C++ | 503 lines | 465 code | 8 blank | 30 comment | 91 complexity | dcaf365db617d78ed3ff92f1e3384498 MD5 | raw file
- //# tArrayIteratorSTL.cc: Test program for the Array Iterator member class
- //# Copyright (C) 2002,2003
- //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
- //#
- //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- //# any later version.
- //#
- //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- //# more details.
- //#
- //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- //#
- //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
- //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
- //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
- //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- //# 520 Edgemont Road
- //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
- //#
- //# $Id: tArrayIteratorSTL.cc 20668 2009-07-10 01:14:57Z Malte.Marquarding $
- #include <casa/Arrays/Array.h>
- #include <casa/Arrays/ArrayMath.h>
- #include <casa/OS/Timer.h>
- #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
- #include <casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
- #include <casa/Exceptions/Error.h>
- #include <casa/iostream.h>
- #include <vector>
- #include <iterator>
- using namespace casa;
- void testSub (Array<Int>& arr1, const IPosition& blc,
- const IPosition& trc, const IPosition& inc)
- {
- Array<Int> arr = arr1(blc,trc,inc);
- Array<Int> arrs;
- arrs = arr;
- std::vector<Int> vec(arr.begin(), arr.end());
- Array<Int>::const_iterator iters = arrs.begin();
- uInt i=0;
- Array<Int>::const_iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- if (*iter != *iters) {
- cout << "error in iter: " << *iter << ' ' << *iters << endl;
- }
- if (vec[i] != *iters) {
- cout << "error in vec: " << vec[i] << ' ' << *iters << endl;
- }
- if (arrs.data()[i] != *iters) {
- cout << "error in data(): " << arrs.data()[i] << ' ' << *iters << endl;
- }
- iters++;
- i++;
- }
- AlwaysAssert (i == arr.size(), AipsError);
- AlwaysAssert (std::distance(arr.begin(), arr.end()) == Int(arr.size()),
- AipsError);
- }
- void testIt()
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(3,4,5,6));
- indgen(arr);
- {
- Int i=0;
- Array<Int>::const_iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- if (*iter != i) {
- cout << "error: " << *iter << ' ' << i << endl;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (uInt(i) != arr.nelements()) {
- cout << "error: i!=" << arr.nelements() << endl;
- }
- }
- testSub (arr, IPosition(3,0,0,0), IPosition(3,3,4,5), IPosition(3,1,1,1));
- testSub (arr, IPosition(3,0,0,0), IPosition(3,3,4,5), IPosition(3,2,1,1));
- testSub (arr, IPosition(3,0,0,0), IPosition(3,3,4,5), IPosition(3,1,1,2));
- testSub (arr, IPosition(3,3,0,0), IPosition(3,3,4,5), IPosition(3,1,1,1));
- testSub (arr, IPosition(3,3,4,1), IPosition(3,3,4,4), IPosition(3,1,1,1));
- testSub (arr, IPosition(3,1,2,1), IPosition(3,3,3,4), IPosition(3,2,1,1));
- // Test an empty array.
- {
- Array<Int> earr;
- for (Array<Int>::iterator itera1=earr.begin();
- itera1!=earr.end(); itera1++) {
- cout << "error (itera1 should be empty): " << itera1 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- for (Array<Int>::iterator itera2=earr.begin();
- itera2!=earr.end(); itera2++) {
- cout << "error (itera2 should be empty): " << itera2 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- for (Array<Int>::contiter itera3=earr.cbegin();
- itera3!=earr.cend(); itera3++) {
- cout << "error (itera3 should be empty): " << itera3 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- for (Array<Int>::contiter itera4=earr.cbegin();
- itera4!=earr.cend(); itera4++) {
- cout << "error (itera4 should be empty): " << itera4 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- }
- {
- IPosition eshp;
- Array<Int> earr(eshp);
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iterb1=earr.begin();
- iterb1!=earr.end(); iterb1++) {
- cout << "error (iterb1 should be empty): " << iterb1 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iterb2=earr.begin();
- iterb2!=earr.end(); iterb2++) {
- cout << "error (iterb2 should be empty): " << iterb2 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- for (Array<Int>::contiter iterb3=earr.cbegin();
- iterb3!=earr.cend(); iterb3++) {
- cout << "error (iterb3 should be empty): " << iterb3 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- for (Array<Int>::contiter iterb4=earr.cbegin();
- iterb4!=earr.cend(); iterb4++) {
- cout << "error (iterb4 should be empty): " << iterb4 << ' ' << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- testIt();
- const Int nelem = 1000000;
- const Int nstep = 100;
- //const Int nstep = 1;
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(1,nelem));
- indgen(arr);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=arr.end(); ++iter) {
- if (*iter != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read full, end() ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(1,nelem));
- indgen(arr);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::const_iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- if (*iter != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read full; enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(1,nelem));
- indgen(arr);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- for (Array<Int>::const_contiter iter=arr.cbegin(); iter!=arr.cend(); ++iter) {
- if (*iter != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read full, contiter()");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl(IPosition(1,nelem));
- indgen(bl);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- const Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (Int i=0; i<nelem; ++i) {
- if (str[i] != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- bl.freeStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("read full, getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl(IPosition(1,nelem));
- indgen(bl);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Int* ptr = bl.data();
- for (Int i=0; i<nelem; ++i) {
- if (ptr[i] != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read full, data()[i] ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl(IPosition(1,nelem));
- indgen(bl);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- const Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- const Bool contig = bl.contiguousStorage();
- for (Int i=0; i<nelem; ++i) {
- if (str[i] != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- // This test is always false. It is there to mimic the
- // contig test in ArraySTLIterator.
- if (!contig) {
- inx++;
- }
- }
- bl.freeStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("read full, getSt+test");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> bl = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50);
- indgen(bl);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- uInt n = bl.nelements();
- const Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
- if (str[i] != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- bl.freeStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("read part, getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> arr = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50);
- indgen(arr);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::const_iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- if (*iter != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read part, enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> bl = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50, IPosition(2,2,2));
- indgen(bl);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- uInt n = bl.nelements();
- const Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
- if (str[i] != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- bl.freeStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("read incr, getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> arr = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50, IPosition(2,2,2));
- indgen(arr);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::const_iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- if (*iter != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read incr, enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> bl = bl1(IPosition(2,50,0), IPosition(2,50,999));
- indgen(bl);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- uInt n = bl.nelements();
- const Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
- if (str[i] != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- bl.freeStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("read small getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> arr = bl1(IPosition(2,50,0), IPosition(2,50,999));
- indgen(arr);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::const_iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::const_iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- if (*iter != inx) {
- cout << "err" << endl;
- }
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("read small enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(1,nelem));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=arr.end(); ++iter) {
- *iter = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("write full; end() ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(1,nelem));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::iterator enditer;
- enditer = arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- *iter = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("write full, enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> arr(IPosition(1,nelem));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- for (Array<Int>::contiter iter=arr.cbegin(); iter!=arr.cend(); ++iter) {
- *iter = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("write full, contiter()");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl(IPosition(1,nelem));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (Int i=0; i<nelem; ++i) {
- str[i] = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- bl.putStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("write full, getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> bl = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- uInt n = bl.nelements();
- Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
- str[i] = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- bl.putStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("write part, getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> arr = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50);
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- *iter = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("write part, enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> bl = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50, IPosition(2,2,2));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- uInt n = bl.nelements();
- Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
- str[i] = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- bl.putStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("write incr, getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> arr = bl1(IPosition(2,50,50), bl1.shape()-50, IPosition(2,2,2));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- *iter = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("write incr, enditer ");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> bl = bl1(IPosition(2,50,0), IPosition(2,50,999));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Bool deleteIt;
- uInt n = bl.nelements();
- Int* str = bl.getStorage(deleteIt);
- for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
- str[i] = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- bl.putStorage(str, deleteIt);
- }
- tim.show("write small getStorage");
- }
- {
- Array<Int> bl1(IPosition(2,1000,1000));
- Array<Int> arr = bl1(IPosition(2,50,0), IPosition(2,50,999));
- Timer tim;
- for (Int j=0; j<nstep; j++) {
- Int inx=0;
- Array<Int>::iterator enditer=arr.end();
- for (Array<Int>::iterator iter=arr.begin(); iter!=enditer; ++iter) {
- *iter = inx;
- inx++;
- }
- }
- tim.show("write small enditer ");
- }
- }