https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine · C Header · 259 lines · 127 code · 60 blank · 72 comment · 7 complexity · 3c233cd07471ac37a10c5bf897e06367 MD5 · raw file
- // Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2001
- // . class to parse and form HTTP requests
- // . allow for up to 256 cgi fields
- // . this was stopping us from having more than about 253 banned ips, so i
- // raised it to 600
- //#define MAX_CGI_PARMS 600
- // . new prioirty controls has 128 rows!!
- #define MAX_CGI_PARMS 1400
- // for getting a file from http server
- #define MAX_HTTP_FILENAME_LEN 1024
- // i raised this from 1.3k to 5.3k so we can log the full request better
- //#define MAX_REQ_LEN (1024*5+300)
- //#define MAX_REQ_LEN (8024*5+300)
- // keep it small now that we use m_reqBuf
- //#define MAX_REQ_LEN (1024)
- #include "SafeBuf.h"
- class TcpSocket;
- #include "GbFormat.h"
- #include <time.h>
- class HttpRequest {
- public:
- // . form an HTTP request
- // . use size 0 for HEAD requests
- // . use size -1 for GET whole doc requests
- // . fill in your own offset/size for partial GET requests
- // . returns false and sets errno on error
- bool set ( char *url , int32_t offset = 0 , int32_t size = -1 ,
- time_t ifModifiedSince = 0 , const char *userAgent = NULL ,
- const char *proto = "HTTP/1.0" ,
- bool doPost = false ,
- const char *cookieJar = NULL ,
- const char *additionalHeader = NULL , // does not incl \r\n
- int32_t postContentLen = -1 , // for content-length of POST
- int32_t proxyIp = 0 ,
- const char *proxyUsernamePwdAuth = NULL );
- // use this
- SafeBuf m_reqBuf;
- bool m_reqBufValid;
- // get the request length
- int32_t getRequestLen() const { return m_reqBuf.length(); }
- // . get the outgoing request we made by calling set() above
- // . OR get the first line of an incoming request
- const char *getRequest() const {
- if ( m_reqBufValid ) return m_reqBuf.getBufStart();
- else return NULL;
- }
- char getFormat() const { return getReplyFormat(); }
- char getReplyFormat() const;
- mutable bool m_replyFormatValid;
- mutable char m_replyFormat;
- // get the referer field of the MIME header
- char *getReferer () { return m_ref; }
- // this is NULL terminated too
- char *getUserAgent () { return m_userAgent; }
- // just does a simply gbmemcpy() operation, since it should be pointing
- // into the TcpSocket's buffer which is safe until after reply is sent
- // . returns false and sets g_errno on error, true otherwise
- bool copy(const HttpRequest *r);
- // . the url being reuqested
- // . removes &code= facebook cruft
- bool getCurrentUrl ( SafeBuf &cu );
- bool getCurrentUrlPath ( SafeBuf &cup );
- // . parse an incoming request
- // . returns false and set errno on error
- // . may alloc mem for m_cgiBuf to hold cgi vars from GET or POST op
- bool set ( char *req , int32_t reqSize , TcpSocket *s );
- // for gigablast's own rendering of squid
- bool m_isSquidProxyRequest;
- char *m_squidProxiedUrl;
- int32_t m_squidProxiedUrlLen;
- // is it this type of request?
- bool isGETRequest () const { return (m_requestType == 0); }
- bool isHEADRequest () const { return (m_requestType == 1); }
- bool isPOSTRequest () const { return (m_requestType == 2); }
- const char *getFilename () const { return m_filename; }
- int32_t getFilenameLen () const { return m_filenameLen; }
- int32_t getFileOffset () const { return m_fileOffset; }
- int32_t getFileSize () const { return m_fileSize; }
- const char *getOrigUrlRequest() const { return m_origUrlRequest; }
- int32_t getOrigUrlRequestLen() const { return m_origUrlRequestLen; }
- const char *getHost () const { return m_host; }
- int32_t getHostLen () const { return m_hostLen; }
- bool isLocal () const { return m_isLocal; }
- // . the &ucontent= cgi var does not get its value decoded
- // because it's already decoded
- // . this is so Mark doesn't have to url encode his injected content
- const char *getUnencodedContent() const { return m_ucontent; }
- int32_t getUnencodedContentLen() const { return m_ucontentLen; }
- // . for parsing the terms in a cgi url
- // . the returned string is NOT NULL terminated
- const char *getString ( const char *field, int32_t *len = NULL,
- const char *defaultString = NULL , int32_t *next=NULL) const;
- bool getBool ( const char *field, bool defaultBool ) const;
- int32_t getLong ( const char *field, int32_t defaultLong ) const;
- int64_t getLongLong ( const char *field, int64_t defaultLongLong ) const;
- float getFloat ( const char *field, double defaultFloat ) const;
- double getDouble ( const char *field, double defaultDouble ) const;
- float getFloatFromCookie ( const char *field, float def ) const;
- int32_t getLongFromCookie ( const char *field, int32_t def ) const;
- int64_t getLongLongFromCookie( const char *field, int64_t def ) const;
- bool getBoolFromCookie ( const char *field, bool def ) const;
- const char *getStringFromCookie ( const char *field, int32_t *len = NULL,
- const char *defaultString = NULL ,
- int32_t *next=NULL) const;
- bool hasField ( const char *field ) const;
- // are we a redir? if so return non-NULL
- const char *getRedir() const { return m_redir; }
- int32_t getRedirLen() const { return m_redirLen; }
- HttpRequest();
- HttpRequest( const HttpRequest &a );
- ~HttpRequest();
- void reset();
- const char *getPath() const { return m_path; }
- int32_t getPathLen() const { return m_plen; }
- // . get value of cgi "field" term in the requested filename
- // . you know GET /myfile.html?q=123&name=nathaniel
- const char *getValue ( const char *field , int32_t *len=NULL, int32_t *next=NULL) const;
- // get value of the ith field
- const char *getValue ( int32_t i, int32_t *len = NULL) const;
- // get the ith cgi parameter name, return NULL if none
- int32_t getNumFields( ) const { return m_numFields; }
- const char *getField( int32_t i ) const {
- if ( i >= m_numFields ) return NULL;
- return m_fields[i];
- }
- int32_t getFieldLen ( int32_t i ) const {
- if ( i >= m_numFields ) return 0;
- return m_fieldLens[i];
- }
- private:
- // . s is a cgi string
- // . either the stuff after the '?' in a url
- // . or the content in a POST operation
- // . returns false and sets errno on error
- bool addCgi ( char *s , int32_t slen );
- // . parse cgi field terms into m_fields,m_fieldLens,m_fieldValues
- // . "s" should point to cgi string right after the '?' if it exists
- // . s should have had all it's &'s replaced with /0's
- // . slen should include the last \0
- void parseFields ( char *s , int32_t slen ) ;
- void parseFieldsMultipart ( char *s , int32_t slen ) ;
- // 0 for GET, 1 for HEAD
- char m_requestType;
- // we decode the filename into this buffer (no cgi)
- char m_filename[MAX_HTTP_FILENAME_LEN];
- int32_t m_filenameLen; // excludes ?cgistuff
- // if request is like "GET /poo?foo=bar"
- // then origUrlRequest is "/poo?foo=bar"
- // references into TcpSocket::m_readBuf
- char *m_origUrlRequest;
- int32_t m_origUrlRequestLen;
- // virtual host in the Host: field of the mime
- char m_host[256];
- int32_t m_hostLen;
- // are we coming from a local machine?
- bool m_isLocal;
- // . decoded cgi data stored here
- // . this just points into TcpSocket::m_readBuf
- // . now it points into m_reqBuf.m_buf[]
- char *m_cgiBuf ;
- int32_t m_cgiBufLen ;
- int32_t m_cgiBufMaxLen ;
- // partial GET file read info
- int32_t m_fileOffset;
- int32_t m_fileSize;
- // . cgi field term info stored in here
- // . set by parseFields()
- char *m_fields [ MAX_CGI_PARMS ];
- int32_t m_fieldLens [ MAX_CGI_PARMS ];
- char *m_fieldValues [ MAX_CGI_PARMS ];
- int32_t m_numFields;
- int32_t m_userIP;
- bool m_isSSL;
- // . ptr to the thing we're getting in the request
- // . used by PageAddUrl4.cpp
- char *m_path;
- int32_t m_plen;
- char m_redir[128];
- int32_t m_redirLen;
- // referer, NULL terminated, from Referer: field in MIME
- char m_ref [ 256 ];
- int32_t m_refLen;
- // NULL terminated User-Agent: field in MIME
- char m_userAgent[128];
- // this points into m_cgiBuf
- char *m_ucontent;
- int32_t m_ucontentLen;
- char *m_cookiePtr;
- int32_t m_cookieLen;
- // buffer for adding extra parms
- char *m_cgiBuf2;
- int32_t m_cgiBuf2Size;
- };
- int getVersionFromRequest ( HttpRequest *r );
- #endif // GB_HTTPREQUEST_H