C | 211 lines | 141 code | 35 blank | 35 comment | 3 complexity | f4970da86074b2f95d064ddc0d6db478 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * The x86 Win32 incarnation of arch-dependent OS-dependent routines.
- * See also "win32-os.c".
- */
- /*
- * This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
- * more information.
- *
- * This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
- * written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
- * public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
- * provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
- * files for more information.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "os.h"
- #include "arch.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "interrupt.h"
- #include "interr.h"
- #include "lispregs.h"
- #include "sbcl.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "runtime.h"
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "thread.h" /* dynamic_values_bytes */
- #include "cpputil.h" /* PTR_ALIGN... */
- #include "validate.h"
- static boolean have_sse2()
- {
- int request = 1;
- int edx;
- asm ("cpuid;"
- :"=d"(edx)
- :"a"(request)
- :"%ebx","%ecx");
- return (edx & 0x04000000)!=0;
- }
- void (*fast_fill_pointer)(void*addr, size_t len, lispobj pattern);
- static void fast_fill_sse2(void*addr, size_t len, lispobj pattern)
- {
- extern void fast_wordfill_sse(void*addr, size_t len,
- int w1, int w2, int w3, int w4);
- fast_wordfill_sse(addr,len,pattern,pattern,pattern,pattern);
- }
- static void fast_fill_base(void*addr, size_t len, lispobj pattern)
- {
- lispobj* ptr = addr;
- while(len--)
- *(ptr++) = pattern;
- }
- static void fast_fill_detect(void*addr, size_t len, lispobj pattern)
- {
- if (have_sse2())
- fast_fill_pointer = fast_fill_sse2;
- else
- fast_fill_pointer = fast_fill_base;
- fast_fill_pointer(addr,len,pattern);
- }
- void (*fast_fill_pointer)(void*addr, size_t len, lispobj pattern)
- = fast_fill_detect;
- int arch_os_thread_init(struct thread *thread)
- {
- {
- void *top_exception_frame;
- void *cur_stack_end;
- void *cur_stack_start;
- asm volatile ("movl %%fs:0,%0": "=r" (top_exception_frame));
- asm volatile ("movl %%fs:4,%0": "=r" (cur_stack_end));
- /* Can't pull stack start from fs:4 or fs:8 or whatever,
- * because that's only what currently has memory behind
- * it from being used, so do a quick VirtualQuery() and
- * grab the AllocationBase. -AB 2006/11/25
- */
- if (!VirtualQuery(&stack_memory, &stack_memory, sizeof(stack_memory))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "VirtualQuery: 0x%lx.\n", GetLastError());
- lose("Could not query stack memory information.");
- }
- cur_stack_start = stack_memory.AllocationBase
- /* OS provides its own guard page at the stack start,
- and we have ours. Do you really want to see how they interact? */
- + os_vm_page_size;
- /* We use top_exception_frame rather than cur_stack_end to
- * elide the last few (boring) stack entries at the bottom of
- * the backtrace.
- */
- thread->control_stack_start = cur_stack_start;
- thread->control_stack_end = top_exception_frame;
- thread->csp_around_foreign_call =
- PTR_ALIGN_UP((void*)(((lispobj*)thread) + TLS_SIZE), os_vm_page_size) +
- ((void*)thread - PTR_ALIGN_DOWN((void*)thread,os_vm_page_size));
- /*
- * Theoretically, threaded SBCL binds directly against
- * the thread structure for these values. We don't do
- * threads yet, but we'll probably do the same. We do
- * need to reset these, though, because they were
- * initialized based on the wrong stack space.
- */
- SetSymbolValue(CONTROL_STACK_START,(lispobj)thread->control_stack_start,thread);
- SetSymbolValue(CONTROL_STACK_END,(lispobj)thread->control_stack_end,thread);
- #endif
- }
- TlsSetValue(OUR_TLS_INDEX,thread);
- #endif
- return 1;
- }
- /* free any arch/os-specific resources used by thread, which is now
- * defunct. Not called on live threads
- */
- int arch_os_thread_cleanup(struct thread *thread) {
- return 0;
- }
- sigset_t *os_context_sigmask_addr(os_context_t *context)
- {
- return &context->sigmask;
- }
- #endif
- os_context_register_t *
- os_context_register_addr(os_context_t *context, int offset)
- {
- static const size_t offsets[8] = {
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Eax),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Ecx),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Edx),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Ebx),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Esp),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Ebp),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Esi),
- offsetof(CONTEXT,Edi),
- };
- return
- (offset >= 0 && offset < 16) ?
- ((void*)(context->win32_context)) + offsets[offset>>1] : 0;
- }
- os_context_register_t *
- os_context_pc_addr(os_context_t *context)
- {
- return (void*)&context->win32_context->Eip; /* REG_EIP */
- }
- os_context_register_t *
- os_context_sp_addr(os_context_t *context)
- {
- return (void*)&context->win32_context->Esp; /* REG_UESP */
- }
- os_context_register_t *
- os_context_fp_addr(os_context_t *context)
- {
- return (void*)&context->win32_context->Ebp; /* REG_EBP */
- }
- unsigned long
- os_context_fp_control(os_context_t *context)
- {
- return ((((context->win32_context->FloatSave.ControlWord) & 0xffff) ^ 0x3f) |
- (((context->win32_context->FloatSave.StatusWord) & 0xffff) << 16));
- }
- void
- os_restore_fp_control(os_context_t *context)
- {
- asm ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (context->win32_context->FloatSave.ControlWord));
- }
- void
- os_flush_icache(os_vm_address_t address, os_vm_size_t length)
- {
- }