Python | 129 lines | 48 code | 20 blank | 61 comment | 8 complexity | ef79057d083c12fa2c95ebb1a6d0755f MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """Recipes manager."""
- import glob
- import io
- import json
- import os
- from io import StringIO, TextIOWrapper
- from typing import List, Union, Dict
- from dftimewolf.lib import errors, resources
- from dftimewolf.lib.resources import Recipe
- class RecipesManager(object):
- """Recipes manager."""
- # Allow a previously registered recipe to be overridden.
- _recipes = {} # type: Dict[str, Recipe]
- def _ReadRecipeFromFileObject(
- self, file_object: Union[StringIO, TextIOWrapper]) -> Recipe:
- """Reads a recipe from a JSON file-like object.
- Args:
- file_object (file): JSON file-like object that contains the recipe.
- Returns:
- Recipe: recipe.
- """
- json_dict = json.load(file_object)
- description = json_dict['description']
- del json_dict['description']
- args = json_dict['args']
- del json_dict['args']
- return resources.Recipe(description, json_dict, args)
- def DeregisterRecipe(self, recipe: Recipe) -> None:
- """Deregisters a recipe.
- The recipe are identified based on their lower case name.
- Args:
- recipe (Recipe): the recipe.
- Raises:
- KeyError: if recipe is not set for the corresponding name.
- """
- recipe_name = recipe.name.lower()
- if recipe_name not in self._recipes:
- raise KeyError('Recipe not set for name: {0:s}.'.format(recipe.name))
- del self._recipes[recipe_name]
- def GetRecipes(self) -> List[Recipe]:
- """Retrieves the registered recipes.
- Returns:
- list[Recipe]: the recipes sorted by name.
- """
- return sorted(self._recipes.values(), key=lambda recipe: recipe.name)
- def ReadRecipeFromFile(self, path: str) -> None:
- """Reads a recipe from a JSON file.
- Args:
- path (str): path of the recipe JSON file.
- Raises:
- RecipeParseError: when the recipe cannot be parsed.
- """
- with io.open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file_object:
- try:
- recipe = self._ReadRecipeFromFileObject(file_object)
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as exception:
- raise errors.RecipeParseError(
- 'Unable to parse recipe file: {0:s} with error: {1!s}'.format(
- path, exception))
- self.RegisterRecipe(recipe)
- def ReadRecipesFromDirectory(self, path: str) -> None:
- """Reads recipes from a directory containing JSON files.
- Args:
- path (str): path of the directory containing the recipes JSON files.
- """
- for file_path in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.json')):
- self.ReadRecipeFromFile(file_path)
- def RegisterRecipe(self, recipe: Recipe) -> None:
- """Registers a recipe.
- The recipe are identified based on their lower case name.
- Args:
- recipe (Recipe): the recipe.
- Raises:
- KeyError: if recipe is already set for the corresponding name.
- """
- recipe_name = recipe.name.lower()
- if recipe_name in self._recipes and not self.ALLOW_RECIPE_OVERRIDE:
- raise KeyError('Recipe already set for name: {0:s}.'.format(recipe.name))
- self._recipes[recipe_name] = recipe
- def RegisterRecipes(self, recipes: List[Recipe]) -> None:
- """Registers recipes.
- The recipes are identified based on their lower case name.
- Args:
- recipes (list[Recipe]): the recipes.
- Raises:
- KeyError: if a recipe is already set for the corresponding name.
- """
- for recipe in recipes:
- self.RegisterRecipe(recipe)
- def Recipes(self) -> Dict[str, resources.Recipe]:
- """Returns recipes object."""
- return self._recipes