Python | 192 lines | 135 code | 51 blank | 6 comment | 16 complexity | 882793f9e54c7587d4c3a64946b6b7db MD5 | raw file
- import numpy as np
- from torch.autograd import Variable
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- import time
- import copy
- from tqdm import tqdm
- from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau
- # compute accuracy with pytorch
- def accuracy(true, pred, top_k=(1,)):
- max_k = max(top_k)
- batch_size = true.size(0)
- _, pred = pred.topk(max_k, 1)
- pred = pred.t()
- correct = pred.eq(true.view(1, -1).expand_as(pred))
- result = []
- for k in top_k:
- correct_k = correct[:k].view(-1).float().sum(0)
- result.append(correct_k.div_(batch_size).data[0])
- return result
- def optimization_step(model, criterion, optimizer, x_batch, y_batch):
- x_batch, y_batch = Variable(x_batch.cuda()), Variable(y_batch.cuda(async=True))
- logits = model(x_batch)
- # compute logloss
- loss = criterion(logits, y_batch)
- batch_loss = loss.data[0]
- # compute accuracies
- pred = F.softmax(logits)
- batch_accuracy, batch_top5_accuracy = accuracy(y_batch, pred, top_k=(1, 5))
- optimizer.zero_grad()
- loss.backward()
- optimizer.step()
- return batch_loss, batch_accuracy, batch_top5_accuracy
- def evaluate(model, criterion, val_iterator, n_batches):
- loss = 0.0
- acc = 0.0 # accuracy
- top5_accuracy = 0.0
- total_samples = 0
- for j, (x_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(val_iterator):
- x_batch = Variable(x_batch.cuda(), volatile=True)
- y_batch = Variable(y_batch.cuda(async=True), volatile=True)
- n_batch_samples = y_batch.size()[0]
- logits = model(x_batch)
- # compute logloss
- batch_loss = criterion(logits, y_batch).data[0]
- # compute accuracies
- pred = F.softmax(logits)
- batch_accuracy, batch_top5_accuracy = accuracy(y_batch, pred, top_k=(1, 5))
- loss += batch_loss*n_batch_samples
- acc += batch_accuracy*n_batch_samples
- top5_accuracy += batch_top5_accuracy*n_batch_samples
- total_samples += n_batch_samples
- if j >= n_batches:
- break
- return loss/total_samples, acc/total_samples, top5_accuracy/total_samples
- def train(model, criterion, optimizer,
- train_iterator, n_epochs, n_batches,
- val_iterator, validation_step, n_validation_batches,
- saving_step, lr_scheduler=None):
- all_losses = []
- all_models = []
- is_reduce_on_plateau = isinstance(lr_scheduler, ReduceLROnPlateau)
- running_loss = 0.0
- running_accuracy = 0.0
- running_top5_accuracy = 0.0
- start = time.time()
- model.train()
- for epoch in range(0, n_epochs):
- for step, (x_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(train_iterator, 1 + epoch*n_batches):
- if lr_scheduler is not None and not is_reduce_on_plateau:
- optimizer = lr_scheduler(optimizer, step)
- batch_loss, batch_accuracy, batch_top5_accuracy = optimization_step(
- model, criterion, optimizer, x_batch, y_batch
- )
- running_loss += batch_loss
- running_accuracy += batch_accuracy
- running_top5_accuracy += batch_top5_accuracy
- if step % validation_step == 0:
- model.eval()
- test_loss, test_accuracy, test_top5_accuracy = evaluate(
- model, criterion, val_iterator, n_validation_batches
- )
- end = time.time()
- print('{0:.2f} {1:.3f} {2:.3f} {3:.3f} {4:.3f} {5:.3f} {6:.3f} {7:.3f}'.format(
- step/n_batches, running_loss/validation_step, test_loss,
- running_accuracy/validation_step, test_accuracy,
- running_top5_accuracy/validation_step, test_top5_accuracy,
- end - start
- ))
- all_losses += [(
- step/n_batches,
- running_loss/validation_step, test_loss,
- running_accuracy/validation_step, test_accuracy,
- running_top5_accuracy/validation_step, test_top5_accuracy
- )]
- if is_reduce_on_plateau:
- lr_scheduler.step(test_accuracy)
- running_loss = 0.0
- running_accuracy = 0.0
- running_top5_accuracy = 0.0
- start = time.time()
- model.train()
- if saving_step is not None and step % saving_step == 0:
- print('saving')
- model.cpu()
- clone = copy.deepcopy(model)
- all_models += [clone.state_dict()]
- model.cuda()
- return all_losses, all_models
- def predict(model, val_iterator_no_shuffle, return_erroneous=False):
- val_predictions = []
- val_true_targets = []
- if return_erroneous:
- erroneous_samples = []
- erroneous_targets = []
- erroneous_predictions = []
- model.eval()
- for x_batch, y_batch in tqdm(val_iterator_no_shuffle):
- x_batch = Variable(x_batch.cuda(), volatile=True)
- y_batch = Variable(y_batch.cuda(), volatile=True)
- logits = model(x_batch)
- # compute probabilities
- probs = F.softmax(logits)
- if return_erroneous:
- _, argmax = probs.max(1)
- hits = argmax.eq(y_batch).data
- miss = 1 - hits
- if miss.nonzero().numel() != 0:
- erroneous_samples += [x_batch[miss.nonzero()[:, 0]].cpu().data.numpy()]
- erroneous_targets += [y_batch[miss.nonzero()[:, 0]].cpu().data.numpy()]
- erroneous_predictions += [probs[miss.nonzero()[:, 0]].cpu().data.numpy()]
- val_predictions += [probs.cpu().data.numpy()]
- val_true_targets += [y_batch.cpu().data.numpy()]
- val_predictions = np.concatenate(val_predictions, axis=0)
- val_true_targets = np.concatenate(val_true_targets, axis=0)
- if return_erroneous:
- erroneous_samples = np.concatenate(erroneous_samples, axis=0)
- erroneous_targets = np.concatenate(erroneous_targets, axis=0)
- erroneous_predictions = np.concatenate(erroneous_predictions, axis=0)
- return val_predictions, val_true_targets,\
- erroneous_samples, erroneous_targets, erroneous_predictions
- return val_predictions, val_true_targets