Java | 344 lines | 256 code | 46 blank | 42 comment | 43 complexity | c40b33eede30922555df785d2f53e56c MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- package org.dynmap.kzedmap;
- import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- import org.bukkit.Location;
- import org.dynmap.ConfigurationNode;
- import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk;
- import org.dynmap.Log;
- import org.dynmap.MapManager;
- import org.dynmap.MapTile;
- import org.dynmap.MapType;
- import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache;
- import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
- public class KzedMap extends MapType {
- protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
- protected static final String LOG_PREFIX = "[dynmap] ";
- /* dimensions of a map tile */
- public static final int tileWidth = 128;
- public static final int tileHeight = 128;
- /*
- * (logical!) dimensions of a zoomed out map tile must be twice the size of
- * the normal tile
- */
- public static final int zTileWidth = 256;
- public static final int zTileHeight = 256;
- /* map x, y, z for projection origin */
- public static final int anchorx = 0;
- public static final int anchory = 127;
- public static final int anchorz = 0;
- MapTileRenderer[] renderers;
- private boolean isbigmap;
- public KzedMap(ConfigurationNode configuration) {
- Log.verboseinfo("Loading renderers for map '" + getClass().toString() + "'...");
- List<MapTileRenderer> renderers = configuration.<MapTileRenderer>createInstances("renderers", new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
- this.renderers = new MapTileRenderer[renderers.size()];
- renderers.toArray(this.renderers);
- Log.verboseinfo("Loaded " + renderers.size() + " renderers for map '" + getClass().toString() + "'.");
- isbigmap = configuration.getBoolean("isbigmap", false);
- }
- @Override
- public MapTile[] getTiles(Location l) {
- DynmapWorld world = MapManager.mapman.getWorld(l.getWorld().getName());
- int x = l.getBlockX();
- int y = l.getBlockY();
- int z = l.getBlockZ();
- int dx = x - anchorx;
- int dy = y - anchory;
- int dz = z - anchorz;
- int px = dx + dz;
- int py = dx - dz - dy;
- int tx = tilex(px);
- int ty = tiley(py);
- ArrayList<MapTile> tiles = new ArrayList<MapTile>();
- addTile(tiles, world, tx, ty);
- boolean ledge = tilex(px - 4) != tx;
- boolean tedge = tiley(py - 4) != ty;
- boolean redge = tilex(px + 4) != tx;
- boolean bedge = tiley(py + 4) != ty;
- if (ledge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx - tileWidth, ty);
- if (redge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx + tileWidth, ty);
- if (tedge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx, ty - tileHeight);
- if (bedge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx, ty + tileHeight);
- if (ledge && tedge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx - tileWidth, ty - tileHeight);
- if (ledge && bedge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx - tileWidth, ty + tileHeight);
- if (redge && tedge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx + tileWidth, ty - tileHeight);
- if (redge && bedge)
- addTile(tiles, world, tx + tileWidth, ty + tileHeight);
- MapTile[] result = new MapTile[tiles.size()];
- tiles.toArray(result);
- return result;
- }
- @Override
- public MapTile[] getTiles(Location loc0, Location loc1) {
- DynmapWorld world = MapManager.mapman.getWorld(loc0.getWorld().getName());
- ArrayList<MapTile> tiles = new ArrayList<MapTile>();
- /* Transform both to tile coordinates */
- int dx = loc0.getBlockX() - anchorx;
- int dy = loc0.getBlockY() - anchory;
- int dz = loc0.getBlockZ() - anchorz;
- int px0 = dx + dz;
- int py0 = dx - dz - dy;
- dx = loc0.getBlockX() - anchorx;
- dy = loc0.getBlockY() - anchory;
- dz = loc0.getBlockZ() - anchorz;
- int px1 = dx + dz;
- int py1 = dx - dz - dy;
- /* Compute ranges */
- int mintx = (px1<px0)?px0:px1;
- int maxtx = (px1<px0)?px1+1:px0+1;
- int minty = (py1<py0)?py0:py1;
- int maxty = (py1<py0)?py1+1:py0+1;
- /* Now, add the tiles for the ranges - not perfect, but it works (some extra tiles on corners possible) */
- for(int i = mintx >> 7; i <= maxtx >> 7; i++) {
- for(int j = minty >> 7; j < maxty >> 7; j++) {
- addTile(tiles, world, i << 7, j << 7);
- }
- }
- return tiles.toArray(new MapTile[tiles.size()]);
- }
- @Override
- public MapTile[] getAdjecentTiles(MapTile tile) {
- if (tile instanceof KzedMapTile) {
- KzedMapTile t = (KzedMapTile) tile;
- DynmapWorld world = tile.getDynmapWorld();
- MapTileRenderer renderer = t.renderer;
- return new MapTile[] {
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px - tileWidth, t.py + tileHeight),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px + tileWidth, t.py - tileHeight),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px - tileWidth, t.py - tileHeight),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px + tileWidth, t.py + tileHeight),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px - tileWidth, t.py),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px + tileWidth, t.py),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px, t.py - tileHeight),
- new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderer, t.px, t.py + tileHeight) };
- }
- return new MapTile[0];
- }
- public void addTile(ArrayList<MapTile> tiles, DynmapWorld world, int px, int py) {
- for (int i = 0; i < renderers.length; i++) {
- tiles.add(new KzedMapTile(world, this, renderers[i], px, py));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test if point x,z is inside rectangle with corner at r0x,r0z and with
- * size vectors s1x,s1z and s2x,s2z
- *
- */
- private boolean testPointInRectangle(int x, int z, int r0x, int r0z, int s1x, int s1z,
- int s2x, int s2z) {
- int xr = x - r0x;
- int zr = z - r0z; /* Get position relative to rectangle corner */
- int dots1 = xr*s1x + zr*s1z;
- int dots2 = xr*s2x + zr*s2z;
- /* If dot product of relative point and each side is between zero and dot product
- * of each side and itself, we're inside
- */
- if((dots1 >= 0) && (dots1 <= (s1x*s1x+s1z*s1z)) &&
- (dots2 >= 0) && (dots2 <= (s2x*s2x+s2z*s2z))) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public List<DynmapChunk> getRequiredChunks(MapTile tile) {
- if (tile instanceof KzedMapTile) {
- KzedMapTile t = (KzedMapTile) tile;
- int ix = KzedMap.anchorx + t.px / 2 + t.py / 2;
- //int iy = 127;
- int iz = KzedMap.anchorz + t.px / 2 - t.py / 2;
- int x1 = ix - KzedMap.tileHeight / 2;
- int x2 = ix + KzedMap.tileWidth / 2 + KzedMap.tileHeight / 2;
- int z1 = iz - KzedMap.tileHeight / 2;
- int z2 = iz + KzedMap.tileWidth / 2 + KzedMap.tileHeight / 2;
- int x, z;
- /* Actual pattern of chunks needed is create by the slanted
- * square prism corresponding to the render path of the tile.
- * Top of prism (corresponding to y=127) is diamond shape from
- * ix, iz to ix+64,iz+64 to ix+128,iz to ix+64,iz-64
- * Bottom is same shape, offset by -64 on x, +64 on z (net
- * render path to y=0), correspond to ix-64, iz+64 to
- * ix,iz+128 to ix+64,iz+64 to ix,iz. Projection of
- * the prism on to the x,z plane (which is all that matters for
- * chunks) yields a diagonal rectangular area from ix-64(x1),iz+64
- * to ix,iz+128(z2) to ix+128(x2),iz to ix+64,iz-64(z1).
- * Chunks outside this are not needed - we scan a simple rectangle
- * (chunk grid aligned) and skip adding the ones that are outside.
- * This results in 42% less chunks being loaded.
- */
- ArrayList<DynmapChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<DynmapChunk>();
- for (x = x1; x < x2; x += 16) {
- for (z = z1; z < z2; z += 16) {
- /* If any of the chunk corners are inside the rectangle, we need it */
- if((!testPointInRectangle(x, z, x1, iz + KzedMap.tileWidth/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth/2, KzedMap.tileHeight/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth, -KzedMap.tileHeight)) &&
- (!testPointInRectangle(x+15, z, x1, iz + KzedMap.tileWidth/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth/2, KzedMap.tileHeight/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth, -KzedMap.tileHeight)) &&
- (!testPointInRectangle(x+15, z+15, x1, iz + KzedMap.tileWidth/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth/2, KzedMap.tileHeight/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth, -KzedMap.tileHeight)) &&
- (!testPointInRectangle(x, z+15, x1, iz + KzedMap.tileWidth/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth/2, KzedMap.tileHeight/2,
- KzedMap.tileWidth, -KzedMap.tileHeight)))
- continue;
- DynmapChunk chunk = new DynmapChunk(x / 16, z / 16);
- chunks.add(chunk);
- }
- }
- return chunks;
- } else {
- return new ArrayList<DynmapChunk>();
- }
- }
- public boolean render(MapChunkCache cache, MapTile tile, File outputFile) {
- if (tile instanceof KzedMapTile) {
- return ((KzedMapTile) tile).renderer.render(cache, (KzedMapTile) tile, outputFile);
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* tile X for position x */
- static int tilex(int x) {
- if (x < 0)
- return x - (tileWidth + (x % tileWidth));
- else
- return x - (x % tileWidth);
- }
- /* tile Y for position y */
- static int tiley(int y) {
- if (y < 0)
- return y - (tileHeight + (y % tileHeight));
- else
- return y - (y % tileHeight);
- }
- /* zoomed-out tile X for tile position x */
- static int ztilex(int x) {
- if (x < 0)
- return x + x % zTileWidth;
- else
- return x - (x % zTileWidth);
- }
- /* zoomed-out tile Y for tile position y */
- static int ztiley(int y) {
- if (y < 0)
- return y + y % zTileHeight;
- // return y - (zTileHeight + (y % zTileHeight));
- else
- return y - (y % zTileHeight);
- }
- public boolean isBiomeDataNeeded() {
- for(MapTileRenderer r : renderers) {
- if(r.isBiomeDataNeeded())
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean isRawBiomeDataNeeded() {
- for(MapTileRenderer r : renderers) {
- if(r.isRawBiomeDataNeeded())
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public List<ZoomInfo> baseZoomFileInfo() {
- ArrayList<ZoomInfo> s = new ArrayList<ZoomInfo>();
- for(MapTileRenderer r : renderers) {
- s.add(new ZoomInfo("z" + r.getPrefix(), 0));
- if(r.isNightAndDayEnabled())
- s.add(new ZoomInfo("z" + r.getPrefix() + "_day", 0));
- }
- return s;
- }
- public int baseZoomFileStepSize() { return zTileWidth; }
- public MapStep zoomFileMapStep() { return MapStep.X_MINUS_Y_PLUS; }
- private static final int[] stepseq = { 0, 2, 1, 3 };
- public int[] zoomFileStepSequence() { return stepseq; }
- /* How many bits of coordinate are shifted off to make big world directory name */
- public int getBigWorldShift() { return 12; }
- /* Returns true if big world file structure is in effect for this map */
- @Override
- public boolean isBigWorldMap(DynmapWorld w) {
- return w.bigworld || isbigmap;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return "KzedMap";
- }
- /* Get maps rendered concurrently with this map in this world */
- public List<MapType> getMapsSharingRender(DynmapWorld w) {
- return Collections.singletonList((MapType)this);
- }
- /* Get names of maps rendered concurrently with this map type in this world */
- public List<String> getMapNamesSharingRender(DynmapWorld w) {
- ArrayList<String> lst = new ArrayList<String>();
- for(MapTileRenderer rend : renderers) {
- if(rend.isNightAndDayEnabled())
- lst.add(rend.getName() + "(night/day)");
- else
- lst.add(rend.getName());
- }
- return lst;
- }
- @Override
- public void buildClientConfiguration(JSONObject worldObject, DynmapWorld world) {
- for(MapTileRenderer renderer : renderers) {
- renderer.buildClientConfiguration(worldObject, world, this);
- }
- }
- }