https://github.com/philippe-grenet/exordium · Emacs Lisp · 110 lines · 62 code · 16 blank · 32 comment · 0 complexity · e049b4cfdf27c0e5399010706adab150 MD5 · raw file
- ;;;; Helm - see http://tuhdo.github.io/helm-intro.html
- ;;;
- ;;; ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; Key Definition
- ;;; ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; M-x Remap standard: Execute command with helm.
- ;;; M-y Remap standard: Yank with helm.
- ;;; C-x b Remap standard: Switch buffer with helm.
- ;;; C-x C-f Remap standard: Find file with helm.
- ;;; C-x C-r Open recent file with Helm (see also `init-ido.el').
- ;;; C-h b Describe keybindings using Helm.
- ;;; C-S-r Search with ripgrep: in current project root. (see also`init-helm-porojectile.el')
- ;;; C-S-d Search with Ag: ask for directory first.
- ;;; C-S-f Search with Ag: this file (like Swoop).
- ;;; C-S-a Search with Ag: in current project root. (see also`init-helm-porojectile.el')
- ;;; C-S-s Helm Swoop
- (require 'init-prefs)
- (use-package helm
- :diminish
- :custom
- (helm-split-window-default-side 'other)
- (helm-buffer-details-flag nil)
- :config
- (when exordium-helm-fuzzy-match
- ;; following advice from `helm-completion-style' doc
- (let ((style (or
- (car (assq 'flex completion-styles-alist))
- (car (assq 'helm-flex completion-styles-alist)))))
- (if style
- (add-to-list 'completion-styles style)
- (customize-set-variable 'helm-completion-style 'helm-fuzzy)))))
- (use-package helm
- :diminish
- :when exordium-helm-everywhere
- :custom
- (history-delete-duplicates t)
- (helm-M-x-always-save-history t)
- :bind
- (:map global-map
- ([remap execute-extended-command] . #'helm-M-x) ; M-x
- ([remap yank-pop] . #'helm-show-kill-ring) ; M-y
- ([remap find-file] . #'helm-find-files) ; C-x C-f
- ([remap find-file-read-only] . #'helm-recentf)) ; C-x C-r
- :config
- ;; Do not show these files in helm buffer
- (add-to-list 'helm-boring-file-regexp-list "\\.tsk$")
- (add-to-list 'helm-boring-file-regexp-list "\\.log\\.")
- (helm-mode))
- (use-package helm-descbinds
- :bind
- (:map global-map
- ("C-h b". #'helm-descbinds)))
- (use-package helm-ag
- :custom
- (helm-ag-insert-at-point 'symbol)
- :bind
- (:map global-map
- ("C-S-d" . #'helm-do-ag)
- ("C-S-f" . #'helm-do-ag-this-file)))
- (use-package helm-ag
- :unless exordium-helm-projectile
- :bind
- (:map global-map
- ("C-S-a" . #'helm-ag-project-root)))
- (use-package helm-rg
- :unless exordium-helm-projectile
- :bind
- (:map global-map
- ("C-S-r" . #'helm-rg)))
- (use-package helm-swoop
- :bind
- (:map global-map
- ("C-S-s" . #'helm-swoop)
- ;; Use similar bindings to `helm-ag-edit'
- :map helm-swoop-edit-map
- ("C-c C-c" . #'helm-swoop--edit-complete)
- ("C-c C-k" . #'helm-swoop--edit-cancel)
- ("C-c C-q C-k" . #'helm-swoop--edit-delete-all-lines)))
- ;; TODO: work in progress
- ;; The intent is to improve the readability of the helm swoop selection line
- ;; (in the helm buffer).
- ;; (defun fix-helm-swoop-colors (orig-fun &rest args)
- ;; "Advice around `helm-swoop' to change the background of the
- ;; selected line in the hem buffer, for better readability"
- ;; (let ((bg (face-attribute 'helm-selection :background))
- ;; (swoop-bg (face-attribute 'helm-swoop-target-line-face :background)))
- ;; (set-face-attribute 'helm-selection nil :background swoop-bg)
- ;; (let ((res (apply orig-fun args)))
- ;; (set-face-attribute 'helm-selection nil :background bg)
- ;; res)))
- ;; (advice-add 'helm-swoop :around #'fix-helm-swoop-colors)
- (provide 'init-helm)