https://github.com/lasp-lang/types · Erlang · 231 lines · 148 code · 38 blank · 45 comment · 6 complexity · 9877469cf86e6f28ec3c4b5c66f506b1 MD5 · raw file
- %%
- %% Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Meiklejohn. All Rights Reserved.
- %%
- %% This file is provided to you under the Apache License,
- %% Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- %% except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
- %% a copy of the License at
- %%
- %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- %%
- %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- %% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- %% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- %% specific language governing permissions and limitations
- %% under the License.
- %%
- %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% @doc Boolean primitive CRDT.
- %%
- %% @reference Carlos Baquero, Paulo Sérgio Almeida, Alcino Cunha and Carla Ferreira
- %% Composition of State-based CRDTs (2015)
- %% [http://haslab.uminho.pt/cbm/files/crdtcompositionreport.pdf]
- -module(state_boolean).
- -author("Vitor Enes Duarte <vitorenesduarte@gmail.com>").
- -behaviour(type).
- -behaviour(state_type).
- -define(TYPE, ?MODULE).
- -ifdef(TEST).
- -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
- -endif.
- -export([new/0, new/1]).
- -export([mutate/3, delta_mutate/3, merge/2]).
- -export([query/1, equal/2, is_bottom/1,
- is_inflation/2, is_strict_inflation/2,
- irreducible_is_strict_inflation/2]).
- -export([join_decomposition/1, delta/2, digest/1]).
- -export([encode/2, decode/2]).
- -export_type([state_boolean/0, state_boolean_op/0]).
- -opaque state_boolean() :: {?TYPE, payload()}.
- -type payload() :: 0 | 1.
- -type state_boolean_op() :: true.
- %% @doc Create a new `state_boolean()'
- -spec new() -> state_boolean().
- new() ->
- {?TYPE, 0}.
- %% @doc Create a new `state_boolean()'
- -spec new([term()]) -> state_boolean().
- new([]) ->
- new().
- %% @doc Mutate a `state_boolean()'.
- -spec mutate(state_boolean_op(), type:id(), state_boolean()) ->
- {ok, state_boolean()}.
- mutate(Op, Actor, {?TYPE, _Boolean}=CRDT) ->
- state_type:mutate(Op, Actor, CRDT).
- %% @doc Delta-mutate a `state_boolean()'.
- %% The first argument can only be `true'.
- %% The second argument is the replica id.
- %% The third argument is the `state_boolean()' to be inflated.
- -spec delta_mutate(state_boolean_op(), type:id(), state_boolean()) ->
- {ok, state_boolean()}.
- delta_mutate(true, _Actor, {?TYPE, _Boolean}) ->
- {ok, {?TYPE, 1}}.
- %% @doc Returns the value of the `state_boolean()'.
- -spec query(state_boolean()) -> boolean().
- query({?TYPE, Boolean}) ->
- Boolean == 1.
- %% @doc Merge two `state_boolean()'.
- %% Join is the logical or.
- -spec merge(state_boolean(), state_boolean()) -> state_boolean().
- merge({?TYPE, Boolean1}, {?TYPE, Boolean2}) ->
- {?TYPE, max(Boolean1, Boolean2)}.
- %% @doc Equality for `state_boolean()'.
- -spec equal(state_boolean(), state_boolean()) -> boolean().
- equal({?TYPE, Boolean1}, {?TYPE, Boolean2}) ->
- Boolean1 == Boolean2.
- %% @doc Check if a Boolean is bottom.
- -spec is_bottom(state_boolean()) -> boolean().
- is_bottom({?TYPE, Boolean}) ->
- Boolean == 0.
- %% @doc Given two `state_boolean()', check if the second is an inflation
- %% of the first.
- -spec is_inflation(state_boolean(), state_boolean()) -> boolean().
- is_inflation({?TYPE, Boolean1}, {?TYPE, Boolean2}) ->
- Boolean1 == Boolean2 orelse
- (Boolean1 == 0 andalso Boolean2 == 1).
- %% @doc Check for strict inflation.
- -spec is_strict_inflation(state_boolean(), state_boolean()) -> boolean().
- is_strict_inflation({?TYPE, _}=CRDT1, {?TYPE, _}=CRDT2) ->
- state_type:is_strict_inflation(CRDT1, CRDT2).
- %% @doc Check for irreducible strict inflation.
- -spec irreducible_is_strict_inflation(state_boolean(),
- state_type:digest()) ->
- boolean().
- irreducible_is_strict_inflation({?TYPE, _}=A, B) ->
- state_type:irreducible_is_strict_inflation(A, B).
- -spec digest(state_boolean()) -> state_type:digest().
- digest({?TYPE, _}=CRDT) ->
- {state, CRDT}.
- %% @doc Join decomposition for `state_boolean()'.
- -spec join_decomposition(state_boolean()) -> [state_boolean()].
- join_decomposition({?TYPE, _}=Boolean) ->
- [Boolean].
- %% @doc Delta calculation for `state_boolean()'.
- -spec delta(state_boolean(), state_type:digest()) -> state_boolean().
- delta({?TYPE, _}=A, B) ->
- state_type:delta(A, B).
- -spec encode(state_type:format(), state_boolean()) -> binary().
- encode(erlang, {?TYPE, _}=CRDT) ->
- erlang:term_to_binary(CRDT).
- -spec decode(state_type:format(), binary()) -> state_boolean().
- decode(erlang, Binary) ->
- {?TYPE, _} = CRDT = erlang:binary_to_term(Binary),
- %% ===================================================================
- %% EUnit tests
- %% ===================================================================
- -ifdef(TEST).
- new_test() ->
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 0}, new()).
- query_test() ->
- Boolean0 = new(),
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 1},
- ?assertEqual(false, query(Boolean0)),
- ?assertEqual(true, query(Boolean1)).
- delta_true_test() ->
- Boolean0 = new(),
- {ok, {?TYPE, Delta1}} = delta_mutate(true, 1, Boolean0),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 1}, {?TYPE, Delta1}).
- true_test() ->
- Boolean0 = new(),
- {ok, Boolean1} = mutate(true, 1, Boolean0),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 1}, Boolean1).
- merge_test() ->
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 0},
- Boolean2 = {?TYPE, 1},
- Boolean3 = merge(Boolean1, Boolean1),
- Boolean4 = merge(Boolean1, Boolean2),
- Boolean5 = merge(Boolean2, Boolean1),
- Boolean6 = merge(Boolean2, Boolean2),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 0}, Boolean3),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 1}, Boolean4),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 1}, Boolean5),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 1}, Boolean6).
- merge_deltas_test() ->
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 0},
- Delta1 = {?TYPE, 0},
- Delta2 = {?TYPE, 1},
- Boolean3 = merge(Delta1, Boolean1),
- Boolean4 = merge(Boolean1, Delta1),
- DeltaGroup = merge(Delta1, Delta2),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 0}, Boolean3),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 0}, Boolean4),
- ?assertEqual({?TYPE, 1}, DeltaGroup).
- equal_test() ->
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 0},
- Boolean2 = {?TYPE, 1},
- ?assert(equal(Boolean1, Boolean1)),
- ?assertNot(equal(Boolean1, Boolean2)).
- is_bottom_test() ->
- Boolean0 = new(),
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 1},
- ?assert(is_bottom(Boolean0)),
- ?assertNot(is_bottom(Boolean1)).
- is_inflation_test() ->
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 0},
- Boolean2 = {?TYPE, 1},
- ?assert(is_inflation(Boolean1, Boolean1)),
- ?assert(is_inflation(Boolean1, Boolean2)),
- ?assertNot(is_inflation(Boolean2, Boolean1)),
- ?assert(is_inflation(Boolean2, Boolean2)),
- %% check inflation with merge
- ?assert(state_type:is_inflation(Boolean1, Boolean1)),
- ?assert(state_type:is_inflation(Boolean1, Boolean2)),
- ?assertNot(state_type:is_inflation(Boolean2, Boolean1)),
- ?assert(state_type:is_inflation(Boolean2, Boolean2)).
- is_strict_inflation_test() ->
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 0},
- Boolean2 = {?TYPE, 1},
- ?assertNot(is_strict_inflation(Boolean1, Boolean1)),
- ?assert(is_strict_inflation(Boolean1, Boolean2)),
- ?assertNot(is_strict_inflation(Boolean2, Boolean1)),
- ?assertNot(is_strict_inflation(Boolean2, Boolean2)).
- join_decomposition_test() ->
- Boolean1 = {?TYPE, 1},
- Decomp1 = join_decomposition(Boolean1),
- ?assertEqual([Boolean1], Decomp1).
- encode_decode_test() ->
- Boolean = {?TYPE, 1},
- Binary = encode(erlang, Boolean),
- EBoolean = decode(erlang, Binary),
- ?assertEqual(Boolean, EBoolean).
- -endif.