Python | 120 lines | 44 code | 34 blank | 42 comment | 4 complexity | c40d81855d9db8cd5001e6ab4d0242f8 MD5 | raw file
- ''' This module extracts frames a Video
- performs preprocessing on the frames and stores them in a Numpy array for
- furthur use by the spatiotemporal autoencoder
- ___________________________________________________________________
- Dependencies: ffmpeg
- If you dont have ffmpeg installed:
- Install it with :
- 1. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg for Linux Users
- 2. brew install ffmpeg for macOS
- __________________________________________________________________
- Usage:
- python3 processor.py video_dir_path time_in_seconds_to_extract_one_frame
- eg;python3 processor.py ./train 5 will search for train directory and for each video in train directory
- It will extract 1 frame every 5 seconds and store it.
- __________________________________________________________
- Author: Harsh Tiku
- '''
- from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array,load_img
- import numpy as np
- import glob
- import os
- from scipy.misc import imresize
- import argparse
- imagestore=[]
- parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Source Video path')
- parser.add_argument('source_vid_path',type=str)
- parser.add_argument('fps',type=int)
- args=parser.parse_args()
- video_source_path= args.source_vid_path
- fps=args.fps
- def create_dir(path):
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- def remove_old_images(path):
- filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.png"))
- for f in filelist:
- os.remove(f)
- def store(image_path):
- img=load_img(image_path)
- img=img_to_array(img)
- #Resize the Image to (227,227,3) for the network to be able to process it.
- img=imresize(img,(227,227,3))
- #Convert the Image to Grayscale
- gray=0.2989*img[:,:,0]+0.5870*img[:,:,1]+0.1140*img[:,:,2]
- imagestore.append(gray)
- #List of all Videos in the Source Directory.
- videos=os.listdir(video_source_path)
- print("Found ",len(videos)," training video")
- #Make a temp dir to store all the frames
- create_dir(video_source_path+'/frames')
- #Remove old images
- remove_old_images(video_source_path+'/frames')
- framepath=video_source_path+'/frames'
- for video in videos:
- os.system( 'ffmpeg -i {}/{} -r 1/{} {}/frames/%03d.jpg'.format(video_source_path,video,fps,video_source_path))
- images=os.listdir(framepath)
- for image in images:
- image_path=framepath+ '/'+ image
- store(image_path)
- imagestore=np.array(imagestore)
- a,b,c=imagestore.shape
- #Reshape to (227,227,batch_size)
- imagestore.resize(b,c,a)
- #Normalize
- imagestore=(imagestore-imagestore.mean())/(imagestore.std())
- #Clip negative Values
- imagestore=np.clip(imagestore,0,1)
- np.save('training.npy',imagestore)
- #Remove Buffer Directory
- os.system('rm -r {}'.format(framepath))