C++ | 424 lines | 344 code | 47 blank | 33 comment | 47 complexity | 325723087324174c8981508d341cccdb MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- //# UnitMap.cc: defines the UnitMap class containing standard unit definitions
- //# Copyright (C) 1994-2002,2007
- //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
- //#
- //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
- //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- //# option) any later version.
- //#
- //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
- //# License for more details.
- //#
- //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- //#
- //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
- //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
- //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
- //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- //# 520 Edgemont Road
- //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
- //#
- //# $Id: UnitMap.cc 20551 2009-03-25 00:11:33Z Malte.Marquarding $
- //# Includes
- #include <casa/Quanta/UnitMap.h>
- #include <casa/Utilities/MUString.h>
- #include <casa/Utilities/Regex.h>
- #include <casa/iostream.h>
- namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
- void UnitMap::initUM() {
- static Bool needInit = True;
- if (!needInit) return;
- needInit = False;
- // Initialise lists
- UnitMap::mapPref =
- new map<String, UnitName>;
- UnitMap::mapDef =
- new map<String, UnitName>;
- UnitMap::mapSI =
- new map<String, UnitName>;
- UnitMap::mapCust =
- new map<String, UnitName>;
- UnitMap::mapUser =
- new map<String, UnitName>;
- UnitMap::mapCache =
- new map<String, UnitVal>;
- UnitMap::doneFITS = False;
- // Define the map
- // Known prefixes
- UnitMap::initUMPrefix();
- // Defining SI units
- UnitMap::initUMSI1();
- UnitMap::initUMSI2();
- // non-SI customary units
- UnitMap::initUMCust1();
- UnitMap::initUMCust2();
- UnitMap::initUMCust3();
- //# Start with clean cache
- UnitMap::mapCache->clear();
- }
- UnitMap::UnitMap() {}
- UnitMap::~UnitMap() {
- releaseUM();
- }
- void UnitMap::releaseUM() {
- delete UnitMap::mapPref; mapPref = 0;
- delete UnitMap::mapDef; mapDef = 0;
- delete UnitMap::mapSI; mapSI = 0;
- delete UnitMap::mapCust; mapCust = 0;
- delete UnitMap::mapUser; mapUser = 0;
- delete UnitMap::mapCache; mapCache = 0;
- }
- Bool UnitMap::getCache(const String& s, UnitVal &val) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- map<String, UnitVal>::iterator pos = mapCache->find(s);
- if (pos == mapCache->end()) {
- val = UnitVal();
- return False;
- }
- val = pos->second;
- return True;
- }
- Bool UnitMap::getPref(const String& s, UnitName &name) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- map<String, UnitName>::iterator pos = mapPref->find(s);
- if (pos == mapPref->end()) {
- name = UnitName();
- return False;
- }
- name = pos->second;
- return True;
- }
- Bool UnitMap::getUnit(const String& s, UnitName &name) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- map<String, UnitName>::iterator pos;
- if ((pos = mapUser->find(s)) != mapUser->end() ||
- (pos = mapCust->find(s)) != mapCust->end() ||
- (pos = mapSI->find(s)) != mapSI->end()) {
- } else {
- name = UnitName();
- return False;
- }
- name = pos->second;
- return True;
- }
- void UnitMap::putCache(const String& s, const UnitVal& val) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- if (! s.empty()) {
- if (mapCache->size() > 200) clearCache();
- mapCache->insert(map<String, UnitVal>::value_type(s,val));
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::putUser(const String& s, const UnitVal& val) {
- const String empty("");
- UnitMap::putUser(s, val, empty);
- }
- void UnitMap::putUser(const String& s, const UnitVal& val,
- const String& name) {
- UnitName loc(s,val,name);
- UnitMap::putUser(loc);
- }
- void UnitMap::putUser(const UnitName& name) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- map<String, UnitName>::iterator pos;
- if ((pos = mapUser->find(name.getName())) != mapUser->end() ||
- (pos = mapCust->find(name.getName())) != mapCust->end() ||
- (pos = mapSI->find(name.getName())) != mapSI->end()) clearCache();
- mapUser->insert(map<String, UnitName>::value_type(name.getName(), name));
- }
- void UnitMap::removeUser(const String& s) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- map<String, UnitName>::iterator pos = mapUser->find(s);
- if (pos != mapUser->end()) {
- mapUser->erase(pos);
- clearCache();
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::removeUser(const UnitName& name) {
- UnitMap::removeUser(name.getName());
- }
- const String &UnitMap::getStringFITS(uInt which) {
- static String FITSstring[N_FITS] = {
- "beam",
- "d",
- "deg",
- "deg",
- "Hz",
- "Jy",
- "K",
- "K",
- "km",
- "m",
- "m",
- "Pa",
- "pixel",
- "s",
- "s",
- "s",
- "V",
- "a",
- "a"
- };
- return FITSstring[which];
- }
- Bool UnitMap::getNameFITS(UnitName *&name, uInt which) {
- static UnitName FITSunit[N_FITS] = {
- UnitName("BEAM", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(0)), "dimensionless beam"),
- UnitName("DAYS", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(1)), "day"),
- UnitName("DEGREES", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(2)), "degree"),
- UnitName("DEG", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(3)), "degree"),
- UnitName("HZ", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(4)), "hertz"),
- UnitName("JY", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(5)), "jansky"),
- UnitName("KELVINS", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(6)), "kelvin"),
- UnitName("KELVIN", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(7)), "kelvin"),
- UnitName("KM", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(8)), "km"),
- UnitName("METERS", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(9)), "meter"),
- UnitName("M", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(10)),"meter"),
- UnitName("PASCAL", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(11)),"pascal"),
- UnitName("PIXEL", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(12)),"dimensionless pixel"),
- UnitName("SECONDS", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(13)),"second"),
- UnitName("SEC", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(14)),"second"),
- UnitName("S", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(15)),"second"),
- UnitName("VOLTS", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(16)),"volt"),
- UnitName("YEARS", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(17)),"year"),
- UnitName("YEAR", UnitVal(1.0, getStringFITS(18)),"year")
- };
- if (which >= N_FITS) {
- return False;
- }
- name = &FITSunit[which];
- return True;
- }
- void UnitMap::addFITS() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- if (! UnitMap::doneFITS) {
- uInt cnt = 0;
- UnitName *Fname;
- while (UnitMap::getNameFITS(Fname, cnt)) {
- UnitMap::putUser(*Fname);
- cnt++;
- }
- UnitMap::doneFITS = True;
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::clearFITS() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- if (UnitMap::doneFITS) {
- uInt cnt = 0;
- UnitName *Fname;
- while (UnitMap::getNameFITS(Fname, cnt)) {
- UnitMap::removeUser(*Fname);
- cnt++;
- }
- UnitMap::doneFITS = False;
- }
- }
- Unit UnitMap::fromFITS(const Unit &un) {
- static Regex sepa("[^a-zA-Z]");
- MUString mus(un.getName());
- String y;
- String z;
- UnitName *nam;
- while (!mus.eos()) {
- if (mus.testChar(sepa)) y += String(mus.getChar());
- else {
- z = mus.getAlpha();
- for (uInt i=0; i<N_FITS; i++) {
- getNameFITS(nam, i);
- if (z == nam->getName()) {
- z = getStringFITS(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- y += z;
- }
- }
- return Unit(y);
- }
- Unit UnitMap::toFITS(const Unit &un) {
- static Regex sepa("[^a-zA-Z]");
- MUString mus(un.getName());
- String y;
- String z;
- UnitName *nam;
- while (!mus.eos()) {
- if (mus.testChar(sepa)) y += String(mus.getChar());
- else {
- z = mus.getAlpha();
- for (Int i=N_FITS-1; i>= 0; i--) {
- if (z == getStringFITS(i)) {
- getNameFITS(nam, i);
- z = nam->getName();
- break;
- }
- }
- y += z;
- }
- }
- return Unit(y);
- }
- void UnitMap::clearCache() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- mapCache->clear();
- }
- void UnitMap::listPref() {
- listPref(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::listPref(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- for (map<String, UnitName>::iterator i=mapPref->begin();
- i != mapPref->end(); ++i) {
- os << " " << i->second << endl;
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::listDef() {
- listDef(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::listDef(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- for (map<String, UnitName>::iterator i=mapDef->begin();
- i != mapDef->end(); ++i) {
- os << " " << i->second << endl;
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::listSI() {
- listSI(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::listSI(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- for (map<String, UnitName>::iterator i=mapSI->begin();
- i != mapSI->end(); ++i) {
- os << " " << i->second << endl;
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::listCust() {
- listCust(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::listCust(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- for (map<String, UnitName>::iterator i=mapCust->begin();
- i != mapCust->end(); ++i) {
- os << " " << i->second << endl;
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::listUser() {
- listUser(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::listUser(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- for (map<String, UnitName>::iterator i=mapUser->begin();
- i != mapUser->end(); ++i) {
- os << " " << i->second << endl;
- }
- }
- void UnitMap::list() {
- list(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::list(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- os << "Prefix table (" << mapPref->size() << "):" << endl;
- listPref(os);
- os << "Defining unit table (" << mapDef->size() << "):" << endl;
- listDef(os);
- os << "SI unit table (" << mapSI->size() << "):" << endl;
- listSI(os);
- os << "Customary unit table (" << mapCust->size() << "):" << endl;
- listCust(os);
- os << "User unit table (" << mapUser->size() << "):" << endl;
- listUser(os);
- }
- void UnitMap::listCache() {
- listCache(cout);
- }
- void UnitMap::listCache(ostream &os) {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- os << "Cached unit table (" << mapCache->size() << "):" << endl;
- for (map<String, UnitVal>::iterator i=mapCache->begin();
- i != mapCache->end(); ++i) {
- os << " " <<
- UnitName(i->first, i->second) << endl;
- }
- }
- const map<String, UnitName> &UnitMap::givePref() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- return *mapPref;
- }
- const map<String, UnitName> &UnitMap::giveDef() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- return *mapDef;
- }
- const map<String, UnitName> &UnitMap::giveSI() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- return *mapSI;
- }
- const map<String, UnitName> &UnitMap::giveCust() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- return *mapCust;
- }
- const map<String, UnitName> &UnitMap::giveUser() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- return *mapUser;
- }
- const map<String, UnitVal> &UnitMap::giveCache() {
- UnitMap::initUM();
- return *mapCache;
- }
- map<String, UnitName> *UnitMap::mapPref;
- map<String, UnitName> *UnitMap::mapDef;
- map<String, UnitName> *UnitMap::mapSI;
- map<String, UnitName> *UnitMap::mapCust;
- map<String, UnitName> *UnitMap::mapUser;
- map<String, UnitVal> *UnitMap::mapCache;
- Bool UnitMap::doneFITS;