ActionScript | 443 lines | 323 code | 73 blank | 47 comment | 67 complexity | f6fdb4bb46fc04492fe941adfcf1ea8a MD5 | raw file
- /*******************************************************************************
- * PushButton Engine
- * Copyright (C) 2009 PushButton Labs, LLC
- * For more information see http://www.pushbuttonengine.com
- *
- * This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, which is included
- * in the License.html file at the root directory of this SDK.
- ******************************************************************************/
- package com.pblabs.engine.debug
- {
- import com.pblabs.engine.PBE;
- import com.pblabs.engine.PBUtil;
- import com.pblabs.engine.core.IAnimatedObject;
- import com.pblabs.engine.core.InputKey;
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.system.System;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldType;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.ui.Keyboard;
- /**
- * Console UI, which shows console log activity in-game, and also accepts input from the user.
- */
- public class LogViewer extends Sprite implements ILogAppender, IAnimatedObject
- {
- protected var _messageQueue:Array = [];
- protected var _maxLength:uint = 200000;
- protected var _truncating:Boolean = false;
- protected var _width:uint = 500;
- protected var _height:uint = 150;
- protected var _consoleHistory:Array = [];
- protected var _historyIndex:uint = 0;
- protected var _outputBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(640, 480, false, 0x0));
- protected var _input:TextField;
- protected var tabCompletionPrefix:String = "";
- protected var tabCompletionCurrentStart:int = 0;
- protected var tabCompletionCurrentEnd:int = 0;
- protected var tabCompletionCurrentOffset:int = 0;
- protected var glyphCache:GlyphCache = new GlyphCache();
- protected var bottomLineIndex:int = int.MAX_VALUE;
- protected var logCache:Array = [];
- protected var _dirtyConsole:Boolean = true;
- public function LogViewer():void
- {
- layout();
- addListeners();
- name = "Console";
- Console.registerCommand("copy", onBitmapDoubleClick, "Copy the console to the clipboard.");
- Console.registerCommand("clear", onClearCommand, "Clears the console history.");
- PBE.processManager.addAnimatedObject(this);
- }
- protected function layout():void
- {
- if(!_input) createInputField();
- resize();
- _outputBitmap.name = "ConsoleOutput";
- addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBitmapClick);
- addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onBitmapDoubleClick);
- addChild(_outputBitmap);
- addChild(_input);
- graphics.clear();
- graphics.beginFill(0x111111, .95);
- graphics.drawRect(0, 0, _width+1, _height);
- graphics.endFill();
- // Necessary for click listeners.
- mouseEnabled = true;
- doubleClickEnabled = true;
- _dirtyConsole = true;
- }
- protected function addListeners():void
- {
- _input.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onInputKeyDown, false, 1, true);
- }
- protected function removeListeners():void
- {
- _input.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onInputKeyDown);
- }
- protected function onBitmapClick(me:MouseEvent):void
- {
- // Give focus to input.
- PBE.mainStage.focus = _input;
- }
- protected function onBitmapDoubleClick(me:MouseEvent = null):void
- {
- // Put everything into a monster string.
- var logString:String = "";
- for(var i:int=0; i<logCache.length; i++)
- logString += logCache[i].text + "\n";
- // Copy content.
- System.setClipboard(logString);
- Logger.print(this, "Copied console contents to clipboard.");
- }
- /**
- * Wipe the displayed console output.
- */
- protected function onClearCommand():void
- {
- logCache = [];
- bottomLineIndex = -1;
- _dirtyConsole = true;
- }
- protected function resize():void
- {
- _outputBitmap.x = 5;
- _outputBitmap.y = 0;
- _input.x = 5;
- if(stage)
- {
- _width = stage.stageWidth-1;
- _height = (stage.stageHeight / 3) * 2;
- }
- // Resize display surface.
- Profiler.enter("LogViewer_resizeBitmap");
- _outputBitmap.bitmapData.dispose();
- _outputBitmap.bitmapData = new BitmapData(_width - 10, _height - 30, false, 0x0);
- Profiler.exit("LogViewer_resizeBitmap");
- _input.height = 18;
- _input.width = _width-10;
- _input.y = _outputBitmap.height + 7;
- _dirtyConsole = true;
- }
- protected function createInputField():TextField
- {
- _input = new TextField();
- _input.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
- _input.border = true;
- _input.borderColor = 0xCCCCCC;
- _input.multiline = false;
- _input.wordWrap = false;
- _input.condenseWhite = false;
- var format:TextFormat = _input.getTextFormat();
- format.font = "_typewriter";
- format.size = 11;
- format.color = 0xFFFFFF;
- _input.setTextFormat(format);
- _input.defaultTextFormat = format;
- _input.name = "ConsoleInput";
- return _input;
- }
- protected function setHistory(old:String):void
- {
- _input.text = old;
- PBE.callLater(function():void { _input.setSelection(_input.length, _input.length); });
- }
- protected function onInputKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void
- {
- // If this was a non-tab input, clear tab completion state.
- if(event.keyCode != Keyboard.TAB && event.keyCode != Keyboard.SHIFT)
- {
- tabCompletionPrefix = _input.text;
- tabCompletionCurrentStart = -1;
- tabCompletionCurrentOffset = 0;
- }
- if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)
- {
- // Execute an entered command.
- if(_input.text.length <= 0)
- {
- // display a blank line
- addLogMessage("CMD", ">", _input.text);
- return;
- }
- // If Enter was pressed, process the command
- processCommand();
- }
- else if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP)
- {
- // Go to previous command.
- if(_historyIndex > 0)
- {
- setHistory(_consoleHistory[--_historyIndex]);
- }
- else if (_consoleHistory.length > 0)
- {
- setHistory(_consoleHistory[0]);
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN)
- {
- // Go to next command.
- if(_historyIndex < _consoleHistory.length-1)
- {
- setHistory(_consoleHistory[++_historyIndex]);
- }
- else if (_historyIndex == _consoleHistory.length-1)
- {
- _input.text = "";
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.PAGE_UP)
- {
- // Page the console view up.
- if(bottomLineIndex == int.MAX_VALUE)
- bottomLineIndex = logCache.length - 1;
- bottomLineIndex -= getScreenHeightInLines() - 2;
- if(bottomLineIndex < 0)
- bottomLineIndex = 0;
- }
- else if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN)
- {
- // Page the console view down.
- if(bottomLineIndex != int.MAX_VALUE)
- {
- bottomLineIndex += getScreenHeightInLines() - 2;
- if(bottomLineIndex + getScreenHeightInLines() >= logCache.length)
- bottomLineIndex = int.MAX_VALUE;
- }
- }
- else if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB)
- {
- // We are doing tab searching.
- var list:Array = Console.getCommandList();
- // Is this the first step?
- var isFirst:Boolean = false;
- if(tabCompletionCurrentStart == -1)
- {
- tabCompletionPrefix = _input.text.toLowerCase();
- tabCompletionCurrentStart = int.MAX_VALUE;
- tabCompletionCurrentEnd = -1;
- for(var i:int=0; i<list.length; i++)
- {
- // If we found a prefix match...
- if(list[i].name.substr(0, tabCompletionPrefix.length).toLowerCase() == tabCompletionPrefix)
- {
- // Note it.
- if(i < tabCompletionCurrentStart)
- tabCompletionCurrentStart = i;
- if(i > tabCompletionCurrentEnd)
- tabCompletionCurrentEnd = i;
- isFirst = true;
- }
- }
- tabCompletionCurrentOffset = tabCompletionCurrentStart;
- }
- // If there is a match, tab complete.
- if(tabCompletionCurrentEnd != -1)
- {
- // Update offset if appropriate.
- if(!isFirst)
- {
- if(event.shiftKey)
- tabCompletionCurrentOffset--;
- else
- tabCompletionCurrentOffset++;
- // Wrap the offset.
- if(tabCompletionCurrentOffset < tabCompletionCurrentStart)
- {
- tabCompletionCurrentOffset = tabCompletionCurrentEnd;
- }
- else if(tabCompletionCurrentOffset > tabCompletionCurrentEnd)
- {
- tabCompletionCurrentOffset = tabCompletionCurrentStart;
- }
- }
- // Get the match.
- var potentialMatch:String = list[tabCompletionCurrentOffset].name;
- // Update the text with the current completion, caret at the end.
- _input.text = potentialMatch;
- _input.setSelection(potentialMatch.length + 1, potentialMatch.length + 1);
- }
- // Make sure we keep focus. TODO: This is not ideal, it still flickers the yellow box.
- var oldfr:* = stage.stageFocusRect;
- stage.stageFocusRect = false;
- PBE.callLater(function():void {
- stage.focus = _input;
- stage.stageFocusRect = oldfr;
- });
- }
- else if(event.keyCode == Console.hotKeyCode)
- {
- // Hide the console window, have to check here due to
- // propagation stop at end of function.
- parent.removeChild(this);
- deactivate();
- }
- _dirtyConsole = true;
- // Keep console input from propagating up to the stage and messing up the game.
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- protected function processCommand():void
- {
- addLogMessage("CMD", ">", _input.text);
- Console.processLine(_input.text);
- _consoleHistory.push(_input.text);
- _historyIndex = _consoleHistory.length;
- _input.text = "";
- _dirtyConsole = true;
- }
- public function getScreenHeightInLines():int
- {
- var roundedHeight:int = _outputBitmap.bitmapData.height;
- return Math.floor(roundedHeight / glyphCache.getLineHeight());
- }
- public function onFrame(dt:Number):void
- {
- // Don't draw if we are clean or invisible.
- if(_dirtyConsole == false || parent == null)
- return;
- _dirtyConsole = false;
- Profiler.enter("LogViewer.redrawLog");
- // Figure our visible range.
- var lineHeight:int = getScreenHeightInLines() - 1;
- var startLine:int = 0;
- var endLine:int = 0;
- if(bottomLineIndex == int.MAX_VALUE)
- startLine = PBUtil.clamp(logCache.length - lineHeight, 0, int.MAX_VALUE);
- else
- startLine = PBUtil.clamp(bottomLineIndex - lineHeight, 0, int.MAX_VALUE);
- endLine = PBUtil.clamp(startLine + lineHeight, 0, logCache.length - 1);
- startLine--;
- // Wipe it.
- var bd:BitmapData = _outputBitmap.bitmapData;
- bd.fillRect(bd.rect, 0x0);
- // Draw lines.
- for(var i:int=endLine; i>=startLine; i--)
- {
- // Skip empty.
- if(!logCache[i])
- continue;
- glyphCache.drawLineToBitmap(logCache[i].text, 0, _outputBitmap.height - (endLine+1-i)*glyphCache.getLineHeight(), logCache[i].color, _outputBitmap.bitmapData);
- }
- Profiler.exit("LogViewer.redrawLog");
- }
- public function addLogMessage(level:String, loggerName:String, message:String):void
- {
- var color:String = LogColor.getColor(level);
- // Cut down on the logger level if verbosity requests.
- if(Console.verbosity < 2)
- {
- var dotIdx:int = loggerName.lastIndexOf("::");
- if(dotIdx != -1)
- loggerName = loggerName.substr(dotIdx + 2);
- }
- // Split message by newline and add to the list.
- var messages:Array = message.split("\n");
- for each (var msg:String in messages)
- {
- var text:String = ((Console.verbosity > 0) ? level + ": " : "") + loggerName + " - " + msg;
- logCache.push({"color": parseInt(color.substr(1), 16), "text": text});
- }
- _dirtyConsole = true;
- }
- public function activate():void
- {
- layout();
- _input.text = "";
- addListeners();
- PBE.mainStage.focus = _input;
- }
- public function deactivate():void
- {
- removeListeners();
- PBE.mainStage.focus = null;
- }
- public function set restrict(value:String):void
- {
- _input.restrict = value;
- }
- public function get restrict():String
- {
- return _input.restrict;
- }
- }
- }