Java | 205 lines | 123 code | 49 blank | 33 comment | 5 complexity | e28fa63f71c374d2634e83486f5a5eb9 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Wideplay Interactive.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package com.wideplay.warp.persist.dao;
- import com.google.inject.Injector;
- import com.google.inject.Guice;
- import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
- import com.wideplay.warp.persist.PersistenceService;
- import com.wideplay.warp.persist.UnitOfWork;
- import com.wideplay.codemonkey.web.startup.Initializer;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Set;
- import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
- import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
- import org.testng.annotations.Test;
- import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
- import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration;
- import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
- import org.hibernate.Session;
- /**
- * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
- * User: Dhanji R. Prasanna (dhanji@gmail.com)
- * Date: 4/06/2007
- * Time: 15:57:24
- * <p/>
- *
- * @author Dhanji R. Prasanna (dhanji@gmail.com)
- * @since 1.0
- */
- public class HibernateDynamicFinderAbstractClassTest {
- private Injector injector;
- private static final String TEXT_1 = "unique text1" + new Date();
- private static final String TEXT_2 = "unique text2" + new Date();
- private static final String TEST_STRING_THAT_SHOULD_BE_PASSED_BACK_UNINTERCEPTED = "test string that should be passed back unintercepted";
- @BeforeMethod
- public void pre() {
- injector = Guice.createInjector(PersistenceService.usingHibernate()
- .across(UnitOfWork.TRANSACTION)
- .addAccessor(AbstractDF.class)
- .buildModule(),
- new AbstractModule() {
- protected void configure() {
- bind(Configuration.class).toInstance(new AnnotationConfiguration()
- .addAnnotatedClass(HibernateTestEntityTxnal.class)
- .setProperties(Initializer.loadProperties("spt-persistence.properties")));
- }
- });
- injector.getInstance(PersistenceService.class).start();
- }
- @AfterMethod
- public void post() {
- injector.getInstance(SessionFactory.class).close();
- injector = null;
- }
- @Test
- public void testDDDDynamicFinderListAll() {
- Session session = injector.getInstance(Session.class);
- session.beginTransaction();
- HibernateTestEntityTxnal entity = new HibernateTestEntityTxnal();
- entity.setText(TEXT_1);
- session.save(entity);
- entity = new HibernateTestEntityTxnal();
- entity.setText(TEXT_2);
- session.save(entity);
- session.getTransaction().commit();
- //now test our magic finders
- HibernateTestEntityTxnal dddAccessor = injector.getInstance(HibernateTestEntityTxnal.class);
- List<HibernateTestEntityTxnal> results = dddAccessor.listAll();
- //assert them
- assert results.size() >= 2 : "atleast 2 results expected! was: " + results.size();
- assert results.get(0).getText().equals(TEXT_1) || results.get(0).getText().equals(TEXT_2) : "attribs not persisted correctly";
- assert results.get(1).getText().equals(TEXT_1) || results.get(1).getText().equals(TEXT_2) : "attribs not persisted correctly";
- }
- @Test
- public void testAbstractDynamicFinderListAll() {
- Session session = injector.getInstance(Session.class);
- session.beginTransaction();
- HibernateTestEntityTxnal entity = new HibernateTestEntityTxnal();
- entity.setText(TEXT_1);
- session.save(entity);
- entity = new HibernateTestEntityTxnal();
- entity.setText(TEXT_2);
- session.save(entity);
- session.getTransaction().commit();
- //now test our magic finders
- session = injector.getInstance(Session.class);
- session.beginTransaction();
- List<HibernateTestEntityTxnal> results;
- AbstractDF abstractDF;
- try {
- abstractDF = injector.getInstance(AbstractDF.class);
- results = abstractDF.listAll();
- } finally {
- session.getTransaction().commit();
- }
- //assert that non-DFs are passed thru
- assert TEST_STRING_THAT_SHOULD_BE_PASSED_BACK_UNINTERCEPTED.equals(abstractDF.passThruMethod()) : "non-abstract method was intercepted!!";
- //assert them
- assert results.size() >= 2 : "atleast 2 results expected! was: " + results.size();
- assert abstractDF.someOtherMethod() : "non-abstract primitive method was intercepted!";
- assert results.get(0).getText().equals(TEXT_1) || results.get(0).getText().equals(TEXT_2) : "attribs not persisted correctly";
- assert results.get(1).getText().equals(TEXT_1) || results.get(1).getText().equals(TEXT_2) : "attribs not persisted correctly";
- }
- @Test(expectedExceptions = AbstractMethodError.class)
- public void testAbstractNonDynamicFinderFail() {
- Session session = injector.getInstance(Session.class);
- session.beginTransaction();
- HibernateTestEntityTxnal entity = new HibernateTestEntityTxnal();
- entity.setText(TEXT_1);
- session.save(entity);
- entity = new HibernateTestEntityTxnal();
- entity.setText(TEXT_2);
- session.save(entity);
- session.getTransaction().commit();
- //now test our magic finders
- session = injector.getInstance(Session.class);
- session.beginTransaction();
- List<HibernateTestEntityTxnal> results;
- AbstractDF abstractDF;
- try {
- abstractDF = injector.getInstance(AbstractDF.class);
- results = abstractDF.listAll();
- } finally {
- session.getTransaction().commit();
- }
- //assert that non-DFs are passed thru
- assert TEST_STRING_THAT_SHOULD_BE_PASSED_BACK_UNINTERCEPTED.equals(abstractDF.passThruMethod()) : "non-abstract method was intercepted!!";
- //assert them
- assert results.size() >= 2 : "atleast 2 results expected! was: " + results.size();
- assert abstractDF.listSome() != null;
- }
- public static abstract class AbstractDF {
- public String passThruMethod() {
- }
- public abstract List<HibernateTestEntityTxnal> listSome();
- @Finder(query = "from HibernateTestEntityTxnal")
- public abstract List<HibernateTestEntityTxnal> listAll();
- public boolean someOtherMethod() {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }