ActionScript | 588 lines | 368 code | 113 blank | 107 comment | 61 complexity | eed062d9855cdc362980073992dc4645 MD5 | raw file
- /*******************************************************************************
- * PushButton Engine
- * Copyright (C) 2009 PushButton Labs, LLC
- * For more information see http://www.pushbuttonengine.com
- *
- * This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, which is included
- * in the License.html file at the root directory of this SDK.
- ******************************************************************************/
- package com.pblabs.rendering2D
- {
- import com.pblabs.engine.PBE;
- import com.pblabs.engine.PBUtil;
- import com.pblabs.engine.components.AnimatedComponent;
- import com.pblabs.engine.core.ObjectType;
- import com.pblabs.engine.debug.Logger;
- import com.pblabs.rendering2D.ui.IUITarget;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.geom.*;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- /**
- * Basic Rendering2D scene; it is given a SceneView and some
- * DisplayObjectRenderers, and makes sure that they are drawn. Extensible
- * for more complex rendering scenarios. Enforces sorting order, too.
- */
- public class DisplayObjectScene extends AnimatedComponent implements IScene2D
- {
- /**
- * Minimum allowed zoom level.
- *
- * @see zoom
- */
- public var minZoom:Number = .01;
- /**
- * Maximum allowed zoom level.
- *
- * @see zoom
- */
- public var maxZoom:Number = 1;
- /**
- * How the scene is aligned relative to its position property.
- *
- * @see SceneAlignment
- * @see position
- */
- public function set sceneAlignment(value:SceneAlignment):void
- {
- if (value != _sceneAlignment)
- {
- _sceneAlignment = value;
- _transformDirty = true;
- updateTransform();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function get sceneAlignment():SceneAlignment
- {
- return _sceneAlignment;
- }
- /**
- * Holds DisplayObjectSceneLayer instances to use for various layers.
- * That is, if index 3 of layers[] holds an instance of DisplayObjectSceneLayer
- * or a subclass, then that instance will be used for layer #3.
- *
- * Note this is only considered at layer setup time. Use getLayer() to
- * get a layer that is being actively used.
- */
- public var layers:Array = [];
- /**
- * If set, every frame, trackObject's position is read and assigned
- * to the scene's position, so that the scene follows the trackObject.
- */
- public var trackObject:DisplayObjectRenderer;
- /**
- * An x/y offset for adjusting the camera's focus around the tracked
- * object.
- *
- * Only applies if trackObject is set.
- */
- public var trackOffset:Point = new Point(0,0);
- protected var _sceneView:IUITarget;
- protected var _sceneViewName:String = null;
- protected var _rootSprite:Sprite;
- protected var _layers:Array = [];
- protected var _renderers:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
- protected var _zoom:Number = 1;
- protected var _rootPosition:Point = new Point();
- protected var _rootRotation:Number = 0;
- protected var _rootTransform:Matrix = new Matrix();
- protected var _transformDirty:Boolean = true;
- protected var _currentWorldCenter:Point = new Point();
- protected var _sceneViewBoundsCache:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
- protected var _tempPoint:Point = new Point();
- protected var _trackLimitRectangle:Rectangle = null;
- protected var _sceneAlignment:SceneAlignment = SceneAlignment.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT;
- public function DisplayObjectScene()
- {
- // Get ticked after all the renderers.
- updatePriority = -10;
- _rootSprite = generateRootSprite();
- }
- protected override function onAdd() : void
- {
- super.onAdd();
- // Make sure we start with a correct transform.
- _transformDirty = true;
- updateTransform();
- }
- protected override function onRemove() : void
- {
- super.onRemove();
- // Make sure we don't leave any lingering content.
- if(_sceneView)
- _sceneView.removeDisplayObject(_rootSprite);
- }
- public function get layerCount():int
- {
- return _layers.length;
- }
- public function getLayer(index:int, allocateIfAbsent:Boolean = false):DisplayObjectSceneLayer
- {
- // Maybe it already exists.
- if(_layers[index])
- return _layers[index];
- if(allocateIfAbsent == false)
- return null;
- // Allocate the layer.
- _layers[index] = generateLayer(index);
- // Order the layers. This is suboptimal but we are probably not going
- // to be adding a lot of layers all the time.
- while(_rootSprite.numChildren)
- _rootSprite.removeChildAt(_rootSprite.numChildren-1);
- for(var i:int=0; i<layerCount; i++)
- {
- if (_layers[i])
- _rootSprite.addChild(_layers[i]);
- }
- // Return new layer.
- return _layers[index];
- }
- public function invalidate(dirtyRenderer:DisplayObjectRenderer):void
- {
- var layerToDirty:DisplayObjectSceneLayer = getLayer(dirtyRenderer.layerIndex);
- if(!layerToDirty)
- return;
- if(layerToDirty is ICachingLayer)
- ICachingLayer(layerToDirty).invalidate(dirtyRenderer);
- }
- public function invalidateRectangle(dirty:Rectangle):void
- {
- for each(var l:DisplayObjectSceneLayer in _layers)
- {
- if(l is ICachingLayer)
- (l as ICachingLayer).invalidateRectangle(dirty);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Convenience function for subclasses to create a custom root sprite.
- */
- protected function generateRootSprite():Sprite
- {
- var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
- //TODO: set any properties we want for our root host sprite
- s.name = "DisplayObjectSceneRoot";
- return s;
- }
- /**
- * Convenience funtion for subclasses to control what class of layer
- * they are using.
- */
- protected function generateLayer(layerIndex:int):DisplayObjectSceneLayer
- {
- var outLayer:DisplayObjectSceneLayer;
- // Do we have that layer already specified?
- if (layers && layers[layerIndex])
- outLayer = layers[layerIndex] as DisplayObjectSceneLayer;
- // Go with default.
- if (!outLayer)
- outLayer = new DisplayObjectSceneLayer();
- //TODO: set any properties we want for our layer.
- outLayer.name = "Layer" + layerIndex;
- return outLayer;
- }
- public function get sceneView():IUITarget
- {
- if(!_sceneView && _sceneViewName)
- sceneView = PBE.findChild(_sceneViewName) as IUITarget;
- return _sceneView;
- }
- /**
- * The IUITarget to which we will be displaying the scene. A scene can
- * only draw to on IUITarget at a time.
- */
- [EditorData(ignore="true")]
- public function set sceneView(value:IUITarget):void
- {
- if(_sceneView)
- {
- _sceneView.removeDisplayObject(_rootSprite);
- }
- _sceneView = value;
- if(_sceneView)
- {
- _sceneView.addDisplayObject(_rootSprite);
- }
- }
- public function get sceneViewName():String
- {
- return _sceneViewName;
- }
- public function set sceneViewName(value:String):void
- {
- _sceneViewName = value;
- }
- public function get sceneViewBounds():Rectangle
- {
- if(!sceneView)
- return null;
- // Make sure we are up to date with latest track.
- if(trackObject)
- {
- position = new Point(-(trackObject.position.x + trackOffset.x),
- -(trackObject.position.y + trackOffset.y));
- }
- if(trackLimitRectangle != null)
- {
- var centeredLimitBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle( trackLimitRectangle.x + (sceneView.width * 0.5) / zoom, trackLimitRectangle.y + (sceneView.height * 0.5) / zoom,
- trackLimitRectangle.width - (sceneView.width / zoom) , trackLimitRectangle.height - (sceneView.height/zoom) );
- position = new Point(PBUtil.clamp(position.x, -centeredLimitBounds.right, -centeredLimitBounds.left ),
- PBUtil.clamp(position.y, -centeredLimitBounds.bottom, -centeredLimitBounds.top) );
- }
- updateTransform();
- // What region of the scene are we currently viewing?
- SceneAlignment.calculate(_tempPoint, sceneAlignment, sceneView.width / zoom, sceneView.height / zoom);
- _sceneViewBoundsCache.x = -position.x - _tempPoint.x;
- _sceneViewBoundsCache.y = -position.y - _tempPoint.y;
- _sceneViewBoundsCache.width = sceneView.width / zoom;
- _sceneViewBoundsCache.height = sceneView.height / zoom;
- return _sceneViewBoundsCache;
- }
- protected function sceneViewResized(event:Event) : void
- {
- _transformDirty = true;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function get trackLimitRectangle():Rectangle
- {
- return _trackLimitRectangle;
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function set trackLimitRectangle(value:Rectangle):void
- {
- _trackLimitRectangle = value;
- }
- public function add(dor:DisplayObjectRenderer):void
- {
- // Add to the appropriate layer.
- var layer:DisplayObjectSceneLayer = getLayer(dor.layerIndex, true);
- layer.add(dor);
- if (dor.displayObject)
- _renderers[dor.displayObject] = dor;
- }
- public function remove(dor:DisplayObjectRenderer):void
- {
- var layer:DisplayObjectSceneLayer = getLayer(dor.layerIndex, false);
- if(!layer)
- return;
- layer.remove(dor);
- if (dor.displayObject)
- delete _renderers[dor.displayObject];
- }
- public function transformWorldToScene(inPos:Point):Point
- {
- return inPos;
- }
- public function transformSceneToWorld(inPos:Point):Point
- {
- return inPos;
- }
- public function transformSceneToScreen(inPos:Point):Point
- {
- updateTransform();
- return _rootSprite.localToGlobal(inPos);
- }
- public function transformScreenToScene(inPos:Point):Point
- {
- updateTransform();
- return _rootSprite.globalToLocal(inPos);
- }
- public function transformWorldToScreen(inPos:Point):Point
- {
- updateTransform();
- return _rootSprite.localToGlobal(inPos);
- }
- public function transformScreenToWorld(inPos:Point):Point
- {
- updateTransform();
- return _rootSprite.globalToLocal(inPos);
- }
- public function getRenderersUnderPoint(screenPosition:Point, results:Array, mask:ObjectType = null):Boolean
- {
- // Query normal DO hierarchy.
- var unfilteredResults:Array = _rootSprite.getObjectsUnderPoint(screenPosition);
- var scenePosition:Point = transformScreenToScene(screenPosition);
- for each (var o:* in unfilteredResults)
- {
- var renderer:DisplayObjectRenderer = getRendererForDisplayObject(o);
- if(!renderer)
- continue;
- if(!renderer.owner)
- continue;
- if(mask && !PBE.objectTypeManager.doTypesOverlap(mask, renderer.objectMask))
- continue;
- if(!renderer.pointOccupied(scenePosition, mask))
- continue;
- results.push(renderer);
- }
- // Also give layers opportunity to return renderers.
- scenePosition = transformScreenToScene(screenPosition);
- for each(var l:DisplayObjectSceneLayer in _layers)
- {
- // Skip them if they don't use the interface.
- if(!(l is ILayerMouseHandler))
- continue;
- (l as ILayerMouseHandler).getRenderersUnderPoint(scenePosition, mask, results);
- }
- return results.length > 0 ? true : false;
- }
- public function getRendererForDisplayObject(displayObject:DisplayObject):DisplayObjectRenderer
- {
- var current:DisplayObject = displayObject;
- // Walk up the display tree looking for a DO we know about.
- while (current)
- {
- // See if it's a DOR.
- var renderer:DisplayObjectRenderer = _renderers[current] as DisplayObjectRenderer;
- if (renderer)
- return renderer;
- // If we get to a layer, we know we're done.
- if(renderer is DisplayObjectSceneLayer)
- return null;
- // Go up the tree..
- current = current.parent;
- }
- // No match!
- return null;
- }
- public function updateTransform():void
- {
- if(!sceneView)
- return;
- if(_transformDirty == false)
- return;
- _transformDirty = false;
- // Update our transform, if required
- _rootTransform.identity();
- _rootTransform.translate(_rootPosition.x, _rootPosition.y);
- _rootTransform.scale(zoom, zoom);
- // Apply rotation.
- _rootTransform.rotate(_rootRotation);
- // Center it appropriately.
- SceneAlignment.calculate(_tempPoint, sceneAlignment, sceneView.width, sceneView.height);
- _rootTransform.translate(_tempPoint.x, _tempPoint.y);
- // Apply the transform.
- _rootSprite.transform.matrix = _rootTransform;
- }
- public override function onFrame(elapsed:Number) : void
- {
- if(!sceneView)
- {
- Logger.warn(this, "updateTransform", "sceneView is null, so we aren't rendering.");
- return;
- }
- // Update our state based on the tracked object, if any.
- if(trackObject)
- {
- position = new Point(-(trackObject.position.x + trackOffset.x),
- -(trackObject.position.y + trackOffset.y));
- }
- // Apply limit to camera movement.
- if(trackLimitRectangle != null)
- {
- var centeredLimitBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle( trackLimitRectangle.x + sceneView.width * 0.5, trackLimitRectangle.y + sceneView.height * 0.5,
- trackLimitRectangle.width - sceneView.width , trackLimitRectangle.height - sceneView.height );
- position = new Point(PBUtil.clamp(position.x, -centeredLimitBounds.right, -centeredLimitBounds.left ),
- PBUtil.clamp(position.y, -centeredLimitBounds.bottom, -centeredLimitBounds.top) );
- }
- // Make sure transforms are up to date.
- updateTransform();
- // This is disabled, because it causes everything in the screen
- // to invalidate and redraw.
- //PBE.pushStageQuality(StageQuality.LOW);
- // Give layers a chance to sort and update.
- for each(var l:DisplayObjectSceneLayer in _layers)
- l.onRender();
- //PBE.pushStageQuality(StageQuality.HIGH);
- }
- public function setWorldCenter(pos:Point):void
- {
- if (!sceneView)
- throw new Error("sceneView not yet set. can't center the world.");
- position = transformWorldToScreen(pos);
- }
- public function screenPan(deltaX:int, deltaY:int):void
- {
- if(deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0)
- return;
- // TODO: Take into account rotation so it's correct even when
- // rotating.
- _rootPosition.x -= int(deltaX / _zoom);
- _rootPosition.y -= int(deltaY / _zoom);
- _transformDirty = true;
- }
- public function get rotation():Number
- {
- return _rootRotation;
- }
- public function set rotation(value:Number):void
- {
- if (_rootRotation != value)
- {
- _rootRotation = value;
- _transformDirty = true;
- }
- }
- public function get position():Point
- {
- return _rootPosition.clone();
- }
- public function set position(value:Point) : void
- {
- if (!value)
- return;
- var newX:int = int(value.x);
- var newY:int = int(value.y);
- if (_rootPosition.x == newX && _rootPosition.y == newY)
- return;
- _rootPosition.x = newX;
- _rootPosition.y = newY;
- // Apply limit to camera movement.
- if(trackLimitRectangle != null)
- {
- var centeredLimitBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle( trackLimitRectangle.x + (sceneView.width * 0.5) / zoom, trackLimitRectangle.y + (sceneView.height * 0.5) / zoom,
- trackLimitRectangle.width - (sceneView.width / zoom) , trackLimitRectangle.height - (sceneView.height/zoom) );
- _rootPosition.x = PBUtil.clamp(_rootPosition.x, -centeredLimitBounds.right, -centeredLimitBounds.left );
- _rootPosition.y = PBUtil.clamp(_rootPosition.y, -centeredLimitBounds.bottom, -centeredLimitBounds.top);
- }
- _transformDirty = true;
- }
- public function get zoom():Number
- {
- return _zoom;
- }
- public function set zoom(value:Number):void
- {
- // Make sure our zoom level stays within the desired bounds
- value = PBUtil.clamp(value, minZoom, maxZoom);
- if (_zoom == value)
- return;
- _zoom = value;
- _transformDirty = true;
- }
- public function sortSpatials(array:Array):void
- {
- // Subclasses can set how things are sorted.
- }
- }
- }