:LibraryItem):String {
- var str:String = '';
- var prop:XML;
- for each(prop in (describeType(LibraryItem)..variable.@name)) {
- str += prop.toString() + ':' + item[prop.toString()] + '|';
- }
- return str;
- }
- private function log(str:String):void {
- debug_tf.text = str;
- }
- private function updateView():void {
- name_tf.text = item.name;
- type_cb.selectedIndex = ['movie clip', 'button', 'graphic'].indexOf(item.symbolType);
- if (item.symbolType == 'movie clip') {
- scale9grid_cb.enabled = true;
- }else {
- scale9grid_cb.enabled = false;
- }
- if (item.symbolType == 'graphic') {
- exportAS_cb.enabled = false;
- exportAt1Frame_cb.enabled = className_tf.enabled = baseClassName_tf.enabled = false;
- return;
- }else {
- exportAS_cb.enabled = true;
- }
- className_tf.text = item.linkageClassName;
- baseClassName_tf.text = item.linkageBaseClass;
- exportAS_cb.selected = item.linkageExportForAS;
- exportAt1Frame_cb.selected = item.linkageExportInFirstFrame;
- scale9grid_cb.selected = item.scalingGrid;
- if (!item.linkageExportForAS) {
- exportAt1Frame_cb.enabled = className_tf.enabled = baseClassName_tf.enabled = false;
- }else {
- exportAt1Frame_cb.enabled = className_tf.enabled = baseClassName_tf.enabled = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- dynamic class LibraryItem{
- //public var timeline:String;
- public var symbolType:String;
- //public var sourceFilePath:String;
- //public var sourceLibraryName:String;
- //public var sourceAutoUpdate:Boolean;
- public var scalingGrid:Boolean;
- //public var scalingGridRect:Rectangle;
- public var itemType:String;
- public var name:String;
- public var linkageExportForAS:Boolean;
- //public var linkageExportForRS:Boolean;
- public var linkageExportInFirstFrame:Boolean;
- public var linkageIdentifier:String;
- public var linkageClassName:String;
- public var linkageBaseClass:String;
- //public var linkageURL:String;
- public function LibraryItem(obj:*):void{
- //timeline = obj.timeline;
- symbolType = obj.symbolType;
- //sourceFilePath = encodeURI(obj.sourceFilePath);
- //sourceLibraryName = obj.sourceLibraryName;
- //sourceAutoUpdate = (obj.sourceAutoUpdate == 'true');
- scalingGrid = (obj.scalingGrid == 'true');
- // scalingGridRect = obj.scalingGridRect;
- itemType = obj.itemType;
- name = obj.name;
- linkageExportForAS = (obj.linkageExportForAS == 'true');
- //linkageExportForRS = (obj.linkageExportForRS == 'true');
- linkageExportInFirstFrame = (obj.linkageExportInFirstFrame == 'true');
- linkageIdentifier = obj.linkageIdentifier;
- linkageClassName = obj.linkageClassName;
- linkageBaseClass = obj.linkageBaseClass;
- //linkageURL = obj.linkageURL;
- }
- public static function getBaseClassNameByType(type:String):String {
- var str:String;
- switch(type) {
- case 'movie clip':
- str = 'flash.display.MovieClip';
- break;
- case 'button':
- str = 'flash.display.SimpleButton';
- break;
- }
- return str;
- }
- }