PageRenderTime 26ms CodeModel.GetById 24ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms

PHP | 445 lines | 354 code | 39 blank | 52 comment | 39 complexity | 6991d73cf067096c091bb0bf0f9f1e33 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception
  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3. * Question Bank
  4. */
  5. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. (c) 2010 JISC-funded EASiHE project, University of Southampton
  7. Licensed under the Creative Commons 'Attribution non-commercial share alike'
  8. licence -- see the LICENCE file for more details
  9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  10. function forbidden($message = "403: forbidden", $mimetype = "text/plain") {
  11. header("Content-Type: $mimetype", true, 403);
  12. echo $message;
  13. exit;
  14. }
  15. // return the database object, connecting and setting up the schema first if
  16. // necessary
  17. function db() {
  18. if (array_key_exists("db", $GLOBALS))
  19. return $GLOBALS["db"];
  20. $GLOBALS["db"] = new SQLite3((basename(SITEROOT_LOCAL) == "eqiat" ? dirname(SITEROOT_LOCAL) . "/" : SITEROOT_LOCAL) . "db/db.sqlite");
  21. $GLOBALS["db"]->exec("
  25. uploaded INTEGER NOT NULL,
  26. modified INTEGER NULL,
  27. user TEXT NOT NULL,
  28. title TEXT NOT NULL,
  29. description TEXT NULL,
  30. xml BLOB NOT NULL
  31. );
  32. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS items_user ON items (user ASC);
  34. item TEXT NOT NULL,
  35. keyword TEXT NOT NULL
  36. );
  37. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS keywords_item ON keywords (item ASC);
  38. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS keywords_keyword ON keywords (keyword ASC);
  41. passwordhash TEXT NOT NULL,
  42. registered INTEGER NOT NULL,
  43. privileges INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  45. );
  47. user TEXT NOT NULL,
  48. item TEXT NOT NULL,
  49. rating INTEGER NOT NULL,
  50. posted INTEGER NOT NULL
  51. );
  52. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ratings_item ON ratings (item ASC);
  53. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ratings_posted ON ratings (posted ASC);
  55. user TEXT NOT NULL,
  56. item TEXT NOT NULL,
  57. comment TEXT NOT NULL,
  58. posted INTEGER NOT NULL
  59. );
  60. CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS comments_item ON comments (item ASC);
  61. COMMIT;
  62. ");
  63. return $GLOBALS["db"];
  64. }
  65. // return true if a user exists in the database
  66. // if checking a password, deleted users do not exist (therefore a deleted user
  67. // can't log in)
  68. // otherwise, deleted users do exist (therefore a new user can't register with a
  69. // previously used username)
  70. function userexists($username, $password = null, $ishash = false) {
  71. if (!is_null($password) && !$ishash)
  72. $password = md5($password);
  73. $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username LIKE '" . db()->escapeString($username) . "'";
  74. if (!is_null($password))
  75. $query .= " AND passwordhash='" . db()->escapeString($password) . "' AND deleted=0";
  76. return db()->querySingle($query) === 1;
  77. }
  78. // return true if a user exists but has been deleted
  79. function userdeleted($username) {
  80. return (boolean) db()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username LIKE '" . db()->escapeString($username) . "' AND deleted=1;");
  81. }
  82. // return true if the user (named or current) has raised privileges
  83. function userhasprivileges($user = null) {
  84. if (is_null($user)) {
  85. if (!loggedin())
  86. return false;
  87. $user = username();
  88. }
  89. if (!userexists($user)) {
  90. echo "user doesn't exist";
  91. return false;
  92. }
  93. return (boolean) db()->querySingle("SELECT privileges FROM users WHERE username='" . db()->escapeString($user) . "';");
  94. }
  95. // return a count of privileged users
  96. function privilegedusers() {
  97. return db()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE privileges=1;");
  98. }
  99. // attempt to log in
  100. function login($username, $password, $ishash = false) {
  101. if (userexists($username, $password, $ishash)) {
  102. $_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_username"] = $username;
  103. $_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_passwordhash"] = $ishash ? $password : md5($password);
  104. return true;
  105. }
  106. return false;
  107. }
  108. // log out
  109. function logout() {
  110. unset($_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_username"], $_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_passwordhash"]);
  111. }
  112. // user is logged in
  113. function loggedin() {
  114. return isset($_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_username"]) && isset($_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_passwordhash"]) && userexists($_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_username"], $_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_passwordhash"], true);
  115. }
  116. // return username or false if not logged in
  117. function username() {
  118. if (loggedin())
  119. return $_SESSION[SITE_TITLE . "_username"];
  120. return false;
  121. }
  122. // if a user is not logged in, show a login form and exit or, if async, send 403 forbidden
  123. function requirelogin() {
  124. if (loggedin())
  125. return;
  126. if (isset($_REQUEST["async"]))
  127. forbidden();
  128. $_SESSION["nextpage"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
  129. include "content/login.php";
  130. exit;
  131. }
  132. // return true if an item with the given identifier exists in the database
  133. function itemexists($qtiid) {
  134. return db()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE identifier='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "';") === 1;
  135. }
  136. // return the owner of an item with the given identifier
  137. function itemowner($qtiid) {
  138. return db()->querySingle("SELECT user FROM items WHERE identifier='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "';");
  139. }
  140. // return the item with the given identifier from the database
  141. function getitem($qtiid) {
  142. if (!itemexists($qtiid))
  143. return false;
  144. // get item
  145. $item = db()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM items WHERE identifier='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "';", true);
  146. // get keywords
  147. $item["keywords"] = array();
  148. $result = db()->query("SELECT keyword FROM keywords WHERE item='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "' ORDER BY keyword ASC;");
  149. while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM))
  150. $item["keywords"][] = $row[0];
  151. // get rating (since last modification)
  152. $rating = db()->querySingle("
  153. SELECT AVG(rating) AS rating, COUNT(rating) AS ratingcount
  154. FROM ratings
  155. WHERE item='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "'
  156. AND posted > " . max($item["uploaded"], is_null($item["modified"]) ? 0 : $item["modified"]) . "
  157. ;", true);
  158. $item["ratingcount"] = $rating["ratingcount"];
  159. $item["rating"] = $rating["ratingcount"] > 0 ? $rating["rating"] : null;
  160. // get comments
  161. $item["comments"] = array();
  162. $result = db()->query("
  163. SELECT
  164. comments.user AS user,
  165. comments.comment AS comment,
  166. comments.posted AS posted,
  167. ratings.rating AS rating,
  168. users.deleted AS userdeleted
  169. FROM comments
  170. LEFT JOIN ratings ON comments.user=ratings.user AND comments.item=ratings.item AND comments.posted=ratings.posted
  171. LEFT JOIN users ON comments.user=users.username
  172. WHERE comments.item='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "'
  173. ORDER BY posted ASC;
  174. ");
  175. while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))
  176. $item["comments"][] = $row;
  177. return $item;
  178. }
  179. // return the current user's rating of a given item
  180. function itemrating($qtiid) {
  181. if (!loggedin() || !itemexists($qtiid))
  182. return false;
  183. $item = getitem($qtiid);
  184. $result = db()->query("
  185. SELECT rating
  186. FROM ratings
  187. WHERE item='" . db()->escapeString($qtiid) . "'
  188. AND posted > " . max($item["uploaded"], is_null($item["modified"]) ? 0 : $item["modified"]) . "
  189. AND user='" . db()->escapeString(username()) . "'
  190. ;");
  191. if ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM))
  192. return $row[0];
  193. return null;
  194. }
  195. // turn a string of xhtml into html
  196. function xhtml_to_html($xhtml) {
  197. $selfclosing = array(
  198. "area",
  199. "base",
  200. "basefont",
  201. "br",
  202. "col",
  203. "frame",
  204. "hr",
  205. "img",
  206. "input",
  207. "link",
  208. "meta",
  209. "param",
  210. );
  211. // HTML's self closing tags don't need to be closed
  212. // (catch both <tag.../> and <tag...></tag>)
  213. $html = preg_replace('%<(' . implode("|", $selfclosing) . ')\b([^>]*?)\s*(/>|>\s*</\1>)%i', '<\1\2>', $xhtml);
  214. // other empty tags in the short style (eg <div/>) need to be opened and
  215. // closed
  216. $html = preg_replace('%<(.+?)\b([^>]*?)\s*/>%', '<\1\2></\1>', $html);
  217. // get rid of any xhtml namespace tags
  218. $html = preg_replace('%\s+xmlns=(["\'])\1%i', '', $html);
  219. return $html;
  220. }
  221. // given the page SimpleXML element of a response from QTIEngine, extract the
  222. // important bits of the header (javascript and stylesheet links) and return
  223. // them as an HTML string to be put in the header
  224. function qtiengine_header_html(SimpleXMLElement $page) {
  225. $headerextra = "";
  226. // javascript
  227. foreach ($page->html->head->script as $script) {
  228. if (isset($script["src"]) && isset($script["type"]) && ((string) $script["type"] == "text/javascript" || (string) $script["type"] == "application/javascript")) {
  229. // TODO: cater for inline scripts as well as included ones
  230. ob_start();
  231. ?>
  232. <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo (string) $script["src"]; ?>"></script>
  233. <?php
  234. $headerextra .= ob_get_clean();
  235. }
  236. }
  237. // stylesheets
  238. foreach ($page->html->head->link as $link) {
  239. if (isset($link["rel"]) && (string) $link["rel"] == "stylesheet" && isset($link["href"]) && isset($link["type"]) && (string) $link["type"] == "text/css") {
  240. // TODO: cater for inline styles as well as included ones
  241. ob_start();
  242. ?>
  243. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"<?php if (isset($link["media"])) { ?> media="<?php echo (string) $link["media"]; ?>"<?php } ?> href="<?php echo (string) $link["href"]; ?>">
  244. <?php
  245. $headerextra .= ob_get_clean();
  246. }
  247. }
  248. return $headerextra;
  249. }
  250. // given the page SimpleXML element of a response from QTIEngine, extract the
  251. // div with id "body" and convert to HTML
  252. // the default QTIEngine XSL transformation has a div with everything we want in
  253. // it with id "body" (it doesn't include the internal state etc)
  254. // also replace h2 tags with h3 and strip hr tags
  255. // also add [] to the end of the name attributes of checkboxes if it's not
  256. // already there so that PHP receives them back properly when posted
  257. function qtiengine_bodydiv_html(SimpleXMLElement $page, $divid = "qtienginebodydiv") {
  258. // php5's support for default namespace is useless so we have to define it
  259. // manually
  260. $namespaces = $page->html->getNamespaces();
  261. $defaultnamespace = $namespaces[""];
  262. $page->registerXPathNamespace("n", $defaultnamespace);
  263. $bodydivs = $page->xpath("//n:div[@id='body']");
  264. if (count($bodydivs) != 1)
  265. servererror("didn't get expected HTML output from QTIEngine");
  266. $bodydiv = $bodydivs[0];
  267. $bodydiv["id"] = $divid;
  268. foreach ($page->xpath("//n:input[@type='checkbox']") as $checkbox)
  269. if (!preg_match('%\]$%', (string) $checkbox["name"]))
  270. $checkbox["name"] = (string) $checkbox["name"] . "[]";
  271. return preg_replace(array('%<(/?)h2\b%', '%<hr\b.*?>%'), array('<\1h3', ''), xhtml_to_html(simplexml_indented_string($bodydiv)));
  272. }
  273. function callstack($html = true) {
  274. $bt = debug_backtrace();
  275. // lose the call to this function
  276. array_shift($bt);
  277. echo "backtrace:\n";
  278. if ($html) echo "<ul>";
  279. foreach ($bt as $call) {
  280. if ($html) echo "<li>";
  281. echo $call["file"] . ":" . $call["line"] . " calls " . $call["function"] . "(" . implode(", ", $call["args"]) . ")";
  282. if ($html)
  283. echo "</li>";
  284. else
  285. echo "\n";
  286. }
  287. if ($html) echo "</ul>";
  288. }
  289. // put an item in the database
  290. // doesn't check who the owner is
  291. // updates it or uploads it depending on whether it was already there.
  292. // arguments:
  293. // QTIAssessmentItem object
  294. // or string XML and metadata array
  295. // or SimpleXML object and metadata array
  296. function deposititem() {
  297. $args = func_get_args();
  298. // collect data
  299. switch (count($args)) {
  300. case 1:
  301. if (!($args[0] instanceof QTIAssessmentItem))
  302. throw new Exception("with one argument, expected QTIAssessmentItem");
  303. $identifier = $args[0]->getQTIID();
  304. $title = $args[0]->data("title");
  305. $description = $args[0]->data("description");
  306. $xml = $args[0]->getQTIIndentedString();
  307. $keywords = $args[0]->getKeywords();
  308. break;
  309. case 2:
  310. if ($args[0] instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
  311. $sxml = $args[0];
  312. $xml = simplexml_indented_string($args[0]);
  313. } else if (is_string($args[0])) {
  314. $sxml = simplexml_load_string($args[0]);
  315. $xml = $args[0];
  316. } else
  317. throw new Exception("With two arguments expected SimpleXML element or XML string as first");
  318. $identifier = (string) $sxml["identifier"];
  319. $title = (string) $sxml["title"];
  320. if (!is_array($args[1]))
  321. throw new Exception("With two arguments expected metadata array as second");
  322. $description = isset($args[1]["description"]) ? $args[1]["description"] : "";
  323. $keywords = isset($args[1]["keywords"]) ? $args[1]["keywords"] : array();
  324. break;
  325. default:
  326. throw new Exception("expected one or two arguments");
  327. }
  328. db()->exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION;");
  329. // update or insert
  330. if (itemexists($identifier)) {
  331. // update item
  332. db()->exec("
  333. DELETE FROM keywords WHERE item='" . db()->escapeString($identifier) . "';
  334. UPDATE items SET
  335. modified=" . time() . ",
  336. title='" . db()->escapeString($title) . "',
  337. description='" . db()->escapeString($description) . "',
  338. xml='" . db()->escapeString($xml) . "'
  339. WHERE identifier='" . db()->escapeString($identifier) . "';
  340. ");
  341. // add a comment to the item to show it has been updated
  342. db()->exec("
  343. INSERT INTO comments VALUES (
  344. '" . db()->escapeString(username()) . "',
  345. '" . db()->escapeString($identifier) . "',
  346. '" . db()->escapeString("Automatic comment: this item has been updated") . "',
  347. " . time() . "
  348. );
  349. ");
  350. } else {
  351. // new item -- insert it
  352. db()->exec("
  353. INSERT INTO items VALUES (
  354. '" . db()->escapeString($identifier) . "',
  355. " . time() . ",
  356. NULL,
  357. '" . db()->escapeString(username()) . "',
  358. '" . db()->escapeString($title) . "',
  359. '" . db()->escapeString($description) . "',
  360. '" . db()->escapeString($xml) . "'
  361. );
  362. ");
  363. }
  364. // add keywords
  365. foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
  366. db()->exec("
  367. INSERT INTO keywords VALUES (
  368. '" . db()->escapeString($identifier) . "',
  369. '" . db()->escapeString($keyword) . "'
  370. );
  371. ");
  372. }
  373. // commit changes
  374. db()->exec("COMMIT;");
  375. }
  376. // return true if the given QTI (SimpleXML or string) was authored in Eqiat
  377. function authoredineqiat($xml) {
  378. if (!($xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement))
  379. $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
  380. if (!$xml)
  381. return false;
  382. return isset($xml["toolName"]) && (string) $xml["toolName"] == "Eqiat";
  383. }
  384. ?>