/version 3.x/client/com/demonsters/debugger/MonsterDebuggerCore.as
ActionScript | 849 lines | 687 code | 52 blank | 110 comment | 46 complexity | 207463dd604be0ea5c7aa067dfd0b3f7 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0
- /**
- *
- * This is the client code that needs to be implemented into a
- * Flash, FLEX or AIR application to collect debug information
- * in De Monster Debugger.
- *
- * Be aware that any traces made to De Monster Debugger may
- * be viewed by others. De MonsterDebugger is intended to be
- * used to debug Flash, FLEX or AIR applications in a protective
- * environment that they will not be used in the final launch.
- * Please make sure that you do not send any debug material to
- * the debugger from a live running application.
- *
- * Use at your own risk.
- *
- * @author Ferdi Koomen, Joost Harts and Stijn van der Laan
- * @company De Monsters
- * @link http://www.MonsterDebugger.com
- * @version 3.02
- *
- *
- * Special thanks to:
- * Arjan van Wijk and Thijs Broerse for their feedback on the 2.5 version
- * Michel Wacker for sharing his P2P AIRborne library
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2011, De Monsters
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
- package com.demonsters.debugger
- {
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.events.TimerEvent;
- import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.system.Capabilities;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.utils.Timer;
- import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
- /**
- * @private
- * The Monster Debugger core functions
- */
- internal class MonsterDebuggerCore
- {
- // Monitor and highlight interval timer
- private static const MONITOR_UPDATE:int = 1000;
- private static const HIGHLITE_COLOR:uint = 0x3399FF;
- // Monitor timer
- private static var _monitorTimer:Timer;
- private static var _monitorSprite:Sprite;
- private static var _monitorTime:Number;
- private static var _monitorStart:Number;
- private static var _monitorFrames:int;
- // The root of the application
- private static var _base:Object = null;
- // The stage needed for highlight
- private static var _stage:Stage = null;
- // Highlight sprite
- private static var _highlight:Sprite;
- private static var _highlightInfo:TextField;
- private static var _highlightTarget:DisplayObject;
- private static var _highlightMouse:Boolean;
- private static var _highlightUpdate:Boolean;
- // The core id
- internal static const ID:String = "com.demonsters.debugger.core";
- /**
- * Start the class.
- */
- internal static function initialize():void
- {
- // Reset the monitor values
- _monitorTime = new Date().time;
- _monitorStart = new Date().time;
- _monitorFrames = 0;
- // Create the monitor timer
- _monitorTimer = new Timer(MONITOR_UPDATE);
- _monitorTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, monitorTimerCallback, false, 0, true);
- _monitorTimer.start();
- // Regular check for stage
- if (_base.hasOwnProperty("stage") && _base["stage"] != null && _base["stage"] is Stage) {
- _stage = _base["stage"] as Stage;
- }
- // Create the monitor sprite
- // This is needed for the enterframe ticks
- _monitorSprite = new Sprite();
- _monitorSprite.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameHandler, false, 0, true);
- var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
- format.font = "Arial";
- format.color = 0xFFFFFF;
- format.size = 11;
- format.leftMargin = 5;
- format.rightMargin = 5;
- // Create the textfield for the highlight and inspect
- _highlightInfo = new TextField();
- _highlightInfo.embedFonts = false;
- _highlightInfo.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
- _highlightInfo.mouseWheelEnabled = false;
- _highlightInfo.mouseEnabled = false;
- _highlightInfo.condenseWhite = false;
- _highlightInfo.embedFonts = false;
- _highlightInfo.multiline = false;
- _highlightInfo.selectable = false;
- _highlightInfo.wordWrap = false;
- _highlightInfo.defaultTextFormat = format;
- _highlightInfo.text = "";
- // Create the highlight
- _highlight = new Sprite();
- _highlightMouse = false;
- _highlightTarget = null;
- _highlightUpdate = false;
- }
- /**
- * Getter and setter for base.
- */
- internal static function get base():* {
- return _base;
- }
- internal static function set base(value:*):void {
- _base = value;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * See MonsterDebugger class
- */
- internal static function trace(caller:*, object:*, person:String = "", label:String = "", color:uint = 0x000000, depth:int = 5):void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- // Get the object information
- var xml:XML = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(object, "", 1, depth, false));
- // Create the data
- var data:Object = {
- command: MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_TRACE,
- memory: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getMemory(),
- date: new Date(),
- target: String(caller),
- reference: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getReferenceID(caller),
- xml: xml,
- person: person,
- label: label,
- color: color
- };
- // Send the data
- send(data);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * See MonsterDebugger class
- */
- internal static function snapshot(caller:*, object:DisplayObject, person:String = "", label:String = ""):void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- // Create the bitmapdata
- var bitmapData:BitmapData = MonsterDebuggerUtils.snapshot(object);
- if (bitmapData != null)
- {
- // Write the bitmap in the bytearray
- var bytes:ByteArray = bitmapData.getPixels(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapData.width, bitmapData.height));
- // Create the data
- var data:Object = {
- command: MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_SNAPSHOT,
- memory: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getMemory(),
- date: new Date(),
- target: String(caller),
- reference: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getReferenceID(caller),
- bytes: bytes,
- width: bitmapData.width,
- height: bitmapData.height,
- person: person,
- label: label
- };
- // Send the data
- send(data);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * See MonsterDebugger class
- */
- internal static function breakpoint(caller:*, id:String = "breakpoint"):void
- {
- // Only break when enabled and connected
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled && MonsterDebuggerConnection.connected) {
- // Get the stacktrace
- var stack:XML = MonsterDebuggerUtils.stackTrace();
- // Create the data
- var data:Object = {
- command: MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_PAUSE,
- memory: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getMemory(),
- date: new Date(),
- target: String(caller),
- reference: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getReferenceID(caller),
- stack: stack,
- id: id
- };
- // Send the data
- send(data);
- // Try to pause the system
- MonsterDebuggerUtils.pause();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * See MonsterDebugger class
- */
- internal static function inspect(object:*):void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- // Set the new root
- _base = object;
- // Get the new target
- var obj:* = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, "", 0);
- if (obj != null)
- {
- // Parse the new target
- var xml:XML = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(obj, "", 1, 2, true));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_BASE, xml:xml});
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * See MonsterDebugger class
- */
- internal static function clear():void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_CLEAR_TRACES});
- }
- }
- /**
- * Send the capabilities and information.
- * This is send after the HELLO command.
- */
- internal static function sendInformation():void
- {
- // Get basic data
- var playerType:String = Capabilities.playerType;
- var playerVersion:String = Capabilities.version;
- var isDebugger:Boolean = Capabilities.isDebugger;
- var isFlex:Boolean = false;
- var fileTitle:String = "";
- var fileLocation:String = "";
- // Check for Flex framework
- try{
- var UIComponentClass:* = getDefinitionByName("mx.core::UIComponent");
- if (UIComponentClass != null) isFlex = true;
- } catch (e1:Error) {}
- // Get the location
- if (_base is DisplayObject && _base.hasOwnProperty("loaderInfo")) {
- if (DisplayObject(_base).loaderInfo != null) {
- fileLocation = unescape(DisplayObject(_base).loaderInfo.url);
- }
- }
- if (_base.hasOwnProperty("stage")) {
- if (_base["stage"] != null && _base["stage"] is Stage) {
- fileLocation = unescape(Stage(_base["stage"]).loaderInfo.url);
- }
- }
- // Check for browser
- if (playerType == "ActiveX" || playerType == "PlugIn") {
- if (ExternalInterface.available) {
- try {
- var tmpLocation:String = ExternalInterface.call("window.location.href.toString");
- var tmpTitle:String = ExternalInterface.call("window.document.title.toString");
- if (tmpLocation != null) fileLocation = tmpLocation;
- if (tmpTitle != null) fileTitle = tmpTitle;
- } catch (e2:Error) {
- // External interface FAIL
- }
- }
- }
- // Check for Adobe AIR
- if (playerType == "Desktop") {
- try{
- var NativeApplicationClass:* = getDefinitionByName("flash.desktop::NativeApplication");
- if (NativeApplicationClass != null) {
- var descriptor:XML = NativeApplicationClass["nativeApplication"]["applicationDescriptor"];
- var ns:Namespace = descriptor.namespace();
- var filename:String = descriptor.ns::filename;
- var FileClass:* = getDefinitionByName("flash.filesystem::File");
- if (Capabilities.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") != -1) {
- filename += ".exe";
- fileLocation = FileClass["applicationDirectory"]["resolvePath"](filename)["nativePath"];
- } else if (Capabilities.os.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") != -1) {
- filename += ".app";
- fileLocation = FileClass["applicationDirectory"]["resolvePath"](filename)["nativePath"];
- }
- }
- } catch (e3:Error) {}
- }
- if (fileTitle == "" && fileLocation != "") {
- var slash:int = Math.max(fileLocation.lastIndexOf("\\"), fileLocation.lastIndexOf("/"));
- if (slash != -1) {
- fileTitle = fileLocation.substring(slash + 1, fileLocation.lastIndexOf("."));
- } else {
- fileTitle = fileLocation;
- }
- }
- // Default
- if (fileTitle == "") {
- fileTitle = "Application";
- }
- // Create the data
- var data:Object = {
- command: MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_INFO,
- debuggerVersion: MonsterDebugger.VERSION,
- playerType: playerType,
- playerVersion: playerVersion,
- isDebugger: isDebugger,
- isFlex: isFlex,
- fileLocation: fileLocation,
- fileTitle: fileTitle
- };
- // Send the data direct
- send(data, true);
- // Start the queue after that
- MonsterDebuggerConnection.processQueue();
- }
- /**
- * Handle incoming data from the connection.
- * @param item: Data from the desktop application
- */
- internal static function handle(item:MonsterDebuggerData):void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- // If the id is empty just return
- if (item.id == null || item.id == "") {
- return;
- }
- // Check if we should handle the call internaly
- if (item.id == MonsterDebuggerCore.ID) {
- handleInternal(item);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Handle internal commands from the connection.
- * @param item: Data from the desktop application
- */
- private static function handleInternal(item:MonsterDebuggerData):void
- {
- // Vars for loop
- var obj:*;
- var xml:XML;
- var method:Function;
- // Do the actions
- switch(item.data["command"])
- {
- // Get the application info and start processing queue
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_HELLO:
- sendInformation();
- break;
- // Get the root xml structure (object)
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_BASE:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, "", 0);
- if (obj != null) {
- xml = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(obj, "", 1, 2, true));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_BASE, xml:xml});
- }
- break;
- // Inspect
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_INSPECT:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (obj != null) {
- _base = obj;
- xml = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(obj, "", 1, 2, true));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_BASE, xml:xml});
- }
- break;
- // Return the parsed object
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_OBJECT:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (obj != null) {
- xml = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(obj, item.data["target"], 1, 2, true));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_OBJECT, xml:xml});
- }
- break;
- // Return a list of properties
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_PROPERTIES:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (obj != null) {
- xml = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(obj, item.data["target"], 1, 1, false));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_PROPERTIES, xml:xml});
- }
- break;
- // Return a list of functions
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_FUNCTIONS:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (obj != null) {
- xml = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parseFunctions(obj, item.data["target"]));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_FUNCTIONS, xml:xml});
- }
- break;
- // Adjust a property and return the value
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_SET_PROPERTY:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 1);
- if (obj != null) {
- try {
- obj[item.data["name"]] = item.data["value"];
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_SET_PROPERTY, target:item.data["target"], value:obj[item.data["name"]]});
- } catch (e1:Error) {
- //
- }
- }
- break;
- // Return a preview
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_PREVIEW:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (obj != null && MonsterDebuggerUtils.isDisplayObject(obj)) {
- var displayObject:DisplayObject = obj as DisplayObject;
- var bitmapData:BitmapData = MonsterDebuggerUtils.snapshot(displayObject, new Rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300));
- if (bitmapData != null) {
- var bytes:ByteArray = bitmapData.getPixels(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmapData.width, bitmapData.height));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_GET_PREVIEW, bytes:bytes, width:bitmapData.width, height:bitmapData.height});
- }
- }
- break;
- // Call a method and return the answer
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_CALL_METHOD:
- method = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (method != null && method is Function) {
- if (item.data["returnType"] == MonsterDebuggerConstants.TYPE_VOID) {
- method.apply(null, item.data["arguments"]);
- } else {
- try {
- obj = method.apply(null, item.data["arguments"]);
- xml = XML(MonsterDebuggerUtils.parse(obj, "", 1, 5, false));
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_CALL_METHOD, id:item.data["id"], xml:xml});
- } catch (e2:Error) {
- //
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- // Pause the application
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_PAUSE:
- MonsterDebuggerUtils.pause();
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_PAUSE});
- break;
- // Resume the application
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_RESUME:
- MonsterDebuggerUtils.resume();
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_RESUME});
- break;
- // Set the highlite on an object
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_HIGHLIGHT:
- obj = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObject(_base, item.data["target"], 0);
- if (obj != null && MonsterDebuggerUtils.isDisplayObject(obj)) {
- if (DisplayObject(obj).stage != null && DisplayObject(obj).stage is Stage) {
- _stage = obj["stage"];
- }
- if (_stage != null) {
- highlightClear();
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_STOP_HIGHLIGHT});
- _highlight.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highlightClicked);
- _highlight.mouseEnabled = false;
- _highlightTarget = DisplayObject(obj);
- _highlightMouse = false;
- _highlightUpdate = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- // Show the highlight
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_START_HIGHLIGHT:
- highlightClear();
- _highlight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highlightClicked, false, 0, true);
- _highlight.mouseEnabled = true;
- _highlightTarget = null;
- _highlightMouse = true;
- _highlightUpdate = true;
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_START_HIGHLIGHT});
- break;
- // Remove the highlight
- case MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_STOP_HIGHLIGHT:
- highlightClear();
- _highlight.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highlightClicked);
- _highlight.mouseEnabled = false;
- _highlightTarget = null;
- _highlightMouse = false;
- _highlightUpdate = false;
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_STOP_HIGHLIGHT});
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Monitor timer callback.
- */
- private static function monitorTimerCallback(event:TimerEvent):void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- // Calculate the frames per second
- var now:Number = new Date().time;
- var delta:Number = now - _monitorTime;
- var fps:uint = _monitorFrames / delta * 1000; // Miliseconds to seconds
- var fpsMovie:uint = 0;
- if (_stage == null) {
- if (_base.hasOwnProperty("stage") && _base["stage"] != null && _base["stage"] is Stage){
- _stage = Stage(_base["stage"]);
- }
- }
- if (_stage != null) {
- fpsMovie = _stage.frameRate;
- }
- // Reset
- _monitorFrames = 0;
- _monitorTime = now;
- // Check if we can send the data
- if (MonsterDebuggerConnection.connected)
- {
- // Create the data
- var data:Object = {
- command: MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_MONITOR,
- memory: MonsterDebuggerUtils.getMemory(),
- fps: fps,
- fpsMovie: fpsMovie,
- time: now
- };
- // Send the data
- send(data);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enterframe ticker callback.
- */
- private static function frameHandler(event:Event):void {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- _monitorFrames++;
- if (_highlightUpdate) {
- highlightUpdate();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Highlight clicked.
- */
- private static function highlightClicked(event:MouseEvent):void
- {
- // Stop
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- // Clear the highlight
- highlightClear();
- // Get objects under point
- _highlightTarget = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObjectUnderPoint(_stage, new Point(_stage.mouseX, _stage.mouseY));
- // Stop mouse interactions
- _highlightMouse = false;
- _highlight.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highlightClicked);
- _highlight.mouseEnabled = false;
- // Inspect
- if (_highlightTarget != null) {
- inspect(_highlightTarget);
- highlightDraw(false);
- }
- // Send stop
- send({command:MonsterDebuggerConstants.COMMAND_STOP_HIGHLIGHT});
- }
- /**
- * Highlight timer callback.
- */
- private static function highlightUpdate():void
- {
- // Clear the highlight
- highlightClear();
- // Mouse interactions
- if (_highlightMouse) {
- // Regular check for stage
- if (_base.hasOwnProperty("stage") && _base["stage"] != null && _base["stage"] is Stage) {
- _stage = _base["stage"] as Stage;
- }
- // Desktop check
- if (Capabilities.playerType == "Desktop") {
- var NativeApplicationClass:* = getDefinitionByName("flash.desktop::NativeApplication");
- if (NativeApplicationClass != null && NativeApplicationClass["nativeApplication"]["activeWindow"] != null) {
- _stage = NativeApplicationClass["nativeApplication"]["activeWindow"]["stage"];
- }
- }
- // Return if no stage is found
- if (_stage == null) {
- _highlight.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highlightClicked);
- _highlight.mouseEnabled = false;
- _highlightTarget = null;
- _highlightMouse = false;
- _highlightUpdate = false;
- return;
- }
- // Get objects under point
- _highlightTarget = MonsterDebuggerUtils.getObjectUnderPoint(_stage, new Point(_stage.mouseX, _stage.mouseY));
- if (_highlightTarget != null) {
- highlightDraw(true);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Only update the target
- if (_highlightTarget != null) {
- if (_highlightTarget.stage == null || _highlightTarget.parent == null) {
- _highlight.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, highlightClicked);
- _highlight.mouseEnabled = false;
- _highlightTarget = null;
- _highlightMouse = false;
- _highlightUpdate = false;
- return;
- }
- highlightDraw(false);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Highlight an object.
- */
- private static function highlightDraw(fill:Boolean):void
- {
- // Return if needed
- if (_highlightTarget == null) {
- return;
- }
- // Get the outer bounds
- var boundsOuter:Rectangle = _highlightTarget.getBounds(_stage);
- if (_highlightTarget is Stage) {
- boundsOuter.x = 0;
- boundsOuter.y = 0;
- boundsOuter.width = _highlightTarget["stageWidth"];
- boundsOuter.height = _highlightTarget["stageHeight"];
- } else {
- boundsOuter.x = int(boundsOuter.x + 0.5);
- boundsOuter.y = int(boundsOuter.y + 0.5);
- boundsOuter.width = int(boundsOuter.width + 0.5);
- boundsOuter.height = int(boundsOuter.height + 0.5);
- }
- // Get the inner bounds for border
- var boundsInner:Rectangle = boundsOuter.clone();
- boundsInner.x += 2;
- boundsInner.y += 2;
- boundsInner.width -= 4;
- boundsInner.height -= 4;
- if (boundsInner.width < 0) boundsInner.width = 0;
- if (boundsInner.height < 0) boundsInner.height = 0;
- // Draw the first border
- _highlight.graphics.clear();
- _highlight.graphics.beginFill(HIGHLITE_COLOR, 1);
- _highlight.graphics.drawRect(boundsOuter.x, boundsOuter.y, boundsOuter.width, boundsOuter.height);
- _highlight.graphics.drawRect(boundsInner.x, boundsInner.y, boundsInner.width, boundsInner.height);
- if (fill) {
- _highlight.graphics.beginFill(HIGHLITE_COLOR, 0.25);
- _highlight.graphics.drawRect(boundsInner.x, boundsInner.y , boundsInner.width, boundsInner.height);
- }
- // Set the text
- if (_highlightTarget.name != null) {
- _highlightInfo.text = String(_highlightTarget.name) + " - " + String(MonsterDebuggerDescribeType.get(_highlightTarget).@name);
- } else {
- _highlightInfo.text = String(MonsterDebuggerDescribeType.get(_highlightTarget).@name);
- }
- // Calculate the text size
- var boundsText:Rectangle = new Rectangle(
- boundsOuter.x,
- boundsOuter.y - (_highlightInfo.textHeight + 3),
- _highlightInfo.textWidth + 15,
- _highlightInfo.textHeight + 5
- );
- // Check for offset values
- if (boundsText.y < 0) boundsText.y = boundsOuter.y + boundsOuter.height;
- if (boundsText.y + boundsText.height > _stage.stageHeight) boundsText.y = _stage.stageHeight - boundsText.height;
- if (boundsText.x < 0) boundsText.x = 0;
- if (boundsText.x + boundsText.width > _stage.stageWidth) boundsText.x = _stage.stageWidth - boundsText.width;
- // Draw text container
- _highlight.graphics.beginFill(HIGHLITE_COLOR, 1);
- _highlight.graphics.drawRect(boundsText.x, boundsText.y, boundsText.width, boundsText.height);
- _highlight.graphics.endFill();
- // Set position
- _highlightInfo.x = boundsText.x;
- _highlightInfo.y = boundsText.y;
- // Add the highlight to the objects parent
- try {
- _stage.addChild(_highlight);
- _stage.addChild(_highlightInfo);
- } catch(e:Error) {
- // clearHighlight();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Clear the highlight on a object
- */
- private static function highlightClear():void
- {
- if (_highlight != null && _highlight.parent != null) {
- _highlight.parent.removeChild(_highlight);
- _highlight.graphics.clear();
- _highlight.x = 0;
- _highlight.y = 0;
- }
- if (_highlightInfo != null && _highlightInfo.parent != null) {
- _highlightInfo.parent.removeChild(_highlightInfo);
- _highlightInfo.x = 0;
- _highlightInfo.y = 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Send data to the desktop application.
- * @param data: The data to send
- * @param direct: Use the queue or send direct (handshake)
- */
- private static function send(data:Object, direct:Boolean = false):void
- {
- if (MonsterDebugger.enabled) {
- MonsterDebuggerConnection.send(MonsterDebuggerCore.ID, data, direct);
- }
- }
- }
- }