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C Header | 501 lines | 250 code | 58 blank | 193 comment | 0 complexity | b332d62396367f888422cf6f2f3d98d3 MD5 | raw file
  1. /*
  2. * DO NOT EDIT. THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM /builds/tinderbox/XR-Trunk/Darwin_8.8.4_Depend/mozilla/netwerk/base/public/nsIURI.idl
  3. */
  4. #ifndef __gen_nsIURI_h__
  5. #define __gen_nsIURI_h__
  6. #ifndef __gen_nsISupports_h__
  7. #include "nsISupports.h"
  8. #endif
  9. /* For IDL files that don't want to include root IDL files. */
  10. #ifndef NS_NO_VTABLE
  11. #define NS_NO_VTABLE
  12. #endif
  13. #undef GetPort // XXX Windows!
  14. #undef SetPort // XXX Windows!
  15. /* starting interface: nsIURI */
  16. #define NS_IURI_IID_STR "07a22cc0-0ce5-11d3-9331-00104ba0fd40"
  17. #define NS_IURI_IID \
  18. {0x07a22cc0, 0x0ce5, 0x11d3, \
  19. { 0x93, 0x31, 0x00, 0x10, 0x4b, 0xa0, 0xfd, 0x40 }}
  20. /**
  21. * URIs are essentially structured names for things -- anything. This interface
  22. * provides accessors to set and query the most basic components of an URI.
  23. * Subclasses, including nsIURL, impose greater structure on the URI.
  24. *
  25. * This interface follows Tim Berners-Lee's URI spec (RFC2396) [1], where the
  26. * basic URI components are defined as such:
  27. * <pre>
  28. * ftp://username:password@hostname:portnumber/pathname
  29. * \ / \ / \ / \ /\ /
  30. * - --------------- ------ -------- -------
  31. * | | | | |
  32. * | | | | Path
  33. * | | | Port
  34. * | | Host /
  35. * | UserPass /
  36. * Scheme /
  37. * \ /
  38. * --------------------------------
  39. * |
  40. * PrePath
  41. * </pre>
  42. * The definition of the URI components has been extended to allow for
  43. * internationalized domain names [2] and the more generic IRI structure [3].
  44. *
  45. * [1]
  46. * [2]
  47. * [3]
  48. */
  49. /**
  50. * nsIURI - interface for an uniform resource identifier w/ i18n support.
  51. *
  52. * AUTF8String attributes may contain unescaped UTF-8 characters.
  53. * Consumers should be careful to escape the UTF-8 strings as necessary, but
  54. * should always try to "display" the UTF-8 version as provided by this
  55. * interface.
  56. *
  57. * AUTF8String attributes may also contain escaped characters.
  58. *
  59. * Unescaping URI segments is unadvised unless there is intimate
  60. * knowledge of the underlying charset or there is no plan to display (or
  61. * otherwise enforce a charset on) the resulting URI substring.
  62. *
  63. * @status FROZEN
  64. */
  65. class NS_NO_VTABLE NS_SCRIPTABLE nsIURI : public nsISupports {
  66. public:
  68. /************************************************************************
  69. * The URI is broken down into the following principal components:
  70. */
  71. /**
  72. * Returns a string representation of the URI. Setting the spec causes
  73. * the new spec to be parsed, initializing the URI.
  74. *
  75. * Some characters may be escaped.
  76. */
  77. /* attribute AUTF8String spec; */
  78. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetSpec(nsACString & aSpec) = 0;
  79. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetSpec(const nsACString & aSpec) = 0;
  80. /**
  81. * The prePath (eg. scheme://user:password@host:port) returns the string
  82. * before the path. This is useful for authentication or managing sessions.
  83. *
  84. * Some characters may be escaped.
  85. */
  86. /* readonly attribute AUTF8String prePath; */
  87. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPrePath(nsACString & aPrePath) = 0;
  88. /**
  89. * The Scheme is the protocol to which this URI refers. The scheme is
  90. * restricted to the US-ASCII charset per RFC2396.
  91. */
  92. /* attribute ACString scheme; */
  93. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetScheme(nsACString & aScheme) = 0;
  94. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetScheme(const nsACString & aScheme) = 0;
  95. /**
  96. * The username:password (or username only if value doesn't contain a ':')
  97. *
  98. * Some characters may be escaped.
  99. */
  100. /* attribute AUTF8String userPass; */
  101. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUserPass(nsACString & aUserPass) = 0;
  102. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUserPass(const nsACString & aUserPass) = 0;
  103. /**
  104. * The optional username and password, assuming the preHost consists of
  105. * username:password.
  106. *
  107. * Some characters may be escaped.
  108. */
  109. /* attribute AUTF8String username; */
  110. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUsername(nsACString & aUsername) = 0;
  111. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUsername(const nsACString & aUsername) = 0;
  112. /* attribute AUTF8String password; */
  113. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPassword(nsACString & aPassword) = 0;
  114. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPassword(const nsACString & aPassword) = 0;
  115. /**
  116. * The host:port (or simply the host, if port == -1).
  117. *
  118. * Characters are NOT escaped.
  119. */
  120. /* attribute AUTF8String hostPort; */
  121. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHostPort(nsACString & aHostPort) = 0;
  122. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHostPort(const nsACString & aHostPort) = 0;
  123. /**
  124. * The host is the internet domain name to which this URI refers. It could
  125. * be an IPv4 (or IPv6) address literal. If supported, it could be a
  126. * non-ASCII internationalized domain name.
  127. *
  128. * Characters are NOT escaped.
  129. */
  130. /* attribute AUTF8String host; */
  131. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHost(nsACString & aHost) = 0;
  132. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHost(const nsACString & aHost) = 0;
  133. /**
  134. * A port value of -1 corresponds to the protocol's default port (eg. -1
  135. * implies port 80 for http URIs).
  136. */
  137. /* attribute long port; */
  138. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPort(PRInt32 *aPort) = 0;
  139. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPort(PRInt32 aPort) = 0;
  140. /**
  141. * The path, typically including at least a leading '/' (but may also be
  142. * empty, depending on the protocol).
  143. *
  144. * Some characters may be escaped.
  145. */
  146. /* attribute AUTF8String path; */
  147. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPath(nsACString & aPath) = 0;
  148. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPath(const nsACString & aPath) = 0;
  149. /************************************************************************
  150. * An URI supports the following methods:
  151. */
  152. /**
  153. * URI equivalence test (not a strict string comparison).
  154. *
  155. * eg. ==
  156. */
  157. /* boolean equals (in nsIURI other); */
  158. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Equals(nsIURI *other, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
  159. /**
  160. * An optimization to do scheme checks without requiring the users of nsIURI
  161. * to GetScheme, thereby saving extra allocating and freeing. Returns true if
  162. * the schemes match (case ignored).
  163. */
  164. /* boolean schemeIs (in string scheme); */
  165. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SchemeIs(const char *scheme, PRBool *_retval) = 0;
  166. /**
  167. * Clones the current URI. For some protocols, this is more than just an
  168. * optimization. For example, under MacOS, the spec of a file URL does not
  169. * necessarily uniquely identify a file since two volumes could share the
  170. * same name.
  171. */
  172. /* nsIURI clone (); */
  173. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Clone(nsIURI **_retval) = 0;
  174. /**
  175. * This method resolves a relative string into an absolute URI string,
  176. * using this URI as the base.
  177. *
  178. * NOTE: some implementations may have no concept of a relative URI.
  179. */
  180. /* AUTF8String resolve (in AUTF8String relativePath); */
  181. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Resolve(const nsACString & relativePath, nsACString & _retval) = 0;
  182. /************************************************************************
  183. * Additional attributes:
  184. */
  185. /**
  186. * The URI spec with an ASCII compatible encoding. Host portion follows
  187. * the IDNA draft spec. Other parts are URL-escaped per the rules of
  188. * RFC2396. The result is strictly ASCII.
  189. */
  190. /* readonly attribute ACString asciiSpec; */
  191. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiSpec(nsACString & aAsciiSpec) = 0;
  192. /**
  193. * The URI host with an ASCII compatible encoding. Follows the IDNA
  194. * draft spec for converting internationalized domain names (UTF-8) to
  195. * ASCII for compatibility with existing internet infrasture.
  196. */
  197. /* readonly attribute ACString asciiHost; */
  198. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiHost(nsACString & aAsciiHost) = 0;
  199. /**
  200. * The charset of the document from which this URI originated. An empty
  201. * value implies UTF-8.
  202. *
  203. * If this value is something other than UTF-8 then the URI components
  204. * (e.g., spec, prePath, username, etc.) will all be fully URL-escaped.
  205. * Otherwise, the URI components may contain unescaped multibyte UTF-8
  206. * characters.
  207. */
  208. /* readonly attribute ACString originCharset; */
  209. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOriginCharset(nsACString & aOriginCharset) = 0;
  210. };
  212. /* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
  213. #define NS_DECL_NSIURI \
  214. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetSpec(nsACString & aSpec); \
  215. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetSpec(const nsACString & aSpec); \
  216. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPrePath(nsACString & aPrePath); \
  217. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetScheme(nsACString & aScheme); \
  218. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetScheme(const nsACString & aScheme); \
  219. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUserPass(nsACString & aUserPass); \
  220. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUserPass(const nsACString & aUserPass); \
  221. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUsername(nsACString & aUsername); \
  222. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUsername(const nsACString & aUsername); \
  223. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPassword(nsACString & aPassword); \
  224. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPassword(const nsACString & aPassword); \
  225. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHostPort(nsACString & aHostPort); \
  226. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHostPort(const nsACString & aHostPort); \
  227. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHost(nsACString & aHost); \
  228. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHost(const nsACString & aHost); \
  229. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPort(PRInt32 *aPort); \
  230. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPort(PRInt32 aPort); \
  231. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPath(nsACString & aPath); \
  232. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPath(const nsACString & aPath); \
  233. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Equals(nsIURI *other, PRBool *_retval); \
  234. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SchemeIs(const char *scheme, PRBool *_retval); \
  235. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Clone(nsIURI **_retval); \
  236. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Resolve(const nsACString & relativePath, nsACString & _retval); \
  237. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiSpec(nsACString & aAsciiSpec); \
  238. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiHost(nsACString & aAsciiHost); \
  239. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOriginCharset(nsACString & aOriginCharset);
  240. /* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object. */
  241. #define NS_FORWARD_NSIURI(_to) \
  242. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetSpec(nsACString & aSpec) { return _to GetSpec(aSpec); } \
  243. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetSpec(const nsACString & aSpec) { return _to SetSpec(aSpec); } \
  244. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPrePath(nsACString & aPrePath) { return _to GetPrePath(aPrePath); } \
  245. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetScheme(nsACString & aScheme) { return _to GetScheme(aScheme); } \
  246. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetScheme(const nsACString & aScheme) { return _to SetScheme(aScheme); } \
  247. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUserPass(nsACString & aUserPass) { return _to GetUserPass(aUserPass); } \
  248. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUserPass(const nsACString & aUserPass) { return _to SetUserPass(aUserPass); } \
  249. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUsername(nsACString & aUsername) { return _to GetUsername(aUsername); } \
  250. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUsername(const nsACString & aUsername) { return _to SetUsername(aUsername); } \
  251. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPassword(nsACString & aPassword) { return _to GetPassword(aPassword); } \
  252. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPassword(const nsACString & aPassword) { return _to SetPassword(aPassword); } \
  253. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHostPort(nsACString & aHostPort) { return _to GetHostPort(aHostPort); } \
  254. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHostPort(const nsACString & aHostPort) { return _to SetHostPort(aHostPort); } \
  255. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHost(nsACString & aHost) { return _to GetHost(aHost); } \
  256. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHost(const nsACString & aHost) { return _to SetHost(aHost); } \
  257. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPort(PRInt32 *aPort) { return _to GetPort(aPort); } \
  258. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPort(PRInt32 aPort) { return _to SetPort(aPort); } \
  259. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPath(nsACString & aPath) { return _to GetPath(aPath); } \
  260. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPath(const nsACString & aPath) { return _to SetPath(aPath); } \
  261. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Equals(nsIURI *other, PRBool *_retval) { return _to Equals(other, _retval); } \
  262. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SchemeIs(const char *scheme, PRBool *_retval) { return _to SchemeIs(scheme, _retval); } \
  263. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Clone(nsIURI **_retval) { return _to Clone(_retval); } \
  264. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Resolve(const nsACString & relativePath, nsACString & _retval) { return _to Resolve(relativePath, _retval); } \
  265. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiSpec(nsACString & aAsciiSpec) { return _to GetAsciiSpec(aAsciiSpec); } \
  266. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiHost(nsACString & aAsciiHost) { return _to GetAsciiHost(aAsciiHost); } \
  267. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOriginCharset(nsACString & aOriginCharset) { return _to GetOriginCharset(aOriginCharset); }
  268. /* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this interface to another object in a safe way. */
  269. #define NS_FORWARD_SAFE_NSIURI(_to) \
  270. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetSpec(nsACString & aSpec) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetSpec(aSpec); } \
  271. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetSpec(const nsACString & aSpec) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetSpec(aSpec); } \
  272. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPrePath(nsACString & aPrePath) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetPrePath(aPrePath); } \
  273. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetScheme(nsACString & aScheme) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetScheme(aScheme); } \
  274. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetScheme(const nsACString & aScheme) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetScheme(aScheme); } \
  275. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUserPass(nsACString & aUserPass) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetUserPass(aUserPass); } \
  276. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUserPass(const nsACString & aUserPass) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetUserPass(aUserPass); } \
  277. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetUsername(nsACString & aUsername) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetUsername(aUsername); } \
  278. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetUsername(const nsACString & aUsername) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetUsername(aUsername); } \
  279. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPassword(nsACString & aPassword) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetPassword(aPassword); } \
  280. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPassword(const nsACString & aPassword) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetPassword(aPassword); } \
  281. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHostPort(nsACString & aHostPort) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetHostPort(aHostPort); } \
  282. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHostPort(const nsACString & aHostPort) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetHostPort(aHostPort); } \
  283. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetHost(nsACString & aHost) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetHost(aHost); } \
  284. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetHost(const nsACString & aHost) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetHost(aHost); } \
  285. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPort(PRInt32 *aPort) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetPort(aPort); } \
  286. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPort(PRInt32 aPort) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetPort(aPort); } \
  287. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetPath(nsACString & aPath) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetPath(aPath); } \
  288. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SetPath(const nsACString & aPath) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SetPath(aPath); } \
  289. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Equals(nsIURI *other, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Equals(other, _retval); } \
  290. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD SchemeIs(const char *scheme, PRBool *_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->SchemeIs(scheme, _retval); } \
  291. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Clone(nsIURI **_retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Clone(_retval); } \
  292. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD Resolve(const nsACString & relativePath, nsACString & _retval) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->Resolve(relativePath, _retval); } \
  293. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiSpec(nsACString & aAsciiSpec) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetAsciiSpec(aAsciiSpec); } \
  294. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetAsciiHost(nsACString & aAsciiHost) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetAsciiHost(aAsciiHost); } \
  295. NS_SCRIPTABLE NS_IMETHOD GetOriginCharset(nsACString & aOriginCharset) { return !_to ? NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER : _to->GetOriginCharset(aOriginCharset); }
  296. #if 0
  297. /* Use the code below as a template for the implementation class for this interface. */
  298. /* Header file */
  299. class nsURI : public nsIURI
  300. {
  301. public:
  304. nsURI();
  305. private:
  306. ~nsURI();
  307. protected:
  308. /* additional members */
  309. };
  310. /* Implementation file */
  312. nsURI::nsURI()
  313. {
  314. /* member initializers and constructor code */
  315. }
  316. nsURI::~nsURI()
  317. {
  318. /* destructor code */
  319. }
  320. /* attribute AUTF8String spec; */
  321. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetSpec(nsACString & aSpec)
  322. {
  324. }
  325. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetSpec(const nsACString & aSpec)
  326. {
  328. }
  329. /* readonly attribute AUTF8String prePath; */
  330. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetPrePath(nsACString & aPrePath)
  331. {
  333. }
  334. /* attribute ACString scheme; */
  335. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetScheme(nsACString & aScheme)
  336. {
  338. }
  339. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetScheme(const nsACString & aScheme)
  340. {
  342. }
  343. /* attribute AUTF8String userPass; */
  344. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetUserPass(nsACString & aUserPass)
  345. {
  347. }
  348. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetUserPass(const nsACString & aUserPass)
  349. {
  351. }
  352. /* attribute AUTF8String username; */
  353. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetUsername(nsACString & aUsername)
  354. {
  356. }
  357. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetUsername(const nsACString & aUsername)
  358. {
  360. }
  361. /* attribute AUTF8String password; */
  362. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetPassword(nsACString & aPassword)
  363. {
  365. }
  366. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetPassword(const nsACString & aPassword)
  367. {
  369. }
  370. /* attribute AUTF8String hostPort; */
  371. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetHostPort(nsACString & aHostPort)
  372. {
  374. }
  375. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetHostPort(const nsACString & aHostPort)
  376. {
  378. }
  379. /* attribute AUTF8String host; */
  380. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetHost(nsACString & aHost)
  381. {
  383. }
  384. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetHost(const nsACString & aHost)
  385. {
  387. }
  388. /* attribute long port; */
  389. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetPort(PRInt32 *aPort)
  390. {
  392. }
  393. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetPort(PRInt32 aPort)
  394. {
  396. }
  397. /* attribute AUTF8String path; */
  398. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetPath(nsACString & aPath)
  399. {
  401. }
  402. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SetPath(const nsACString & aPath)
  403. {
  405. }
  406. /* boolean equals (in nsIURI other); */
  407. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::Equals(nsIURI *other, PRBool *_retval)
  408. {
  410. }
  411. /* boolean schemeIs (in string scheme); */
  412. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::SchemeIs(const char *scheme, PRBool *_retval)
  413. {
  415. }
  416. /* nsIURI clone (); */
  417. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::Clone(nsIURI **_retval)
  418. {
  420. }
  421. /* AUTF8String resolve (in AUTF8String relativePath); */
  422. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::Resolve(const nsACString & relativePath, nsACString & _retval)
  423. {
  425. }
  426. /* readonly attribute ACString asciiSpec; */
  427. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetAsciiSpec(nsACString & aAsciiSpec)
  428. {
  430. }
  431. /* readonly attribute ACString asciiHost; */
  432. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetAsciiHost(nsACString & aAsciiHost)
  433. {
  435. }
  436. /* readonly attribute ACString originCharset; */
  437. NS_IMETHODIMP nsURI::GetOriginCharset(nsACString & aOriginCharset)
  438. {
  440. }
  441. /* End of implementation class template. */
  442. #endif
  443. #endif /* __gen_nsIURI_h__ */