Python | 124 lines | 73 code | 25 blank | 26 comment | 21 complexity | 3d56de63885f1c06c9a529138d22a260 MD5 | raw file
- ''''
- Predict the product and compare with the answer
- Mostly for exam questions, for my generated questions should be the same
- Based upon the results of the prediction vector.
- TO Consider: Decide how to handle markovnikov reactions
- - Either: Label alkenes as before to get right markovnikov side
- : This ends up providing alg. with extra info to help get product right, do we want it to be that successful?
- - Or: Remove Si label from reaction smarts, and leave up to probability
- '''
- import pickle as pkl
- import numpy as np
- from rdkit import Chem, DataStructs
- from rdkit.Chem.Fingerprints import FingerprintMols
- import copy
- from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
- from rxns_lib import Full_rxn_dict
- from neuralfingerprint.parse_data import split_smiles_triples
- from neuralfingerprint.toolkit import MarkMarkovAtom, GetDoubleBondAtoms, get_molecule_smi
- def returnRxnObjfromPred(rxn_num):
- # helper function to parse dictionary for reaction type.
- # rxn_num is a string, not '0' (NR separtely handled)
- rxn_obj = Full_rxn_dict[str(rxn_num)]
- return rxn_obj
- def returnProductsfromRxnObj(rxn_obj, rct1_smi, rct2_smi):
- # run reaction from the rct smi, generate the products molecules
- rct1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(rct1_smi)
- if rct2_smi == '[Nd]':
- prods = rxn_obj.RunReactants((rct1,))
- else:
- rct2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(rct2_smi)
- prods = rxn_obj.RunReactants((rct1,rct2))
- if len(prods) != 0:
- prod_smi_list = [Chem.MolToSmiles(prod_mol) for prod_mol in prods[0]]
- else:
- if rct2_smi == '[Nd]' : prod_smi_list = [rct1_smi]
- else: prod_smi_list = [rct1_smi, rct2_smi]
- return '.'.join(prod_smi_list)
- def returnProductsfromMarkRxnObj(rxn_obj, rct1_smi, rct2_smi):
- # Run reaction using Mark labelled reaction options
- alk = Chem.MolFromSmiles(rct1_smi)
- # Labeling mark Alkene:
- alk2 = copy.deepcopy(alk)
- double_bond_list = GetDoubleBondAtoms(alk2)
- at1_id, at2_id = double_bond_list[0]
- Mark_label_alk = MarkMarkovAtom(alk2, at1_id, at2_id)
- if rct2_smi != '[Nd]':
- rct2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(rct2_smi)
- prods = rxn_obj.RunReactants((Mark_label_alk,rct2))
- else:
- try:
- prods = rxn_obj.RunReactants((Mark_label_alk,))
- except:
- print 'invalid number of reactants'
- prods = []
- if len(prods) != 0:
- prod_smi_list = [Chem.MolToSmiles(prod_mol) for prod_mol in prods[0]]
- else:
- if rct2_smi == '[Nd]' : prod_smi_list = [rct1_smi]
- else: prod_smi_list = [rct1_smi, rct2_smi]
- return '.'.join(prod_smi_list)
- def returnProductsfromPred(rxn_num, rct1_smi, rct2_smi):
- # Wrapper function for writing out products given various options
- # @output : a string of all the products (with the dots)
- # NR
- if rxn_num == '0': return '[Nd]'
- # Markovnikov reactions
- # List of Markovnikov reactions
- Mark_list = ['5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '12', '17']
- if rxn_num in Mark_list:
- rxn_obj = returnRxnObjfromPred(rxn_num)
- return returnProductsfromMarkRxnObj(rxn_obj, rct1_smi, rct2_smi)
- # Everything else
- return returnProductsfromRxnObj(returnRxnObjfromPred(rxn_num), rct1_smi, rct2_smi)
- def tanimotoComparison(pred_prod_list, true_prod_list):
- # Return the tanimoto score
- pred_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(pred_prod_list)
- answer_mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(true_prod_list)
- pred_fps = FingerprintMols.FingerprintMol(pred_mol)
- answer_fps = FingerprintMols.FingerprintMol(answer_mol)
- return DataStructs.FingerprintSimilarity(pred_fps, answer_fps)
- if __name__== '__main__':
- # Get predictions, calculated elsewhere
- vec_pred = pkl.load(open('../results/class_3_1_neural1_200each_Wade_prob8_47.dat'))
- with open('../../data/test_question/prob8_47.cf.txt') as probf:
- rxn_smis = probf.readlines()
- with open('../../data/test_question/prob8_47.ans_smi.txt') as ansf:
- ans_rxn_smis = ansf.readlines()
- test_input_1, _, _ = split_smiles_triples(rxn_smis)
- for ii in range(np.shape(vec_pred)[0]):
- pred_type = np.argmax( vec_pred[ii,:])
- #print pred_type
- # get reactants for product prediction
- rct1_smi, rct2_smi, _ = test_input_1[ii]
- prods = returnProductsfromPred(str(pred_type), rct1_smi, rct2_smi)
- print ans_rxn_smis[ii], prods
- print 'Similarity score: ', tanimotoComparison(prods, ans_rxn_smis[ii])
- print '\n'