https://github.com/privacore/open-source-search-engine · C++ · 162 lines · 108 code · 20 blank · 34 comment · 22 complexity · c390ace4cbf925245a82127c7398e0f5 MD5 · raw file
- // Matt Wells, copyright Sep 2001
- #include "gb-include.h"
- #include "Mem.h"
- #include "Conf.h"
- #include "Hostdb.h"
- #include "UdpServer.h"
- #include "Loop.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "Spider.h"
- // the default protocol
- UdpProtocol g_dp;
- // the request handler
- static void handleRequest ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t niceness ) ;
- static void gotit ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) ;
- // where we store the file contents, if any
- char s_buf [ 1024*1024 ];
- int32_t s_n = 0;
- int64_t s_startTime;
- int main ( int argc , char *argv[] ) {
- // ip/port to ask for the file from
- int32_t ip = 0;
- uint16_t port = 0;
- // . filename may be supplied
- // . if so we send that file back to all who ask
- if ( argc == 2 && !isdigit(argv[1][0]) ) {
- char *fn = argv[1];
- log("Reading filename = %s", fn );
- int fd = open ( fn , O_RDONLY );
- if ( fd < 0 ) {
- log("File %s does not exist. exiting.",fn );
- return -1;
- }
- s_n = 0;
- while ( s_n < 1024*1024 && read ( fd , &s_buf[s_n] , 1 ) == 1)
- s_n++;
- close ( fd );
- // listen on udp port 2000
- port = 2000;
- //log("Listening on udp port %hu", port );
- }
- // otherwise if argc is 2 we ask an ip/port for the file
- else if ( argc == 2 && isdigit(argv[1][0]) ) {
- // send on udp port 2001
- port = 2001;
- ip = atoip ( argv[1] , gbstrlen(argv[1]) );
- }
- // otherwise, print usage
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "udptest <filename>\n"
- "\tThis will set up a server on udp port 2000 which\n"
- "\twill serve the sepcified filename to all incoming\n"
- "\trequests. The first char of the filename must NOT\n"
- "\tbe a number.\n\n"
- "udptest <ip>\n"
- "\tThis will send a request for a file to the\n"
- "\tudptest running on the specified ip. ip must be\n"
- "\tof form like\n"
- "\tIt will listen on udp port 2001.\n"
- );
- return -1;
- }
- // init our table for doing zobrist hashing
- if ( ! hashinit() ) {
- log("main::hashinit failed" ); return 1; }
- // default conf filename
- char *confFilename = "./gigablast.conf";
- if ( ! g_conf.init ( confFilename ) ) {
- fprintf (stderr,"main::Conf init failed\n" ); return 1; }
- // init the memory class after conf since it gets maxMem from Conf
- if ( ! g_mem.init ( 1000000000 ) ) {
- fprintf (stderr,"main::Mem init failed" ); return 1; }
- // start up hostdb
- if ( ! g_hostdb.init() ) {
- log("main::Hostdb init failed" ); return 1; }
- // init the loop
- if ( ! g_loop.init() ) {
- fprintf ( stderr , "main::Loop init failed\n" );
- return 1;
- }
- // . then our main udp server
- // . must pass defaults since g_dns uses it's own port/instance of it
- // . server should listen to a socket and register with g_loop
- // . the last 1 and 0 are respective niceness levels
- if ( ! g_udpServer.init( port , // use 2000 or 2001
- &g_dp , // use default proto
- 1024*1024 ,
- 1024*1024 )){
- fprintf ( stderr, "main::UdpServer init failed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- // . otherwise, set up a handler for incoming msgTypes of 0x00
- // . register a handler for msgType 0x00
- // . we must register this msgType even if we're not going to handle
- // these requests, because we may send them...
- if ( ! g_udpServer.registerHandler ( 0x00 , handleRequest )) {
- fprintf ( stderr , "udp server registration failed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- // if ip is non-zero send a request to it
- if ( ip != 0 ) {
- log("Sending request to ip=%s port=2000", argv[1] );
- s_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();
- g_udpServer.sendRequest ( NULL , // msg ptr
- 0 , // msg size
- 0x00 , // msg type
- ip , // ip
- 2000 , // port
- 0 , // hostId (bogus)
- NULL , // UdpSlot ptr being used
- NULL , // callback state
- gotit, // callback
- 30*1000 );// timeout in seconds
- }
- // . now start g_loops main interrupt handling loop
- // . it should block forever
- // . when it gets a signal it dispatches to a server or db to handle it
- if ( ! g_loop.runLoop() ) {
- log("main::runLoop failed" );
- return 1;
- }
- // dummy return (0-->normal exit status for the shell)
- return 0;
- }
- void handleRequest ( UdpSlot *slot , int32_t niceness ) {
- log("got request of type 0x00");
- // send the deisignated file back
- g_udpServer.sendReply ( s_buf , // data ptr
- s_n , // data size
- 0 , // allocated size
- slot );
- //sendErrorReply ( slot , EBADREQUESTSIZE )
- }
- void gotit ( void *state , UdpSlot *slot ) {
- // compute speed
- double size = slot->m_readBufSize;
- double elapsed = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - s_startTime;
- log("got reply. %f Mbps", (size*8/(1024.0*1024.0)) / (elapsed / 1000.0) );
- // exit for good
- exit(-1);
- }