https://github.com/JustaPenguin/assetto-server-manager · Go · 356 lines · 264 code · 80 blank · 12 comment · 42 complexity · c14a2c0634c73e34d5c03392365fd978 MD5 · raw file
- package servermanager
- import (
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "path/filepath"
- "regexp"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- "github.com/cj123/ini"
- "github.com/google/uuid"
- "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
- )
- const (
- AnyCarModel = "any_car_model"
- entryListFilename = "entry_list.ini"
- driverSwapEntrantSeparator = ";"
- maxEntryListSize = 255
- )
- type EntryList map[string]*Entrant
- // Write the EntryList to the server location
- func (e EntryList) Write() error {
- setupDirectory := filepath.Join(ServerInstallPath, "setups")
- // belt and braces check to make sure setup file exists
- for _, entrant := range e.AsSlice() {
- if entrant.FixedSetup != "" {
- if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(setupDirectory, entrant.FixedSetup)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- for i, entrant := range e.AsSlice() {
- entrant.PitBox = i
- }
- f := ini.NewFile([]ini.DataSource{nil}, ini.LoadOptions{
- IgnoreInlineComment: true,
- })
- // making and throwing away a default section due to the utter insanity of ini or assetto. i don't know which.
- _, err := f.NewSection("DEFAULT")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- for _, v := range e.AsSlice() {
- s, err := f.NewSection(fmt.Sprintf("CAR_%d", v.PitBox))
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- err = s.ReflectFrom(&v)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return f.SaveTo(filepath.Join(ServerInstallPath, ServerConfigPath, entryListFilename))
- }
- func (e EntryList) ReadString() (string, error) {
- content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(ServerInstallPath, ServerConfigPath, entryListFilename))
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- return string(content), nil
- }
- // Add an Entrant to the EntryList
- func (e EntryList) AddToBackOfGrid(entrant *Entrant) {
- e.AddInPitBox(entrant, len(e))
- }
- // AddInPitBox adds an Entrant in a specific pitbox - overwriting any entrant that was in that pitbox previously.
- func (e EntryList) AddInPitBox(entrant *Entrant, pitBox int) {
- pitBoxKey := fmt.Sprintf("CAR_%d", pitBox)
- if existingEntrant, ok := e[pitBoxKey]; ok {
- logrus.Warnf("Car already present in pitbox: %d! Driver: %s (%s) in %s will be overwritten!", pitBox, existingEntrant.Name, existingEntrant.GUID, existingEntrant.Model)
- }
- entrant.PitBox = pitBox
- e[pitBoxKey] = entrant
- }
- // Remove an Entrant from the EntryList
- func (e EntryList) Delete(entrant *Entrant) {
- for k, v := range e {
- if v == entrant {
- delete(e, k)
- return
- }
- }
- }
- func (e EntryList) AsSlice() []*Entrant {
- var entrants []*Entrant
- for _, x := range e {
- entrants = append(entrants, x)
- }
- // note: pitbox sorting here is crucial
- sort.Slice(entrants, func(i, j int) bool {
- return entrants[i].PitBox < entrants[j].PitBox
- })
- return entrants
- }
- func (e EntryList) AlphaSlice() []*Entrant {
- var entrants []*Entrant
- for _, x := range e {
- entrants = append(entrants, x)
- }
- sort.Slice(entrants, func(i, j int) bool {
- return entrants[i].Name < entrants[j].Name
- })
- return entrants
- }
- func (e EntryList) PrettyList() []*Entrant {
- var entrants []*Entrant
- numOpenSlots := 0
- for _, x := range e {
- if x.GUID == "" {
- numOpenSlots++
- continue
- }
- if x.Model == AnyCarModel {
- continue
- }
- entrants = append(entrants, x)
- }
- sort.Slice(entrants, func(i, j int) bool {
- return entrants[i].Name < entrants[j].Name
- })
- entrants = append(entrants, &Entrant{
- Name: fmt.Sprintf("%d open slots", numOpenSlots),
- })
- return entrants
- }
- func (e EntryList) Entrants() string {
- var entrants []string
- numOpenSlots := 0
- for _, x := range e {
- if x.Name == "" {
- numOpenSlots++
- } else {
- entrants = append(entrants, driverName(x.Name))
- }
- }
- if numOpenSlots > 0 {
- entrants = append(entrants, fmt.Sprintf("%d open slots", numOpenSlots))
- }
- return strings.Join(entrants, ", ")
- }
- func (e EntryList) FindEntrantByInternalUUID(internalUUID uuid.UUID) *Entrant {
- for _, entrant := range e {
- if entrant.InternalUUID == internalUUID {
- return entrant
- }
- }
- return &Entrant{}
- }
- // CarIDs returns a unique list of car IDs used in the EntryList
- func (e EntryList) CarIDs() []string {
- cars := make(map[string]bool)
- for _, entrant := range e {
- cars[entrant.Model] = true
- }
- var out []string
- for car := range cars {
- out = append(out, car)
- }
- return out
- }
- // returns the greatest ballast set on any entrant
- func (e EntryList) FindGreatestBallast() int {
- var greatest int
- for _, entrant := range e {
- if entrant.Ballast > greatest {
- greatest = entrant.Ballast
- }
- }
- return greatest
- }
- func NewEntrant() *Entrant {
- return &Entrant{
- InternalUUID: uuid.New(),
- }
- }
- type Entrant struct {
- InternalUUID uuid.UUID `ini:"-"`
- PitBox int `ini:"-"`
- Name string `ini:"DRIVERNAME"`
- Team string `ini:"TEAM"`
- GUID string `ini:"GUID"`
- Model string `ini:"MODEL"`
- Skin string `ini:"SKIN"`
- Ballast int `ini:"BALLAST"`
- SpectatorMode int `ini:"SPECTATOR_MODE"`
- Restrictor int `ini:"RESTRICTOR"`
- FixedSetup string `ini:"FIXED_SETUP"`
- TransferTeamPoints bool `ini:"-" json:"-"`
- OverwriteAllEvents bool `ini:"-" json:"-"`
- IsPlaceHolder bool `ini:"-"`
- }
- func (e Entrant) ID() string {
- if e.GUID != "" {
- return e.GUID
- }
- return e.Name
- }
- func (e *Entrant) OverwriteProperties(other *Entrant) {
- e.FixedSetup = other.FixedSetup
- e.Restrictor = other.Restrictor
- e.SpectatorMode = other.SpectatorMode
- e.Ballast = other.Ballast
- e.Skin = other.Skin
- e.PitBox = other.PitBox
- }
- func (e *Entrant) SwapProperties(other *Entrant, entrantRemainedInClass bool) {
- if entrantRemainedInClass {
- e.Model, other.Model = other.Model, e.Model
- e.Skin, other.Skin = other.Skin, e.Skin
- e.FixedSetup, other.FixedSetup = other.FixedSetup, e.FixedSetup
- e.Restrictor, other.Restrictor = other.Restrictor, e.Restrictor
- e.Ballast, other.Ballast = other.Ballast, e.Ballast
- }
- e.Team, other.Team = other.Team, e.Team
- e.InternalUUID, other.InternalUUID = other.InternalUUID, e.InternalUUID
- e.PitBox, other.PitBox = other.PitBox, e.PitBox
- }
- func (e *Entrant) AssignFromResult(result *SessionResult, car *SessionCar) {
- e.Name = result.DriverName
- e.Team = car.Driver.Team
- e.GUID = result.DriverGUID
- e.Model = result.CarModel
- e.Skin = car.Skin
- e.Restrictor = car.Restrictor
- e.Ballast = car.BallastKG
- }
- func (e *Entrant) AsSessionCar() *SessionCar {
- return &SessionCar{
- BallastKG: e.Ballast,
- CarID: e.PitBox,
- Driver: SessionDriver{
- GuidsList: []string{e.GUID},
- Name: e.Name,
- Team: e.Team,
- },
- Model: e.Model,
- Restrictor: e.Restrictor,
- Skin: e.Skin,
- }
- }
- func (e *Entrant) AsSessionResult() *SessionResult {
- return &SessionResult{
- BallastKG: e.Ballast,
- CarID: e.PitBox,
- CarModel: e.Model,
- DriverGUID: e.GUID,
- DriverName: e.Name,
- Restrictor: e.Restrictor,
- }
- }
- var guidCleanupRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`[^0-9]+`)
- func CleanGUIDs(guids []string) []string {
- var cleaned []string
- for _, guid := range guids {
- g := guidCleanupRegex.ReplaceAllLiteralString(guid, "")
- if len(g) > 0 {
- cleaned = append(cleaned, g)
- }
- }
- return cleaned
- }
- // NormaliseEntrantGUID takes a guid which may have driverSwapEntrantSeparators in it,
- // sorts all GUIDs in the string and then rejoins them by driverSwapEntrantSeparator
- func NormaliseEntrantGUID(guid string) string {
- split := CleanGUIDs(strings.Split(guid, driverSwapEntrantSeparator))
- sort.Strings(split)
- return strings.Join(split, driverSwapEntrantSeparator)
- }
- // NormaliseEntrantGUIDs takes a list of guids, sorts them and joins them by driverSwapEntrantSeparator
- func NormaliseEntrantGUIDs(guids []string) string {
- guids = CleanGUIDs(guids)
- sort.Strings(guids)
- return strings.Join(guids, driverSwapEntrantSeparator)
- }