ReStructuredText | 223 lines | 158 code | 65 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 25f05869c4510a0c3713a48215c1c2c4 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0
- ########
- Dubs Vim
- ########
- Dubs Vim is just one developer's Vim IDE (or very close to it).
- Project Overview
- ================
- This project is essentially just the lightweight
- top-level ``~/.vim`` directory that I use.
- Almost all functionality is provided by installing other projects using
- the (newish) ``package`` mechanism, i.e., cloning repositories under
- ``~/.vim/pack/<author>/start/<project>``.
- Rather than hook projects as git submodules, each user is expected to
- manage their own repositories.
- - This author recommends the excellent
- `myrepos <https://myrepos.branchable.com/>`__
- multiple repository manager, which pairs well
- with this author's myrepos extensions and actions,
- https://github.com/landonb/ohmyrepos
- Project Highlights
- ==================
- If nothing else, hopefully you'll find the list of suggested third-party
- plugins to be useful. While not completely representative of all the best
- plugins -- it's by no means an inclusive Awesome List -- it represents
- some of the best plugins I've found, and that I still find to be useful.
- I've also written dozen of plugins over the years, to fill in the gaps as
- necessary. Hopefully you'll find these plugins of interest, as well.
- - For convenience, this project installs a help file compiled from all my
- personally authored help docs, to provide a single point of reference
- (as there are many, many commands and mappings defined).
- Feature Overview
- ================
- See `Dubs Vim Reference <doc/README-USING.rst>`__
- for a complete list of features of my plugins,
- or browse the more terse online help, ``:help dubs-vim``.
- Install as Normal Package
- =========================
- If you plan to install the Dubs Vim plugins and want the single-page
- help, install this project, too.
- Using the built-in packages feature, you can simply clone this project
- to a ``start`` directory under ``~/.vim/pack``, e.g.,
- .. code-block:: bash
- mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/landonb/start
- git clone git://github.com/landonb/dubs-vim.git ~/.vim/pack/landonb/start
- If you want access to the best features, install additional packages.
- - On Ubuntu, one might run, e.g.,
- .. code-block:: bash
- sudo apt install -y \
- vim-gtk \
- silversearcher-ag \
- exuberant-ctags \
- par \
- ruby-dev
- - Dubs Vim also works well with
- `ripgrep <https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep>`__
- (which you can install yourself).
- Once cloned and addition packages are installed,
- restart Vim and rebuild the inline help docs.
- From within Vim, run.
- .. code-block:: vim
- :Helptags
- Install as Top-level Vim Directory
- ==================================
- If your user does not already have a ``~/.vim`` directory, you
- can clone the repository to your user's home directory, and then
- create a symlink at ``~/.vimrc``. E.g.,
- .. code-block:: bash
- cd
- git clone git://github.com/landonb/dubs-vim.git .vim
- /bin/ln -s .vim/.vimrc .vimrc
- Next Steps
- ----------
- Install Dubs Vim packages
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- .. FIXME/2020-02-26: Document.
- Install third-party packages
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- .. FIXME/2020-02-26: Document.
- Read the documentation
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- See `Dubs Vim Reference <doc/README-USING.rst>`__
- for a list of commands and keyboard shortcuts.
- The online help, ``:h dubs``, is an abbreviated
- list of the same.
- Configure, personalize, dismantle, etc.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- There are a few features you'll need to prime before
- they'll be of any utility.
- 1. Make project symlinks for Command-T wrapper.
- The ``<Ctrl-D>`` command pops up Command-T and points
- it at the first directory named ``cmdt_paths`` that
- it finds within the ``~/.vim`` folder.
- When you run Dubs Vim for the first time, it'll copy the file,
- ``pack/landonb/start/dubs_file_finder/cmdt_paths.template``,
- to ``cmdt_paths`` in the same directory.
- (You can move this directory somewhere private, to
- put it under your own revision control system; then
- symlink your path from ``dubs_file_finder/cmdt_paths``.)
- Look inside the copied directory and you'll find
- a ``generate_links.sh`` script that you can edit
- and run to populate the folder.
- Currently, it just adds links to your Vim files.
- You can also do this manually, e.g.,
- .. code-block:: bash
- /bin/ln -s /path/to/projectA /path/to/cmdt_paths
- /bin/ln -s /path/to/projectB /path/to/cmdt_paths
- ...
- 2. Make list of folders to be easily greppable.
- Open the file ``pack/landonb/start/dubs_grep_steady/dubs_projects.vim``
- and add your project paths to the list of projects. This list is displayed
- when your search with either ``\g`` or the ``F4`` mappings.
- (You can also move this file somewhere private, to
- put it under your own revision control system; then
- symlink that file from ``dubs_grep_steady/dubs_projects.vim``.)
- 3. Hack away.
- Like most things Vim, after reading the docs and
- testing a new plugin, you'll want to get your hands
- dirty. Happy hacking!
- Third-Party Distro Package Descriptions
- ---------------------------------------
- Following is an explanation of the optional
- ``aptitude`` packages that can be installed
- to enable more features:
- - `The Silver Searcher <http://geoff.greer.fm/ag/>`__
- is a nice alternative to the built-in `grep` family
- of commands, especially since it honors `.gitignore` files.
- - `ripgrep <https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep>`__
- is an even faster alternative to ``ag`` (and is may have
- to be manually installed).
- - `Exuberant Ctags <http://ctags.sourceforge.net/>`__
- lets you jump to function definitions using ``Ctrl-]``.
- (You'll have to run ``ctags`` on your source
- to generate one or more ``tags`` files first;
- it's best if you can wire this into your local CI.)
- - `Par <http://www.nicemice.net/par/>`__
- lets you reformat text to a preset width (e.g., press ``Shift-F2``
- to intelligently resize a selected text block of code to 80
- characters wide, preserving indents, prefixes and postfixes).
- - We include the `ruby-dev` library so we can build
- the Command-T binary.
- Third-party Vim Plugins
- -----------------------
- Dubs Vim includes and incorporates
- a number of third-party Vim plugins.
- You can generally access each plugin's feature using the
- normal commands defined by the plugin, but Dubs Vim also
- remaps and wraps calls to third-party plugins to make them
- more seamless and easy to access.
- See the `Dubs Vim Reference <doc/README-USING.rst>`__
- for a list of all Dubs Vim commands, including
- those provided by other people's plugins.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- Dubs Vim mostly adds new key bindings not already mapped by
- standard Vim or changed by MS-Windows mode (``behave mswin``).
- However, a few standard key bindings have been remapped.
- You probably won't notice the changes, but you might.
- See `Differences from Vim <doc/README-USING.rst#Differences_from_Vim>`__
- for the list of binding differences.