Java | 209 lines | 178 code | 21 blank | 10 comment | 44 complexity | 799adc7218e012106f23fcca82f0533a MD5 | raw file
- package org.sylfra.idea.plugins.revu.externalizing.impl;
- import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
- import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
- import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.MarshallingContext;
- import com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.UnmarshallingContext;
- import com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.HierarchicalStreamReader;
- import com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.HierarchicalStreamWriter;
- import org.sylfra.idea.plugins.revu.model.*;
- import org.sylfra.idea.plugins.revu.utils.RevuVfsUtils;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.SortedSet;
- import java.util.TreeSet;
- /**
- * @author <a href="mailto:syllant@gmail.com">Sylvain FRANCOIS</a>
- * @version $Id: IssueConverter.java 29 2010-04-21 20:51:59Z syllant $
- */
- class IssueConverter extends AbstractConverter
- {
- public boolean canConvert(Class type)
- {
- return Issue.class.equals(type);
- }
- public void marshal(Object source, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext context)
- {
- Issue issue = (Issue) source;
- Project project = getProject(context);
- if (issue.getFile() != null)
- {
- String filePath = RevuVfsUtils.buildRelativePath(project, issue.getFile());
- writer.addAttribute("filePath", filePath);
- }
- writer.addAttribute("summary", issue.getSummary());
- if (issue.getVcsRev() != null)
- {
- writer.addAttribute("vcsRev", issue.getVcsRev());
- }
- if (issue.getLocalRev() != null)
- {
- writer.addAttribute("localRev", issue.getLocalRev());
- }
- writer.addAttribute("lineStart", String.valueOf(issue.getLineStart()));
- writer.addAttribute("lineEnd", String.valueOf(issue.getLineEnd()));
- writer.addAttribute("hash", String.valueOf(issue.getHash()));
- List<IssueTag> tagList = issue.getTags();
- if ((tagList != null) && (!tagList.isEmpty()))
- {
- SortedSet<IssueTag> tags = new TreeSet<IssueTag>(tagList);
- writer.addAttribute("tags", ConverterUtils.toString(tags, ",", false));
- }
- if (issue.getPriority() != null)
- {
- writer.addAttribute("priority", issue.getPriority().getName());
- }
- writer.addAttribute("status", issue.getStatus().toString().toLowerCase());
- // Assignees
- List<User> assignees = issue.getAssignees();
- if ((assignees != null) && (!assignees.isEmpty()))
- {
- SortedSet<User> users = new TreeSet<User>(assignees);
- writer.addAttribute("assignees", ConverterUtils.toString(users, ",", false));
- }
- // History
- writer.startNode("history");
- context.convertAnother(issue.getHistory());
- writer.endNode();
- // Desc
- if ((issue.getDesc() != null) && (issue.getDesc().length() > 0))
- {
- writer.startNode("desc");
- writer.setValue(issue.getDesc());
- writer.endNode();
- }
- // Notes
- List<IssueNote> notes = issue.getNotes();
- if ((notes != null) && (!notes.isEmpty()))
- {
- writer.startNode("notes");
- for (IssueNote note : notes)
- {
- writer.startNode("note");
- context.convertAnother(note);
- writer.endNode();
- }
- writer.endNode();
- }
- }
- public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext context)
- {
- String summary = reader.getAttribute("summary");
- String filePath = reader.getAttribute("filePath");
- String vcsRev = reader.getAttribute("vcsRev");
- String localRev = reader.getAttribute("localRev");
- String lineStart = reader.getAttribute("lineStart");
- String hash = reader.getAttribute("hash");
- String lineEnd = reader.getAttribute("lineEnd");
- String tags = reader.getAttribute("tags");
- String priority = reader.getAttribute("priority");
- String status = reader.getAttribute("status");
- String assignees = reader.getAttribute("assignees");
- Review review = getReview(context);
- Issue issue = new Issue();
- issue.setReview(review);
- Project project = getProject(context);
- if (filePath != null)
- {
- VirtualFile file = RevuVfsUtils.findVFileFromRelativeFile(project, filePath);
- issue.setFile(file);
- }
- issue.setVcsRev(vcsRev);
- issue.setLocalRev(localRev);
- issue.setLineStart(Integer.parseInt(lineStart));
- issue.setLineEnd(Integer.parseInt(lineEnd));
- if (hash != null)
- {
- issue.setHash(Integer.parseInt(hash));
- }
- if (tags != null)
- {
- String[] tagNames = tags.split(",");
- List<IssueTag> tagSet = new ArrayList<IssueTag>();
- for (String tagName : tagNames)
- {
- IssueTag issueTag = review.getDataReferential().getIssueTag(tagName);
- if (issueTag == null)
- {
- // @TODO report error to user
- logger.warn("Can't find tag in referential. Tag: '" + tagName + "', review: " + review.getFile());
- }
- else
- {
- tagSet.add(issueTag);
- }
- }
- issue.setTags(tagSet);
- }
- if (assignees != null)
- {
- String[] userLogins = assignees.split(",");
- List<User> userSet = new ArrayList<User>();
- for (String login : userLogins)
- {
- User user = review.getDataReferential().getUser(login, true);
- if (user == null)
- {
- // @TODO report error to user
- logger.warn("Can't find user in referential. Login:'" + login + "', review: " + review.getFile());
- }
- else
- {
- userSet.add(user);
- }
- }
- issue.setAssignees(userSet);
- }
- if (priority != null)
- {
- issue.setPriority(review.getDataReferential().getIssuePriority(priority));
- }
- issue.setStatus(IssueStatus.valueOf(status.toUpperCase()));
- issue.setSummary(summary);
- while (reader.hasMoreChildren())
- {
- reader.moveDown();
- if ("history".equals(reader.getNodeName()))
- {
- issue.setHistory((History) context.convertAnother(issue, History.class));
- }
- else if ("desc".equals(reader.getNodeName()))
- {
- issue.setDesc(reader.getValue());
- }
- else if ("notes".equals(reader.getNodeName()))
- {
- List<IssueNote> notes = new ArrayList<IssueNote>();
- while (reader.hasMoreChildren())
- {
- reader.moveDown();
- notes.add((IssueNote) context.convertAnother(notes, IssueNote.class));
- reader.moveUp();
- }
- issue.setNotes(notes);
- }
- reader.moveUp();
- }
- return issue;
- }
- }